Top 13 Apps Similar to Plano de Negócios Martins

Ideias de Negócios 1.2
Sebrae Nacional
Você quer se tornar um empreendedor masnãosabe por onde começar ou que negócio abrir?O Sebrae fez diversos estudos sobre mais de 440 IdeiasdeNegócios, fazendo um raio x sobre tudo o que você precisasaber:espaço físico adequado, número de empregados,equipamentosprincipais, valor do investimento, entre outros.Conheça mais sobre cada negócio e tome a decisão sobre onegóciocerto para você.You want to becomeanentrepreneur but do not know where to start or what businessopen?Sebrae has done several studies on over 440 BusinessIdeas,making an X-ray on everything you need to know: adequatespace,number of employees, major equipment, the investment,amongothers.Learn more about each business and make a decision abouttheright business for you.
Plano de negócios - startups 1.0
Só existe uma diferença entreidealizarerealizar. Um bom plano.Tire da gaveta o seu sonho de negócio e invista na suavocação.OPlano de Negócios para Empreendedores Iniciantes éumaferramentacompleta para quem tem aquela ideia inovadora,massentedificuldade em entender o dia a dia da administração.Com este aplicativo, você aprende de maneira fácil edidáticacomoviabilizar seu projeto profissional, passando portodas asetapas deplanejamento:1. Qual é a sua ideia de negócio?2. Que recursos você pode colocar em seu negócio?3. Você conhece o seu produto ou serviço em profundidade?4. Quem são seus clientes?5. Como você vai abordar esses clientes?6. Como pretende gerenciar as operações do dia a dia?7. Como você vê seu negócio em três anos?8. Você pode ganhar a vida com seu negócio?9. Como você pretende reunir o investimento necessário?E você ainda conta com planilhas de orçamento prontasparauso,modelos de negócio para inspirar suas ideias e respostasparaasprincipais dúvidas dos empreendedores iniciantes.O diferencial você já tem. O próximo passo é realizar.There isonlyonedifference between idealizing and perform. A goodplan.Take the drawer your dream business and invest in theirvocation.TheBusiness Plan for Entrepreneurs Beginners is acomplete toolforanyone who has that innovative idea, but finds itdifficulttounderstand the day to day administration.With this app, you learn so easy and intuitive aspossibletheirprofessional project, going through all theplanningstages:1. What is your business idea?2. What resources can you put into your business?3. You know your product or service in depth?4. Who are your customers?5. How will you address these customers?6. How do you intend to manage the day to day operations?7. How do you see your business in three years?8. You can make a living from your business?9. How do you want to gather the necessary investment?And there's even budget worksheets ready to use businessmodelstoinspire ideas and answers to the main questionsofbuddingentrepreneurs.The differential you have. The next step is to perform.
Business Model Canvas & SWOT 1.7.0
Mob Business
Build better Business Models Canvas. The BusinessModelCanvascombines the speed of a napkin sketch with the smartsofaspreadsheet. It enables you to map, test, and iterateyourbusinessideas – fast. With the Business Model Toolbox you willbeable to:- Sketch your business model using thepracticalmethodology fromthe best-selling book, Business ModelGeneration. -Test theprofitability of your ideas with a quickreport andbreakdowns byoffer, customer segments, and costs. The appis basedon theBusiness Model Canvas, a widely practicedvisualtemplatepre-formatted with the nine blocks of a businessmodel(customersegments, value propositions, channels,customerrelationships,revenue streams, key resources, keyactivities, keypartners, coststructure). This application aims tohelp allentrepreneurs andStartups to organize and build theirbusinessmodel using thefamous Canvas. With simple layout andusability,navigationthroughout the application can be found inbuttonsActionBar, topof the screen. You can build your modelautomaticallyand ModelCanvas share via email, facebook and save onyour memorycard!
Business Plan 1.2
As put in practical steps and easy you can accomplish in ashorttime The application enables you to post your projectswithcolleagues and advisers You may also save your projects andreferto it when you need to update it Features - BusinessPlanapplication will help you for planning your projectswithmotivation to accomplish with distinction. - Forms the basisforassessing your readiness to start the project and prepareanappropriate marketing plan. - All necessary and possible waystocomplete the project information. You can print Business Plan tobepresented to Financing Agencies Business Plan for smallbusinesseshas become easier and better with this application Youcan also getmore support with us by e-mail
Business Plan in 5 Minutes 2.0
Over 17,000 small businesses havebenefitedfrom The 5 Minute Business Plan across 52 countries.Whether you'reseeking capital, need a bank loan or just startingout, create yourown business plan using our dynamic questioningprocess in matterof minutes. You enter 1 word, you get 5 back!When determining what is critical to include in yourbusinessplan (and getting that information out of your head!), the5 MinuteBusiness Plan App is the answer. Benefit from ourexperienceassisting thousands of companies and create your 1 pagebusinessplan now.The 5 minute business plan app was created by a leadingstrategyconsultant, who is currently considered the world leader invirtualconsulting. The 5 Minute Business Plan is a wholeconsultingengagement that will carefully guide your thinking, andhelp youdevelop your business strategy and document.Create your personalised Business Plan in just minutes onyourmobile device. Create an unlimited number of businessplans.Key Features:- 90% less typing than traditional Business Planning methods- Your 1 page business plan will be to you via email- Bonus resources for small business ownersWith The 5 Minute Business Plan you will:- Make key business decisions- Develop your 12-month goals- Identify key competitive strengths- Prepare your business for rapid growthThe 5 minute Business Plan app helps you create a winning 1pagebusiness plan in just minutes.
Business Plan 1.8
Hagens Media, LLC.
Download a free business plan application. Consideringcreatingafresh business of your own? Great! Taking a chance andgoing outona limb is usually not that bad after you've done it."You willfindthis a useful app to help.
Mercos - Vendas e Pedidos 230510
Simplest Software
Mercos: order and sale system for Industry, DistributorandRepresentative
Sebrae Canvas 2.0
A ferramenta mais utilizada naatualidadenoplanejamento de negócios inovadores está disponívelpara você.OSebrae Canvas permite que qualquer empreendedordesenvolvasuasidéias de negócio ou até mesmo repense um modelo denegóciojáexistente.The most used tooltodayininnovative business planning is available to you.SebraeCanvasallows any entrepreneur to develop their business ideasorevenrethink an existing business model.
Small Business Ideas 1.02
Dujke Apps Inc.
This FREE App contains hundreds smallbusinessideas that are established to find the right market foryou.Congratulations on making the first step towards a betterlifefor your family members as well as yourself. Creating abusiness isthe fiscally brightest thing you can certainly do intoday's world.As more and more folks get laid off in the swiftlytransformingmarket we live in, a growing number of people arelooking for amuch more secure source of income in which they'vebetter controlof. Use Small Business Ideas App to first find yourside businessand start dreaming big.I really could go on and on about the benefits of owningandoperating your own company, because that is not why you'rehere,but I will not. You already know that you make your ownconclusionsand would like to own your own business, you only needto knowwhere to direct hard work and your drive. In thisAndroidapplication you'll find hundreds of the latest SmallBusiness Ideasfor today!One thing I've learned over the years of being an entrepreneuristhe fact that should you not have passion for the company youare in- you most probably will not make it. Free App is here bygiving yousome great ideas you can definitely sink your teeth intoto fuelthat fire.In FREE Small Business Ideas App you will find:• Small Business Trends and News Daily• Instructional How to Start a Business Videos• Business Ideas on Twitter Daily• Business Ideas and Start Up Tips in Video Format• Best Business Ideas Blog Feeds• Small Business Opportunities for Teens, Students, Women,Men• Small Business Ideas From The Internet Daily• A Lot About Small Business Loans and Funding• Stay at Home Business Ideas• Business Plan Templates• Business Start Up Checklist• Advertisements
Entrepreneur Business Ideas - Tools & Tutorials 1.1.10
Alex Genadinik
This app contains articles on getting businessideas,protectingbusiness ideas, and how to generally think aboutbusinessideas. Inaddition to the articles, there is a list of 100businessideas. Inaddition to that, there is a tool to help youbeginplanning yourown business - all on this one app!! All the tipsonbusiness ideasfor entrepreneurs are tips and suggestions camefromour experiencegrowing our business plan app. That business planappnow has over100,000 downloads and over 20,000 business plans. Soifyou are anentrepreneur who is looking to start a business, theappsbased onmany entrepreneurs just like you. This app focusesonbusinessideas. It contains articles on these businessentrepreneurtopics:1) How to get business ideas 2) Psychology ofbeing asmallbusiness owner and an entrepreneur 3) Evolution of abusinessideaand how they change over time. This is what happens toyourideaafter you get your business ideas. 4) What to do if youhavetoomany business ideas and how to choose the best out ofthoseideas5) Common business idea mistakes 6) Protecting businessideasafteryou get the business ideas, and whether you shouldprotectthem atall In addition to these articles, there are also100businessideas you can try. And if that wasn't enough, there isalsoasoftware tool on the app which helps you create asmallbusinessplan for of your business idea. It is a good idea tocreatea smallbusiness plan just for yourself to help you organizeyourideas.And if you feel you would like more guidance and helpinmakingyour business idea a reality, you can get help fromanexperiencedentrepreneur by trying our premium business ideasandbusiness planapps. Get expert help from a real person andbeginmaking greatprogress on your business idea today. For techsupportoradditional business idea article requests,
Business Plan Quick Builder 4.7Production
Perren Consulting Ltd
A great business plan from an easy to use template app
Business plan 2.0.3
Describe your business idea in convenient and professional way!
Cadastro de Clientes 11.6
AS2 Sistemas
Gerencie e atenda o seu cliente de forma prática, rápidaefuncional.O Cadastro de Clientes é um aplicativo que temoobjetivo defacilitar o cadastro de dados dos clientes, agestãoderelacionamento (CRM) e a fidelização, através docontroledeatendimentos prestados. Ele oferece maior produtividadeeagilidadeatravés de uma interface prática e intuitiva.Organize-separaprospectar e captar novos clientes. ➜ Baixe agoratotalmenteGRÁTISe sem limitações. Confira também a versão paraWindows! ComoControle de Clientes para Windows você podetrocarinformaçõesentre o PC e o aplicativo para Android. O sistemaparaWindowsfunciona independente do aplicativo, podendo seradquiridona formade licença anual. Além de relatórios paraimpressão eexportaçãopara PDF, você também pode emitir recibo doatendimento econferirvárias opções adicionais. Mais informações etestesgratuitos por30 dias em: ★ Alguns recursosdoaplicativo: •Totalmente GRATUITO e SEM LIMITES de cadastros•CADASTRO COMPLETOde clientes com foto e campos personalizados•TRANSFERÊNCIA DEDADOS dos clientes entre dispositivos via QRCode•TRANSFERÊNCIA eSINCRONIA DE DADOS entre a versão para WINDOWS eocelular/tablet •Funciona sem necessidade de internet (*algumasfuncionalidadesrequerem acesso) • Cadastro de ATENDIMENTOSparacontrolarcontatos, pedidos, entregas, visitas,reuniões,agendamentos,orçamentos, etc. • Colete dados rapidamenteutilizandoo CADASTRORÁPIDO do cliente. • AGENDA de atividades:façaagendamentos comcalendário semanal e mensal de todososatendimentos • Marcaçãoautomática de próximo contato • ControledeCOBRANÇAS eRECEBIMENTOS com opção de pagamento total ou parcial•Calendáriode FERIADOS • Ligações telefônicas, envio de SMS eavisopor E-MAILe WHATSAPP • Busca online do endereço do clientepelo CEP•Diversos GRÁFICOS e RELATÓRIOS com exportação de dadosparaExcel(CSV). • Listagem de clientes com várias opções debusca•Importação de dados de contatos do celular/tablet •BACKUPerestauração de dados. • MANUAL do usuário em PDF paraconsultaedownload • Disponível nos idiomas: Português BrasileiroePortuguêsEuropeu ✔ BACKUP E RESTAURAÇÃO: o aplicativo possuiopçãoparacriar cópias de segurança (que devem ser feitasperiodicamente)earmazenar o arquivo no e-mail ou drive virtual,para casohajanecessidade de recuperar os dados. ✔ DICA DO DIA: emtemposdecrise, você pode consultar e COMPARTILHAR em todos osperíodosdodia (manhã, tarde e noite) uma nova dica, pensamentoouconselhosobre Atendimento, Empreendedorismo,Carreira,Administração,Liderança, Coaching, etc., que servirá deinspiraçãoe orientaçãopara o seu dia de trabalho e para incrementarsua vidaprofissionale seus negócios. ✔ Confira algumas dasatividades cujosclientespodem ser gerenciados pelo aplicativo: •Empresascomerciais eprestadoras de serviços, MEI -microempreendedorindividual,associações, autônomos, profissionaisliberais,representantescomerciais, corretores de seguros eimóveis,transportes depassageiros, vendedores ambulantes,camelôs,consultores, coletoresde dados, distribuidoras,revendedoras, salãode beleza,escritórios e muito mais... Além doaplicativo mobilepossuímostambém os sistemas para PCs com Windowsque permitem: •Controle deClientes • Gerenciamento de Escolas,Autoescolas,Gráficas, Vendascom Cartões, Telemensagens e Entregas.Acesse, confira e baixe nossos outrossoftwares.