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The Beatles' Songs 1.3
This app contains hundreds of Beatles songs, lyrics and videos.Search by song name, read the lyrics and watch videos about allrelated content.The Beatles were an English rock band formed in Liverpool in1960. Their best-known lineup, consisting of John Lennon, PaulMcCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr, became considered bymany as the greatest and most influential act of the rock era.Rooted in skiffle and 1950s rock and roll, the Beatles laterutilized several genres, ranging from pop ballads to psychedelicrock, often incorporating classical elements in innovative ways. Inthe early 1960s, their enormous popularity first emerged as"Beatlemania", but as their songwriting grew in sophistication,they came to be perceived by fans and cultural observers as anembodiment of the ideals shared by the era's socioculturalrevolutions.Starting in 1960, the Beatles built their reputation playingclubs in Liverpool and Hamburg over a three-year period. ManagerBrian Epstein moulded them into a professional act and producerGeorge Martin enhanced their musical potential. They gainedpopularity in the United Kingdom after their first modest hit,"Love Me Do", in late 1962. They acquired the nickname the "FabFour" as Beatlemania grew in Britain over the following year, andby early 1964 they had become international stars, leading the"British Invasion" of the United States pop market. From 1965 on,the Beatles produced what many critics consider their finestmaterial, including the innovative and widely influential albumsRubber Soul (1965), Revolver (1966), Sgt Pepper's Lonely HeartsClub Band (1967), The Beatles (1968), and Abbey Road (1969). Aftertheir break-up in 1970, they each enjoyed successful musicalcareers. Lennon was shot and killed in December 1980, and Harrisondied of lung cancer in November 2001. McCartney and Starr remainmusically active.According to the RIAA, the Beatles are the best-selling band inthe United States, with 177 million certified units. They have hadmore number-one albums on the British charts and sold more singlesin the UK than any other act. In 2008, the group topped Billboardmagazine's list of the all-time most successful "Hot 100" artists.As of 2013, they hold the record for most number-one hits on theHot 100 chart with 20. They have received 7 Grammy Awards, anAcademy Award for Best Original Song Score and 15 Ivor NovelloAwards. Collectively included in Time magazine's compilation of the20th century's 100 most influential people, the Beatles are thebest-selling band in history, with EMI Records estimating sales ofover one billion units. In 2004, Rolling Stone ranked the Beatlesas the best artist of all-time.
Bíblia NVI 1.2
Essa tradução foi feita a partir das línguas em que os textosbíblicos foram originalmente escritos (hebraico, aramaico e grego).Foi produzida com os seguintes objetivos fundamentais:Clareza — o texto foi traduzido de forma que pudesse ser lidopela população em geral sem maiores dificuldades, porém sem serdemasiadamente informal. Arcaísmos, por exemplo, foram banidos, eregionalismos, evitados.Fidelidade — a tradução deve ser fiel ao significado pretendidopelos autores originais.Beleza de estilo — o resultado deve permitir uma leituraagradável, e uma boa sonoridade ao ser falado em público.O projeto de tradução para a língua portuguesa começou em 1990,sob coordenação do lingüista e hebraista, Rev. Luiz Sayão.Inicialmente foi publicado uma versão do Novo Testamento, em1991.A tradução definitiva e completa em português foi publicada em2000, a partir das línguas originais.Tem um perfil Protestante, e procura não favorecer nenhumadenominação em particular. É teologicamente equilibrada e procurausar a linguagem do português atual. O processo de tradução contoucom a participação de renomados estudiosos protestantes.O método de tradução da é um nível de tradução intermediárioentre a equivalência formal e a dinâmica: quando o texto pode sertraduzido mais literalmente, é utilizada equivalência formal.Contudo, se o texto traduzido literalmente for difícil de entenderpara um leitor comum, então é feita uma tradução mais funcional,procurando trazer o significado pretendido no original para umportuguês natural e compreensível. Por esse motivo, em geral ela émais "dinâmica" que as traduções de Almeida, porém mais "literal"que a Nova Tradução na Linguagem de Hoje.A versão brasileira não é uma tradução da língua inglesa, massim dos idiomas originais.Thistranslation was made from the languages ​​in which the Scriptureswere originally written (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek). It wasproduced with the following key objectives:Clarity - the text was translated so that it could be read bythe general public without difficulty, but without being tooinformal. Archaic, for example, have been banned and regionalismsavoided.Loyalty - the translation must be faithful to the meaningintended by the original authors.Style beauty - the result should enable an enjoyable read and agood sound to be spoken in public.The translation into Portuguese project started in 1990,coordinated by the linguist and Hebraist, Rev. Luiz Sayão.Initially, a version of the New Testament was published in1991.The final and complete Portuguese translation was published in2000, from the original languages.It has a Protestant profile and seeks not favor any particulardenomination. It is theologically balanced and seeks to use thelanguage of the current Portuguese. The translation process withthe participation of renowned Protestant scholars.The translation method is an intermediate level of translationbetween formal equivalence and dynamic: when the text can betranslated more literally, formal equivalence is used. However, ifthe text translated literally is difficult to understand for anordinary reader, then a more functional translation is done,looking to bring the intended meaning in the original to a naturaland understandable Portuguese. For this reason, it is usually more"dynamic" that translations of Almeida, but more "literal" the NewTranslation in Today's English Version.The Brazilian version is not a translation of the Englishlanguage, but the original languages.
Holy Bible (KJV) 1.3
Holy Bible KJV comes with offline King James Version.
Bible en français Louis Segond 1.0
In French NKJV (Translation King James Version - KJV)
xprts Q&A 1.0
It could be very frustrating when you arelooking for some information on the internetand you don´t find it. It´s really easy to find some information onthe internet,but sometimes it does not happen.What if there was a service where you ask something and peoplefamiliar with the subject(the xprts) answer your question? Now it´s possible. Download theapp and ask somethingin basically any topic. When an xprt answer you question, you´ll benotified.
Holy Bible 1.0
The Revised Version, Standard American Edition of the Bible
Easy-To-Read Holy Bible (ERV) 1.1
English translation of the Bible with simpler vocabulary andshorter sentences
New International Reader's Ver 1.1
Bible version based on the NIV Bible even easier to read andunderstand
Biblia Lenguaje Actual 1.1
Contemporary English Version (CEV) - literary beauty adapted totoday's world
Bíblia Católica 1.5
Holy Bible in the Catholic version
Bíblia Linguagem Atual 1.6
Holy Bible with the current language.
Santa Biblia Reina Valera 1960 1.1
It is the set of canonical books of Judaism and Christianity
La Biblia Católica 1.4
The Bible is the set of canonical books of Judaism andChristianity.
Bíblia JFA + Harpa Cristã 3.0.0
Version of the Bible translation of John Ferreira Almeida withChristian Harp
Catholic Bible 1.2
A canonical collection of texts considered sacred in Judaism andChristianity
La Bible Catholique 1.1
Is a set of texts as sacred by Judaism and Christianity
Bíblia + Harpa (Sem Anúncios) 2.0
Bible JFA with Christian Harp and audio