Top 23 Apps Similar to Babies”R”Us Baby Book

Babies"R"Us Registry 7.3.4
Toys 'R' Us
Use the Babies"R"Us Registry app to set up and share aregistry,soyou'll be ready when baby comes. And to help makelifeeasier,we've built in handy tools and lots of expert advicetobuild theperfect list. • Start with our must-have checklist tofindthebasics. • Use BRUBuzz to get inspired and see howothersareusing the best baby gear • Make an appointmenttospeakdirectly with one of our experts. • Browse ourhugeselectionfor everything else you need. • Scan barcodesfromproducts you seein our stores right into your registry.Andwhenever you're ready,you can share it with friends and family—everyone will see what'sbeen purchased already and what youstillneed. Getting ready fornew baby is a big job. We're here tohelpyou get it all done.
Toys"R"Us Shopping 1.4
Toys 'R' Us
Get all the toys all the time withtheToys”R”Us Shopping App! Search for the hottest new toys,makepurchases from your device, find store hours and directions andsomuch more right from the palm of your hand! The built-inbarcodescanner makes it easy to find information, videos andreviews rightfrom a product's barcode! Plus, toy fans can sharetheir fun-filledexcitement, thanks to the convenient links forTwitter, Facebook,Pinterest, text and email. Download the Toys”R”UsShopping App nowfor the ultimate digital shopping experience!
Toys"R"Us Deutschland 1.3
Toys 'R' Us
Shoppen Sie zu jeder Zeit und an jedemOrt!Toys"R"Us versteht, dass Ihre Zeit als viel beschäftigteElternkostbar ist, wenn es darum geht den Rat der Marke IhresVertrauensanzunehmen und die qualitativ hochwertigstenSpielzeugeauszuwählen. Unsere Shopping App lässt Sie erstklassigeProduktefinden und direkt von Ihrem Smartphone aus erwerben.AlleFunktionen, die Sie bereits von unserem Onlineshop kennen unddenenSie vertrauen, werden Sie in dieser App wieder finden. Zudemgibtes erweiterte Funktionen, so wie den 'Filial-Finder' zum FindenvonÖffnungszeiten und Wegbeschreibungen Ihres Shops in der Näheundwöchentliche Informationen über Neuheiten in Ihrer Region undIhresGeschäfts. Außerdem helfen Ihnen Produktinformationenund-bewertungen zu jedem Produkt die richtige Wahl für Ihre Familiezutreffen.Einkaufen im Laden oder unterwegs ist jetzt noch einfacher,daSie über spezielle Angebote auf dem Laufenden gehaltenwerden,Preise mobil nachschauen können und mit der ZahlungsartIhrer Wahl,dazu gehören Kreditkarte, Geschenkkarte und PayPal,bezahlenkönnen. Überprüfen Sie welche Artikel vorrätig sind, bevorSie zueiner der Filialen fahren oder bestellen Sie sie direkt zusichnach Hause oder zu Einem Ihrer Lieben. Haben Sie einen Code denSiefür einen Preisnachlass nutzen wollen - dann können Sie dasnuntun.Wollen Sie ein tolles Angebot mit Ihren Freunden oder derFamilieteilen? Teilen Sie alles via Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest,SMS undE-mail mit Hilfe Ihres Smartphones!Sie können auch auf Babies"R"Us shoppen ohne ein weiteresAppherunterzuladen oder sich erneut anmelden zu müssen.AlleBedürfnisse Ihrer Kinder - vom Neugeborenen bis zum Teenie -könnenmit einem Einkaufserlebnis befriedigt werden.Go shopping at anytimeand any place! Toys "R" Us understands that your time asbusyparents is precious when it comes to accept the advice of thebrandyou trust and select the highest quality toys. Our shoppingapplets you find first-class products and purchase directly fromyoursmartphone. All functions that you already know from ouronlineshop and that you trust, you will find in this app again.Inaddition, there are advanced features such as the 'store finder'tofind opening times and directions of your shops near andweeklyinformation about new products in your region and yourbusiness.Additional product information and reviews to help youmake theright choice for your family to each product.Can shopping at the store or on the go is now eveneasier,because you are kept up to date on special offers, can checkpricesmobile, and with the payment method of your choice,includingcredit card, gift card and PayPal. Check what items are instockbefore you visit one of the stores or order them directly toyourhome or to a member of your loved ones. Do you have a code youwishto use for a discount - then you can do that now.Do you want to share a great offer with your friends orfamily?Share everything via Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, SMS ande-mailwith the help of your smartphone!You may have to register again on Babies "R" Us shoppingwithoutanother app or download. All needs of your children - fromnewbornsto teen - can be satisfied with a shopping experience.
Toys R us TW 玩具反斗城 4.5.5
歡迎下載台灣玩具"反"斗城APP,玩具"反"斗城致力在各樣玩具產品及益智玩具項目上,成為亞洲區內首席零售商,為亞洲區內的小朋友,提供最合適的產品,並以最適當的價格及時機發售,提供方便及愉快的購物經驗。Welcome to DownloadTaiwanToys "R" Us APP, Toys "R" Us is committed on all sorts oftoys andeducational toys projects, became chief retailer in Asia,forchildren in Asia, to provide the most suitable products and inthemost appropriate price and timing of the sale, providingconvenientand pleasant shopping experience.
Store Coupons 1.0
Freebies Creations
This app provides users with the latest store coupons thatareprintable to popular places such as Target, Catherines,OfficeDepot, Petsmart, JCPenney, Sears, Gamestop, Express, Gap, OldNavy,American Eagle Outfitters, Hollister, Yankee Candle, New YorkandCompany, Fashion Bug, Coach store, Delias, Shutterfly,CircuitCity, Toys R Us, Babies R Us, Childrens Place, Carters,FamousFootwear, Rack Room Shoes, Sports Authority, GanderMountain,Hancock Fabrics, JoS A Bank, Kmart, Lacoste, BananaRepublic, LaneBryant, Lord and Taylor, Kohls, Office Max, Michaels,The ContainerStore, Timberland, Bebe, Footlocker, Victoria Secret,REI, TheNorth Face, Walmart, Forever 21, Finish Line, DSW Shoes andmuchmore!
Toys"R"Us 1.3
Toys 'R' Us
Shop anytime and anywhere!Toys"R"Usunderstands that as a busy parent your time is valuablewhen itcomes to getting the best quality toys and advice from thebrandthat you trust the most. Our shopping app lets you findqualityproducts to purchase right from your mobile phone. You willfindall the same features that you have come to know and trust asouronline store with some great enhanced features such asstorelocator that lets you find out hours and directions, weeklyads inyour area and store, product information and customer reviewsonevery product to help you make the right decisions for yourfamily.Want to check out product videos or find out details on aproduct?Simply use the bar code scanner that is built in.Shopping in-store or on the go is now so simple that you canbekept up to date on special offers, check pricing and buyingwiththe payment method you want including credit card, gift cardandPayPal. Check what is in stock before you get to a store ororderit to be shipped to you or a loved one. Have a promotionalcodethat you want to use for an extra discount - you can nowdothat.Want to share a great deal with your friends and family? Youcanshare through Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, text message andemailall from your phone.You can also shop Babies"R"Us without having to downloadanotherapp or doing a separate checkout. All your children's needsfromnewborns to teens can be purchased through oneshoppingexperience!*******Magasinez de partout en tout temps! Toys"R"Us comprend qu’entantque parent, votre temps est précieux quand vous recherchezlesjouets de la meilleure qualité et des conseils de la marqueenlaquelle vous avez la plus grande confiance. Notre applicationdemagasinage vous permet de trouver des produits de qualité quevouspouvez acheter immédiatement de votre téléphone mobile. Vousyretrouverez toutes les mêmes fonctionnalités que vousconnaissezdéjà de notre boutique en ligne, en plus de nouvellesfonctionsaméliorées qui vous permettront de trouver un magasinainsi que sesheures d’ouverture et l’itinéraire pour s’y rendre,les promotionsde la semaine dans votre région et à votre magasin,desinformations sur les produits et des évaluations rédigées parnosclients sur tous les produits afin que vous puissiez prendredesdécisions éclairées pour votre famille. Vous souhaitez voirdesvidéos des produits et trouver des détails sur un produit?Utilisezsimplement le scanneur de code-barres intégré.Il est si simple de magasiner de la maison ou d’où que voussoyezmaintenant que vous avez toujours accès à nos offresspéciales, quevous pouvez vérifier les prix et acheter un articleen utilisant lemode de paiement de votre choix, y compris parcarte de crédit,carte-cadeau ou PayPal. Vous pouvez vérifier leniveau des stocksavant de vous rendre en magasin, ou commanderl’article pour qu’ilsoit livré chez vous ou ailleurs. Et si vousavez un codepromotionnel qui vous donne droit à un rabaissupplémentaire – vouspouvez l’utiliser aussi.Vous voulez informer vos amis et votre famille d’uneaubainefantastique? Vous pouvez le faire à l’aide de Twitter,Facebook,Pinterest, message texte ou courriel directement devotretéléphone.Vous pouvez aussi magasiner sur Babies"R"Us sans avoiràtélécharger une application supplémentaire ni payer séparément.Uneseule expérience d’achat vous permettra de combler tous lesbesoinsde vos enfants, des nouveau-nés aux adolescents.
Babies"R"Us Deutschland 1.3
Toys 'R' Us
Shoppen Sie zu jeder Zeit und an jedem Ort!AlsExperten für die Bedürfnisse von Babies und jungen Eltern,verstehtBabies"R"Us, dass Ihre Zeit kostbar ist, wenn es darumgeht den Ratder Marke Ihres Vertrauen anzunehmen und diequalitativhochwertigsten Spielzeuge auszuwählen. Unsere ShoppingApp lässt Sieerstklassige Produkte finden und direkt von IhremSmartphone auserwerben. Alle Funktionen, die Sie bereits vonunserem Onlineshopkennen und denen Sie vertrauen, werden Sie indieser App wiederfinden. Zudem gibt es erweiterte Funktionen.Beispielsweise den'Filial-Finder' zum Finden von Öffnungszeitenund Wegbeschreibungenzu Shops in der Nähe und wöchentlicheInformationen zu Neuheiten inIhrer Region und in Ihrem Geschäft.Außerdem helfen IhnenProduktinformationen und -bewertungen zujedem Artikel die richtigeWahl für Ihre Familie zu treffen.Einkaufen im Laden oder unterwegs ist jetzt noch einfacher,daSie über spezielle Angebote auf dem Laufenden gehalten werden,SiePreise mobil nachschauen können und mit der Zahlungsart IhrerWahl,dazu gehören Kreditkarte, Geschenkkarte und PayPal,bezahlenkönnen. Überprüfen Sie welche Artikel vorrätig sind, bevorSie zueiner der Filialen fahren oder bestellen Sie sie direkt zusichnach Hause oder zu Einem Ihrer Lieben. Haben Sie einen Code denSiefür einen Preisnachlass nutzen wollen - dann können Sie dasnuntun.Wollen Sie ein tolles Angebot mit Ihren Freunden oder derFamilieteilen? Teilen Sie alles via Twitter, Facebook, Pintrest,SMS oderE-mail mit Hilfe Ihres Smartphones!Sie können auch auf Toys"R"Us shoppen ohne eine weitereAppherunterzuladen oder sich erneut anmelden zu müssen.AlleBedürfnisse Ihrer Kinder - vom Neugeborenen bis zum Teenie -könnenmit einem Einkaufserlebnis befriedigt werden.Go shopping at anytimeand any place! As experts for the needs of babies andyoungparents, understands Babies "R" Us, that your time is preciouswhenit comes to accept the advice of the brand of your trust andselectthe highest quality toys. Our shopping app lets youfindfirst-class products and purchase directly from yoursmartphone.All functions that you already know from our online shopand thatyou trust, you will find in this app again. In addition,there areadvanced features. For example, the 'store finder' to findopeningtimes and directions to shops near and weekly informationabout newproducts in your region and in your business. Also, tohelp youproduct information and reviews for every article the rightchoicefor your family to meet.Shopping at the store or on the go is now even easier,becauseyou are kept up to date with special offers, you can checkratesand mobile with the payment method of your choice, includingcreditcard, gift card and PayPal can pay for. Check what items areinstock before you visit one of the stores or order them directlytoyour home or to a member of your loved ones. Do you have a codeyouwish to use for a discount - then you can do that now.Do you want to share a great offer with your friends orfamily?Share everything via Twitter, Facebook, Pintrest, SMS ore-mailwith the help of your smartphone!You may have to register again on Toys "R" Us shoppingwithoutanother app or download. All needs of your children - fromnewbornsto teen - can be satisfied with a shopping experience.
Toys"R"Us France 1.3
Toys 'R' Us
Boutique Toys”R”UsBoutique Babies”R”UsAcheter n’importe où, n’importe quand !Toys’R’Us sait qu’en tant que parent, votre tempsestprécieuxlorsqu’il s’agit d’obtenir les meilleurs jouets etconseilsde lapart de l’enseigne en laquelle vous avez le plusconfiance.Notreapplication marchande vous permet de trouver desproduitsdequalité et de les acheter immédiatement depuis votremobile. Vousytrouverez toutes les mêmes fonctionnalités que vousconnaissezdéjàde notre boutique en ligne, avec des fonctionsavancées, comme«Trouver votre magasin » qui permet de retrouver lesitinérairesethoraires d’ouverture de vos magasins, les promotionsdu momentdansles magasins de votre région, des informations sur lesproduitsetdes avis clients pour vous aider à faire le bon choixpourvotrefamille.Il est si simple maintenant d’acheter à tout momentpuisquevousavez accès à nos offres spéciales, vous pouvez consulterlesprixet acheter en utilisant le mode de paiement de votrechoix,àsavoir la carte de crédit, la carte cadeau ou Paypal.Vouspouvezégalement commander le produit afin qu’il soit livréchezvous ouen point relais. Et si vous avez un code promotionnelquivousdonne droit à une remise supplémentaire, vouspouvezl’utiliseraussi !Vous avez envie de partager une super offre Toys’R’Us avecvosamiset votre famille ? Vous pouvez le faire à l’aidedeTwitter,Facebook, des SMS et des Emails, depuis votre mobile.Vous pouvez également naviguer et acheterdirectementsurBabies’R’Us sans avoir à télécharger une autreapplication, niàpayer séparément ! Une seule expérience d’achatvous permettradecombler tous les besoins de vos enfants, desnouveau-nés auxplusgrands.Shop Toys "R" UsShop Babies "R" UsBuy anywhere, anytime!Toys'R'Us know that as a parent, your time is preciouswhenitcomes to toys and best advice of the sign in which youtrustthemost. Our merchant application allows you to findqualityproductsand buy them immediately from your mobile. You'llfind allthe samefeatures you already know our online store, withadvancedfeatures,such as "Find your shop" which allows you to findroutesandopening hours of your stores, current promotions in storesinyourarea, information on products and reviews to help youmaketheright choice for your family.It is so easy now to buy at any time since you have accesstoourspecial offers, you can view prices and buy using thepaymentmethodof your choice, ie credit card, the gift card orPaypal. Youcanalso order the product so that it is delivered toyour homeorpick-up point. And if you have a promotional code thatentitlesyouto an additional discount, you can use it too!You want to share a great offer Toys'R'Us with yourfriendsandfamily? You can do this by using Twitter, Facebook, SMSandEmailsfrom your mobile.You can also browse and buy directly Babies'R'Us withouthavingtodownload another application, or pay separately!Oneshoppingexperience will allow you to meet all the needs ofyourchildren,from newborns to older children.
Toys"R"Us-Japan, Ltd.
The official app of Toys "R" Us and Baby "R" Us! If you are apointcard member, you can collect points with the app!
Babies"R"Us 1.3
Toys 'R' Us
Shop anytime and anywhere! As the expertsinbabies and new parent needs, Babies"R"Us understands that yourtimeis valuable when it comes to getting the best quality productsandadvice from the brand that you trust the most. Our shoppingapplets you find quality products to purchase right from yourmobilephone. You will find all the same features that you have cometoknow and trust as our online store with some greatenhancedfeatures such as store locator that lets you find out hoursanddirections, weekly ads in your area and store, productinformationand customer reviews on every product to help you makethe rightdecisions for your family. Want to check out productvideos or findout details on a product? Simply use the bar codescanner that isbuilt in.Shopping in-store or on the go is now so simple that you can bekeptup to date on special offers, check pricing and buying withthepayment method you want including credit card, gift card andPayPal.Check what is in stock before you get to a store or orderit to beshipped to you or a loved one. Have a promotional codethat you wantto use for an extra discount - you can now dothat.Want to share a great deal with your friends and family? Youcanshare through Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, text message andemailall from your phone.You can also shop Toys"R"Us without having to download anotherappor doing a separate checkout. All your children's needsfromnewborns to teens can be purchased through one shoppingexperience.*****************************Magasinez de partout en tout temps! En tant qu’experts surtoutce qu’il faut pour satisfaire les besoins des bébés et desnouveauxparents, Babies"R"Us comprend que votre temps est précieuxquandvous recherchez les produits de la meilleure qualité etdesconseils de la marque en laquelle vous avez la plusgrandeconfiance. Notre application de magasinage vous permet detrouverdes produits de qualité que vous pouvez acheterimmédiatement devotre téléphone mobile. Vous y retrouverez toutesles mêmesfonctionnalités que vous connaissez déjà de notre boutiqueenligne, en plus de nouvelles fonctions améliorées quivouspermettront de trouver un magasin ainsi que ses heuresd’ouvertureet l’itinéraire pour s’y rendre, les promotions de lasemaine dansvotre région et à votre magasin, des informations surles produitset des évaluations rédigées par nos clients sur tousles produitsafin que vous puissiez prendre des décisions éclairéespour votrefamille. Vous souhaitez voir des vidéos des produits ettrouver desdétails sur un produit? Utilisez simplement le scanneurdecode-barres intégré.Il est si simple de magasiner de la maison ou d’où que voussoyezmaintenant que vous avez toujours accès à nos offresspéciales, quevous pouvez vérifier les prix et acheter un articleen utilisant lemode de paiement de votre choix, y compris parcarte de crédit,carte-cadeau ou PayPal. Vous pouvez vérifier leniveau des stocksavant de vous rendre en magasin, ou commanderl’article pour qu’ilsoit livré chez vous ou ailleurs. Et si vousavez un codepromotionnel qui vous donne droit à un rabaissupplémentaire – vouspouvez l’utiliser aussi.Vous voulez informer vos amis et votre famille d’uneaubainefantastique? Vous pouvez le faire à l’aide de Twitter,Facebook,Pinterest, message texte ou courriel directement devotretéléphone.Vous pouvez aussi magasiner sur Toys"R"Us sans avoiràtélécharger une application supplémentaire ni payer séparément.Uneseule expérience d’achat vous permettra de combler tous lesbesoinsde vos enfants, des nouveau-nés aux adolescents.
Amazon for Tablets
Amazon Mobile LLC
With the Amazon app for Android tablets youcaneasily search across Amazon’s catalog of millions of productstoquickly find what you are looking for, browse and shopbydepartment, and check out lightning deals and deals of theday.Product detail pages provide useful product information andallowyou to read and write product reviews or share productswithfriends.Enjoy features built especially for tablets, including a fun newwayto set aside items – press and hold on any product image andflingit to the bottom of the screen. The items are saved in a traythatis available to you throughout the entire app, making it easyforyou to get to your set aside items with one tap.All purchases made on the Amazon app for Android Tablets areroutedthrough Amazon's secure servers just as they are on the web.Andjust like the web experience, Android app customers enjoy thesamefunctionalities of the Amazon Shopping Cart, Wish Lists,orderhistory, payment and Amazon Prime member shipping options,and1-Click settings. Customers are able to shop any of Amazon'ssitesaround the world from a single app.** The current release supports Android tablets that are 7" to10"with resolutions from 600x1024 to 1600x2560 with Android OS4.0.3and up.Permissions:On Android devices with GPS, we access location information onlysothat we can provide customers with the option to send packages toanearby Amazon Locker (a feature only available in the US andUKcurrently). On Android devices with both WiFi and cellularradios,we access the phone only to determine which radio to usedependingon the strength of signal. On WiFi only products, thispermissionisn't applicable, but Android's security model requiresus to askon all installations. In order to securely send andreceive pushnotifications on your device (should you choose to doso), we needto use the following permissions: "Receive data fromInternet" and"Prevent tablet from sleeping". We require “ReadContacts”permission to make it easier for you to find and invitefriendsfrom your phone address book.* Microphone access: search Amazon catalogue of products usingyourvoice.* Install Shortcut & Read Settings: Used to create ashortcuticon for Amazon Cash if customers choose to have one.* Receive SMS: This permission is used to simplify the processofphone number verification when creating an Amazonaccountregistered to your mobile phone number.
Babylist Baby Registry 3.31.3
Babylist Inc
Put any item from any store on one registry.
Toys”R”Us Star Card 1.0.6
Toys”R”Us (Asia) Limited
Stay connected with Toys“R”Us Star Card from your mobile device!
Smyths Toys 3.1
Smyths Toys
Smyths Toys Superstores is a leadingproviderof children's toys and entertainment products with 68storesthroughout the UK and Ireland.Download the free Smyths Toys app today and start browsingourvarious toys and products for your kids and family. AddAvatars(multiple wishlist per user), keep track of what yourkid’swishlist items and generate your wishlist as email. Buy yourkid’sdream toys on the go or arrange to click and collect from astorenear you. Locate our stores on the map and get direction fromyourplace.Category – Browse through a wide range of products fromourcatalogue at your own leisure time along with your family incouchwith a coffee. Enjoy the images and videos of the categories,gothrough product details and reviews of the projectSmart search – Lookup products with user friendly searchAvatars – Add Avatars for kids to maintain a separate spaceforeach of themWishlist – Add Wishlist items to Avatars and make your shoppinganeat and cleanEmail Wishlist – Share your wishlist items to your near anddearones over emailBuyNow – Order from home to your convenient delivery addressClick&Collect – Arrange a Click&Collect purchasefromstores near youStore locator- Find our outlets on the goGet Direction – Get directions to our stores fromyourlocationSimilar Products – Find similar products of any product withrichshopping experience
Mama - Thoughtful Shopping 4.47.6
Wish Inc.
Get trending maternity, newborn, infant, toddler, and kidsproductsat 50-90% OFF retail. Mama is the number one app in EuropeandNorth America to get the best deals on thoughtful items foryourloved ones. We go directly to the manufacturers to get you thebestdeals on the most popular products.
かざすカメラ 10.0.1
Toys"R"Us-Japan, Ltd.
出産準備ブックやダイレクトメールのカタログの中ページにかざすカメラをかざしてみよう!商品動画を確認したり、オンラインストアで楽しくお買いものできます!「まいにちハッピーバースデー」キャンペーンのHPに投稿したり、「クリスマスクロック」を楽しもう!詳しくはアプリ内で!Let's holding up acamerathat held up the page in the childbirth preparation booksanddirect mail catalog! You can check the goods video, youcanshopping fun with online store! Or posted to HP of "every dayHappyBirthday" campaign, enjoy the "Christmas clock"! Formoreinformation within the app!
GeoQpons Shopping Coupons and Sales 7.0.2
Most Useful Shopping App
GeoQpons is the only coupons and shopping app whichcombinesin-storeand online coupons, clearance sales, shopping listandloyalty cardsfor shopping at stores like Target, Macy’s, BestBuy,Walmart,Walgreens, Nordstrom, Meijer, CVS, Kohl’s, Bath andBodyworks, Gap,Old Navy, Office Depot, Toys R Us, and Starbucks.Weupdate couponsdaily for retailers such as Aeropostale,Athleta,American Eagle, HotTopic, Banana Republic, Footlocker,HobbyLobby, Macy’s, JCPenny,Express, Hollister, Forever21,Sears,Walmart, Kohl's, Home Depot,Lowes, Michael's, VictoriaSecretUlta, Camping World, Sephora andmany more, DownloadGeoQponscoupons app and join millions of othersatisfied couponsusers.GeoQpons’ Useful Features: Coupons from yourfavoriteretailerssuch as Kohl’s, Best Buy, Ann Taylor, Walmart,Macy’s, OldNavy,Pac Sun, Michaels, Ulta Beauty Weekly ads forWalgreens,CVS,Target, Costco, Best Buy, Kohl’s, Sale items fromKohl’s,Macy’s,Old Navy, JCPenny, Gap, Sears, Athleta, BananaRepublic,Best Buy,Camping World, DKNY, Nordstrom, Meijer,Footlocker, Loft,HotTopic, Home Depot, Justice, Golf, Tillys Createyour shoppinglistTake image and save your personal coupons in theapp Couponsfromlocal restaurants and other businesses Easy accesstofavoritein-store coupons Sale and Clearance items fromretailersCouponfeedback score Easy to use coupon codes New couponsalertsBarcodescanner to find the coupons and lowest online pricesCouponexpirydate integration with calendar Redeem coupons bysimplyshowing thecoupon code or coupon image Filter coupons byselectingcouponscategory Email or SMS coupons to your friendsCouponsavingscalculator to find discounts when using couponsIntegrationofdeals with coupons Printing Coupon supportGeoQponsdeliversthousands of in-store coupons and deals fromretailersandrestaurants. A mobile coupon wallet withwell-organizedcoupons.When shopping for holidays, finding couponsfrom yourfavoritestores is faster and easier that any other couponsapp.MacWorldand iPhonelife described it as the best organizedcouponapp. WithGeoQpons you can get coupons and deals anytimeanywhere.Just savecoupons as Favorite and then you can view couponseven inpoor cellcoverage. GeoQpons delivers more than 100 thousandcouponsfromlocal businesses nationwide. These coupons includeoilchangecoupons, car wash coupons, nail and spa coupons,homeimprovementcoupons and local restaurant coupons. Withinlocalcoupons section,the coupons can be filtered per category. Itis thebest couponsapp with high quality coupons for holidayshopping. Itis also theeasiest to use coupons app among all couponsapps.
Wyzli - Easy Baby Shopping 1.0.3
Wyzli lets you discover amazing babyproductsposted by a community of parents like you.Explore, find and save products from any store, all in one place!Wyzli grows with your child, so your experience isalwaystailored to your child's age, needs and interests, lettingyou findthe right things, at the right time. Get trendingmaternity,newborn, infant, toddler, and kids products and discoverthoughtfulitems for your loved ones!Finally, instead of spending days (months!) researching theweb,you can quickly and easily discover the best stuff for yourfamilywith Wyzli, your personalized parenting sidekick!- See what friends and parents like you are buying right now- Search through the highest rated products in seconds- Save products that you love from any store, all in one place!Use Wyzli from your favorite browser, too, at https://wyzli.comWyzli lets parents get:- Smartly discover the best baby gear, books, toys, clothingandmore, automatically tailored to your child's age, gender, needsandinterests!- Real-time stream of what parents like you are posting, savingandtalking about.- Guided search lets you quickly find the best and highestratedproducts in seconds - not months.- Save, Post or Buy the things you love from any store- Discover what your friends are buying and shareyourfavorites!- Create collections and wishlists for the baby products youneedand want from the best baby retailers!- Buy gifts or save gift ideas for friends and family.- Better than a registry, Wyzli lets you add products fromanywhere,all in one place.- Ask questions and get answers from parents who own and usetheproducts.- Import and sync your shopping with one click! Wyzlicanautomagically find your previous purchases and organize themintobeautiful Collections for you! Just connect Wyzli with Gmail,Yahooor Hotmail, and we'll do the rest!- Buy right from your favorite retailers: Wyzli supportsAmazon,Toys R Us, Babies R Us, Carter's, Gymboree, OshKosh, TheChildren'sPlace, Old Navy, The Gap, Banana Republic and more!- Wyzli is your sidekick for every stage from pregnancy, birth,tonewborns, toddlers all the way to preschool and beyond! We'llbeyour guide to help you find the best products. Wyzli islikebabycenter for your baby shopping.- All products on Wyzli are posted by real parents likeyou.Products include baby gear, eating and feeding, nursery,books,play and toys, bath and care, clothing, maternity and muchmore.Find the best products for pregnancy, maternity, newborn,infant,toddler, preschool and kids, all in one place! Wyzli islikePinterest for baby shopping!We're just getting started and your feedback is important tous!Help us make Wyzli better by sending your feedback to help@wyzli.comStarted by two techy dads out to make new parents life easierandsimpler, our mission it to help moms and dads find the bestproductsand forget the rest. Read more on our blog at Instead of searchingforproducts on Babycenter, The Bump, Weespring, Citrus Lane, MamabyWish, Knoala and other baby shopping apps, only much easier -Wyzlilets you find what's right for you, your baby and yourfamily.
Babies"R"Us France 1.3
Toys 'R' Us
Boutique Toys”R”UsBoutique Babies”R”UsAcheter n’importe où, n’importe quand !En tant qu’expert pour satisfaire les besoins des bébés etdesnouveaux parents, Babies’R’Us, l’espace 100% puériculturedeToys’R’Us, sait que votre temps est précieux lorsqu’ils’agitd’obtenir les meilleurs produits et conseils de la partd’uneenseigne de confiance. Notre application marchande vous permetdetrouver des produits de qualité et de les acheterimmédiatementdepuis votre mobile. Vous y trouverez toutes lesmêmesfonctionnalités que vous connaissez déjà de notre boutiqueenligne, avec des fonctions avancées, comme « Trouver votre magasin»qui permet de retrouver les itinéraires et horaires d’ouverturedevos magasins, les promotions du moment dans les magasins devotrerégion, des informations sur les produits et des avis clientspourvous aider à faire le bon choix pour votre famille.Il est si simple maintenant d’acheter à tout moment puisquevousavez accès à nos offres spéciales, vous pouvez consulter lesprixet acheter en utilisant le mode de paiement de votre choix,àsavoir la carte de crédit, la carte cadeau ou Paypal. Vouspouvezégalement commander le produit afin qu’il soit livré chezvous ouen point relais. Et si vous avez un code promotionnel quivousdonne droit à une remise supplémentaire, vous pouvezl’utiliseraussi !Vous avez envie de partager une super offre Toys’R’Us avec vosamiset votre famille ? Vous pouvez le faire à l’aide deTwitter,Facebook, des SMS et des Emails, depuis votre mobile.Vous pouvez également naviguer et acheter directementsurToys’R’Us sans avoir à télécharger une autre application, niàpayer séparément ! Une seule expérience d’achat vous permettradecombler tous les besoins de vos enfants, des nouveau-nés auxplusgrands.Shop Toys "R" UsShop Babies "R" UsBuy anywhere, anytime!As an expert to meet the needs of babies and new parents,BabiesR Us, space 100% of childcare Toys'R'Us, knows that your timeisvaluable when it comes to getting the best products and advicefroma name you can trust. Our merchant application allows you tofindquality products and buy them immediately from your mobile.You'llfind all the same features you already know our online store,withadvanced features, such as "Find your shop" which allows youtofind routes and opening hours of your stores, current promotionsinstores in your area, information on products and reviews tohelpyou make the right choice for your family.It is so easy now to buy at any time since you have access toourspecial offers, you can view prices and buy using the paymentmethodof your choice, ie credit card, the gift card or Paypal. Youcanalso order the product so that it is delivered to your homeorpick-up point. And if you have a promotional code that entitlesyouto an additional discount, you can use it too!You want to share a great offer Toys'R'Us with your friendsandfamily? You can do this by using Twitter, Facebook, SMS andEmailsfrom your mobile.You can also browse and buy directly from Toys'R'Uswithouthaving to download another application, or pay separately!Oneshopping experience will allow you to meet all the needs ofyourchildren, from newborns to older children.
Babyoye Baby & Mom Online Shop 1.3.1
After a great partnership and camaraderiewithour shoppers, we have come to the final update for our Androidapp.There shall be no further releases. Please accept ourheartfeltgratitude for your companionship in this journey. Like allthingsgood, this one comes to its destined conclusion. Hope to workwithyou awesome consumers somewhere else sometime!
GamePlan: Games DB 8.11
The app for video game reviews and info.