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보안카드 위젯 :: 보안카드&은행계좌 1.9
보안카드 및 은행계좌를 안전하고 화면 전환 없이 간편하게 확인하세요!은행앱 실행시 자동으로 하단에 보안카드 위젯이 나타나며위젯을 터치하여 마스터 비밀번호만 입력하면 끝!자세한 사항은 동영상을 확인해주세요~보안카드 한개 + 은행계좌 한 개까지 무료로 제공되며 인앱 결제 후 제한없이 추가할 수 있습니다.(보안카드와 은행계좌의 인앱 결제는 서로 별도입니다.)여러 은행에 보안카드 및 은행계좌를 추가할 수 있으며 은행 당 두개 이상도 추가할 수 있습니다.보안카드 코드표 및 은행계좌 비밀번호는 AES256과 PBKDF2로 암호화되어 안전하게 보관됩니다.지원되는 은행 : KB국민은행, 신한은행, 우리은행, 하나은행, 외환은행, 중소기업은행, 수협중앙회, NH농협은행,한국스탠다드차타드은행, 한국씨티은행, 대구은행, 부산은행, 광주은행, 제주은행, 전북은행, 경남은행, 새마을금고,신협중앙회, 우체국, 국세청홈택스* "설정 - 접근성 - 보안카드 위젯"에서 "사용"을 해주셔야 위젯이 자동으로 뜨게됩니다.----개발자 연락처 :+1-213-379-3233Safety Security card andbank account, and make easy transitions without!The widget will appear automatically at the bottom of the bankcard security apps runningTouch a widget tip, you only need to enter the masterpassword!Please check out the video for more details -It provided with security card + one free bank accounts to one,and can be added without restriction after-app billing.(In-App Payments Security cards and bank accounts are separate fromeach other.)You can add a security card and bank account number on your bank,and you can also add more than two per bank.Table and card security code, bank account passwords are storedencrypted with AES256 and PBKDF2 safely.Supported banks: KB Kookmin Bank, Shinhan Bank, Woori Bank, HanaBank, Korea Exchange Bank, Industrial Bank of Korea, the NationalFederation of Fisheries Cooperatives, NH Agricultural CooperativeBank, Standard Chartered Korea, Citibank Korea, Daegu Bank andBusan Bank, Kwangju Bank and Jeju Bank , Jeonbuk bank, Kyungnambank, community credit cooperatives, credit unions Federation, apost office, IRS Hometax* Need you to "Enable" in the "Settings - Security Access CardWidget" widget will appear automatically.
Taskbar 7 1.8
It does NOT support Android Lollipop!!It's just same as Windows 7 Task Bar! (see the promotionvideo)You can multitask and task-kill everywhere, anytime.Tab the start button to open/close the task bar and Long pressit to open/close the start menu.* In some versions of MIUI, you are supposed to check 'Showpopup window' in application setting.Tag: taskbar quick launcher dock multi tasking apps windows8windows7 changer switcher manager shortcut
Bundle Toggle 1.4
You don't have to touch many times tochangeyour phone states like Wi-Fi, Mobile data, Bluetooth,Volumes,Brightness.Change your phone states in one-touch with Bundle Toggle.Tie Toggles(that you want to change the phone states) to aBundleand just touch the Bundle Toggle in the widget to change thestatesthat you set.You can make many Bundle Toggles and also you can change thephonestates in one-touch anytime and everywhere by adding widgetinstatus bar. You can even let certain Bundle Toggle be appliedatbooting!
NandS - Magnetic Shooting Game 2.0
NandS is a shooting game using the principle of magnetic and anyonecan enjoy it
Scoliometer 2.1
These days, people use computers andsmartphones for a long time. Therefore, numbers of people whohavescoliosis is increasing. Especially in growing, if your spineiscurved, it will be continued faster. So you should measureyourspine frequently. This app is an application that measure theangleof your curved spine. you can save the angle datas for eachusersand dates, so many people can use it, and you can see changeof theangle as a graph.
자우림 앨범 모음집 1.2.2
***** 유튜브 및 가사가 선택한 노래와 다르게 나올 경우 하단의이메일로제보해주세요! *****자우림 정규/비정규 앨범에 수록된 노래들을 가사와 함께 유튜브로 들을 수있습니다ㅎ-ㅎ유튜브 재생화면 우측상단에 별모양을 눌러 즐겨찾기로 등록하실 수 있어요!---------------9집 Goodbye, grief.나는 가수다8집 陰謀論 (음모론)제목 없는 음반 (Untitled Records) (EP)7집 Ruby Sapphire Diamond6집 Ashes To Ashes5.5집 靑春禮瓚5집 All You Need Is Love4집 Jaurim 043집 Jaurim, The Wonder Land2.5집 B정규작업(定規作業)2집 연인(戀人)1집 Purple Heart---------------자우림콘서트 <스물다섯, 스물하나>에 다녀오고 홀려서 만들어 보았습니다 ♥* 일부 폰에서 유튜브 영상이 재생되지 않고 음악만 나오는 오류가 있는데 양해바랍니다* 유튜브에 업로드되지 않은 곡의 경우 다른 영상이 나올 수 있습니다----개발자 연락처 :+1-213-379-3233YouTube and selectedsonglyrics ***** out differently if the tip at the bottom of thee-mailus! *****Jaurim regular / irregular album,thesongs with lyrics Youtube You can listen to heh-hehYoutube playback by pressing the star in the upper right cornerofthe screen you can register as a favorite it!---------------9 home Goodbye, grief.I am a Singer8 home 阴谋 论 (conspiracy)Untitled album (Untitled Records) (EP)7 Ruby Sapphire Diamond House6 home Ashes To Ashes5.5 靑 春 礼 瓒 home5 House All You Need Is LoveJaurim 04 Vol 43 home Jaurim, The Wonder Land2.5 House B regular work (定规 作业)Lovers Vol.2 (恋人)Purple Heart Vol 1---------------Jaurim concert I tried to makeyourbusiness stand possessed coming ♥* Some phonesdonot play YouTube videos without the music, but there comesanerror, please understand* Does not upload YouTube video of the song can come outtheother