1.3 / November 8, 2013
(3.5/5) (2)


L'applicazione, guida ufficiale del Parco eMuseo Archeologico “Genna Maria”, realizzata in collaborazione conD'Uva Workshop, fornisce le informazioni e gli approfondimentinecessari per visitare il Museo: informazioni utili per la visita,una mappa interattiva illustrata del Museo e un approfonditopercorso audioguidato di circa 30 minuti di audio, che descrive inumerosi reperti esposti nel Museo.

Un suggestivo audiotour per scoprire le bellezze del Parco eMuseo Archeologico “Genna Maria” anche prima della visita inloco.

Il Civico Museo Archeologico “Genna Maria” di Villanovaforru èstato allestito in un edificio storico che nel XIX secolo fuutilizzato come Monte di Soccorso. Contiene al suo interno unaesposizione relativa alla cultura materiale del sito nuragicoomonimo e della regione storica della Marmilla nuragica, punica,romana medievale e moderna.

The application, officialguide to the Park and Archaeological Museum "Genna Maria", producedin collaboration with D'Uva Workshop, provides the information andinsights needed to visit the Museum: useful information for thevisit, an interactive map of the Museum and illustrated an in-depthaudio-guided path of about 30 minutes of audio, which describes themany exhibits in the museum.

A fascinating audio tour to discover the beauty of the Park andArchaeological Museum "Genna Maria" even before the site visit.

The Civic Archaeological Museum "Genna Maria" Villanovaforru wasset in a historic building in the nineteenth century it was used asa Monte Relief. Contains within it a relative exposure to thematerial culture of the site nuragico the same name and of thehistorical region Marmillan nuragica, Punic, Roman, medieval andmodern.

App Information Parco e Museo Genna Maria

  • App Name
    Parco e Museo Genna Maria
  • ناوی پاکەیج
  • Updated
    November 8, 2013
  • قەبارەی فایل
  • پێویستی بە ئەندرۆیدە
    Android 2.2 and up
  • وەشان
  • گەشەپێدەر
    D'Uva Workshop s.r.l.
  • دابەزاندن
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • هاوپۆڵ
    Travel & Local
  • گەشەپێدەر
    Visit website Email pasquale.silvestro@duvaws.com
    Viale Francesco Petrarca, 116 50124 - Firenze - Italy
  • Google Play Link

D'Uva Workshop s.r.l. درێژە...

Parco e Museo Genna Maria 1.3 APK
D'Uva Workshop s.r.l.
L'applicazione, guida ufficiale del Parco eMuseo Archeologico “Genna Maria”, realizzata in collaborazione conD'Uva Workshop, fornisce le informazioni e gli approfondimentinecessari per visitare il Museo: informazioni utili per la visita,una mappa interattiva illustrata del Museo e un approfonditopercorso audioguidato di circa 30 minuti di audio, che descrive inumerosi reperti esposti nel Museo.Un suggestivo audiotour per scoprire le bellezze del Parco eMuseo Archeologico “Genna Maria” anche prima della visita inloco.Il Civico Museo Archeologico “Genna Maria” di Villanovaforru èstato allestito in un edificio storico che nel XIX secolo fuutilizzato come Monte di Soccorso. Contiene al suo interno unaesposizione relativa alla cultura materiale del sito nuragicoomonimo e della regione storica della Marmilla nuragica, punica,romana medievale e moderna.The application, officialguide to the Park and Archaeological Museum "Genna Maria", producedin collaboration with D'Uva Workshop, provides the information andinsights needed to visit the Museum: useful information for thevisit, an interactive map of the Museum and illustrated an in-depthaudio-guided path of about 30 minutes of audio, which describes themany exhibits in the museum.A fascinating audio tour to discover the beauty of the Park andArchaeological Museum "Genna Maria" even before the site visit.The Civic Archaeological Museum "Genna Maria" Villanovaforru wasset in a historic building in the nineteenth century it was used asa Monte Relief. Contains within it a relative exposure to thematerial culture of the site nuragico the same name and of thehistorical region Marmillan nuragica, Punic, Roman, medieval andmodern.
Picasso ENG 1.2 APK
Picasso - Ecelttismo di un genioillustrazioni, ceramiche e dipintiPicasso - Ecelttismo of ageniusillustrations, paintings and ceramics
Inferno Florence Guide - EN 1.2 APK
D'Uva Workshop s.r.l.
SPECIAL PROMOTION: During the event Museumsand the Web Florence (MWF2014), an international conferencededicated to the relationship between museums and places ofculture, in Florence from 18 to 21 February 2014, you can downloadthe app for FREE! Important: the app is available for FREE untilthe 21st FEBRUARY!Florence is not just a backdrop but a protagonist of Dan Brown’slatest book, Inferno. If you’re visiting Florence or just wish youwere, this app will help you picture and understand the places inwhich scenes of Inferno are set. Get started with the map or thelist of places and begin your exploration of Florence!For each place in Florence mentioned in the book we’ve gone outand taken an original photo, contextualized it within Dan Brown’sstory and described with it historically accurate information.Features:- Map of Florence with Inferno locations, with no need for internetconnection- GPS to locate your position on the map of the city- 31 listening points, lasting almost 1 hour- Original photos to help you picture it- Quote from book where location is mentioned- Extra historical information about each location- Nearby visitor tipsThis app is written by the editors of The Florentine, a localnewspaper cited in Inferno. Long-term residents of the city, theteam counts friendly experts in literature and art history who lookforward to being your virtual guides to Dan Brown’s Florence.This is the ONLY app to date that provides original,fact-checked content written by mother-tongue English speakers.You will find Inferno Florence Guide to be a useful supplementto the book!
罗马万神殿 1.1.0 APK
D'Uva Workshop s.r.l.
使用罗马巴特农app,无论身在何方,巴特农神庙随时畅游罗马巴特农app为您提供:- 神庙之旅,配有15个景点的解说音频-“我的旅程”功能,用于定制您的私人最佳路线- 照相功能,用照片记录并与他人分享您的旅途- 解说音频配套使用的游览图- 查找功能,寻找您感兴趣的解说点- 圣灵降临节专用花瓣飘落录像- 其他意大利语音频材料D’UVA工作室50多年来,D’UVA工作室始终致力于将不同年龄、文化背景、教育水平的公众带入博物馆,向他们讲述历史。我们的艺术家、作家、设计师、讲解员和技术人员为大家提供创新的服务,动人的讲述和多媒体的解决方案。D’UVA工作室与教堂、博物馆及其他文化景点保持紧密合作,用于开发有个性的多语种游览项目,同时也兼顾用户的期望,享受最贵服务的权利以及他们的预算。D’UVA工作室为用户提供一系列完整的产品和服务,包含旅行从规划到执行的所有环节,丰富的音频和视频导游内容,相关应用和手机游览功能。自1959年GiovanniD’Uva先生开发出第一个音频导游产品,D’UVA工作室以创新的技术和多媒体解决方案为傲,不断运用和开发最新技术,如触摸屏、信息亭、音频导游、手机应用、地点定位、超现实演绎手段、电脑应用、iBeacon蓝牙设备和分享功能。Roman Parthenon app,nomatter where, at any time Parthenon swimRome Parthenon app for you:- Temple Tour, with 15 attractions commentary audio- "My Trip" function, used to customize your personalbestroute- Camera, with photographs and sharing your journeywithothers- Supporting the use of audio commentary tour map- Search function to find the point you are interestedinexplanations- Pentecost petals falling dedicated video- Other Italian audio materialD'UVA studioFor over 50 years, D'UVA studio has always been committed tothepublic of different ages, cultural backgrounds, levels ofeducationinto the museum, told them about history. Our artists,writers,designers, instructors and technicians to provideinnovativeservices for everyone, moving about and multimediasolutions. D'UVAstudio and churches, museums and other culturalattractions inclose cooperation for the development of multilingualpersonalizedtours, but also take into account the expectations ofusers, enjoythe rights of the most expensive services, and theirbudget. D'UVAstudio to provide users with a complete range ofproducts andservices, including all aspects of travel, fromplanning toexecution, rich audio and video content guides,relatedapplications and mobile tour features. Since 1959, Mr.GiovanniD'Uva developed the first audio guide product, D'UVA studiowithinnovative technology and multimedia solutions for theproud,continue to use and develop the latest technologies such astouchscreens, information kiosks, audio guides, phoneApplications,Locator, surreal interpretation means, computerapplications,iBeacon Bluetooth devices and sharing.
Egitto - Pompei 1.0.0 APK
D'Uva Workshop s.r.l.
Quest'applicazione vi accompagneràallascoperta del santuario di Iside, la dea originaria dell’Egitto,ecome il suo culto ha influenzato l’arte e il gusto deipompeiani,entrando nelle case dalle decorazioni più suggestive.L'app propone:- una 'Playlist' che presenta un tour con 14 punti di ascoltoinitaliano.- una mappa interattiva per accedere ai diversi punti eaiutarenel orientamento.- la funzione 'Phototaking' per fare i tuoi scatti econdivideresui social.- la funzione 'Favoriti' ti permette di creare percorsisumisura.- attività aggiuntive: colora, puzzle, memory. Nessun limitealdivertimento e alla fantasia!L'app, disponibile in italiano, consente di seguireunemozionante percorso alla scoperta del culto di Iside aPompei.This application willtakeyou to discover the sanctuary of Isis, the goddess originatinginEgypt, and how his cult has influenced art and taste ofPompeii,entering the houses from the most evocative decorations.The app offers:- A 'Playlist' which presents a tour with 14 listening pointsinItalian.- An interactive map to access the different points and helpinorientation.- The 'Phototaking' feature to make your shots and shareonsocial.- The 'Favourites' feature allows you to create custompaths.- Additional activities: colors, puzzle, memory. No limit tothefun and fantasy!The app, available in Italian, allows you to follow anexcitingjourney to discover the cult of Isis in Pompeii.
Picasso ITA 1.2 APK
Picasso - Eclettismo di un genio.illustrazioni, ceramiche e dipintiPicasso - Eclecticism ofagenius.illustrations, paintings and ceramics
Park and Museum Genna Maria 1.2 APK
D'Uva Workshop s.r.l.
This application, is the official guide forthe "Genna Maria" Park and Archaeological Museum and has beenproduced in collaboration with D'Uva Workshop.It provides the information and insight necessary when visitingthe Museum: useful visitor information, an interactive map of theMuseum and an in depth audio tour of about 30 minutes, describingthe many exhibits in the museum.A fascinating audio tour to discover the beauty of the "GennaMaria" Park and Archaeological Museum even before the actual sitevisit.The "Genna Maria"Civic Archaeological Museum in Villanovaforruis housed in an historic building which was used as "Monte diSoccorso" in the 19th century. It contains works relating to theculture of the nuragic site that bears the same name of nuragicsite and of the Marmillan nuraghe, Punic, Roman, medieval andmodern historical region.
Wild Track 1.1.0 APK
D'Uva Workshop s.r.l.
D'Uva Workshop è lieta di presentarvil'appWILD TRACK Mostra personale di Peppe Irace.WILD TRACK mette in mostra...sperimentazioni pittoriche; animali e personaggistilizzatisimili a graffiti; incisioni su grandi tele dipinte adolio continte terrose aggredite da serigrafie con vernicid’argento;incisioni; acquaforti; acquatinta e cera molle; scultureincartapesta, gesso e vetro-resina simili a tronchi, alberi eradicidi mangrovia; raffigurazioni in foglia d’oro di giraffe,gazzelle,leopardi, rinoceronti, iene e di un albero dallechiomelussureggianti.WILD TRACK mette in mostra un viaggio. Il viaggio di un uomosul"sentiero selvaggio” della propria esistenza.D'Uva Workshop ispleasedto present the app WILD TRACK Personal exhibition of PeppeIrace.WILD TRACK showcases ...pictorial experimentation; animals and stylizedcharacterssimilar to graffiti; engravings of large canvases paintedin oilwith earthy hues mugged by screen printing with silverpaint;etchings; etchings; aquatint and soft wax; sculptures inpapiermache, plaster and glass-resin-like trunks, trees andmangroveroots; representations in gold leaf of giraffes,gazelles,leopards, rhinos, hyenas and a tree with lush foliage.WILD TRACK showcases a trip. The journey of a man on the"wildpath" of his own existence.