Top 2 Apps Similar to Sentinel Mobile Demo

Sentinelle Mobile
Un outil indispensable pourlestravailleurs.Ce nouvel outil vous permet de plonger directement au cœur devosconditions de travail. En effet, cette application mobile aétéconçue afin de permettre aux travailleurs d’avoir accès auxdonnéespersonnalisées de leur convention collective.Comment ça fonctionne?Dès la première utilisation, l’utilisateur est invité à choisirlesyndicat auquel il appartient et à inscrire l’emploiqu’ilpratique. Ensuite, il est invité à inscrire certainesdonnéespersonnelles liées à son travail (ex : date d’embauche,nombred’heures travaillées, etc.).En ayant accès à ces informations, l’application peutalorsprésenter les données personnalisées deconventioncollective :Salaire;Particularités salariales;Vacances;Avantages sociaux;Régime de retraite;Régime d’assurance,Et bien plus!L’application mobile Sentinelle, c’est aussi un outil précieuxpouraméliorer la communication entre les travailleurs etsonassociation syndicale.Système de messagerie permettant au travailleur decommuniquerfacilement avec son représentant syndicale parcourriel;Fil de nouvelles permettant aux organisations syndicales departagercertaines nouvelles à leurs membres.Ainsi, avec l’application mobile Sentinelle, la communicationn’aurajamais été aussi facile entre le syndicat et sesmembres!An indispensable toolforworkers.This new tool allows you to dive right into the heart ofyourworking conditions. Indeed, this mobile application wasdesigned toallow workers to access personalized data of theircollectiveagreement.How it works?Upon initial use, the user is prompted to choose the union towhichhe belongs and to enter the job he practice. Then he wasinvited toenter some personal data relating to his work (eg, hiredate,number of hours worked, etc.).By having access to this information, the application can thenhavecustom data collective agreement:Salary;Wage features;Holiday;Social advantages;Pension plan;Insurance Plan,And much more!The Sentinel mobile application, it is also a valuable toolforimproving communication between workers andunionassociation.Messaging system allowing workers to easily communicate withhisunion representative by email;Newsfeed allowing unions to share some news to their members.Thus, with mobile Sentinelle, communication has never beeneasierbetween the union and its members!
NextGen Sentinel 2.3
NextGen Technology Ltd.
NextGen Sentinel is a phoneconnectiondiagnostic application. Sentinel is used to monitor phonedataconnections and call status for analysis purposes.Changes in the call status, cellular and data connectiontype,Bluetooth status and Wifi Connection and nearby hotspotsarerecorded to a timestamped log when Sentinel is running. Thelogfile is uploaded to NextGen Servers, where the logs can beanalysedfor various purposes. Sentinel is started and stopped bythe userand runs in the background while active. The applicationlogsstatus at 5-second intervals and stores the data in alogfile.NextGen Sentinel can be used to monitor network conditions onajourney, and provide information such as cellular signalstrengthsat various GPS locations, for example, to help identifycalldropouts due to network coverage issues.· Monitor phone in the background· Cellular connection strength and connection type· Call status and Bluetooth connections· GPS location and time stamp· Monitor Wifi status and nearby WiFi hotspots· Secure Login with license code