Top 6 Apps Similar to Vital Tones ShortTermMemoryPro

Vital Tones Chakras 1.2
Vital Tones Ltd
Vital Tones Chakras is a unique experiencetofeel and activate the body chakras.It is a great tool next to meditation or yoga.The seven chakras are the centers in our bodies in whichenergyflows through.Each of the seven main chakras contains bundles of nerves andmajororgans as well as our psychological, emotional, andspiritualstates of being. Since everything is moving, it’sessential thatour seven main chakras stay open, aligned, andfluid.Vital Tones Chakras Pro consists of 7 major chakras, each 10minuteslong.Vital Tones Chakras free trial version consists of only therootchakra.This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphoneswith Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Immune System 2.1
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Immune System is apowerfulbrainwave therapy for advancing and improving theimmunesystem.The immune system is a system of many biological structuresandprocesses within an organism that protects against disease.Tofunction properly, an immune system must detect a wide varietyofagents, known as pathogens, from viruses to parasitic worms,anddistinguish them from the organism's own healthy tissue.Vital Tones Immune System stimulates lymphatic system and theorgansof the immune system.• Session 1 stimulates :- the adenoids- the tonsils- the thymusSession 1 is 27 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates :- the spleen- the peyer's patches- the appendix- the linguinal lymph nodes- the popliteal lymph nodesSession 2 is 27 minutes long.• Session 3 stimulates :- the lymph nodes including, axillary,mediastinal, supraclavicular andcervical nodes.Session 3 is 30 minutes long.The free trial version stimulates only the adenoids and thetonsils.The free version is 14 minutes long.All sessions are crucial to have a complete treatment!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphoneswith Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Self-Awareness 1.5
Vital Tones Ltd
Vital Tones Awareness isagroundbreakingbrainwave therapy to enhance the ability toperceive,to feel, orto be conscious of events, objects, thoughts,emotions,or sensorypatterns.It will also intensify the capacity to exerciseintrospectionandthe willingness to learn more about the fundamentalnature,purposeand essence.Awareness is a personal experience, which is onlyaccessibletothe rest of world through interpretation.A recent meta-analysis has shown precuneus, angulargyri,anteriorcingulate gyri, and adjacent structures to behighlymetabolicallyactive in support of resting consciousness.Thehypothesis is, thatthese regions constitute a functionalnetworkof reflectiveself-awareness thought to be a core functionofconsciousness.Vital Tones Awareness consist of 2 different sessions.Both sessions are 22 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete enhancement!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited)to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fulltreatmentyou need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones orhighqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Homeostasis 1.7
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Homeostasis is a powerfulbrainwavesound therapy to improve and maintain the state of thebody’sphysiological, endocrine and biochemical parameters.The human body manages a multitude of highly complex interactionstomaintain balance or return systems to functioning within anormalrange. These interactions within the body facilitatecompensatorychanges supportive of physical and psychologicalfunctioning. Thisprocess is essential to the survival of theperson and to ourspecies. The liver, the kidneys, and the brain(hypothalamus, theautonomic nervous system and the endocrinesystem) help maintainhomeostasis.Aging is primarily caused by a progressive loss ofreceptorsensitivity of the hypothalamus (and related structures inthebrain) to negative feedback inhibition. While this lossofsensitivity is essential for normal growth and development, itisalso the cause of post-maturational diseases, aginganddeath.The hypothalamus is the body’s primary organ ofhomeostasis,responsible for maintaining the equilibrium of mostbiologicalprocesses within a fairly narrow range.Releasing factors (small protein-like molecules) secreted fromthehypothalamus initiate hormonal changes in the pituitary(formerlyconsidered “the master gland”). These secretions keepinternaltemperature, blood pressure, thirst, hunger, sexualappetites,chemical and water balances, menstrual cycles andnumerous otheractivities functioning normally.The hormones released from the hypothalamus, in turn, causethepituitary gland to release stimulating hormones. Thesestimulatinghormones cause the peripheral endocrine glands (thyroid,adrenals,ovaries and testes) to secrete “their” hormones(thyroxine,cortisone, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, toname afew).Recent research indicates that the hypothalamus is itselfinfluencedby another structure in the brain known as the pinealgland. Thepineal gland is responsible for the regular cyclicalfunctioning ofthe entire neuroendocrine system, most notably our24-hoursleep-wake cycle, as well as many otherchronobiologicalfunctions.Vital Tones Homeostasis consist of 3 different sessions.Session 1 and 3 is 24 minutes.Session 2 is 23 minutes.The free version is 15 minutes.All sessions are needed to have a complete treatment!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphoneswith Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Gehirntraining & geistige Fitn 1.5
Brain Walk takeaway: step by step mentally fit
Vital Tones Short-Term Memory 1.4
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Short-Term Memory(Workingmemory)is a groundbreaking brainwave therapy to improve andenhancetheshort-term and working memory.Short-term memory (or "primary" or "active memory")isthecapacity for holding a small amount of information in mindinanactive, readily available state for a short period oftime.Working memory is the system responsible for thetransientholdingand processing of new and already-storedinformation, and isanimportant process for reasoning,comprehension, learning andmemoryupdating.Working memory is generally used synonymouslywithshort-termmemory.Research identifies the hippocampal, prefrontalcortex,parietalcortex and parts of the basal ganglia as crucialforworkingmemory.Vital Tones Short-Term Memory consist of2differentsessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the prefrontal areasSession 1 is 26 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the basal ganglia- the thalamus- the posterior parietal cortex- the hippocampusSession 2 is 26 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete treatment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited)to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fulltreatmentyou need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones orhighqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.