1.0.1 / March 31, 2015
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1. Interacting with watch through App
2. Offering variety of books to increase children's cognition
3. Switching between App themes,children love it very much.

App Information My Cuddly pet

  • App Name
    My Cuddly pet
  • ناوی پاکەیج
  • Updated
    March 31, 2015
  • قەبارەی فایل
  • پێویستی بە ئەندرۆیدە
    Android 2.2 and up
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    10 - 50
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kakadu 1.0.0 APK
ОписаниеПриложение KAKADU создано для работы с KAKADU PEN. KAKADUпревращает Ваш iPad в идеальный центр для обучения дошкольным ишкольным программам. KAKADU разработана для детей возрастом от 3 до8 лет, включает в себя приложения и книги. Основные задачи – этообучение чтению, письму и рисованию, а также развитие практическихнавыков через развлекательные разделы программы KAKADU.ОписаниеСодержание:• На основании учебной программы начального уровня, дети изучаютнаписание букв и простых слов, с использованием современныхинтерактивных технологий, которые способствуют легкому иувлекательному обучению.• Разделы, посвященные рисованию, дают детям возможность свободнопроявить свои художественные таланты, а их произведения можносохранять в галерее для просмотра в любое время.• После регистрации и активации приложения KAKADU (инструкция порегистрации и индивидуальный код находятся в коробке вместе сручкой KAKADU PEN), Вам станут доступны высококачественныеинтерактивные общеобразовательные книги, иллюстрированные обучающиесловари по английскому языку и многое другое. Все эти книгизагружаются абсолютно бесплатно.• Материалы по обучению разделены на уровни и могут использоватьсяв соответствии с возрастными категориями маленьких учениц иучеников.• Все книги по обучению английскому языку разработаны командойквалифицированных специалистов в области образования ипреподавателей. Озвучка данного раздела выполнена носителямианглийского языка. Все наши книги – это занимательные интерактивныетематические сборники, которые способствуют легкому и интересномупроцессу образования.• Медиа-библиотеки KAKADU включают в себя классические сказки,книги с оригинальными рассказами, истории о животных и множествоаудиокниг и песен для детей.Начните получать новые знания и впечатления вместе с KAKADU PEN.Интерактивная ручка KAKADU PEN – это новый интерактивный способпознания окружающего мира!DescriptionAppendix KAKADU created to work with KAKADU PEN. KAKADU turns youriPad into an ideal training center for pre-school and schoolprograms. KAKADU designed for children aged 3 to 8 years, includesapplications and books. The main problem - is the teaching ofreading, writing and drawing, as well as the development ofpractical skills through entertaining program sections KAKADU.DescriptionContents:• Based on the entry-level curriculum, children learn writingletters and simple words, using the latest interactivetechnologies, which promote easy and fun learning.• The sections on drawing, give children the freedom to developtheir artistic talents and their works can be saved in the galleryto view at any time.• After the registration and activation of applications KAKADU(User registration and individual code are in the box with a handleKAKADU PEN), you'll get high-quality interactive educational books,picture dictionaries teaching English language and more. All thesebooks are downloaded absolutely free.• Training materials are divided into levels and can be used inaccordance with the age categories young pupils and students.• All books English language training developed by a team ofqualified professionals in the field of education and teachers.Postproduction this section is made by native English speakers. Allour books - is a fun, interactive thematic collections thatcontribute to easy and interesting process of education.• Media Library KAKADU include classic fairy tales, books withoriginal stories, stories about animals and a variety of audiobooks and songs for children.Start acquire new knowledge and experience with KAKADU PEN.Interactive Pen KAKADU PEN - is a new interactive way of learningabout the world!
Kalala Smart Park - SLO 1.1 APK
Kalala Smart Park, je aplikacija, ki delujezKalala čarobnim peresom in spremeni vašo tablico v napravozapredšolsko učenje! Aplikacija je razvita za otroke starosti 3-8letin vsebuje aplikacije in knjige, ki poudarjajo učenjebranja,pisanja in risanja, ter zagotavljajo veliko zabave.Vsebina:Otroci se bodo s pomočjo peresa, ki ga lahko kupite vboljšihtrgovinah z igračami, naučili pisanja črk in enostavnihbesed zuporabo napredne tehnologije.Aplikacija za risanje omogoča otrokom veliko kreativnosti, pričemertrenirajo fino motoriko. Otroci lahko svoje risbe shranijo,da jihstarši kasneje pogledajo ali pa naložijo v oblak zatrajnešjeshranjevanje.Po uspešni registraciji in akitvaciji izdelka, lahkouporabnikprosto presense 7 pravljic v slovenskem jeziku in 7 opisovživaliGRATIS.Aktivnosti so razdeljene po starosti v različne novije inseprilagajajo otrokovi starosti in razvitim sposobnostim.Izdelke je razvila skupina pedagogov in učiteljev.Kalala Smart Park isanapplication that works with Kalala magic pen and modify yourtabletdevice for pre-school learning! The application is developedforchildren ages 3-8 years and contains applications and booksthatemphasize the learning of reading, writing and drawing, andprovidea lot of fun.Subject matter:Children will be using the pen, you can buy in the best storeswithtoys, they learned to write letters and simple words usingadvancedtechnology.The application allows children to draw a lot of creativity,beingtrained fine motor skills. Children can save your drawings tolookafter their parents or upload to the cloud forstoragetrajnešje.After successful registration and akitvaciji product, the usercanfreely presense 7 fairy tales in the Slovenian language and 7ofdescriptions of animals GRATIS.Activities are divided by age into various newer and adapt tothechild's age and abilities developed.The products were developed by a group of educatorsandteachers.
True4Kids SmartPark 1.2 APK
True4kids SmartPark, aplikace spolupracujícísperem True4kids MagicPen,promění váš tablet na vzdělávací zařízení! True4Kids SmartParkjeurčena našimnejmenším ve věku 3 až 8 let a nabízí učebnice a knihy, kterésesoustředí navýuku čtení, psaní, kreslení a angličtiny, poskytuje spoustuzábavya různéprojekty založené na aktivní účasti.Výuka:- čtení- psaní- kreslení- angličtinyVlastnosti aplikace:V aplikaci, která je založena na učebních osnovách prozákladnívzdělávání, seděti naučí psát písmena a jednoduchá slovapomocínejmodernějšíchinteraktivních technologií, díky kterým budou psací cvičenízábavnáa jednoduchá.Mediální knihovna obsahuje spoustu klasických pohádek,originálníchknih spříběhy, encyklopedii zvířat a mnoho audioknih a písniček proděti.Celou aplikacíprovází hlas herce Karla Zimy.Úžasný software na kreslení umožňuje dětem svobodně vyjádřitsvoukreativitu,zatímco si budou procvičovat dovednosti jemné motoriky. Dětisimohou svévýtvory uložit, aby je mohly ukázat rodičům. Všechny jejichprácelze také nahrátdo cloudu k trvalému zachování.Veškeré materiály k výuce angličtiny byly odborněvytvořenyzkušeným týmemučitelů a odborníků na vzdělávání. Všechny hlasovénahrávkynamluvili rodilímluvčí anglického jazyka. Knihy jsou navíc plnéinteraktivníchprvků, aby byloučení angličtiny pro děti zábavné a snadné.Všechny vzdělávací materiály jsou rozděleny do úrovní, abystejemohli volit nazákladě věku vašich dětí a nebo jejich úrovně vývoje.Díky propracovanému systému rodičovské kontroly lze snadnoříditjakýmzpůsobem a jak dlouho mohou děti aplikaci používat.Aplikace obsahuje několik ukázkových knih zdarma. Aktivačníklíč,zpřístupňujícíkompletní obsah, získáte zakoupením pera True4Kids MagicPen.Poregistraci aaktivaci aplikace si můžete všechny naše vysoce kvalitní knihypropředškolnívzdělávání, obrazové slovníky k výuce angličtiny ainteraktivníknihy s příběhystáhnout ZDARMA.True4kids SmartPark,bycooperating with the pen True4kids MagicPen,turns your tablet on the educational system! True4Kids SmartParkisdesigned for oursmallest aged 3-8 years and offers textbooks and books thatfocusonteaching reading, writing, drawing and English, provides plentyoffun and varietyProjects based on active participation.Teaching:- reading- writing- drawing- EnglishFeatures of the application:In the application, which is based on the curriculum forbasiceducation, withChildren learn to write letters and simple words usingthelatestinteractive technology that will make writing fun andsimpleexercises.Media Library contains lots of classic fairy tales,originalbooksStories, an encyclopedia of animals and many audiobooks andsongsfor children. wide applicationsaccompanied by the voice of actor Karl Winters.Amazing drawing software enables children to freely expresstheircreativity,while they practice fine motor skills. Children can havetheirsave creations to share with parents. All of their work canalsouploadto the cloud for permanent preservation.All materials for teaching English are professionally createdbyan experienced teamteachers and educational experts. All voice recordingsbynativespeakers of English. Books are fully interactive elements toLearning English for kids fun and easy.All training materials are divided into levels, so you canchoosetoBased on the age of your children or their level ofdevelopment.Thanks to a sophisticated system of parental control caneasilycontrol howand for how long children can use the application.The application includes several sample books forfree.Activation Key, assistiveComplete content, contact buying pen True4Kids MagicPen.Afterregistration andYou can activate the application, all of our high-quality booksforpreschooleducation, pictorial dictionaries for English teachingandinteractive books with storiesdownload for free.
卡啦啦學樂園 1.0 APK
卡啦啦學樂園”是面向3-8歲兒童使用的互動早教平臺,它能把您的iPad變成孩子的學習電腦,內容涵蓋了寶寶的學習、閱讀、娛樂、動手等項目,更有手把手教孩子學寫字、學畫畫等實用功能。慧智數字專注于兒童教育,堅持以一顆童心出發,結合最先進的技術及對兒童教育最深刻的理解,為孩子帶來無限的快樂。惠Card la Science Park "isthe platform for interactive early childhood 3-8 year olds, it canbecome your child's learning computer iPad, covering the baby'slearning, reading, entertainment, hands-on projects and moreShoubashoujiao Children learn to write, learn to draw other usefulfeatures. Wyse Digital focuses on children's education, adhere to achildlike innocence, combined with the most advanced technology andthe education of children of the most profound understanding oftremendous happiness for the children. Hui
Kalala Listening Station 1.0.2 APK
Listening Center is a free application ofKALATU wearable early educational device designed for parents andchildren, including children’s stories, children’s song, sciencebook and many wonderful audio books, as well as functions likerecording for parents to create special audio story and songs forchildren. Meanwhile, Listening Center features function of theLibrary to provide abundant interactive early educational books forchildren.Now the application includes hundreds of quality audios anddozens of children interactive early educational books developed byus, more content is real-time updated.
4Good Cloud Care 3.0.1 APK
При помощи Геолокатора Вы сможетеконтролировать смартфон 4Good KIDS S45 Вашего ребенка, отслеживатьего местоположение и ограничивать использование приложений извонков. Основные функции приложения:1)Отслеживание местонахождение устройства на карте.2)Отслеживание истории перемещений.3)Создание безопасных зон с информированием о выходе устройства заих пределы.4)Дистанционное включение и отключение GPS.5)Дистанционное отключение доступа к выбранным приложениям.6)Дистанционная блокировка телефона в случае кражи или потери.With Geolokatora You cancontrol your smartphone 4Good KIDS S45 your child to keep track ofits location and restrict the use of applications and calls. Keyfeatures of the application:1) Track the location of the device on the map.2) Tracing the history of movements.3) Creating a safe zone informing about output devices beyondthem.4) Remote switching on and off GPS.5) Remote disable access to the application.6) Remote phone lock in the event of theft or loss.
Kalala smart Pet 1.0.2 APK
Listening Center is a free application ofKALATU wearable early educational device designed for parents andchildren, including children’s stories, children’s song, sciencebook and many wonderful audio books, as well as functions likerecording for parents to create special audio story and songs forchildren. Meanwhile, Listening Center features function of theLibrary to provide abundant interactive early educational books forchildren.Now the application includes hundreds of quality audios and dozensof children interactive early educational books developed by us,more content is real-time updated.
أرنوبة الغنبة 1.1 APK
تطبيق تفاعلي لجهاز أرنوبة الغنية يتيح تحميلالمزيد من المقاطع الصوتية والمحتوى المفيد وقد تم تطويره من أجل ضماناستمار حصول المستخدم على تجربة رائعة.منتج أرنوبة الغنية وتطبيقه التفاعلي يتيح لكم:١- تسجيل القصص من قبل الآباء٢- مكتبة صوتية للأبناء٣- تشغيل المقاطع الصوتية والتحكم بها من الأجهزة الذكيةالمحتوى الموجود في التطبيق يناسب الأطفال بجميع مستوياتهم حسب رؤيةمجموعة العيسري. وقد طور المحتوى من قبل مؤسسة مكين بالتعاون مع قسمالمناهج بمركز العيسريAn interactiveapplication for your rich Ornoph allows download more audio contentsections useful and has been developed in order to ensure user FORMfor a wonderful experience.Ornoph product rich interactive application allows you to:1. recording stories by parents2. audio library for children3. audio clips running and control of smart devicesThe content in the application suitable for children at all levelsby seeing Alaasri group. Content was developed by the McCainFoundation in cooperation with the Department of Curriculum CenterAlaasri