tomato ئاپەکان

Commando 1.0.5
This game is a 2d horizontal version shootingadventure game, the screen good audio production, game players willdisplace a commando, Lin in the hail of the charge, tore theenemy's generals, leveled the enemy base.You alone can break downthe enemy army?Come and get control of your soldiers, to win thebattle!Players communication Skype : fqmxfqmx111
国标麻将单机版 1.0
最热门的单机麻将火爆来袭,游戏采用国标麻将规则,但取消了8番起胡的规定,游戏操作简单清晰,玩家可以轻松的进行休闲娱乐,体验国粹的博大精深。1 超强人工智能,高超出牌技巧2 无道具,无收费3 无登录,无注册4 节奏紧凑、强烈推荐!The most popularstand-alone struck popular mahjong game mahjong rules using thenational standard, but canceled from 8 Fan Hu provision is clearand simple game play, players can easily be entertainment, thequintessence of profound experience.A powerful artificial intelligence, high-skill beyondlicensing2 no props, no charges3 No login, no registration4 paced, highly recommended!
斗地主单机版™ 1.0
斗地主是一款全国各地流行的扑克游戏,由三人玩一副牌,地主为一方,其余两家为另一方,双方对战,先出完手中牌的一方胜,规则简单明了,极富娱乐性和与对抗性。本游戏是最纯正经典玩法的单机斗地主,纯绿色单机,无需联网,无任何收费,让你随时随地畅快爽不停!1 本单机斗地主采用完美单机模式,无需网络和手机流量,妈妈再也不用担心流量不够了!2 完全免费,不花银子,不怕负分,无限永久畅玩!3 不耗费任何手机流量!兼容所有屏幕大小,高效性能,省电又安全。4斗地主单机版,全新人工高智能(AI),超强人工智能,高超的出牌技巧,毫不逊色真人PK,不联网也能得到极富挑战性的单机游戏体验!游戏特点:强劲智能:启发式动态决策型人工智能,让您感觉不出您在玩单机游戏;稳定敏捷:全面优化确保游戏运行稳定,给您最流畅的游戏体验;精美画面:清新典雅的棋牌类游戏风格,给您原汁原味的棋牌享受;贴心设计:合理界面布局让您运指如飞,远离误操作的烦恼;完美兼容:全面支持市面上的所有安卓手机和平板;Landlords across thecountry is a popular poker game played by three deck, the landlordis a party, the other two on the other, the two sides battle,finished the first card in their hands the party wins, the rule issimple, very entertaining and the confrontational. This game is themost authentic classic gameplay Landlords stand-alone, single puregreen, no networking, no fee, so you keep cool fun anytime,anywhere!Landlords using a single perfect stand-alone mode withoutnetworking and mobile traffic, my mother no longer have to worryabout traffic is not enough!2 is completely free, do not spend money, not afraid of negativepoints, unlimited permanently Play!3 does not consume any phone traffic! Compatible with all screensizes, high performance, energy saving and safety.4 Landlords stand-alone version, the new artificial intelligent(AI), super-intelligence, superb skill cards, no less real PK,things can not get challenging single game experience!Game features:Strong Intelligence: AI heuristic dynamic decision model, so youfeel you are not playing a single game;Stable Agility: the game is fully optimized to ensure stableoperation, give you the smoothest gaming experience;Beautiful picture: fresh and elegant style chess game, chess youenjoy authentic;Intimate design: rational layout interface lets you transport meansflying away from the misuse of trouble;Perfectly compatible: Full support for all Android phones andtablets available in the market;