Top 20 Apps Similar to AKI

MD Series: AKI - Free 1.0
Beach-Rak Medicine LLC
Master Diagnostician Series: AcuteKidneyInjury- FreeAn expansive diagnostic and educational tool formanagingacutekidney injury (acute renal failure)."Medicine is a science of uncertainty and anartofprobability."Sir William Osler M.D.Although acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of themostcommonlyencountered medical problems found in patients, itremainsone ofthe most difficult to discern.Our second release of the Master DiagnosticianSeries,“AcuteKidney Injury,” is a complex and comprehensiveeducationaltool fordifferentiating the many causes of AKI. It isaconvenient,point-of-care reference that includes an algorithmtohelp rapidlydiscriminate between many diseases and conditions,seenthrough theeyes of a nephrologist. Perfect for anypracticingmedical student,resident, NP, PA, or attending who wishestoimprove their clinicalacumen in this challenging area.Benefits:-Allows the user to approach AKI, one of the mostcommonhospitaldiagnoses, through the point-of-view ofanephrologist-Efficient interface improves learning at the bedside andsavestimeon rounds-Effectively start the AKI workup prior to orderinganephrologyconsultFeatures:- Algorithm delineating over 40 causes of AKI- Index, both alphabetical and by area of damage- Fractional Excretion of Sodium (FENa) Calculator- Descriptions urine microscopy
 corresponding tothemanydiagnoses- Examples of typical patients encountered
MD Series: AKI 1.0
Master Diagnostician Series: AcuteKidneyInjuryAn expansive diagnostic and educational tool formanagingacutekidney injury (acute renal failure)."Medicine is a science of uncertainty and anartofprobability."Sir William Osler M.D.Although acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of themostcommonlyencountered medical problems found in patients, itremainsone ofthe most difficult to discern.Our second release of the Master DiagnosticianSeries,“AcuteKidney Injury,” is a complex and comprehensiveeducationaltool fordifferentiating the many causes of AKI. It isaconvenient,point-of-care reference that includes an algorithmtohelp rapidlydiscriminate between many diseases and conditions,seenthrough theeyes of a nephrologist. Perfect for anypracticingmedical student,resident, NP, PA, or attending who wishestoimprove their clinicalacumen in this challenging area.Benefits:-Allows the user to approach AKI, one of the mostcommonhospitaldiagnoses, through the point-of-view ofanephrologist-Efficient interface improves learning at the bedside andsavestimeon rounds-Effectively start the AKI workup prior to orderinganephrologyconsultFeatures:- Algorithm delineating over 40 causes of AKI- Index, both alphabetical and by area of damage- Fractional Excretion of Sodium (FENa) Calculator- Descriptions urine microscopy
 corresponding tothemanydiagnoses- Examples of typical patients encountered- Clinical pearls regarding workup and treatment
eGFR Calculators 2.3
National Kidney Foundation
From the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), thisapplicationallowsmedical professionals to estimate kidney functionusingfiveseparate eGFR calculators: -CKD-EPI Creatinine2009Equation(Preferred method) -MDRD Study Equation-Cockcroft-GaultFormula-CKD-EPI Cystatin and Creatinine 2012Equation -RevisedBedsideSchwartz Formula (For ages 1-17) Alsoincludes informationon:-Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) -Chronickidney disease(CKD)-Risks for CKD and kidney failure -How to test,evaluate, andslowprogression The National Kidney Foundation istheleadingorganization in the U.S. dedicated to theawareness,prevention,and treatment of kidney disease for hundredsofthousands ofhealthcare professionals, millions of patientsandtheir families,and tens of millions of Americans at risk.Bysupporting theNational Kidney Foundation, you directlyinfluenceand positivelyimpact the lives of those at risk for kidneydisease,those livingwith chronic kidney disease, and those who carefor andabout them.Learn more at 30 East 33rd StreetNewYork, NY 800-622-9010
Renal function Free 1.0
Renal function, in nephrology, is anindicationof the state of the kidney and its role in renalphysiology.Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) describes the flowrate of filteredfluid through the kidney. Creatinine clearancerate (CCr or CrCl) isthe volume of blood plasma that is cleared ofcreatinine per unittime and is a useful measure for approximatingthe GFR. Creatinineclearance exceeds GFR due to creatininesecretion, which can beblocked by cimetidine. In alternativefashion, overestimation byolder serum creatinine methods resultedin an underestimation ofcreatinine clearance, which provided aless biased estimate of GFR.Both GFR and CCr may be accuratelycalculated by comparativemeasurements of substances in the bloodand urine, or estimated byformulas using just a blood test result(eGFR and eCCr).The results of these tests are important in assessingtheexcretory function of the kidneys. For example, grading ofchronicrenal insufficiency and dosage of drugs that are excretedprimarilyvia urine are based on GFR (or creatinine clearance).It is commonly believed to be the amount of liquid filteredoutof the blood that gets processed by the kidneys. Inphysiologicalterms, these quantities (volumetric blood flow andmass removal)are related only loosely.A commonly used surrogate marker for estimate ofcreatinineclearance is the Cockcroft-Gault formula, which in turnestimatesGFR in ml/min: It is named after the scientists who firstpublishedthe formula, and it employs serum creatinine measurementsand apatient's weight to predict the creatinine clearance.Languages:- English- Deutsch- Español- Français- Italiano- Português
Creatinine Clearance FAST 2.1
Glomerular filtrate by theCockroft-Gaultformula or the MDRD formulaRespect to other similar applications, this one allows a MOREEASYand QUICK introduction of data, by a single screen andbuttonssensible to "click" or "long-click"...You need just one touch to shift from Cockcroft-Gault toMDRDmethod.Just another touch to shift from mg/dL to micromoli/L forCreatininevalues.We accept any comment or suggestion: you can write to:
Medicalcul 1.43
Philippe Mignard
Medical calculator with many scores and formulas.
AKI Care 1.3.4
Decision-making app for the management of patients with acutekidneyinjury
GFR & BSA Calculator 1.0.3
Medcomis Co.,Ltd.
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is thebestoverall index of kidney function. Normal GFR varies accordingtoage, sex, and body size, and declines with age.Software use Cockcroft-Gault (for GFR) and the DuBois formula(forBSA) to show value in mL/min/1.73m2. It be recommend by NKF'sKDOQIclinical practice guidelines to estimate GFR.
Nephrology Clinical Tool 1.0
The creatinine clearance test comparesthelevelof creatinine in urine with the creatinine level intheblood.(Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine, which isanimportantpart of muscle.) The test helps provide informationonkidneyfunction.
Multiple Creatinine Clearance 1.0
This application has been tested against the GlobalRPhonlinecalculator.
Medicina de Urgencias 1.1.17
BinPar Team S.L.
An essential tool for the use of drugs in hospital emergencies
EMGuidance - Medicines Info 5.5.33
EMG Technologies
Clinical Medicines Information & Drug Education forHealthcareWorkers
Electrocardiograma 2.0
Rodrigo Sepúlveda Palamara
Electrocardiography program for Android.This application contains information relating to theinterpretationof the electrocardiogram (ECG): criteria ofhypertrophy, blocks andhemiblocks, evaluation of waves andintervals, criteria for acutemyocardial infarction, among manyother functions.This program is essential to any doctor or person related tothehealth.
Medical calculator 1.3.1
WebClinic (Urrutikoetxea)
- Body Mass Index - Body Surface - Creatine clearance -Glomerularfiltration - Fractional excretion of Sodium - Fractionalexcretionof Urea - CHA2DS2-VASc - HAS-BLED - Maximum Heart Rate -Correctedcalcium - QRS axis -Glasgow Please feel free to makesugestions.App developed by Mikel Urrutikoetxea medicine graduateby theUniversity of the Basque Country
eGFR Calc 1.0.1
Calculate glomerular filtration rate using various methodsunittypes CardioChek
OSDE Móvil 6.2.23
Grupo OSDE
Primer OSDE Mobile for Android devices
WikEM - Emergency Medicine 7.3.2
OpenEM Foundation
WikEM, The Global Emergency Medicine Wiki, is apoint-of-carereference available on the web or via our dedicatedmobileapplications. Its emergency medicine knowledge base hasthousandsof quick problem-specific notes to help you care forpatients,which is one of the reasons it has been downloaded by morethan100,000 users and is one of the top 10 most popularemergencymedicine websites. Supported by the nonprofit OpenEMFoundation,WikEM provides a way for medical practitioners toorganize onlinecontent and cross-reference clinical informationat If you are a medical practitioner, joinourcontributor community and help edit our content. WikEM isintendedfor clinicians only and not directly for patients. WikEMserves awide range of medical practitioners predominantly amongthespecialties of emergency medicine, pediatric emergencymedicine,critical care, emergency medical services (EMS), andurgent caremedicine, as well as primary healthcare fields such asfamilymedicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics. Numerous sourceshavenamed WikEM as a key reference for emergency practitioners,rangingfrom EMTs, paramedics, and other first responders to nurses,nursepractitioners, physician assistants, and emergency physicians.
SMG Emergencias 1.0
Desarrollo SMG
Emergencias Swiss Medical es una aplicaciónquele facilita la llamada directa a nuestra central de UrgenciasyEmergencias, con solo presionar el botón.
Urgencias Extrahospitalarias 4.0.0
Esta aplicación ofrece acceso de forma rápidaysencilla a numerosos algoritmos de tratamiento de lasprincipalespatologías de cierta importancia en la práctica de lamedicina deurgencia en el medio extrahospitalario.En algunos casos se aporta un recordatorio clínico odiagnóstico.También se revisan de forma esquemática los principalesfármacos deuso en la RCP y en el área de la urgenciacardiovascular.En todas estas aproximaciones se ha priorizado la esquematizaciónyel acceso directo y rápido a la información más relevante,sinpretender aportar una visión en profundidad de ninguno de lostemasincluidos en esta aplicación.Toda la información aportada en esta revisión se ha elaboradoapartir de la bibliografía incluida en la propia aplicación.Una herramienta de gran utilidad práctica para todosaquellossanitarios que deben enfrentarse a la urgencia fuera delentornohospitalario.This applicationprovidesaccess quickly and easily to processing algorithms of themainpathologies of some importance in the practice ofemergencymedicine in the hospital setting.In some cases there is provided a clinical or diagnosticreminder.Also reviewed schematically the main drugs of use in CPRand in thearea of ​​cardiovascular emergency.In all these approaches have been mainly flowcharting and directandquick access to the most relevant information, withoutattempting toprovide an in depth view of any of the topicsincluded in thisapplication.All information provided in this review was drawn fromtheliterature included in the application itself.A useful tool for all those health practice who must confronttheurgency out of the hospital environment.
Infusions 5.5
Ease and accuracy right in your pocket