wythe ئاپەکان

简单实用,省电的手电筒,想照哪里就照哪里。最关键的是,超级省电!具体特性如下1.启动软件默认自动开启手电筒,在主界面中以开关控制手机闪光灯的开关2.画面美观,开启,关闭手电均有开关细微动画3.采用黑色背景,节能环保性好,能够以最低的电量,提供最大的亮度4.与一般手电筒相比,本手电筒会节约5%左右的电量(因为它无后台服务,且界面颜色为节能颜色)Simple andpractical,energy saving flashlight, according to where you want toshinewhere. The most critical is that super power!Specific features are as follows1. Start the software by default automatically open theflashlight,in the main interface to switch phone flash controlswitch2. picture beautiful, open, turn off the light switch aresubtleanimation3. Using a black background, energy saving is good, with thelowestpower, providing maximum brightness4. Compared with the general flashlight, this flashlight willsaveabout 5% of the electricity (because it no background services,andenergy-saving color screen color)