Top 19 Games Similar to Borobudur Go!

Achipela-GO 1.0.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
Discover new culture, tradenaturalresorces,and bring back glory to your homeland, as youtravelthrough thearchipelago of Indonesia during the AgeofDiscovery.Discover newculture,tradenatural resorces, and bring back glory to yourhomeland, asyoutravel through the archipelago of Indonesia duringthe AgeofDiscovery.
SGU Game-A-Thon
Features :- 3 kinds of games.- Lots of fun.Instruction : Move the player and start fighting with theenemytosave the world. The movements are right, left, up, down,jump,andpunch. Punch the enemy till it dies. There are alsoanothergame,just CHECK IT OUT!Features:- 3 kinds of games.- Lots of fun.Instruction: Move the player and start fighting with theenemytosave the world. The movements are right, left, up, down,jump,andpunch. Punch the enemy till it dies. Also There areanothergame,just CHECK IT OUT!
Defender of Indonesia 1.0.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
Defender of Indonesia is a game aboutAnIndonesian Warrior name Ono that protect his countryfrominvader.His weapon is traditional weapons called keris andbambooruncing.Defender of Indonesia isagame about An Indonesian Warrior Ono name that protect hiscountryfrom traditional weapons invader.His weapon is called adagger and apointed bamboo.
Eagle Travel indonesia 1.0.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
Indonesia is a rich country withsomuchdestination that you can travel. For example is CandiBorobudurinMagelang. This game will invite you to come to Indonesiato seehowbeautiful and rich Indonesia is.How to Play the Game :Just tap your directions as fast as you can in the rightcornerandclick the left side to shoot the bullet. Collect allthegems.Indonesia is arichcountrywith so much the destination that you can travel.Forexample is theBorobudur Temple in Magelang. This game willinviteyou to come toIndonesia to see how beautiful and richIndonesiais.How to Play the Game:Just tap your Reviews directions as fast as you can intherightcorner and click the left side to shoot the bullet.Collectall thegems.
idk 1.0.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
This game we made today is an arcadetype,withthe theme: Indonesia for the world (Indonesia untukdunia).Thepurpose we make this game related to the theme is to showthebeautyof Indonesia to the other countries in the world, evenifit’s stillconsidered a developing country. When we heardthistheme, what cameinto our heads first is about an old arcadegamecalled StreetFighter. The concept is similar with StreetFighter,but we willmodify the parts. We chose Street Fighter as ourmainconceptbecause we think it’s an easy arcade game anddoesn’trequire muchattributes and things we found inGamesaladapplication itself. Aswe said before, the locations arefamoustourism sites. Theselocations have different levels. Theleastpopular location has theeasy level, while the mostpopularlocation has the hard level.Next, the music we used. We usedsomemusic from youtube, which areactually converted to mp3 format(so,credits to all music owners!).The music are all EDM, or anymusicwithout vocals. And also, thisisn’t an online game, oramultiplayer game. This game doesn'trequire internet connection,anddoesn’t sell money such as forgems, cash, etc. And this gamedoesn’tuse money system. Instead, ituses level system. So inorder tounlock the next character orweapon, the player mustcomplete themissions, let’s say with bettertime record, or withhigher criticalhits, or less damage.This game we madetodayisan arcade type, with the theme: Indonesia for theworld(Indonesiato the world). The purpose of make this game werelatedto the themeis to show the beauty of Indonesia to theothercountries in theworld, even if it's still Considered adevelopingcountry. When weheard this theme, what Came into ourheads firstis about an oldarcade game called Street Fighter. Theconcept isSimilar withStreet Fighter, but we will modify the parts.We choseas our playStreet Fighter concept Because We think it's aneasyarcade game anddoes not require much attributes and thingswefound in GameSaladapplication itself. As we said before,thelocations are famoustourism sites. Reviews These locationshavedifferent levels. Theleast popular location has the easylevel,while the most popularlocation has the hard level. Next, themusicwe used. We used somemusic from youtube, the which areactuallyconverted to mp3 format(so, credits to all music owners!).The areall EDM music, or anymusic without vocals. And Also, this isnotan online game, or amultiplayer game. This game does notrequireinternet connection,and does not sell money such as forgems,cash, etc. And this gamedoes not use the money system.Instead, ituses the system level. Soin order to unlock the nextcharacter orweapon, the player mustcomplete the missions, let's saywithbetter time record, or withhigher critical hits, orlessdamage.
Actually... 1.0.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
Got a lot of time but got nothing todo?You'relucky! This game is just for you!This game lets all your anger out so you will feel relaxedinyourlife!Don't expect it to be too easy though ( it's prettyeasy).Ifyoucompleted it, sharewith your friends and see who's faster! :-)Got a lot of timebutgotnothing to do? You're lucky! This game is just for you!This game lets all your anger out so you will feel relaxedinyourlife!Do not expect it to be too easy though (it's pretty easy).ifyoucompleted it, sharewith your friends and see who's faster! :-)
Save Cendrawasih 1.0.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
Cendrawasih, one ofIndonesia'sendangeredanimals and the trademark of Papua, isthreathened toextinct. THELAST OF THEM are separated all aroundIndonesia!Do you have what it takes to conquer a quest t to save them?Adventure and discover the land of Indonesia. Avoidallthemonsters that await you! Find the last oftheremainingCenderawasih and explore the depths of theIndonesianjungle!FEATURES- FREE TO PLAY- Addictive mini games- Great for kids and adults alikeInternet connection NOT required to play!Cendrawasih,oneofIndonesia's endangered animals and the trademark ofPapua,isthreathened to extinct. THE LAST OF THEM are separatedallaroundIndonesia!Do you have what it takes to conquer a quest t to save them?Adventure and discover the land of Indonesia. Avoidallthemonsters that await you! Find the last oftheremainingCenderawasih and explore the depths of theIndonesianjungle!FEATURES- FREE TO PLAY- Addictive mini-games- Great for kids and adults alikeInternet connection is NOT required to play!
Indonesia's Time! 1.0.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
Welcome to “Indonesia’s Time!”. Wehadfunmaking this game and we hope you’d like it. Its goal istoshowthat a guy from Indonesia going through space and timeinanendless platformer. The character’s goal is to explorethehistoryof Indonesia. It wasn’t easy for him though. He has togetto everyobstacles. Your job is to help the character named“Budi”bycontrolling him to dodge obstacles and more! For us, thehistoryofIndonesia is so underrated. So we make this gametofamiliarizepeople to the history of Indonesia. We’re here fromXyncteamintroduced our first game ever. We also wanted to say thankyouforthe support from our school Sang Timur, SGU Game-A-Thonformakingthis game possible, our parents that believed in us, andlastbutnot least your support.the music that is using which is "Salty Ditty"KevinMacLeod( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License by: Marcellinus Steven – Game directorVarellino Gallan - ProgrammerAudley Christophorus - Modeler-Team XyncWelcometo"Indonesia'sTime!". We had fun making this game and we hopeyou'dlike it. Itsgoal is to show that a guy from Indonesia goingthroughspace andtime in an endless platformer. The character's goalis toexplorethe history of Indonesia. It was not easy for himthough. Hehas toget to every obstacles. Your job is to help thecharacternamed"Bob" by controlling him to dodge obstacles and more!For us,thehistory of Indonesia is so underrated. So we make-thisgametofamiliarize people to the history of Indonesia. We'reherefromXync team Introduced our first game ever. Also we wantedtosaythank you for the support from our school SangTimur,SGUGame-A-Thon for making this game possible, ourparentsthatBelieved in us, and last but not least your support.the music that is using the which is "Salty Ditty"KevinMacLeod( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License by: Steven Marcellinus - Game directorVarellino Gallan - ProgrammerAudley Christophorus - Modeler-Team Xync
Run, Timun! 1.0.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
Run, Timun! Is a game based on theIndonesianlegend ÔTimun MasÕ. In this game, players must help TimunMasescape from a giant green monster. To kill the monster, Timunhasto shoot magical seeds at the creatureÕs tiny goblins whoroamsaround the land. Timun will die if she touches the goblins, sobecareful! The game has three levels that feature famousIndonesianprovinces: Central Java, West Sumatra, and Bali.Run, Cucumber! Is agamebased on the Indonesian legend ÔTimun Maso. In this game,playersmust help Timun Mas escape from a giant green monster. Tokill themonster, Cucumber has to shoot magical seeds at thecreatureÕs tinygoblins who roams around the land. Cucumbers willdie if shetouches the goblins, so be careful! The game has threelevels thatfeature famous Indonesian provinces: Central Java, WestSumatra,and Bali.
Bambu Runcing 1.0.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
Indonesia adalah Negara yang indah dan kayadiseluruh dunia. Wilayah yang kaya akan keindahan dan sumberdayaalamnya membuat berbagai bangsa ingin ‘memilikinya,’termasukBelanda. Sehingga, bangsa Eropa pun menjajah Tanah Air iniselamalebih dari 3,5 abad. Dan bangsa Eropa terlama yang menjajahNegaraini adalah bangsa Belanda, dari tahun 1593 hingga 1942,ketikaJepang menguasai Hindia Belanda (nama koloni Belanda diIndonesia).Selama masa kekuasaan pemerintah kolonial Belanda,banyak hartakekayaan Indonesia diperas dan diambil untukkepentingan bangsanya,sedangkan bangsa Indonesia sendiri menjadimiskin, tak berdaya, dansebagainya. Akibatnya, bangsa Indonesiamulai menentang penjajahanBelanda hingga titik darah penghabisan.Perjuangan bangsa Indonesiamelawan penjajah Belanda tiada hentinya,hingga pada akhirnyabangsa Indonesia mendeklarasikan kemerdekaannyapada tanggal 17Agustus 1945. Namun, bangsa Belanda masih inginmenancapkankekuasaannya di Tanah Air. Mereka menganggap bahwaIndonesia adalahaset Belanda yang sangat berharga, dan bila hilangmaka akan hancurperekonomiannya. Sehingga, bangsa Belanda akanmelakukan apapun,bahkan dibantu Sekutu yang dipimpin oleh AS danInggris, untukmempertahankan koloni terbesarnya. Tentu, sebagaibangsa yang barulahir pada saat itu, seluruh bangsa Indonesia jugaakan melakukanapapun demi menjaga dan mempertahankan kemerdekaanIndonesia yangbaru dideklarasikan.Bambu Runcing adalah game yang bisa menjawab semuapermasalahanbangsa saat itu. Walaupun sudah terjadi sejak lama,namun melaluigame ini, kamu dituntut untuk merasakan bagaimanamenjadi seorangpejuang Indonesia untuk mempertahankankemerdekaannya yang barulahir dari tangan penjajah Belanda padasaat itu. Denganfitur-fitur yang diatur sedemikian rupa, game iniakan membawa kamukepada sensasi perjuangan mempertahankankemerdekaan Indonesia yangluar biasa. Dengan taktik jitu tentaraBelanda menghadang, kamudituntut pula untuk memiliki kecepatanpenahan hadangan tentaraBelanda. Sehingga tentara Belanda tidakmampu menghancurkanpertahanan Indonesia, bahkan tentara itu akanlangsung dibunuh.Dengan itu, kamu bisa menjadi pahlawan kemerdekaanIndonesia yangmempertahankan dirinya dengan senjata bambu runcingdari serbuantentara Belanda yang ingin menguasai Indonesia. Apakahkamu bisaselamat dari serbuan tentara Belanda ?Indonesia is abeautifuland rich country in the world. A region rich in beauty andnaturalresources make various nations want to 'have it,' includingtheNetherlands. Thus, the Europeans also colonized this countryformore than 3.5 centuries. And the oldest European nationthatcolonized this country are the Dutch, from 1593 to 1942, whenJapanruled the Dutch East Indies (the name of the Dutch colonyofIndonesia). During the reign of the Dutch government,manypossessions Indonesia squeezed and taken to the interests ofthenation, while the Indonesian people themselves to bepoor,helpless, and so forth. As a result, the Indonesian peoplebegan tooppose the Dutch colonial to the bitter end. Indonesianstruggleagainst the Dutch colonialists endlessly, until finally thenationof Indonesia declared its independence on 17 August 1945.However,the Dutch still want to stick his power in the country.They assumethat Indonesia is a very valuable asset Netherlands, andif lost,would be destroyed its economy. Thus, the Dutch will doanything,even aided the Allies, led by the US and the UK, tomaintain itslargest colony. Of course, as a new nation was born atthat moment,all the Indonesian people will do anything to protectand defendthe independence of the newly declared Indonesia.Bamboo Taper is a game that can answer all the nation'sproblemsat that time. Although it has been happening for a longtime, butthrough this game, you are required to feel how to be awarriorIndonesia to maintain its independence newborn fromDutchcolonizers hand at the time. With features are arranged in away,this game will bring you to the thrill of the struggleforIndonesian independence incredible. Dutch soldiers withsnipertactics to block, you also required to have the retainingspeedhadangan Dutch army. So the Dutch army was not able todestroyIndonesia's defense, even soldiers would be killed. With it,youcan become a hero of Indonesian Independence defend himselfwithweapons sharpened bamboo from the invasion of Dutch soldierswhowanted to rule Indonesia. Are you able to survive an attackbyDutch soldiers?
Asep the gojek driver 1.0.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
Lu nyetir gojek di jalanrayasebelahmobilLu gojek drivingonthehighway next to the car
Fly 1.0.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
What happened ?! The earthturnedupsidedown!Fly as far as you can through Indonesia and findtheotherbirds!Avoid obstacles and collect coins, beat yourfriend'shighscore!What happened?!Theearthturned upside down!Fly as far as you can through Indonesia and findtheotherbirds!Avoid obstacles and collect coins, beat yourfriend'shighscore!
Negosium 1.1.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
a guy who wants to be a millionaire andwantstobe the successful entrepreneur in the whole world. with thehelpofthe nerd, they work together. the group of nerds and thepurpleguyswork together with a guy to make the guy become veryrich.from theastern stall to become the richest entrepreneur. willhemake it tothe top of the world or will he ended up being poorasalways?a guy who wants tobeamillionaire and wants to be the successful entrepreneurinthewhole world. with the help of the nerd, they worktogether.thegroup of nerds and the purple guys work together with aguy tothemake the guy Become very rich. astern from the stall toBecometherichest entrepreneur. will he make it to the top of theworldorwill he ended up being poor as always?
Gatot runner 1.1.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
BE AN INDONESIAN HEROGatot RunPresent the real beauty of Indonesian culture in your phoneEscape all the challenge and win the gameGame that make you can’t stop play the coolest game thatyou’lleverfind in the play storeSIMPLE one touch game play that won’t confuse youBE ANINDONESIANHEROGatot RunPresent the real beauty of Indonesian culture in your phoneEscape all the challenge and win the gameGames that make you can not stop the play the coolestgamethatyou'll ever find in the play storeSIMPLE one-touch game play that will not confuse you
Game Fix 1.0.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
Upgrade your resources, manage theprofit&become the greatest exporter! Become the BestExporterManager! Helpyour country by raising the profit and anotherbysupplying themwith your resources!-. Up to 4 resources: Oil. Wood, Gold, and Food-.Playable without an internet connectionIf there is a bug or have any suggestion, please leavethecommentbelow!We’ll love to hear from you!Upgradeyourresources,manage the profit & Become the greatestexporter!Become theBest Exporter Manager! Help your country byraising theprofit andanother by supplying them with yourresources!-. Up to four resources: Oil. Wood, Gold, and Food-.Playable Without an internet connectionIf there is a bug or have any suggestion, please leavethecommentbelow!We'll love to hear from you!
Run A-Way 1.0.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
================================RUN A-Way================================Game yang dibuat oleh siswa SMAK Sang timurTomangdengantema:Indonesia untuk dunia.Dalam game ini,kami ingin menunjukan pekerjaan yang sangatumumdidaerah desa yakni petaniyang ingin berlari menuju suatu tempat.Namun di jalankarakterpetaniini akan menemukan beberapahalangan yang dapat mencelakakan dirinya.===============================Cara bermain===============================Cara untuk memainkan game ini adalah dengan memencettombolbagianbawah layar anda sebelah kiri dan tombol bagian bawahlayarandasebelah kanan.Bagian bawah layar sebelah kiri menggerakkan pemain kekiridanbagian bawah layar sebelah untuk menggerakan pemainkekanan.Tujuan game ini adalah untuk berlari sejauh mungkindanmenghindariobjek selain pemain yang akan datang.Apabila kita mengenai atau menyentuh objek tersebut,pemainakankalah dan mendapat score yang telah ditentukan.================================RUN A-Way================================Game created by SMAK Sang east Tomang with the theme:Indonesiatothe world.In this game, we want to show work that is very common intheruralareas farmerswho wanted to run toward a road tempat.Namun infarmers'characterwill find someobstacle which can harm themselves.===============================How to play===============================How to play this game is to push the button bottom leftofyourscreen and the bottom button to the right of yourscreen.The bottom of the screen to the left moves the player to theleftandthe bottom side of the screen to move the player totheright.The purpose of this game is to run as far as possibleandavoidobjects other than the players who will come.If we on or touching the object, the player will lose andgotapredetermined score.
Hat 1.1.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
Inspired from Indiana Jones, ayoungadultembarks on a journey to explore the hidden passageinCandiPrambanan. Equipped with a Keris that he found insidetheCandi,you players will be the one to decide the fate ofthisyoungman!InspiredfromIndianaJones, a young adult embarks on a journey to explorethehiddenpassage in Prambanan. Equipped with a keris that hefoundinsidethe temple, you players will be the one to Decide thefate ofthisyoung man!
Phil's Trip 1.1.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
This game is easy and simple butyetteasespeople who play because of stupid decisions.Phil is happy guy that travels to indonesia to help somefunfromit’s culture and surprising events.But phil sometimes is kind of a stupid guy so he needs yourhelptohelp him on is journeyThis game iseasyandsimple but yet teases people who play becauseofstupiddecisions.Phil is happy guy that travels to Indonesia to help somefunfromit's culture and surprising events.But phil sometimes is kind of a stupid guy so he needs yourhelptohelp him on is journey
Finding a Box 2016 1.1.0
SGU Game-A-Thon
Game ini mengenai keindahan alamIndonesiaakantetapi dibutuhkan kelincahan unuk menemukan sesuatuyangmenurutmubenar kareana terdapat hal-hal yang menurut mubenartetapi ternyatatidak benar. Didalam game ini terdapatbeberapatingkatan yangpertama mudah tetapi akan semakin susahditingkatanberikutnyaThis game isaboutthenatural beauty of Indonesia but transform the agilityneededtofind something that you think absolutely mindless andtherearethings which do you think is true but it was not true. Inthisgamethere are several levels of the first easy but it willbemoredifficult in the next level