3.0.1 / November 17, 2021
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The connections between water and geological underground arediverseand often complex. Using the SIBRA App, citizens cangeneratereliable data on these topics and thus contribute to abetterunderstanding of these connections. At the Geological SurveyofAustria, the data is being combined with other methodsofmeasurement and used, inter alia, in developing modelsandscenarios that allow for assessing possible effects ofextremeweather events, such as heavy precipitation, rapidsnowmelt,flooding or drought. SIBRA stands for Systems-IntegratingBottom-upResearch Application for Hydro- and Engineering Geology.And italso stands symbolic for the model region, in which the appwasdeveloped: together with committed citizens of Sibratsgfäll intheAustrian province Vorarlberg, a research project at theGeologicalSurvey of Austria implemented an approach that involvesthosecitizens, whose environment is in focus. Sibratsgfäll islocated atthe sunny side of a wide valley in the VordererBregenzerwaldregion. The village is first and foremost shaped byagriculture andtourism. The population of the village has stronglybeen engagingwith geological processes since they had to cope withthe aftermathof a massive landslide at Rindberg in 1999. The SIBRAApp nowprovides a collectively developed measurement tool thatsupplementsother existing methods in the areas of hydro- andengineeringgeology expands data availability, and enablesinterested citizensto actively engage with processes likegeological mass movementsand hydrogeology. The app is running onthe SPOTTERON CitizenScience platform.

App Information SIBRA | SPOTTERON

  • App Name
  • ناوی پاکەیج
  • Updated
    November 17, 2021
  • قەبارەی فایل
  • پێویستی بە ئەندرۆیدە
    Android 5.1 and up
  • وەشان
  • گەشەپێدەر
  • دابەزاندن
  • Price
  • هاوپۆڵ
  • گەشەپێدەر
  • Google Play Link

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