Top 5 Apps Similar to Profilaxia de Ulcera de Stress

MOWA – Wound Care Solution 1.6
Became an expert in Wound Care in less than3minutes, with this unique app.- Photograph ulcer;- Analyze the ulcer in a few moments;- Read the treatment (EPUAP-NPUAP);- Archive and / or print analysis;==============================MOWA - Mobile Wound Analyzer - is an application foradvancedmanagement of pressure ulcers, diabetes and vasculardisease. It isa sophisticated and practical software for analyzeimages of ulcersand may also be useful as a reference manual andguide for post-visual evaluation.It is target to health professionals who heal wounds or wanttolearn how to heal wounds.Meets the essential requirements of Directive 93/42/EECMedicalDevices, implemented in Italy by Legislative Decree 24February1997, 46 and therefore carries the CE mark.==============================A wound healing tool for mobiles that works efficientlyandeffectively.- You always know how to treat an ulcer;- You always know the percentage of ulcer tissues (necrosis,fibrin,granulation);- You always have the measurements of the surface area oftheulcer;- You can store, print and send by mail the results==============================Why use MOWA?- It is not invasive: it doesn't make contact withthepatient;- It is subjective: it follows international guidelines;- It is a medical device: registered in the list of theItalianministry of health as a class I A CE directives;- It is fast, analysis process takes less than 3 minutes;- It is easy to use: just take a picture of the ulcer;- It is unique in the world: it is the only app for mobileswiththis utility;===============================News:- Automatic calculation of the surface area of the ulcer usingablue label mark;- Added Portuguese language===============================Soon:- Patient record- Healing process assessment comparing photos in time- Graph charts of tissues percentages against time
Care of Swedens Pressure Ulcer 1.5
Rekyl Reklambyrå
With Care of Sweden’s Pressure Ulcer appyoucan easily carry out and document risk assessments forpressureulcers as well as documenting people’s skin and ulcerstatus.1. Pressure ulcer risk assessmentRisk assessments for pressure ulcers are carried out here; tworiskscales can be used: Norton (modified) or Braden.2. Skin and ulcer statusA person’s skin and ulcer status are assessed here. You arealsoable to create photographic documentation here.3. ReportsYou can view all the reports you generate in the app itself oronyour computer (iTunes); you can also send reports by e-mail.4. InformationInformation about the app and the different categories ofpressureulcer.
Registration cures 1.4
Iván Oliver
Registration cures! The first app to follow step by steptheevolution of wounds, ulcers, cuts, stitches ...Create your user name, and then create the profile of yourhotelstay patient where a small section to put your informationsuch asname, history number, diseases (eg if you arediabetic,hypertensive or take blood thinners ...). And that's it!With thesetwo steps you have done to begin collecting the evolutionof thepatient.You can create unlimited number of priests, with the dateandtime taken, a section where you can explain your progressandanother where you will explain the treatment you haveapplied(which type of dressing, cream ...) if you want to be ableto savethe cure a photograph and then to see how has improved sinceyoustarted to heal.And best of all, Registry Cures will help you if want tosubmitany research work itself or by exporting the patient or thenumberof records that you want to PDF format and easilyenviandotelo toyour email.Do not hesitate! This is the APP you need to better manageyourpatients and their wounds and ulcers.Download it now for free!
Hepatite B free 1.0
Felipe Francisco Bondan Tuon
Aplicativo para diagnóstico, manejo,seguimentoe tratamento da hepatite B no Brasil. Orientaçõespráticas baseadastotalmente nas diretrizes brasileiras detratamento da Hepatite B doMinistério da Saúde. Programa da mesmalinha do Guia de Antibióticosno Pronto socorro.Versão disponível "light", sem alguns itens detratamento,informações sobre os medicamentos e cálculos.Application todiagnosis,management, monitoring and treatment of hepatitis B inBrazil.Practical guidance based on fully Brazilian treatmentguidelinesHepatitis B Program of the Ministry of Health in the sameline ofAntibiotics Guide in First Aid.Version available "light" without some treatment items,informationabout medicines and calculations.
GAPS - Free 1.3
Felipe Francisco Bondan Tuon
GAPS é o guia de antibioticoterapia noprontosocorro. Consiste em um protocolo de atendimento dasprincipaisdoenças infecciosas atendidas pelos médicosemergencistas. Oobjetivo deste guia é colaborar com o melhoratendimento,totalmente baseado em evidência, além de considerardadosepidemiológicos locais do Hospital onde esse protocolo éusado, oHospital Evangélico de Curitiba. O público alvo são osmédicosresidentes que estão em formação de especialização, assimcomo osalunos de medicina, que estão tendo uma imersão na áreadeemergências.O manejo dos pacientes, assim como os antibióticos de escolhasãobaseados na rotina e epidemiologia local, talvez nãosendoaplicável em outros hospitais. Embora o fluxo de atendimentosejasemelhante. O guia apresenta dose do antibiótico, assim como adosee a duração do tratamentoGAPS is theguideantibiotic therapy in the emergency department. Consists ofatreatment protocol of major infectious diseases treatedbyemergency physicians. The purpose of this guide is tocollaboratewith the best care, based entirely on evidence, inaddition toconsidering local epidemiological data Hospital wherethis protocolis used, the Evangelical Hospital in Curitiba. Thetarget audienceis the residents who are in specialist training, aswell as medicalstudents, who are having an immersion in the areaof​​emergencies.The management of patients, as well as the antibiotics of choicearebased on routine and local epidemiology, may not be applicableinother hospitals. Although the service flow is similar. Theguidepresents dose of the antibiotic, and the dose and durationoftreatment