Top 3 Apps Similar to 建設設備アプリ ダクト㎡計算

建設設備アプリ ダクト計算アプリ 1.0
DuctChecker for Android 1.6.6
Description To determine the size of the duct constantpressuremethod, static pressure regain method, total pressuremethod,velocity method. Generally uses constant pressure method.Thisconstant pressure method is how to determine the ductdimensionsusing the same value per 1 m on all duct friction loss.Usuallydetermined by flow diagrams or duct design for slide rules.You caneasily determine the duct by using this program. Windowsversionwith almost the same usage. Has put the General style isfree tochange and can save settings as. As well as the Windowsversion inthe text box to flow formulas can be used. Operators ^,*, /, %,+,- constant pi Functions sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan,sinh,cosh, tanh , sqrt, log, ln, exp, bin, oct, dec, hex You canuse thevariable. If multiple air vents, for example one place 540CMH A =540 [ENTER]---(assigned to A 540) 540 A * 4 [ENTER]2160---(computed 540 * 4) Screen size, touch screen, two fingerscalingcan be. Operating environment Android 4.1.x or higherrequiredReady CPU. ARM based CPU / SoC ARM v7 or later CPU / SoCNEON(Advanced SIMD) support
Duct-Fit ~ダクトサイズ選定~ 2.1