Top 12 Apps Similar to DT4A ADI Part 1 Theory Test 20

AA Theory Test - Free Edition 1.2
Abel Learning
Become a safer driver and prepare for your theory test usingyourAndroid device!The Theory Test application by the AA enables you to prepareforyour theory test by allowing you to practice the officialDrivingStandards Agency (DSA) questions and even take a test whichisdesigned to be just like the real test situation!This app is a taster for the full version for both cardrivingand motorcycle tests – yet still allows you access up to 70of theofficial DSA questions!Features include –Easy to use interface with your progress displayed and testtimeleft. If you stop the test you can continue where you leftoff...or start a new test.Question bank - of 70 of the latest official DSA questions fromtheofficial test!Practice questions – Choose in increments of 10 the amountofquestions you’d like to practice on, so if you’re in a hurryyoucan always do a few at a time before being ready to trytestmode!An explanation of the answer is shown if you get theanswerwrong.Scoring – At the end of each test you are given apercentagescore and will know if it’s enough for you to pass orfail.Test Mode – Designed to mimic the actual test conditions –50questions in 50 minutes! Timed so you know how long it’s takentocomplete and scored so you know what your pass rate is!Your best and worst category is displayed at the end of thetestso you know where to concentrate your revision learningon.Large Images – Making them easier to see on the Android screen!Settings – You can change whether you select 'next' or movetonext question automatically.- You can also change if you are alerted to the correct answer.At the end of all tests you can view all the questions youtook,see which you got right and which you got wrong, and seeanexplanation for the correct answer.It’s the very best way to prepare for your theory test! -asrecommended by 97% of Driving Instructors!*In the full versionWe don't just give you a sample of questions we give youtheoption to see ALL of the 900+ questions, by category. That wayyouwill get to see the questions that you will get on youractualtest! Now that may sound like cheating but we want you to besafestdriver you can be and learn as much as you can about drivingsafelyand the Highway Code. So you can revise all questions – theentireofficial question bank of over 970 questions presented to youbycategory no surprise questions!* Please see our website for details ( copyright material reproduced under licence fromtheDriving Standards Agency which does not accept anyresponsibilityfor the accuracy of the reproduction. Content isvalid for theorytests after September 2008
Simulado ITIL v3 Free 0.0.2
Moacir Jacomin Filho
Teste seus conhecimentos ou o andamento deseusestudos para a certificação ITIL v3 Foundation. Conte com umabasede dados de demonstração com 40 questões. É possível fazer4simulações nessa versão gratuita.TabletsO aplicativo foi projetado para celulares. Em outrosdispositivospode não ter um bom aproveitamento de tela.Acesso a InternetO acesso a base de dados de questões requer acesso a internet.Mas e quando for utilizado todas as questões?Na versão gratuita o uso do aplicativo se encerra após o uso das40questões. Na versão completa: é possível reiniciar o históricodesimulados e um mecanismo randômico de montagem de simuladoscriaráuma nova ordem de questões. A base de dados de questões temumlimite, mas isso não limita a quantidade de simulações.Funcionalidades da versão completa:- Mecanismo contra repetição: não repete questões já utilizadasemoutras simulações.- Marcação de tempo: o tempo gasto será contabilizado e exibidoaofinal de cada simulação.- Diferentes tamanho: faça simulado de acordo com o seu tempo,10,30 ou 50 questões.- Métricas de acompanhamento: indicadores como % de acerto etempogasto por questão.- Correção detalhada: ao final de cada simulado é possível veraresposta dada e a resposta correta.- Lista de resultados: acesse as questões de simulados jáfeitospara verificar os erros cometidos- Materiais: tenha acesso a conteúdos em artigos ou videosparacomplementar seus estudos.Test your knowledge ortheprogress of their studies to the ITIL v3 Foundationcertification.Count on a demo database with 40 questions. You cando foursimulations in this free version.Tablets It is designed for mobile phones. In other devices cannothave a good screen use.Access to Internet Access to issues of database requires internet access.But what when using all the issues? In the free version using the application closes after theuseof 40 questions. In the full version: you can restart thesimulatedhistorical and simulated assembly random scheme willcreate a neworder of questions. The questions database has alimit, but thisdoes not limit the number of simulations.Features of the full version: - Mechanism against repeat: no repeat questions alreadyusedin other simulations. - Marking time: the time spent will be recorded anddisplayedat the end of each simulation. - Different size: simulated make according to your time,10,30 or 50 questions. - Monitoring metrics: indicators as% accuracy and timespentper question. - Detailed Correction: the end of each simulation you canseethe response and the correct answer. - Results list: access the simulated issues already donetocheck the errors - Materials: have access to content in articles or videostocomplement their studies.
Testing Interview Questions 1.1.03
450+ Testing/QA Interview questions
Math Solver - Beta
James Veug
===============What is Math Solver?===============Math Solver is a free application designed to help peopleunderstandhow to solve both algebraic and regular equations, in away that astandard calculator cannot.This is done by displaying the step-by-step process of solvingagiven equation, and includes a small description of thestepsrequired to get to the end point.For example:"2x+5=20""1/3+2"The steps given from the program will help you learntheprocesses for solving these types of equations, it is notintendedto facilitate cheating in assignments. There is no way topreventcheating on assignments with this application. However,studentswho use it for cheating will not understand the processesof thisdiscipline, which will hinder them in more advancedmaths.Cheating = No learning!No learning = No knowledge!No knowledge = No passing!===============Why?===============As a student at university with a major in Computer Science, Iamrequired to learn mathematics in order to understand howcertainparts of algorithms work.Why some algorithms are fast, while others are slow? What steps doIneed to take in order to make it easier to create featuresforprogram? Without maths, it's very difficult to do this.It occurred to me that the best way that I learn personallyisthrough trial and error. An example of this situation would be ifIwas asked to solve the equation "2x=20". Normally, I willattemptthis on paper several times before getting it right, but inthecourse of doing so I will try several different techniques; manyofwhich will are incorrect. This causes substantial confusion,andisn’t a very efficient way to learn. In the process of solvingthisproblem, several questions arise:What is the desired outcome of "2x=20"?Why is the 'x' there, and what does it mean?Why is there an equals sign in "5x=9"?Why can't I solve for x in "2x+y=21"?One of my solutions to these questions was to look for aprogramthat allows me to see the required steps in order to solveanequation. There are plenty of applications out there, buttheygenerally require payment and either don't work as required,orcost too much for a student.Therefore, I decided to create a program that focuses on oneaspectof learning mathematics.===============How?===============Following the same principles of mathematics, I created analgorithmthat runs a process to solve an equation, in a way mostreasonablehumans would solve it.Why an algorithm?We can use a regular calculator to solve any equation given tousthat does not contain a variable, such as:5+2x4+25/5-5The calculator solves the equation and tells us the finalansweralmost instantaneously:5+2x4+25/5-5 = 13Oh cool! This makes it so much easier to get a result, so Icanwrite down my answer.But... there's one thing missing. Why is the final answer 13?If we added in brackets to show how we solved this equation onpaper((((5+2)x4)+25)/5)-5), shouldn’t that evaluate to 5.6?This application is aimed at people who are learningmathematicalequations, or who simply forget how to BEDMAS onoccasion. It willboth solve the problem, and write a descriptionfor each step takenin order to get the final result. After thisproject has beencompleted, I hope this will benefit others in thesame way that ithas benefited me.Each of the descriptions for understanding the equation is basedonmy own subjective experiences of the evaluation process, but Iplanto do further user testing based on the feedback fromotherusers.-Special thanks to these amazing people!Emily Clemens, Dylan Macdonald, Elf Eldridge, Dillon Mayhews,StevenArcher
Simulado CEA (ANBIMA) Free 0.0.1
Moacir Jacomin Filho
Teste seus conhecimentos ou o andamento deseusestudos para a certificação CEA da ANBIMA. Conte com uma basededados de demonstração com 40 questões. É possível fazer 4simulaçõesnessa versão gratuita.TabletsO aplicativo foi projetado para celulares. Em outrosdispositivospode não ter um bom aproveitamento de tela.Acesso a InternetO acesso a base de dados de questões requer acesso a internet.Mas e quando for utilizado todas as questões?Na versão gratuita o uso do aplicativo se encerra após o uso das40questões. Na versão completa: é possível reiniciar o históricodesimulados e um mecanismo randômico de montagem de simuladoscriaráuma nova ordem de questões. A base de dados de questões temumlimite, mas isso não limita a quantidade de simulações.Funcionalidades da versão completa:- Mecanismo contra repetição: não repete questões já utilizadasemoutras simulações.- Marcação de tempo: o tempo gasto será contabilizado e exibidoaofinal de cada simulação.- Diferentes tamanho: faça simulado de acordo com o seu tempo,10,30 ou 50 questões.- Métricas de acompanhamento: indicadores como % de acerto etempogasto por questão.- Correção detalhada: ao final de cada simulado é possível veraresposta dada e a resposta correta.- Lista de resultados: acesse as questões de simulados jáfeitospara verificar os erros cometidos- Materiais: tenha acesso a conteúdos em artigos ou videosparacomplementar seus estudos.Test your knowledge ortheprogress of their studies to the CEA ANBIMA certification.Count ona demo database with 40 questions. You can do foursimulations inthis free version.Tablets The application is designed for mobile phones. Inotherdevices can not have a good screen use.Internet access Access to issues of database requires access to internet.But what when using all the issues? In the free version using the application closes after useofthe 40 questions. In the full version: you can restartthesimulated historical and simulated assembly random schemewillcreate a new order of questions. The questions database hasalimit, but this does not limit the number of simulations.Features of the full version: - Mechanism against repeat: no repeat questions alreadyusedin other simulations. - Marking time: the time spent will be recorded anddisplayedat the end of each simulation. - Different size: Simulated do according to your time, 10,30or 50 questions. - Tracking Metrics: indicators such as% accuracy andtimespent per question. - Detailed Correction: the end of each simulation you canseethe answer given and the correct answer. - Results list: access the simulated issues already donetocheck the mistakes - Materials: have access to content in articles or videostosupplement their studies.
Aptitude Interview Questions 1.1.02
400+ questions that prepare you for any type of Aptitudeinterviewand Test.
Super Awesome
Math Practice Test for GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, SAT, ACT,Engineering,High School
Learn Multiplication Tables 20.0.0
e-Learning Technology
Learn Multiplication Tables / Math Tables-FreeLearn Multiplication Tables is a simple and interactive apptolearn tables (Math Tables) from 2 to 30. Child can selectanynumber to start with. Then child need to tap the "Tap" buttontoshow the right answer. This allow child to think about thecorrectnumber and then tap to see the correct number.Learn Multiplication Tables also has a quiz game. For everytableit asks ten questions. Child has to select one option out ofthreeoptions. The numbers are generated randomly.Learn Multiplication Tables also has a dodging table game.Forrandom generated table it asks ten questions. Child has toselectone option out of three options. The numbers aregeneratedrandomly.Table's Champ: A game that allow kids to arrange tablebydragging scattered numbers at correct place. This game helpkidshand eye coordination, and help them in becoming table'schamp.Test your Skill: Recently added new feature that can help kidstotest there table skills.=========================================******************************FAQ***********************=========================================Why you designed Learn Multiplication Tables?-I designed this app for my son. For him tables were such aborething. I just wanted to make an interactive app, that canmaketables more interesting.Who should use this app?-This app can be used by the kids in the age group 6 - 15 yrs.Does Learn Multiplication Tables guarantee to make mychildexpert in tables?- This app does not make magic. It does not guarantee to makechildexpert, but it definitely can improve child's interest inlearningtables. Using this app everyday will help child in learningtablesquickly.Can we expect more updates of Learn Multiplication Tables?- Yes, This is just an initial version of LearnMultiplicationTables. Please do provide you feedback or email meyou suggestions.I will surely try to implement all thesuggestion.===========================================================================In case you face any issue or you have any query please sendemailto
Simulado CPA 10-20 gratuito 0.2.1
Moacir Jacomin Filho
Pass the test with this simulated (free version with limitations).
Gujarati 11th Maths Semester 1 1.3
Sparrow Education
Mathematics is most difficult subject for most ofthehighersecondary students. We make math exiting andentertainingforStudent. "Maths Quiz" has an modern way to learnthemaths.Thisunique application for Mathematics contains hundredsofcarefullyselected questions. Now Students will never miss amathmoment.Test is totally based on MCQ pattern. This App isdesignedforThose Student who is preparing for 11th science. Thereare8Chapter according Text Book: This free math quizapp(Gujaratilanguage only) aimed at high school (can also be usedatfirst semin 11th Science) is a fun way to practice your mathskillsandcheck how much you know. It's made as quiz with fivetofifteendifferent questions where you can try your skills. Howdoesthe"Math Quiz"app work: • Download and Install the QuizApplicationonyour Android Mobile. • First select the chapter fromlist. •Eachtest consists of five to fifteen questions. • EachQuestionshasfour options to choose correct answer from. Correctanswercarries+1 points. • At the end of each test score willbedisplayedFeature of "Math Quiz": - > Quiz is based onMCQPatten. - >Quiz contanin Questions acording to the SyllabusofGSEB. - >Best application for those student who study in std11& 12 -> for Identification differant color are use Like•Green colormeans your answer is Right • Red color means youransweris Wrong •Yellow color suggest Right answer - > Alsoshowcurrant ScoreWhen answer is Right. - > Gujrati language isusedfor goodPractice.
Try IT(トライイット) 3.5.3
Trygroup Inc.
TryIT, a high-quality video lesson that costs forever ¥0
Тесты ПМГМУ 5.0.0
Plotnikov Constantine
Appendix to prepare for Comp. tests for medical students.