Top 49 Apps Similar to Bacteria Identification Made E

Microbiology 1.46.45
Open Education
Microbiology Study App - Lessons, Quizzes, PracticeQuestions,Progress
Bacteria: Types, Infections
Anna Voronich
All you want to know about of Bacteria: Types, Infections!
Lab Test Reference Range (Free & Offline) 5.0.5
Rishikeshav Acharya
MEDICAL LABORATORT PROFESSIONAL WEEK (APRIL 21-27,2019)"LABORATORYPROFESSIONALS GETS RESULT" is the theme.LABORATORYTEST REFERENCEFREE & OFFLINE ONCE INSTALLED ALLINFORMATIONSCAN BE VIEWEDOFFLINE This app is designed to providegeneralinformations on thecommonly using (BLOOD AND OTHER BODYFLUIDS)test in the laboratory.It includes the normal ranges ofvarioustest. It includes most ofthe aspects of thelaboratory.Hematology, Biochemistry,Hormones,Enzymes, IronProfile,Urinalysis, Fecal Tests, Body fluidTest, Microbiology testandother various tests. This is useful forthe students as well asthelaboratory technician who works in thelaboratory. This shouldnotbe used as an aid for the diagnosticpurpose. The referencerangeof a given tests varies among theregion and the labshouldestablish their own reference range usingdata from theirownequipments and methods. Hope this providesthecomprehensiveinformations on the test usually performed inthelaboratory. تمتصميم هذا التطبيق لتوفير معلومات عامة عن استخدامعادة(الدم وسوائلالجسم الأخرى) اختبار في المختبر. ويشملالنطاقاتالطبيعية للاختبارالمختلفة. ويشمل معظم جوانب المختبر. أمراضالدم ،الكيمياء الحيوية ،الهرمونات ، الإنزيمات ، التشكيل الجانبيللحديد ،تحليل البول ،اختبارات البراز ، اختبار سوائل الجسم ، اختبارالأحياءالدقيقةوالاختبارات المختلفة الأخرى. این برنامه برای ارائهاطلاعاتکلی درمورد استفاده های معمول( خون و دیگر مایعات بدن ) درآزمایشگاهطراحیشده است. که شامل محدوده های نرمال از تست های مختلف میباشد وبه بخشهای مختلف آزایشگاهی هماتولوژی، بیوشیمی، هورمون ها،آنزیمها،پروتئین آهن، آزمایش ادرار، آزمایش های مدفوع، آزمایشمایعاتبدن،آزمایش های میکروبیولوژی و دیگر آزمایش ها اشاره كرده است.اينبرنامهبرای دانش آموزان و همچنین تکنسین آزمایشگاهی که درآزمایشگاهکار میکند مفید است. محدوده مرجع تست های داده شده بین مناطقمختلفمتفاوتاست و آزمایشگاه باید محدوده مرجع خود را با استفاده ازداده هاوتجهیزات و روش های خود تعیین کند. इस ऐप को प्रयोगशालामेंसामान्यरूप से उपयोग (रक्त और अन्य शरीर के फ्लूइड) परीक्षणपरसामान्यसूचनाएं प्रदान करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है।इसमेंविभिन्नपरीक्षणों की सामान्य श्रेणियां शामिल हैं। इसमेंप्रयोगशालाकेअधिकांश पहलुओं को शामिल किया गया है| Esta aplicaciónestádiseñadapara proporcionar información general sobre la pruebadeuso común(SANGRE Y OTROS LÍQUIDOS CORPORALES) en ellaboratorio.Incluye losrangos normales de varias pruebas. Incluyela mayoría delosaspectos del laboratorio. Hematología,bioquímica,hormonas,enzimas, perfil de hierro, análisis de orina,pruebasfecales,prueba de fluidos corporales, prueba demicrobiología yotraspruebas diversas.
Clinical History & Examination 1.4
dagana Apps
A short guide to clinical medicine
ABCMedicalNotes 2076
Makindo Ltd
2460 Notes for Medical Students, Doctors and others
CURRENT Med Diag & Treatment
Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Includes essentials of diagnosis for most diseases/disorders
Medical Lab Tests 1.3
Medicon Applications
Medical Lab Tests is the pocket tool for medical laboratory tests
Pediatric Disease & Treatment 3.7.5
Medical Group Soft
Common Diseases. Health information for the whole family
Diseases and Disorders Complet 25.02.2020
Handbook with Definition, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment ofcommondiseases
Quick Medical Diagnosis 11.5.716
Authoritative clinical guidance on more than 950 diseasesanddisorders.
Microbiology Textbook, MCQ 2.1.1
Microbiology Textbook, MCQ, Essay Questions, Flash Cards, KeyTermsby OpenStax
Laboratory Values 1.2
* Languages Português, English Did you saw a laboratory testresultsand did not know what to think? Relaxe RELAB is anapplication thatcomes with the normal values for more than 200laboratory tests andalso comes with a commentary on all examswhich indicates the mainsituations, pathological or physiological,in that they can beincreased or decreased . Divided into "CBC","serum biochemistry andcoagulation", "urinalysis", "stool test","CSF (cerebrospinalfluid)," "pleural fluid", "ascites fluid" and"synovial fluide" theapplication was made thinking for helpprofessionals / students ofhealth are or even people in general tohave a light at the end ofthe tunnel in the test results. BloodCount: Hemoglobin / HematocritMCV MCH / MCHC RDW PlateletsLeukocyte Total Basophils EosinophilsNeutrophils LymphocytesMonocytes Serum Biochemistry &Coagulation: ACE ACTH Alaninetransaminase (ALT) Albumin AldolaseAldosterone AlkalinePhosphatase Alpha-fetoprotein AmylaseAntithrombin III Aspartatetransaminase (AST) Beta2-MicroglobulinBeta-HCG BicarbonateBilirubin Direct (BD) Bilirubin Indirec (BI)Bilirubin TotalBleeding Time BNP (brain natriuretic peptide) C1q C3C4 CA 125 CA15-3 CA 19-9 Calcitonin Calcium (Ca) CEA CeruloplasminCH50Chlorine Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol LDL CholesterolTotalCholesterol VLDL CK-MB CK-MB mass Clotting Time Cobalamin(Vit.B12) Copper Total Cortisone (test) C-peptide C-ReactiveProtein(CRP) Creatine Kinase (CK) Creatinine D-dimer ErythropoietinESR(erythrocyte sedimentation rate) Ferritin FibrinDegradationProducts (PDF) Fibrinogen Folate Free ErythrocyteProtoporphyrin(FEP) G6PD (erythrocyte) Gammaglutamil transpeptidase(gamma-GT orGGT) Gastrin GH (suppression test) Globulin GlucoseFasting GlucosePostprandial Glycated Haemoglobin HaptoglobinHomocysteine LactateLDH Lead Lipase Magnesium MucoproteinsMyoglobin OsmolalityParathyroid Hormone (PTH) pCO2 pH PhosphoruspO2 Potassium (k)Prolactin Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) ProteinC ProteinElectrophoresis Protein S TAP PTT Resistance to ActivatedProtein C(factor V Leiden) Sodium (Na) Somatomedin C T3 T4 (Free)TBICTestosterone Thrombin Time Thyroglobulin Total ProteinTransferinSaturation Triglycerides (TG) Troponin TSH Urea UricAcidUrinalisys: Aspect Color Density pH Glucose Ketone BodiesProteinsLeukocyte esterase Nitrite Bilirubin UrobilinogenHemoglobin RBCsLeukocytes Cylinders Crystals Epithelial CellsBacteria 24 hoururine Isolated sample (spot urine) Urine 1h or 2hTitratableAcidity (24) Aminolevulínicos Acid (24h)5-hidroxiindoloacéticoacid (5-HIAA) (24h) Homovanillic Acid (24h)Uric Acid (24h)Vanillylmandelic Acid (24) Aldosterone (24) Aluminum(24) Arsenic24) Cadmium (24) Calcium (24) FractionatedCatecholamines (24) Lead(24) Chlorine (24) Copper (24) Creatinine(24) Chromium (24)Phosphorus (24) Hydroxyproline (24) Iodine (24)Magnesium (24)Manganese (24) Mercury (24) Total Metanephrines (24)Oxalate (24)Pyridinoline / deoxypyridinoline (24h) Potassium (24)Selenium (24)Serotonin (24) Sodium (24) Urea (24) Zinc (24) StoolTest: VolumeFats Coproporphyrins Urobilinogen Estercobilina pHOccult BloodLeukocytes Eosinophils Alpha-1 anti-trypsin Trypsin(activity) CSF:Pressure RBCs Leukocytes Total Protein Albumin IgGOligoclonalBands Myelin Basic Protein Glucose Chloride LactateLactate PleuralFluid: Color pH Glucose Cholesterol Proteins LDHAmylase ADA(adenosine deaminase) Interferon-gamma CellularityCytology SectionAscitic Fluid: Aspect Gradient Albumin SerumAscites CellularityCytology Section Synovial Fluid: ViscosityCellularity PolarizedMicroscopy Light Biopsy
Clinicals – History & Physical 1.0
Medical Gear
* THIS APP IS AVAILABLE LICENSED FREE FOR STUDENTS, please Buyourpaid version if your not a student ** Clinicals offers you aclearstructured and systematic approach to history taking. As amedicalstudent, its absolutely critical to get well versed withasystematic, step wise approach to history taking.This isanessential skill to acquire for any physician. Divided intothreeMain Sections 1. General History (Intro, HOPI...) 2.Symptomatology3. Physical Examination Stepwise systematic approachranging fromIntroduction and Early Observation of the patient toGeneralHistory, Systemic History, Symptoms' descriptions &Grading.Ask the right Questions! Get the questions for the mostcommoncomplaints and narrow down your diagnosis! Comprehensiveguide toGeneral History comprising * Introduction, * Initial Data *ChiefComplaint * History of Present Illness * Past Medical History*Personal & Social Profile * Family History * Drug History*Activity & Exercise History * Obstetric History *GynecologicalHistory Organ Systems History. The most commoncomplaints of theMajor Organ systems: * Cardivascular System *Respiratory System *Kidney & Urinary Tract * GastrointestinalTract * PsychiatricAssessment * Musculoskeletal System * Endocrineand Nutrition *Gynecology*** [NEW] * Constitutional, Commoncomplaints. Symptoms(From all organ systems) - ClinicalQuestionaaire - DifferentialDiagnosis - Clinical pearls. PHYSICALExamination: More than 90Examinations including: * Cranial NerveExamination * CompleteChest Examination * Breast, Cardiac,Pulmonary * Complete AbdominalExamination- GI including Abd Mass *Head & Neck - Eyes, Nose,Throat * Arms & Legs * includingNeurological Assessment *Muscle Power * Reflexes * Sensory * Wrist& Palm - Nails-Clubbing.. * Genital Examination-Male &Female INTERFACEpresents a Medical Case Tab system that makesbrowsing throughsystems easier than ever! DISCLAIMER: The Contenton thisapplication is for educational purposes only and isprovided'as-is' and 'as-available' basis without any warranty. Inno eventshall the creator of this application be held liable in anymannerfor direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitivedamagesarising out of your access, use or inability to usethisapplication or any errors or omissions in information onthisapplication.
Handbook on Injectable Drugs 3.6.9
Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Most comprehensive reference on injectable drug data
Short Cases in Medicine | OSCE 4.5
RER MedApps
Learn Clinical Medicine Smarter | Medical Examination, Cases&OSCE for Doctors
Ferri's Clinical Advisor
Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Diseases & disorders, differential diagnoses, algorithms,labtests & guidelines
Drug Dosage Calculations (Ads) 5.0.0 demo
Mohammad Aldefrawy
Calculate pediatric and adult drug doses offline.
Medical Terms FR 1.1.0
IPIX s.c.
With this simple, powerfull and free app you can reveal meaningsofthousands of medical terms in French language. Itcontainsdirectory of most common used medical terms, diseases,tests andsymptoms extended by external sources with tons ofmedicalterminology. Glossary is searchable through powerfull voiceenabledsearch engine with word prediction and smart option that letyounarrow search result to abbreviations only. App will help youtounderstand mystery looking terms from medicalrecords,prescriptions or expert advices. All of terms havesolidexplanation on Wikipedia - app will let you study them onyourwish. This app is for everyone, not only medical staffandstudents, because we all need sometimes medical help and wanttofind out more. This is totally free app so give it a tryandinstall it today. For your convenience app is localized forGerman,English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish,Portuguese,Russian and Swedish. Additional languages coming soon.Check outour webpage: for more info. You can find theremore notonly medical related apps.
CellaVision CellAtlas 2.1.23
A guide to blood cell morphology
MA Notes
Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Medical Assistant's Pocket Guide
Davis Clinical Nursing Skills 3.6.9
Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Invaluable resource for both the common and criticalclinicalprocedures
Medical FlashNotes 1.2.9
Robert Goulden
Clinical medicine reference where everything you read can becomeaflashcard
Medicos Histology:Anatomy hist 3.1.8
App contains Notes & handmade diagrams for AnatomyHistologycovering all topics
Medical Terminology Dictionary
Anna Voronich
Medical offline dictionary: more 40,000 terms. Fast searchinmedical apps
Cell biology
Anna Voronich
All you want to know about of Cell biology!
Lab Values + Medical Reference 3.0
Lab Values+ Medical Reference is the #1 resource for allmedicalprofessionals
Haematology Counter 1.0.15
Chidambharam Choccalingam
Haematology counter is a digital counter application.
Geeky Medics - OSCE revision 3.96
Geeky Medics
Learn clinical skills on the go with our awesome collection ofOSCEguides.
I.V. Drug Handbook 11.3.580
Guide with information on 350 drugs and practical advice ondrugadministration.
Tintinalli's Emergency Med Man 3.7.2
Skyscape Medpresso Inc
World’s Best Emergency Medicine Manual for Residents and Acute Care
AccessMedicine App 2.7.94
Unbound Medicine, Inc
**Please Note: This application requires a full institutionalsitelicense**
Laboratories 1.4
Zedney Creative
Laboratories application provides simple informationaboutroutinelab tests including normal, abnormal valuesandresultinterpretation. It was written in a simple languagetobeunderstood by general public. It can be a useful toolforstudents,patients and health care workers. A free labmedicalconsultationis available for users to enquire about theirlabreports. MedicalConsultation Work Team Dr. Ehab Badran RakhaMDClinical Pathology.Assistant Professor, Faculty ofMedicine,Mansoura University,Egypt. Consultant Clinical Pathology,KingKhalid Hospital, Hail,Saudi Arabia. Dr. Yousuf Khan KhasimDiplomain Clinical Pathology,Rajiv Gandhi University of HealthSciences,India. SpecialistClinical Pathology, King Khalid Hospital,Hail,Saudi Arabia. Allrights reserved for Senior Lab. specialistMr.Alshammri MutlaqLab. Specialist Mr. Alfouzan Fayez Hail,SaudiArabia For
Prognosis : Your Diagnosis 6.0.8
Medical Joyworks LLC
Improve your diagnostic skill by solving realistic clinicalcasestudies
Dorland’s Medical Dictionary 11.1.559
Dorland's Medical dictionary with 40,000 entries and350illustrations.
Diseases Treatments Dictionary 3.1
Smart Training
The best dictionary about Disorders & Diseases Treatments
Pediatric Oncall 8.3.2
Pediatric Oncall
Diseases, Drugs, Calculators, Ask Queries, etc. Your 1 App forAllMedical Tools
Medicos Medicine: Clinical Approach to medicine 1.5
“Medicos Medicine” is an internal medicine app based onthecollection of Student's Note. Completely free for all, thisappwill allow any physician, resident or medical student toaccessup-to-date medical information and guidelines quicklyandefficiently.It is is a handy and useful tool to learnproperhistory taking and clinical examination for learningmedicalstudents, nurses and practicing doctors embedded with textwrittenin easy language for students, attractive and high qualityimagesand videos related to respective topics there is no otherplatformbetter than this to improve your clinical skills onmedicine. appincludes everything from the beginning form propercommunicationtechniques for students while having bedside classesto teachinginternationally accepted format of general historytaking andclinical examination techniques for students and doctorsalsoprovides skills and reference to measure and interpret vitalsignsuch as temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiratoryrateswith attractive figures and useful video related to the topicsithas a BMI calculator, pack per year calculator andcagequestionnaires for alcohol consumption making it easy forstudentswhile examination of patients the app also has a referencerange ofnormal value of most common indicators such as ureaandelectrolyte, ABG arterial blood gas analysis, hormone invenousblood, common analytes in urine, CSF, faeces,haematologicalvalues, blood glucose level and many others afterhistory takingand vitals the app also provides a step to step guideto do generalexamination of patients including pallor jaundice/icterus lymphnode examination cyanosis clubbing oedema/ edemadehydration theapp teaches us how to access them and understandthem with the helpof text images and videos after generalexamination app alsoprovides system wise history taking andexamination process Appinclude Almost Complete system of human bodyand Especially Focuseson The Examination of system such as :respiratory systemcardiovascular system gastrointestinal systemendocrine systemcentral nervous system motor system renal andgenital genitourinarysystem This might help Medical student duringrevision and wardvisit.The whole description and images are basedon the commonlypracticed clinical examination methods all aroundthe world. —FEATURES — • Concise: edited to be useful at thebedside. • Fast:advanced catch eye description • Direct link to thereferences onyoutube. • BMI calculator and pack year calculator isadded •Perfect for studying for board exams! We hope that this apphelpsto make the educational process both fun and learning.As theskillsrequired of a physician and medical student cannot be learnedfromany single source, We encourage User to make use of as manyotherreferences as possible. A LICENSED MEDICAL PROFESSIONALISRESPONSIBLE FOR INDEPENDENTLY REACHING ANY MEDICAL JUDGMENT,ANDFOR ANY RESULTING DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENTS, NOT WITHSTANDINGANYUSE OF THE CONTENT BY SUCH MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. BY USE OFTHISAPPS YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THE INFORMATION ON THISAPPSMAY CONTAIN INACCURACIES AND OTHER ERRORS. Practitionersandresearchers must always rely on their own experience andknowledgein evaluating and using any information, methods,compounds orexperiments described herein. Because of rapid advancesin themedical sciences, in particular, independent verificationofdiagnoses and drug dosages should be made. To the fullest extentofthe law, no responsibility is assumed by the app for anyinjuryand/or damage to persons or property as a matter ofproductsliability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use oroperation ofany methods, products, instructions, or ideas containedin thematerial herein.
Diseases and Disorders Guide 1.8.1
luminous apps
An essential reference guide for learning about diseasesanddisorders
Disorder & Diseases Dictionary 4.0.1
Provide all the information about diseases
Intravenous Medications Nurses
Skyscape Medpresso Inc
#1 IV Drug Handbook - 50 years
Explain Medicine 1.0.7
Medical Joyworks LLC
Truly understand medicine by reading detailed explanatory articles.
Nursing Guide 1.3
Health Fitness and Tutorials
Nursing Guide App Giving nurses and nursing students aroundtheworlda tool that will help them in their career and studies,theNursingGuide app was created to share basic to complexinformationabout thenursing field. Everything nurses need to knowaboutcommonmedications -- in one pocket-sized guide! Informationfornursingstudents and professional nurses. Nursing GuideAppfeatures include:• Mnemonics - helpful aides for nursingstudentsand professionalnurses in remembering fundamentalsessential totheir academics andduty • Articles – write ups thatare useful forthe nursing career •Tips and quotes • InfusionFluids • Vaccines,immunoglobulins andantisera • Drugs For ExternalUse,AntisepticsAnd Disinfectants •Accurate, timely facts onhundreds of drugsfrom abatacept tozonisamide • Concise,consistently formatted drugentries organizedalphabetically •No-nonsense writing style thatspeaks your laguagein terms you useeveryday • Index of allgeneric, trade, andalternate drug names •Chemical and therapeuticclasses, FDApregnancy risk category, andcontrolled substanceschedule •Indications and dosages, as well asroute, onset, peak,and durationinformation • Incompatibilities andcontraindications• Interactionswith drugs, food, and activities •Adverse reactions• Nursingconsiderations, including keypatient-teaching points •Herbalcontent. • Well-structured andreadable • Organized bygeneric drugname, with an index thatincludes generic and tradenames,classifications, combinationdrugs, and herbals. • Pedi,Geri, OB,and Lactation cautions • IVadministration subheads •REMS (RiskEvaluation and MitigationStrategies) icon •Pharmacogenomic contentand icon •Canadian-specific content • Muchmore!
Medical Biochemistry 1.3
This app is designed to help biochemistry studentslearnandunderstand the basic topics of biochemistry more. Thecontentofthis app includes the following: IntroductiontoBiochemistryMetabolic Regulation Steroids abd Bile Acid:LipidMetabolismRibonucleic Acid (RNA): Basic Knowledge FluidMosaicModel &The Role of Cell Membrane, Proteins andMembraneTransport CellCycle: Regulation, Apoptosis, Mitosis andDNAReplication Energy,Enzymes and Metabolism Gene Mutations andRepairMechanisms of CellGene Expression: Transcription andTranslationAmino Acids andProteins Deoxyribonucleic Acid Steps andPathway ofGluconeogenesisSteps and Pathway of Glycolysis DefinitionandFunction of EnzymesCholesterol Metabolism FatMobilization,β-Oxidation and KetoneBody Metabolism TriacylglycerideMetabolismMetabolism of AminoAcids The Chemistry of CarbohydratesFructoseTransport,Degradation and Biosynthesis Citric Acid CycleLipidMetabolism:Fatty Acid Metabolism Nucleotide Metabolism-PurinesandPyrimidines Hemoglobin and Movement of Oxygen.
Infection Prevention 2.0
Infection Prevention, LLC
**The most comprehensive guideline for infection preventiononGoogle Play store** *All data adapted with permission from theCDCGuidelines for Isolation Prevention* The main purpose oftheInfection Prevention app is to decrease the level of infectionsandcross contamination in all medical and non medicalenvironments.This app is a quick and easy reference guide for everyclinical andnon-clinical staff at hospitals, long-term carefacilities, skillednursing facilities, ambulatory care, home care,hospice, and allstaff of emergency medical services. This is agreat reference toolfor medical and nursing students, nurses,doctors, occupational,physical, respiratory and speech therapist.Features: • Simple andeasy to use interface. • Sections includecommon hospitalinfections to Human pathogens • Detailed explanationaboutisolation precaution types: standard, contact, droplet,andairborne • Illustration on how to wear and take offproperprotection equipment(s) • Current CDC's guidelines for Ebolaandhow to wear and remove proper protection equipment.Thisapplication incorporates guidelines from the 2007 "GuidelinesforIsolation Precautions: preventing transmission of infectiousagentsin healthcare settings" The materials in this application areusedwith permission from center of disease control (CDC).Additionalinformation was obtained from Todar's Online TextbookofBacteriology.
Simple Nursing 1.0
Simple nursing is an application for nursing studentsandprofessional
Anatomy & Physiology Textbook 2.1.1
Anatomy & Physiology Textbook by OpenStax plus MCQ,EssayQuestions & Key Terms
Stedman's Medical Dictionary 8.0.250
Stedman's Medical Dictionary with over 107,000 terms anddefinitions
Symptomate – Symptom checker 2.6.1
Check your symptoms and find out what could be causing them.
Vitamins and Minerals 4.8.1
Medical Group Soft
The Complete book of Nutrients, Supplements & Vitaminsforhealth