Top 19 Apps Similar to Rafter Calculator 2

Rafter Calculator 1.0
Input Span & Pitch of your roof to quickly get bevel anglesfor:Common rafter length Common rafter Plumb Cut Hip rafter PlumbCutHip rafter length Hip rafter backing angles Hip rafter backingdepthHip rafter cheek angles Jack rafter side cut angle Backingdepth(22mm from hip centre) Enter pitch to get rise Enter rise togetpitch All dimension's are taken on measuring line as shownondiagram.
Roofing Calculator 83
George Stewart
Calculate metric and imperial dimensions for timber roofs ofanyspan and pitch.
Rafter Length Calculator 2.3
David King
Rafters are the sloping beams that supporttheload of the roof. They have been around since day one.This tool handles common rafters, lean to's, hip roofs,andmore!Beside being a basic survival requirement for people, they canalsobe arranged into complicated forms of art.Either way, the concept is the same:Erect the framing members in a safe and easy manner which ispreciseto the blueprints or other drawings.The cuts should fit as precisely as possible using standardframingtools and material.The process starts with the overall roof width.From here, the thickness of the ridge is subtracted andtheremainder is divided by two by the calculator.Then, according to the pitch of the roof, the rise riseisdetermined by the calculator so that scaffolding maybeerected.The most important part of the calculation is done based onthePythagorean Theorem. It is fail-safe and highly accuratetoinfinity.
Rafter Tools 2.64
Rafter Tools
Complex Roof Framing Angles
Rafter Wizard
Rafter Wizard is a tool used todeterminerafter lengths for both standard A and shed roofs. Therafters canbe calculated using either rise and run or run andpitch. RafterWizard also includes a set of tools that are usefulfor manydifferent construction projects including:Fraction CalculatorHAP CalculatorPlumb Height CalculatorHypotenuse CalculatorUnit Converter
Calculation of the rafters 8.1
Дмитрий Житов
Calculating the size of the rafters.
Small Rafter Calculator 2.0
Hard to calculate the length of therafters?The pitch?Well I work in Carpentry and is hard the pressure to calculatebyhand the length of your Rafter or even show the hight of theroofwithout wasting material.Is simple just enter the Length of the Gable Wall from theOuterside, enter the wall Thickness, Pitch and the thickness oftheRidge, and that's it, you got the length from the bottom partofthe plum cut, to the Bottom of the rafter where the Inside oftheTop plate touches.Let me know any problem and I'm working in more options, justwantto know how this goes, put some pictures for help.Also I'm working in a better Graphic User InterfacePlease Comment!!
Construction Master Pro 10.9.16
Calculated Industries
The Construction Master Pro for Android from Calculated Industries.
SquareCalc Pro 2.5
construction calculator.Calculate the diagonal of a square with ability to input andoutputin inches feet and also metric. Perfect for carpenters,roofers,concrete, and other trades.
Construction Master 5 10.12.0
Calculated Industries
Contractor's feet inch fraction calculator saves time and moneyonevery jobsite
SquareCalc Construction Calc 1.9
SquareCalc is construction calculatorthatcalculates the hypotenuse of a right triangle, in other wordsitsquares things up. If you need to make a deck square, lay outwallsin a square manner, or do anything else that involvesmakingperfect squares then SquareCalc is the constructioncalculator foryou!I've been a framing carpenter since 2000 and before SquareCalcIused the 3-4-5 method to square things and also measuring cornertocorner with 2 tape measures. On the occasion I still usethosemethods but in certain circumstances my phone comes out and IuseSquareCalc.SquareCalc is nice when you need to find a precise point thatisperfectly square. It also comes in handy when squaring up adeckand the outer joist is bowed. With SquareCalc you can getthenumber right to the corner for a perfectly square deck.I got the idea for SquareCalc from one of thoseexpensiveconstruction calculators which can do the same thing.Thedifferences between the two are:SquareCalc is much more user friendly.SquareCalc is free.SquareCalc is on your phone which is already in your pocket anddoesnot require you to have another device.I designed SquareCalc to use myself on the job and Ihavepersonally tested it time and time again. SquareCalc isalwaysinstalled on my phone and I still use it at least once aweek.#ladderwalker on freenode
Расчет площади кровли 2.0
Программа позволяет произвести расчет площади возводимойкровлиповыбранному виду и указанным размерам.Внимательнозадавайтеразмеры. Размеры строения в метрах, остальноесогласноподписям.Указав стоимость кровельного материала можнорассчитатьобъемфинансовых затрат на возводимую кровлю. Расчетобрешетки истропил.При использовании результата расчета досокучтите чтопрограммаберет общую длину досок, требуемых для обрешеткиистропил, неучитывая обрезки. Внимание!!! Расчетные данныеносятинформационныйхарактер. Используя результаты расчета незабывайтепро небольшойзапас на обрезь материала, нахлесты пристыках. Группапообсуждению моих приложений Если увасесть предложения пишите напочту. Партнер проекта -проффкровля.рфПонравилась разработка,уделите пару минут, напишитеотзыв. ПомогипроектуВыражаюблагодарность: Тимуру(Tamerlan'u) за чертежи крыш. СергеюПащенкоза консультации построительной части, углубленноетестирование,выявленные ошибки исвоевременное указание на них.P.S. ЕслиПриложение вылетело,напишите письмо с указаниемпоследовательностидействий, которыепривели к вылету. Если выпишите негативный отзывили ставите плохуюоценку, пожалуйстапредоставьте обоснованиевашей позиции.
Global Truss TOOL BOX 2.6
Global Truss GmbH
This is the Official Global Truss Tool Boxandit is completely for FREE!If you are a rigger, a roadie or if you plan a trussconstructionand you work with Global Truss systems - This is theApp youneed.Inside the Tool Box you will find these useful tools for yourtrussjob.The GT Load MasterThe GT Load Master calculates the single point,uniformlydistributed and third/quarter/fifth point load of yourGlobal TrussSystem when you enter the span of yourconstruction(Metric/Imperial). Self weight of the truss isconsidered in thestatic.The GT LevelThe GT Level tool is a useful water level that assists youinchecking if your truss construction is even.GT Augmented RealityOur latest and most awesome feature. Scan the Codes in theGlobalTruss catalogue and experience our couplers inAugmentedReality!More tools and languages will be available in further updates.Staytuned for more Global Truss tools and if you have ideas fortools -share them with us:
Theft in the Grand Crime City 2.3.0
WeeWoo Mobile
Gangster Mafia City is a game to become the leader of agangsterwith your gun
Carpenters Square 2.1
calculate square distances quickly and easily
Hawkindale Angles Calculator 1.0
McMichaels Timber Frames
It generates the Hawkindale angles based ontheMain and Adjacent roof pitches as well as the Wall anglebetween theMain and Adjacent roofs. The Hawkindale values can bedisplayed inDegrees, Radians, or as a Rise/Run ratio. For anexplanation of whatthese angles represent, please refer to thearticles by Rees Achesonand Ed Levin available from the TimberFrames Guild at
Concrete & Agg Calculator
Chaney Enterprises
Concrete, Aggregate, and MasonryCalculatorsfrom Chaney Enterprises.Each calculator provides an exact amount and a recommendedorderamount to account for waste, spillage, over-excavation,settlement,spreading of forms, loss of entrained air or any otherchanges involume.Individual calculators for:• Concrete Slab Calculator• Concrete Footing Calculator• Concrete Wall Calculator• Concrete Steps Calculator• Concrete Curb Calculator• Concrete Column / Cylinder Calculator• Sand, Gravel and Stone Calculator• Concrete Block Fill Calculator• Concrete Block and Mortar Calculator• Roller Compacted Concrete CalculatorAvailable in English and Spanish.Chaney Enterprises, LLC, is your One Stop Shop™ forconstructionmaterials and supplies. Serving Maryland since 1962, weprideourselves on outstanding people providing quality productsthroughsuperior service. At Chaney Enterprises, we strive toprovidesuperior, top-quality products as we employ a combination oflandmanagement and environmentally friendly practices unsurpassedinthe industry.
Construction Estimator 9.1.0
This app specially developed for engineer but any one canuseit.Theconstruction Estimator helps you calculate the cost tobuildyournew building or garage. Just select the type ofyourconstructionand then enter the required fields. Cost to buildwilldo the restand provide you with a cost summary. The cost tobuildcalculator isfast, accurate and it's free to use. Makeyourselection above tobegin. Cost estimation in any project ismostdifficult work. Wedon’t know that what will be the cost ofyourdesired project. Nowconstruction estimator is an androidbaseapplication which willcalculate your project cost in anaccurateway. It will calculateyour cost for two type of building,one isfor large building andone for small house etc. Main featureareCalculate slap, stairs,Beam, Column, walls, floor and estimatorproduce accurate result.constructionestimator easy to estimator lightweighted, smartestimator is welldesign.
Расчет стропильной ноги 1.0
Программа создана для расчета стропильной конструкциидвускатнойкрыши и позволяет по предложенному алгоритму производитьразметку инарезку досок в удобных условиях на земле, а уже послепроводитьмногократную сборку одинаковых ферм. Такой подходпозволяетизготавливать ровные и хорошо стыкующиеся элементы крыши,что витоге позволит ускорить сборку и избежать «трюковых номеров»уже навысоте. Авторами представлена вашему вниманию версия Lite,котораяпозволяет рассчитать один из важных элементовстропильнойконструкции — конька. Как правило углы нарезки досок вэтом узлепредставляют наибольшую трудность и в индивидуальномстроительствепроизводятся на глаз, что приводит к большим зазорам вузле и какследствие, разной высоте каждой стропильной фермы.Применениеалгоритма и очередности позволит без страха и на «земле»изготовитьэтот элемент крыши. По вопросам расчетной частиобращаться:Добромыслов Б.В. Выражаюблагодарность: Тимуру(Tamerlan'u) за чертежик. Группа по обсуждениюмоих приложений Если вам понравиласьразработка,уделите пару минут, напишите отзыв. Помогипроекту P.S. ЕслиПриложениевылетело, напишите письмо разработчику суказаниемпоследовательности действий, которые привели к вылету.Если выпишите негативный отзыв, касаемо правильности расчетов, тобудьтелюбезны обосновать, указав исходные данные и полученныйвамиальтернативный результат расчета.