Top 48 Games Similar to English 456 Aprender inglés pa

Matemáticas con Grin I 4,5,6 a
Educaplanet S.L.
First part of the counting method, the first numbers, addandsubtract easily
Aprender a leer 2 Grin y Uipi
Educaplanet S.L.
Learn to read 2 reverse syllables, locked and readingcomprehension.
Matemáticas con Grin II 678 mu
Educaplanet S.L.
2nd part of the method - from 6 to 8 years: fractions,multiply,calculation ...
Primeras palabras Grin y Uipi
Educaplanet S.L.
Learning to read by playing babies and children with the firstwordsin Spanish
Preschool Games For Kids 9.4
Queleas LLC
Distance Learning for kids in preschool and kindergarten
Spanish easy *
natsamar APP
New to Android! No ads and high resolution images. TOP10Educational iPad/iPhone apps in Spain, Mexico, Argentina andothercountries ¡¡ EXPERT OPINIONS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ".. Hasall theingredients needed to make it educational, as well as fun.Providesthat the child can play alone, without an adult with you tomakethe game fun or effective feature that is not very common inthistype of applications. It is undoubtedly one of the mostrecommendedapps in this category that are on the market. " "Theillustrationsare very attractive visually and the audio is veryexciting thanksto the use of children's voices." Read Full Reviewat:★ ★★ ★ ★ AppsMama "If your children are beginning to learn lettersandto read this is your application ..." "We would have found itveryuseful and an application with a very reasonable price for allthatit offers. Highly recommended. " Read Full Reviewat: Learn to read is an educational game forIpad.Allows, with spectacular results, learn letters andimprovereading, learning regardless of the state in which you are.It ischild's play, made for children, where they can easilynavigatethrough intuitive menus and striking high-definitionimages. Thefirst level is aimed at children who do not know thelyrics. Afterhearing a distinctive sound, the child must solve thepuzzle, whilelearning the letters of the alphabet by playing andhaving fun.After solving it, appears a pretty picture that shows ifyou gothit while trying to guess the sound. The second level isforchildren who already know the lyrics. It is the best complementforhow they form syllables and words and allows them toquicklyimprove their ability to read. These form the words thatcorrespondto the sound heard. You have to place them in the correctorderfrom left to right. If not, or if the letter is placed inaninappropriate place, sounds an error message and the letterisplaced below the rightful place really. If the letter ispositionedcorrectly know the name of the letter. Give your childtheopportunity to learn a multitude of sounds and scenes ofanimals,atmospheric elements, transport, etc..
Kinder Lingo - Free Kids English Learning App 1.4
Q360 Kids
English - Kinder Lingo makes learning English abreeze!NativeEnglish audio speaker to ensure that you get it right,atthestart. Easy, intuitive and fun learning app for kidsandadults.English - Kinder Lingo is all set to make learningEnglishfree andaccessible at the tap of a button. The lessons arejust therightsize and challenging enough to get the little ones tolearnthemeffectively and thoroughly. Quiz lesson reviews aftereachlessonhelp reinforce vocabulary implicitly. Learning Englishmadesimpleand fun. Build your super power vocabulary of the first150wordsthrough English - Kinder Lingo. Fun games for kids suchas:1)Balloon bursting 2) Bubble blowing 3) Memory game 4)Sortinggame.English - Kinder Lingo helps your child learnbasicvocabularyconcepts with interactive visual and auditorylessons onsome ofthe kids favorite categories: 1) Farm Animals(Cow, Sheep,Henetc.) 2) Wild Animals (Tiger, Lion, Monkey etc.) 3)SeaCreatures(Shark, Whale, Jellyfish etc.) 4) Transportation(FireTruck,Ambulance, Helicopter etc.) 5) Clothes (Dress, Shirt,Pantetc.) 6)Shapes (Square, Circle, Diamond etc.) 7) Colors(White,Red, Pinketc.) 8) Fruits (Strawberry, Cherry, Apple etc.)9)Vegetables(Potato, Tomato, Carrot etc.) Delightful animalandvehicle soundsto make the app more engaging for the kids arealsoincluded.NOTICE TO PARENTS English - Kinder Lingo is kidfriendlyand doesNOT contain any links, tracking or sharingfunctions.PrivacyPolicy Link :
Dinolingo Old 2.2.1
Dino Lingo
French, German, Chinese, Portuguese and many other languages
Spanish Learning For Kids 6.3.3688
Marlu Studio
Teach your kids the language in a fun and engaging way.
Aprender a Leer - Silabario 1.3
Aprender a leer gratis. Este juego educativo utiliza lafonéticaparaenseñar a leer al mismo tiempo que el niño se divierte(apartir de 4años). A través de niveles progresivos yestructurados,descubre lossonidos, las sílabas y los ensambla.¡Una gran ventajapara su niño!Características: ** Gratis: Todoslos niveles songratis. ** Eficaz:Muchos niños han aprendido a leeren españolgracias a este métodopedagógico. ** Riguroso:Pedagogíaestrictamente analítica(silábica), diseñado porprofesoresexperimentados. ** Completo:Aproximadamente cien nivelescon unanueva sílaba por nivel. **Comprobable: Los adultos puedenanalizarel progreso del niñoutilizando los marcadores. **Motivador:Pruebas y colores estimulanal niño y destacan suprogreso. **Satisfactorio: Cada niño avanza asu propio ritmo y congusto. **Progresivo: vocales simples primero,luego la primerasílaba de lapalabra, 2 sílabas y por último 4sílabas por palabra.** Gradual:Cada nivel está basado en elconocimiento de losnivelesanteriores. ** Móvil: En la casa, en elauto o en el tren,laconexión a Internet no es necesaria. **Cuidadosamentediseñado:Alrededor de 300 bellas imágenes ilustranlas palabras.Aprendeleer - Aprende a leer
English for Kids 1.25
English for Kids is simply the best way to introduce English toyourkid.
Studycat: Kids Learn Spanish 26.10.8
Studycat Limited
Spanish learning app: educational language games for preschool&young children
Pupitre 1.1.6
Pupitre es la aplicación de Santillana paraquetus hijos aprendan mientras se divierten.En la Librería de Pupitre encontrarás una serie decuadernos,basados en el concepto “ficha”, dirigidos a:-Niños entre 3 y 5 años, cuyos contenidos fomentan eldesarrollode habilidades y destrezas básicas, a la vez querefuerzan losconceptos trabajados en Educación Infantil (la granja,los oficios,la familia, los animales domésticos…).-Niños entre 6 y 11 años, cuyos contenidos repasan yconsolidanlos objetivos que se persiguen en el primer ciclo deEducaciónPrimaria en las áreas de Matemáticas, Lengua, Ciencias,Inglés yArtística.¡Y esto no es todo! En Pupitre tus hijos encontrarán unexclusivosimulador de texturas con el que podrán dibujar ypotenciar sucapacidad artística, representando un mundo lleno defantasía,imaginación y creatividad.Un sistema de recompensas acorde a sus edades, cierraestainnovadora aplicación favoreciendo en tus hijos la curiosidad yelinterés por seguir aprendiendo.Desk Santillanaisapplying for your children to learn while having fun.In the Library Desk you'll find a series of books based ontheconcept "tab", aimed at:-Children Between 3 and 5 years, whose contents promotethedevelopment of basic skills and, while reinforcing theconceptsworked in kindergarten (the farm, crafts, family, pets...)skills.-Children Between 6 and 11 years, whose review andconsolidatethe objectives pursued in the first cycle of primaryeducation inthe areas of mathematics, language, science, Englishand Art.And this is not all! In Pupitre your children will findanexclusive textures simulator with which they can draw andenhanceartistic ability, representing a world of fantasy,imagination andcreativity.A reward system according to their ages, thisinnovativeapplication closes favoring your children's curiosity andinterestin further learning.
Yo también leo Aprender a leer 3.5.3
App to teach reading with the global reading method.
English Learning For Kids 6.3.3688
Marlu Studio
Teach Your Kids English in a fun and engaging way.
Tarjetas educativas en español 2.02
La gama completa de las tarjetas deenseñanzapara niños pequeños ofrece muchas horas de diversión. Lostérminosfueron cuidadosamente seleccionados bajo la supervisión demaestrosde escuelas primarias. Las imágenes son bellas fotos y todoestágrabado con una voz femenina agradable. La aplicacion es idealparaenseñar los niños aprender bien nuevas palabras tanto aloshispanohablantes como a los niños que apenas están empezandoconespañol. La aplicación contiene 4 modos:1) EXPLORA – mostrando las palabras con imagenes2) PRACTICA – practica de las palabras3) HABLA – muestra la imagen y graba tu pronunciación4) MEMORAMA – juego con los imagenesCATEGORÍAS:1) Colores2) Animales silvestres3) Instrumentos musicales4) Mascotas5) Frutas6) Animales del bosque7) Números del 0-108) Actividades9) Deportes / Juegos y atletas10) Escuela11) Números del 11-2012) Números 10, 100, 100013) Verduras14) Ocupaciones15) Vehículos16) Hospital17) Zapatos18) Herramientas y equipo de jardinería19) Personas y sus vestimentas20) Esquí21) Frutas 222) Verduras 223) Flores24) Animales en la República Checa [Europa]25) Plantas (flores silvestres)26) Árboles con flores (flores)27) Árboles sin flores (hojas)28) Coches29) MarLas primeras seis lecciones son totalmente gratis.The full range ofteachingcards for young children offers many hours of fun. Theterms werecarefully selected under the supervision of elementaryschoolteachers. The images are beautiful photos and everything isrecordedwith a pleasant female voice. The application is ideal forteachingchildren new words learn well both speaking and childrenwho arejust beginning with Spanish. The application contains 4modes: 1) EXPLORE - showing the words with images2) PRACTICE - practice words3) SPEAK - displays the image and record your pronunciation4) Memorama - game with imagesCATEGORIES:1) Colors2) Pets wild3) Musical Instruments4) Pets5) Fruits6) Forest Animals7) Numbers 0-108) Activities9) Sports / Games and athletes10) School11) Numbers 11-2012) Numbers 10, 100, 100013) Vegetables14) Occupations15) Vehicles16) Hospital17) Shoes18) Tools and garden equipment19) People and their clothes20) Ski21) Fruits 222) Vegetables 223) Flowers24) Animals in the Czech Republic [Europe]25) Plants (wild flowers)26) trees with flowers (flowers)27) trees without flowers (leaves)28) Cars29) Sea  The first six lessons are free.
ReadUp: Ayuda a leer mejor 1.85
Pupgam Studios
Improving reading and reading comprehension is fun with theGlifingmethod
Learn to read Spanish
Educaplanet S.L.
Learn to read Spanish and write the alphabet.
IntellectoKids English 4 Kids 1.8.11
IntellectoKids Ltd
Learn English Words Vocabulary
ABC Dinos Full Version 23.08.004
Learn and write the alphabet letters! For preschoolers and kidsof1st Grade
Learning Games for Kids 1.47
Queleas LLC
Preschool and Kindergarten Friendly Games for Kids- ReadingActivity
Kids Preschool Numbers & Math
Learning Number games for kids in NurseryandMontessori. Teach your preschool kids about Numbers, NumberLine,Counting, Addition, Subtraction, Sorting and Matching.Learningnumbers can be fun and make math easy for kids.Features:• Covers math topics in categories such as sorting, additionandsubtraction.• Twelve colorful & engaging math educational games designedtoprovide basic number concepts.• Core activities for foundation stage of primary schoolkids.• A common playground for randomly playing all the games.• Easy and intuitive instructions for the kids.• Reward at the end of each game.Description:An app designed especially for kids (2-5 age group) to laythegroundwork for learning basic math skills without losinginterest.12 high quality math activities at a single place, withenticingrewards, keeps your kid amused for hours. Educational basedgamesare perfect for kids to inculcate inquisitiveness for math intheirearly childhood.Different sections such as counting, before/after,ascending/descending, addition and subtraction etc. touch on theelementarymath. The activities encourage kids to learn at their ownpace. Nowinning and no losing keep the kid enchanted with theexperience ofthe game. Rewards and appreciation earned at the endof eachactivity boost the kid’s morale. Adorable stickers can becollectedin a box after scoring enough points.** List of math games in the app:1. Hanging Fruits2. Number Fun3. Shoot the Ball4. Scratching Fun5. Bubbly Numbers6. Hopping Frog7. Puzzle Mania8. Dots to Dots9. Same to Same10. Fish Crunch11. Before and After12. Sort it out
Intellecto Kids Learning Games 4.38.0
IntellectoKids Ltd
Numbers, ABCs, Puzzles, Phonics for Toddlers
Preschool and Kindergarten SE 8.0
RosiMosi LLC
30 educational games for Preschool and Kindergarten!
Learn Italian Vocabulary - Kids 3.0.1
Enes Aydın
Welcome to "Chick - Learn Italian", a learning app for kids,beginners and starters from 2 to 8 years of age, through whichtheywill learn italian in a fun, playful way. Download the appandenjoy its content! Topics ★ Alphabet ★ Numbers ★ Colors ★Animals ★Fruits ★ Foods ★ School ★ Home ★ Jobs ★ Shapes ★ Body ★Vehicles ★Weather ★ Verbs ★ Tools ★ Countries Games ★ Listen soundand choosepicture ★ Look picture and choose right text ★ Find samepicture ★Using memory ★ Look picture and write Contact ★ Make acommentabout our application. ★ If you have any problems, pleaseemail us.
Academons - Elementary lessons 2.8.40
Cerebriti Technologies
Fun Learning App for kids 6 to 12. Math, ELA, Science,SocialStudies, Spanish..
IntellectoKids Stories & Songs 1.2.14
IntellectoKids Ltd
IntellectoKids Educational Stories help calm down andprepareyourchild for sleep, while teaching important moral aspectssuchasfriendship, kindness, social rules; instilling loveforreadingetc. Our fairy tales are based on familiarcharactersfromIntellectoKids Preschool Academy educational games.All storiesareinteractive, meaning that your child can choosedifferentscenariosin the course of the story. Subscriptions may bemanaged&auto-renewal may be turned off by going to your GooglePlayAccountSettings after purchase. TermsofUse:
Spanish With Amy for Kids 2021.10.16.4
For children from 2 years - 7 years. Learn Spanish words withfungames!
Educational Games. Baby Numbers 2.7
Baby numbers & Math contains 12 educational games tolearnnumbers and easy mathematical operations. With this gamechildrenwill learn to add and subtract in a fun way with ouranimalfriends. It is aimed at primary school children up to 8 yearsofage. Solving mathematical problems is much more entertainingwhenplaying. Your children will enjoy Baby Numbers & Math andtheirexercises to become familiar with the numbers and solve thefirstmath operations. Learning maths was never so fun! 12EDUCATIONALGAMES FOR LEARNING MATHEMATICS In this collection ofgames you willfind fun games to play with numbers, addition andsubtraction.Children will learn to: - Trace the numbers with theirfingers -Connect the dots and discover the resulting figure - Playandcomplete the domino - Count and recognize numbers from 1 to 15-Sort sequences of numbers from lowest to highest - Make funpuzzleswith numbers - Coloring scenes following the pattern ofnumbers andcolors - Complete simple addition and subtractionequations -Associate mathematical operations with their resultINTELLECTUALDEVELOPMENT AND REASONING Mathematics is an essentialpart ofchildren's learning as it helps them develop reasoningandproblem-solving skills. Mathematical reasoning is linked tomentalagility and the development of intelligence. In addition,thesegames will help develop children's intellectual skills andimprovetheir concentration. EDUJOY EDUCATIONAL GAMES This app ispart ofan educational games collection created by Edujoy in orderto helpkids to develop new intellectual and motor skills fromelements oftheir environment. All our games are created byprofessionaleducators and psychologists in order to providepedagogicalcontent, necessary for the intellectual development ofbabies andchildren. We love creating educational and fun games foryou. Ifyou have any suggestions or questions, feel free to sendusfeedback or leave a comment.
Unuhi: Bilingual Books for Chi 2.1.14
Kids’ stories & flashcards in two languages of your choice.Tryour free eBook!
ABCKids: Games for Toddlers 4
Learn letters, phonics, numbers, shapes, colors and more in afunway!
GALEXIA Reading Fluency 3.0.4
Pambú! Dev
Dyslexia in children and adults finally has a solution. Free appforeducation.
Special Stories 2.0.1
Special iApps C.I.C.
Award-winning app to create books and social stories for SEN&Early Years
Language Therapy for Children 9.4.5
ImagiRation LLC
Early intervention language therapy for children with languagedelayand autism
Kids ABC and Counting Puzzles 1.9.3
Espace Publishing
Learn the alphabet numeracy shapes numbers for toddler andpreschool children
Letter Puzzle: Learn To Read 2.0.3
Regentropfen Media
reading learning 1st grade English free for kids writinggamepre-school fun
Yo también leo | Método Global 3.1.19
Esta aplicación es igual a LOS 3 NIVELES QUE PUEDES COMPRAR DESDELAVERSIÓN GRATUITA. En unas semanas eliminaremos esta aplicaciónde latienda. Si ya la compraste ponte en contacto con nosotroseninfo@yotambié y te explicaremos como actualizarla.“Yotambién leo” es la aplicación para que niños y niñas consíndromede Down, autismo u otros tipos de discapacidad intelectualaprendana leer. La aplicación “Yo también leo” Está especialmentediseñadapara adaptarse a las necesidades de los niños y niñascondiscapacidad intelectual con el fin de potenciar suscapacidades.MÉTODO La aplicación está basada en el método delectura global. Elmétodo global de lectura se basa en la percepciónglobal de lapalabra acompañada de una imagen que muestra susignificado. Partede las unidades mayores, frases y palabrascompletas asociadas a unconcepto visual y continúa con ladecodificación de estas unidadesmayores en unidades más pequeñascomo la sílabas y finalmente lasletras. Este método es el más“natural” según los expertos, poreste motivo es ideal para losniños y niñas más pequeños, menoresde 6 años. Los niños y niñas consíndrome de Down, autismo u otrostipos de discapacidad intelectualno entienden los conceptosabstractos, como las letras i/o lassílabas. Por este motivo y porsu desarrollada memoria visual, elmétodo de lectura global esperfecto para ellos. La aplicación se hadesarrollada bajo lasupervisión pedagógica de Fundación Talita,especialistas en laenseñanza de la lectoescritura a niños y niñascon síndrome deDown. En Fundación Talita aplican el método delectura global demanera exitosa desde hace años. VENTAJAS Con laaplicación delectura “Yo también leo”, los niños y niñas condiscapacidadintelectual aprenden a leer de una manera más fácil eintuitiva.“Yo también leo”: Fomenta su autonomía Aumenta sumotivaciónPotencia sus capacidades Mejora el lenguaje "Yo tambiénleo"facilita el aprendizaje intuitivo a través deljuego.CARACTERÍSTICAS “Yo también leo” está diseñada para serutilizadaen una tablet o dispositivo de 7 pulgadas o superior. Todoeldiseño de interfaces se ha realizado pensando en lasnecesidadesespeciales de los pequeños con discapacidad intelectual.En laaplicación YO TAMBIÉN LEO encontrarás: 70 palabras (nombres,verbosy adjetivos) 3 imágenes distintas para cada palabra(fotografías ydibujos) 3 niveles de dificultad 3 categorías deactividades encada nivel: Juegos de parejas Bit de memoria Puzzles3 juegos derecompensa Ayuda visual para facilitar la dinámica delasactividades (con opción de ser desactivada) Refuerzo positivoentodas las actividades (con opción de ser desactivado) 3 tiposdeletra a elegir (Mayúsculas, imprenta y ligada) Opción de repetirelmismo ejercicio hasta 6 veces si el niño o niña lo deseaDisponibleen español y catalán Duración del juego ilimitado. Laspalabras seintroducen paulatinamente siguiendo pautas pedagógicasdeaprendizaje. En las distintas actividades, una vezimplementadastodas las palabras, las pantallas se suceden de manerainfinita contodas las palabras e imágenes para que el niño o niñapueda seguirpracticando. Los juegos de recompensa se ofrecen alfinal de cadaserie de actividades. **Esta aplicación está validadaporprofesionales y entidades especializadas en el soporte educativodeniñas y niños con síndrome de Down, autismo y otros tiposdediscapacidad intelectual** Para más información consultanuestrapágina web: *La aplicación tiene un cuadroderegistro voluntario en el que pide nombre y correo electrónico.
Learn German Vocabulary - Kids 1.3.2
Enes Aydın
learning for kids,beginners and starters with pictures,soundsandplaying games
123 Dots: Learn to count 23.09.001
Preschool learning games for toddlers. Learn basic skills for 2 -6years old
Flashcards for Kids in Spanish 1.0
The application has 500 sound flashcardsinSpanish language with bright images which are divided intotopics.Flashcards are an easy and interesting way for yourchildrecognize the world around them. Approved worldwide bychildpsychologists, teachers and parents themselves, flashcardsareideal for very young children and those up to 7 years ofage!Flashcards for DevelopmentDuring a child’s formative years, developmental cards arealmosta necessity, and not just for entertainment. Flashcards aregreatfor games and just starting conversations with your child.Plusthey’re great fun!It’s long been known that the key to developing achild’sintellectual abilities is their personal perception andexperiencesduring the first five years of life. By showing yourchild thesecards, you’ll:• Stimulate brain activity• Better develop your child’s logical thinking• Improve their memory and attention span• Develop reading skills faster than their peersIt’s easy to teach your child with these cards andregularstudies are essential.A Proven ApproachStart playing with your child by showing them flashcardsthreetimes a day. Do one or two sections at a time and for just2-3seconds for each card. Play close attention to your child’slevelof engagement – when they become disinterested, stop thegame.As time progresses you should be able to increase the lengthofeach period you use the cards, but again pay attention toyourchild’s level of interest as these cards work best when yourchildis fully engaged.Cards are useful for the following:• Overall cerebral development• Memory development• Logical thinking skills• Early development of reading skills• Attention span development• Child’s general mental and social developmentWhat’s more, you get a massive collection comprising 500cards,divided into the following topics:- Pets- Wild animals- Sea world- Spanish alphabet- English alphabet- Numbers 1-20- Colors- Professions- Transportand others.Start your child down the path to fun and successfullearningright now!If you have any remarks regarding the application, orsuggestionsfor its improvement, please feel free to contact us
EASY Peasy - English for Kids 3.6.2
wonderkind GmbH
Learn English - Grammar & Vocabs - Oxford English LearningAppfor Kids.
Learn English Vocabulary - Kid 2.4.3
Enes Aydın
Learning for kids,beginners and starters with pictures,soundsandplaying games
Learn English by playing 1.1.0
Forvo Media
Let your child enjoy learning English through games
Kindergarten Learning Games 2.5
Kindergarten learning games , Pre k preschool games for kids&pre-k games
ABC for Kids – Learn Alphabet 1.09
Educational game specially designed for introducing the alphabettoyour preschool child. Fun-filled, ad-free and perfect for kidsages2 to 5 years. Join your little ones while they learn thealphabetor let them discover by themselves a world of toys andcolorfulcharacters that will guide them through their first notionsof theABCs. Simple, although very entertaining, this game is idealforintroducing that magical world of the alphabet to ourchildren.Just by touching the screen, your child will be able tointeractwith lovely games that will allow them to learn thealphabet in asimple, fun way. This ad-free game is ideal forchildren to exploreby themselves and have fun without needing helpfrom an adult. ★BENEFITS - Tracing activities of uppercase andlowercase letters. -Fun games and activities to learn the alphabet.- Available in morethan 8 languages, including English (US) andEnglish (UK). -Includes 5 letters and their games free of charge.One singlepurchase within the app unlocks the rest of the content.- Lovelygraphics and a warm voice accompany the experience.Download it nowfor free and enjoy watching your child learning andhaving fun atthe same time! If you have any idea on how to make ABCToyland evenmore amusing and educational, please contact us! E-mail: Follow us inFacebook:
ABC Preschool Sight Words 1.4.1
Espace Publishing
Helps toddlers and preschool children to learn theEnglishalphabetand over 100 easy words in a fun and interactivepuzzlethemedenvironment. Kids will learn the name of each letter aswellthephonetic sound that it makes then interactively playwithobjectsthat start with that letter. Now with bonus memorybuildingandmath flashcard games. From the award winningdeveloperofchildren`s fun and educational early learning software.Thereare130 English words to learn and each word is pronounced byanativespeaker. Each word is presented as a cute cartoonstylepicturethat needs to be placed in the matching shaped hole ontheboard toreveal its sound. This App helps very young childrentodeveloptheir hand eye coordination, shape recognition andpuzzlesolvingskills in a fun and interactive environment. It`s auniqueearlylearning game with realistic sounds and highresolutionqualitycartoon style pictures which toddlers,preschoolers,andkindergarten age children will enjoy. ABC PreschoolSightWordPuzzle Shapes is different to other early learningeducationalappsbecause it has: • high quality cartoon style imagesthat lookgreaton modern High Definition (HD) and retina displays ofbothtabletsand smart phones • authentic and funny sound effectsforevery wordbeing learnt • written name and clear pronunciationofeach wordfrom a native English speaker • intuitive drag anddropinterfacethat`s easy for little fingers to master • covers allthelettersin the English alphabet from A to Z, their phoneticsoundand 130example words for practise • increasing difficulty asyourchildprogresses from simple dragging of a shape in the easyleveltomulti-shape drag and drop in the hard level • no advertising•agreat introduction to the English alphabet and simpleEnglishwordsfor non-English speakers. • bonus find the pairsmemorybuilder andmaths games that teach addition and subtractionofnumbers from 1to 20. The buttons and controls can be configuredtosupport any ofthe following languages: English, German,French,Chinese,Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic,Russian,Italian,Persian, Turkish, Polish, Indonesian,Vietnamese,Romanian,Swedish, Thai, Norwegian, Malay, Greek,Finnish, Dutch andDanish.(Note: Word and letter pronunciation isonly available inEnglish)ABC Preschool Sight Word Puzzle Shapescomes with aselection offree letters that can be easily upgradedthrough asingle low costin-app purchase to enable all letterpuzzles. Byupgrading from thefree app to the full version you’llalso beentitled to alladditional words and features added infuturereleases. Puzzlegames have traditionally been a fun andearlyeducation learningtool for tots, toddlers,preschoolers,kindergarten, and earlyschool age children and are astimulatinggame for girls and anexciting game for boys. • 2 yearold and 3year old children canpractice their hand eye coordinationand shapematching skills asthey progress through the letters oneach levelas well asexploring the word sounds • 4 year old and 5year oldkids canlearn to read, write and pronounce the word namesoncompletion ofevery puzzle (NB: English language only) We hopeyouand yourchildren enjoy playing what we believe is one ofbestearlyeducation games for toddlers and preschoolers. Pleasealsocheckout our other puzzle games and acclaimed kids educationalappsat or follow us on Facebook forthescoopon new app releases and freegiveawaysat
LearnEnglish Kids: Playtime
British Council
English songs, stories and games
Educational Kids Games Learning Math Reading Books
Edu Play Book B.V.
Learn about language and math with free educational games and100+books!