Top 14 Apps Similar to Consulta de Multas SeMOB

DER Online 1.4.3
See defenses, Resources and Fines waiting levy, imposedandsuspended.
Com o novo aplicativo do Detran.Pi paratabletse smartphones, ficou ainda mais fácil verificar possíveismultas etaxas registradas em seu veículo. Para ter acesso àsconsultas,basta ter em posse o número da placa e RENAVAM doveículo. Mantenhaas consultas salvas e verifique a situação dosseus veículos onde equando quiser. Detran.Pi tornando mais práticaa vida dosproprietários de veículos do nosso Estado.With the newDetran.Piapplication for tablets and smartphones, it has becomeeven easierto check possible fines and fees recorded in yourvehicle. Toaccess the consultation, just keep in possession thelicense platenumber of the vehicle and RENAVAM. Keep saved queriesand check thestatus of their vehicles wherever and whenever youwant. Detran.Pimaking it practical life of our state vehicleowners.
JampaBus - SINTUR 3.3.0
JampaBus has evolved, download MOBE!
Consultas DetranRJ 0.0.1
Philip Store
Consulte seu veículo apreendido, pague seu IPVA ou consulteseuspontos na CNH. Tudo isso direto no App.
Detran MG - app descontinuado 2.0
O Departamento de Trânsito de MinasGeraisinforma que esse aplicativo foi descontinuado em15/12/2016.Para ter acesso aos serviços do Detran faça o download do MGApp( App você poderá cadastrar previamente os dados do veículoecondutor e não precisará digitar todas as vezes queforconsultar.Informamos ainda que estão disponíveis no MG App diversosoutrosserviços para facilitar a vida de quem precisa dos serviçosdaadministração pública do Estado de Minas Gerais, como:· Atestado de Antecedentes· Água e Esgoto – Copasa· Consulta de Medicamentos, fornecidos pelasfarmáciasregionais· Energia – Cemig· Veículos e Condutores· Consulta e Avaliação das Unidades de Atendimento· Consulta do tempo médio de espera das UAIs (Menu Unidadesdeatendimento > Consulta > UAI/PSIU)· Fale Aqui· Servidor Público Estadual· Telefones e Sites Úteis· Aplicativos úteisAgradecemos a compreensão!The Department ofMinasGerais Transit reports that this application was discontinuedon15/12/2016. To access the DMV services download the AppMG( you can pre-register vehicle data and driver and do not needtoenter each time for consulting. We also inform that are available in MG App many other servicestomake life easier for those who need the services of thepublicadministration of the State of Minas Gerais, such as: · Certificate of Background· Water and Sewer - Copasa· Consultation Medicines, provided by regional pharmacies· Energy - Cemig· Driver and Vehicle· Consultation and Evaluation of PSCs· Average time Query waiting for the HAT (Menu serviceunits>Consultation> UAI / PSIU)· Contact Here· State public server· Mobile and Useful Sites· Useful Applications Thank you for understanding!
Multa Consulta 1.1
Severino Solutions
Con "Multa Consulta" puedes verificarsitienesmultas pendientes de AMET (Autoridad MetropolitanadeTransporte) enRepública Dominicana de forma rápida y sencilla.Nota: Esta aplicacion no pertenece a AMET. Paramasinformacionadicional relacionada a sus multas, puedecomunicarsecon AMET al809-686-6520.
Multas Amet 5.0.0
Silversoft Incl.
Multas Amet Verify Your Car tickets by internet with MultasAmet,the Best app for do this from your Phone very Faster,Withoutissues. Multas Amet Try it Now!!
Multalitas 1.5
Ignasi Griñón
Con este programa podrá localizar todas las multas publicadas enlosboletines oficiales simplemente introduciendo su DNI y/oMatrícula ypulsando "Buscar."Withthisprogram you can locate all fines published in officialgazettestyping your ID and / or registration and clicking"Search."
Multas de Tránsito del Perú 1.0.1
The App Lab S.A.C
Multas del Perú es un buscador y organizador de multasysancionesaplicadas de acuerdo a las leyes y normativasdelMinisterio deTransportes y comunicaciones y el SATtotalmentegratuito. Permitebuscar multas por código y por palabrasclave, asícomo buscar entodo tipo de vehículos, ya seanparticulares, taxis,urbanos, decarga, etc. La base de datos de laescala de multa estáactualizadaa agosto del 2014 y es la misma quese encuentra en elportal delSAT: Encuentre rápidamente por qué lehan puesto unamulta, busqueuna palabra clave para ver si estáinfringiendo unaley y consultatodo tipo de sanciones aplicadas atodos losvehículos en el Perú.Es la forma más fácil, rápida einteractiva deinformarse sobre lasmultas y sanciones para losconductores decualquier categoría ylos peatones. Aprenda las normasde tránsitocon "Multas del Perú"
TomTom GO Navigation 3.2.12
TomTom International BV
Get Offline Navigation, Online Experience with TomTomGONavigation:Downloadable GPS Sat Nav offline maps, preciselivetraffic, andspeed camera alerts*, both updated inreal-time.Download now usingthe 30-DAY FREE TRIAL offer to get thebestdriving experience. 😎KEEP YOUR MAPS UPDATED WHILE SAVINGYOURMOBILE DATA • Maps À LaCarte: Save your mobile data withofflinemaps available in 150countries, always ad-free. You decidewhichmap to download, basedon what you need. • Weekly Map Updates:Helpyou steer clear ofblocked roads and drive within speedlimits,even when you areoffline. • Moving Lane Guidance: Endtheguesswork - know what laneis yours and what exit totake.Proprietary maps coming from 20+years of experience, provideyouhigh-quality turn-by-turn guidanceon your ways. STAYCONNECTEDWITH REAL-TIME UPDATES: • TomTomTraffic: Avoid traffic anddangerzones in real-time withintelligent route • Speed CameraWarnings*:Helping you drive saferand hassle-free with speed alertsandwarnings for fixed and mobilespeed cameras. • Online Search:Yourgo-to destinations, as well aspopular attractions andessentialPOIs, are stored on the app. Onceconnected, you cansearchdestinations from the catalogue of TomTom.• Share ETA: Shareyourestimated time of arrival with coworkers,friends, and familyviathe messaging platform of your choice. DRIVESAFELY AND BE AWAREOFSPEED CAMERAS: • Points of Interest: Searchand finddestinations,scenic areas, and attractions on the way andwhen youarrive atyour destination. • Alternative Routes: See waysaroundtrafficcongestion backed by precise distance and timecalculations •Driveto Photo: Remember the name of that place?! Ifyou geotaggedthephotos you took there, the app will take youthere! • DrivetoContacts: Get easier route planning to the peopleyou know,withthe contacts stored on your phone. • Ad-Free: Avoidannoyingadsfor the most efficient journey without interruption. •NEW! :Nowworks with Android Auto After the free trial, you canselect oneofthe following auto-renewing subscription plans: $1.99- 1month$8.99 - 6 months $12.99 - 12 months Cancel or changeyourplananytime. Drive with TomTom Go Navigation, thestate-of-the-artGPSSat Nav around! 💯 If you have questions,feedback, or inputonsomething we may have missed, please follow us& share on:+Facebook @ TomTom + Twitter @ TomTom + Instagram@TomTomDriversDisclaimers: · The use of this app is governed bytheTerms andConditions at ·Additionallaws,regulations, and local restrictions may apply. Youuse thisapp atyour own risk. * The Speed Camera Services must onlybe usedinaccordance with laws and regulations of the country whereyouaredriving. This functionality is specifically prohibitedinsomejurisdictions. It is your responsibility to comply withsuchlawsbefore activating the services. You can enable anddisableSpeedCamera warnings on TomTom GO Navigation.**Offerlimited to one free trial period per user. At the end ofthetrial,your subscription will be charged unless you cancel itatleast 24hours in advance.
ANT Multas y Puntos 1.0.0
Adrian Alava Cárdenas
Esta aplicación es un link hacia laaplicacionpublicada por la ANT( Agencia Nacional de Transito ) ensu sitioweb, la cual permite consultar mediante tuCédula,Ruc o placa datos como:- Los puntos de tu licencia de conducir.- Multas pagadas, pendientes, anuladas o en impugnación.- Vehículos a tu nombre- Estado y tipo de licenciaLa aplicacion es valida para las licencias de conduciryvehículos que circulan en Ecuador.This application is alinkto the application issued by the ANT (National TrafficAgency) on its website, which allows you to consultwithyour Certificate, Ruc or data plate as:- The points on your license.- Fines paid, pending, canceled or challenge.- Vehicles in your name- State and type of licenseThe application is valid for driver licenses andvehiclestraveling in Ecuador.
Contravenciones Ecuador 1.3.1
Andrés Vega
baja de puntos y multas de con valoresrealesde cada una de las contravenciones de transito delEcuadorLow points and fineswithreal values ​​of each traffic contraventions of Ecuador
InfoAuto 1.3.11
Rafael C.
App for your car in Mexico
Traffic Bangalore: Check Fines 7.10.2
Kode Blink Tech Apps LLP
Check for traffic fines and violations booked against a vehicleinBengaluru