soedesoft ئاپەکان

Boozer Alcohol Monitor 1.82
Did you ever wonder if you should drinkonemore beer or you've had enough? But you forgot how many drinksyouhad.The boozer app will count all your drinks and will add upallalcohol that you consumed. It will then calculate yourBloodAlcohol Concentration (BAC in mg/ml) based on a formula. Youcanconfigure the app for your weight and gender (male or female)toget a better estimation.When you finished a beer (or wine, whiskey) just tap a buttonandboozer will calculate the time it will take for you to besoberagain.But if you want to take it easy on a party, you could justwaituntil your BAC drops or the smiley shown on the screen ishappyagain.Of course this is just an estimation and if the app tells youthatyou're sober it's no excuse to drive again.