theOBC ئاپەکان

Caller ID Manager 1.0
Quickly show or hide your phone number on ALLoutgoing calls. No need to type a code every time you make a call.Sometimes you want to keep your phone number private for a calland then switch it back again. You can do this by going through thephone settings, but it's a real pain because it's so deeply buried.This app enables you to quickly show or hide your Caller ID at thetouch of a button.PLEASE NOTE:This app works by using common network commands (where supportedby the carrier). These MMI commands can be edited in the app sothat you're able to set the right one for your carrier andcountry.COMMON CODES:In the UK use *31# to hide and #31# to show (defaults).In the US try *67 to hide and *82 to show.If your code is not listed (or you can help other users byadding to this list), please email me.KNOWN ISSUES:This app works well on Android 2.2 with many phones/carriers.However, an update in Android 2.3 means that some MMI codes aren'tdialled properly. I will try to fix this. If you want to get thefix as soon as it becomes available, install the app and tick'allow automatic updating'.FEEDBACK:Your feedback is appreciated (by email if you'd like a reply),so if you have any suggestions or requests, please let me know.
Free From Smoking - Hypnosis 3.0
This FREE hypnosis session can help youquitsmoking forever.*To celebrate over 1000 downloads, half of the money fromalldonations will be given to Cancer Research (email me if you donate and wouldlikeproof)*Until now this hypnosis session was sold online for $19.95 withafull money-back guarantee. It worked so well that not asingleperson requested their money back.With the aim of helping more people kick the habit andstopsmoking, it is now available for free via this app. If it worksforyou, you're welcome to make a donation to support the workcreatingit - but that's entirely optional. Good feedbackandrecommendations to your family, friends and colleaguesareappreciated too.The app simply plays you the quit smoking hypnosis session-which you can listen to as many times as you want. However, italsolinks through to a website where you can:+ find out if you're ready to quit+ check that this programme will work for you+ read tips to help you quit smoking+ understand how hypnosis works+ see why hypnosis is so effective in quitting smoking+ read about the professional, experienced therapist thatrecordedthis session+ learn the health benefits of stopping smoking+ read the full terms and conditions of useGood luck in your journey to become more healthy. The app isfreeso give it a try - and if now isn't the right time for you,downloadit anyway to use when you're ready.Please note that isresponsiblefor the technological creation of the app and website.The hypnosisprogramme was created by a qualified professional anduse issubject to the terms and conditions on the programmewebsite.