Top 20 Apps Similar to Sala de Professor

Teacher Gradebook 6.6.5
Fran Meneu
For teachers who want an easier life
Teacher Aide 2.19.12
In Pocket Solutions
★★★New version - For Android 5.0 andhigher,tap the link below.★★★ by a teacher, for teachers! Works withGoogleClassroom.★ Best Teacher App Ever Award Winner Multiple YearsMain Features• Attendance & assignments• Seating chart & grade reports• Random student & groups• Sync roster from Google Classroom & much moreThis free version has use of 1 class so teachers can try out allthefeatures. The pro version allows up to 30 classes.YouTube HelpVideos: Tips: Tips: Tips: Doc Helpfile:***Try downloading the Blue Stacks Player from www.bluestacks.comifyou would like to run the app on your PC as well. ***Also, simply email me directly at support@inpocketsolutions.comifyou need any assistance. I love hearing from users.
SEI Professor 4.0.0
Sistema2 Softwares
Aplicativo para uso do professor
Google Classroom
Google Inc.
Classroom is a free service forschools,non-profits, and anyone with a personal Google account.Classroommakes it easy for learners and instructors toconnect—inside andoutside of schools. Classroom saves time andpaper, and makes iteasy to create classes, distribute assignments,communicate, andstay organized.There are many benefits to using Classroom:• Easy to set up – Teachers can add students directly or shareacode with their class to join. It takes just minutes tosetup.• Saves time – The simple, paperless assignment workflowallowsteachers to create, review and mark assignments quickly, allin oneplace.• Improves organization – Students can see all of theirassignmentson an assignments page, and all class materials (e.g.,documents,photos, and videos) are automatically filed into foldersin GoogleDrive.• Enhances communication – Classroom allows teachers tosendannouncements and start class discussions instantly. Studentscanshare resources with each other or provide answers to questionsonthe stream.• Affordable and secure – Like the rest of G Suite forEducationservices, Classroom contains no ads, never uses yourcontent orstudent data for advertising purposes, and is free.Permissions Notice:Camera: Needed to allow the user to take photos or videos andpostthem to Classroom.Storage: Needed to allow the user to attach photos, videos,andlocal files to Classroom. It's also needed to enableofflinesupport.Accounts: Needed to allow the user to choose which account to useinClassroom.
Additio App for teachers 10.2
Didactic Labs, S.L.
Gradebook and lesson planner for teachers. Easy to use.
Diário Professor 4.3
DARSH Soluções
Aplicativo do diário eletrônico ® Desenvolvido por DARSH Soluções
Teacher Aide Pro 2.19.12
Designed by a teacher, for teachers! WorkswithGoogle Classroom.Try out the newly released version 3 of Teacher AideVersion 3link Features• Attendance & Grades• Seating chart & Reports• Sync roster from Google Classroom & much moreYouTube HelpVideos: Tips: Tips: Tips: Doc Helpfile:***Try downloading the Blue Stacks Player from www.bluestacks.comifyou would like to run the app on your PC as well. ***This is the professional version of the award winning TeacherAidePro app. If you haven't already, please take a look at thefreeversion of the app so you can test it out on your device with1class.If you encounter any issues, please email the so the problem can be fixed.Thereare over 10,000 Android devices supported by the app so Idepend onusers to inform me of any issues they may find withtheirdevice.
Professor SC 1.6
SC teacher assists the teacher in the offline presence record.
Teacher Notes 2.05.07
In Pocket Solutions
This is the free version of the TeacherNotesapp to allow users to fully try out the app featuresbeforepurchasing. Try the app for 1 class of up to 40 students, and10notes per student.Are you an educator that has a need to keep a log of howyourstudents are doing - for yourself, for parents or foranadministrator? Well now you can utilize 21st century technologyanduse your tablet or smart phone to keep these logs. Just aseasilyyou can email a summary of the logs to the student, theparent orsomeone else.CURRENT FEATURES* 30 classes with up to 200 students per class for thepaidapp* Record both parent and student logs* Setup list of frequently used comments* Sort students by various criteria* Show Pie chart of comments* Backup data to DropboxPlease email the developer if you have any suggestions orfeedback.I love to make improvements to the app.
App do Professor - Colmeia 3.2.7
Colmeia Tecnologia LTDA
Se você quiser participar da nossa plataforma como professor,envieseus dados pelo site: AColmeia é uma plataformade agendamento de aulas particulares paraos Ensinos Médio eFundamental, além de também ter aulas de línguasestrangeiras paratodas as idades. Nós acreditamos em aulas dequalidade por um preçojusto! Com o agendamento rápido e eficientedamos a você o poder deescolher o melhor professor para as suasnecessidades. Através danossa plataforma você pode escolher ohorário, a duração, a matériae o local da aula. Vantagens: -Agende aulas de reforço para ensinosfundamental e médio direto noapp ou site; - Pague pelo aplicativocom seu cartão de crédito ouboleto; - Avalie seus professores ereceba dicas de estudo nocelular; - Cancele sua aula de formagratuita com até 3h antes dohorário agendado; - Aulas urgentespodem ser agendadas comantecedência de 4h ao horário desejado. COMOUSAR? 1. Insira osdados da aula (matéria, data, horário e endereço)2. Escolha seuprofessor e insira o cartão de crédito para pagamentoao final daaula 3. Finalize o agendamento - pronto! O professor vaiaté olocal que você escolher para te ajudar no que precisar AColmeiaestá operando em Brasília, São Paulo e Goiânia com planosdeexpandir para o resto do Brasil. Caso você tenha interessedeutilizar nossa solução em outra cidade entre em contato
SIGEduc Mobile Professor 3.3.6
SIGEduc (Integrated Management System of Education)
Classe ON Professor 4.0.0
Zoe Tecnologia
Aplicativo exclusivo para professoresdaUniversidade Nilton Lins.Suporte para dispositivos ARM versão 7, que usam asseguintesversões do sistema operacional Android:4.0.3 ou 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich)4.1.x, 4.2.x, 4.3.x (Jelly Bean)4.4 (KitKat)5.0 (Lollipop)6.0 (Marshmallow)Unique applicationforprofessors at the University Nilton Lins.Support for ARM devices Version 7, using the following versionsofthe Android OS:4.0.3 or 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich)4.1.x, 4.2.x, 4.3.x (Jelly Bean)4.4 (KitKat)5.0 (Lollipop)6.0 (Marshmallow)
e-Docente - EFII
Somos Educação
O aplicativo e-Docente – EFIIpossibilitaaconsulta ao conteúdo de obras das Editoras Ática,ScipioneeSaraiva, associadas às matrizes do SAEB e SAEB Ciênciasematrizesregionais dos estados de SP, RJ, PR, MG, GO, BA, PE eCE.Comocomplemento ao conteúdo dos livros, o e-Docentetambémofereceplanos de aula e modelos de provas para serembaixadospeloprofessor.
Remind 12.20.0
Remind, formerly Remind101, is a freetextmessaging app that helps teachers, students, andparentscommunicate quickly and efficiently. By connectingschoolcommunities, Remind makes it easy for everyone to succeedtogether.Remind is based in San Francisco, CA and is used by morethan 35million people in 3 out of 4 U.S. school districts.* Real-time messaging for your school, group, or just asingleperson.* Schedule reminders ahead of time.* Send text messages straight to any phone.* Translate messages into more than 70 languages.* See who's read your messages and who's missing out.* Plan important activities and collect funds—on time.“Once a teacher starts to use the tool, it tends to spreadthroughthe rest of the school like wildfire. Domonique Roberts, ahistoryteacher at University High School in Newark, N.J., has beenusingRemind to communicate better with parents. 'I have beenmessagingone student’s mom, telling her when he’s not doinghomework, or ifhe fell asleep in class today,' Roberts says. 'She’son top of itand his grade improved by two letter grades from thefirst markingperiod to the second, just by keeping up with her.'” –FastCompany“…Remind’s features have proved especially popular inlow-incomedistricts, where parent engagement is a key issue forteachers, andparents’ sometimes erratic work schedules can make itdifficult toget in touch by phone.” – BuzzfeedRemind website:
Pedagogia Digital 1.3.1
Pedagogia Digital Moodle appfordemopurposes.This app uses mTouch-U by PragmaTouch.
Revista Educação 4.6.4
Editora Segmento Ltda.
Education magazine, is an app aimed at professionals intheeducation sector
Universidad Pedagógica 3.0.0
Bienvenido a la aplicación móvildelaUniversidad Pedagógica. Acá podrás consultar tus notas,ingresaralaula virtual, conocer los eventos de tu interés, vernoticiasyescuchar la Radio Pedagógica. La aplicación es partedelosesfuerzos por facilitar la información relevante atodalacomunidad universitaria. Seguiremosdesarrollándolayexpandiéndola. Tus ideas y sugerencias sonbienvenidas.Welcome tothemobileapplication of the Pedagogical University. Here you cancheckyournotes, enter the virtual classroom, meet the eventsofyourinterest, see and hear the news Educational Radio.Theapplicationis part of efforts to provide relevant informationtothe entireuniversity community. We will continue to develop itandexpandingit. Your ideas and suggestions are welcome.
ToDo Pedagogia EaD 1.3
Atomic Rocket Entertainment
-----VERSÃO BETA-----O APP da Pedagogia EAD é um aplicativo para ajudar noplanejamentodeatividades cotidianas em tempos de cultura digital,paraserutilizado por quem deseja organizar sua agendadiária.Foi elaborado pensando, principalmente, nos alunos docurso,naintenção de potencializar autonomia acadêmica.O APP da Pedagogia EAD oportuniza a organização dotempoparaatividades no âmbito do lazer, família, trabalho eatividadesdeestudos que são "alimentadas" pelas AtividadesAcadêmicas em queoaluno está matriculado.O aplicativo também disponibiliza o link diretodaBrinquedotecaVirtual da UNISINOS, que serve de espaço de ideiaserecursospedagógicos que auxiliam nas atividades de estudos.___Desenvolvido pelo Atomic RocketEntertainment,estúdioexperimental de desenvolvimento de jogos daGraduaçãoTecnológicaem Jogos Digitais da Unisinos, que tem oobjetivo depreparardesenvolvedores para o mercado de trabalho efomentar aindústriacriativa na área de jogos. Maisinformaçõ versão do aplicativo é BETA.Este aplicativo requer uma conexão de internet ecobrançasdetransferência de dados subsequentes podem seraplicadas.Esta aplicativo é grátis e não contém anúnciosoucobrançasinternas de itens. Consulte a nossapá obter informações adicionais.___A Unisinos - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos estáentreasmaiores universidades privadas do Brasil, com cerca de31milalunos em cursos de graduação, pós-graduação eextensão,nasmodalidades presencial e EAD. A universidade prezapelasuacapacidade de ser inovadora. Com métodos atuais e empregodenovastecnologias, está atenta ao mundo contemporâneo eàtransformaçãosem, no entanto, abrir mão de seusvaloresoriginais.Acesse: Pedagogy EAD is an application to help inplanningdailyactivities in digital culture times, to be used bythose whowantto organize your daily schedule.Was elaborated thinking, especially in the course ofstudents,withthe intention of enhancing academic autonomy.APP Pedagogy EAD gives opportunity the organization oftimeforactivities in the leisure, family, work and activitiesofstudiesthat are "fed" by the Academic Activities in whichthestudent isenrolled.The application also provides a direct link to theToyLibrary'sVirtual UNISINOS serving space of ideas andeducationalresourcesthat assist in research activities.___Developed by Atomic Rocket Entertainment,experimentalstudioTechnology Graduate game development in DigitalGamesUnisinos,which aims to prepare developers for the labor marketandpromotethe creative industry in the games area. application version is BETA.This app requires an internet connection andsubsequentdatatransfer charges may apply.This application is free and contains no adsorinternalcollections of items. See our information.___The Unisinos - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos isamongthelargest private universities in Brazil, with about31,000studentsin undergraduate, graduate and extension, in theclassroomanddistance education modalities. The university pridesitself onitsability to be innovative. With current methods and useofnewtechnologies, it is attentive to the contemporary worldandthetransformation without, however, giving uptheiroriginalvalues.Access:
Professor Marco Maddo 1.0
Com este aplicativo você poderá acompanharosposts das aulas do Professor Marco Maddo via feeds RSS além detodoo conteúdo do Blog.With this applicationyoucan follow the posts of Professor Marco classes Maddo via RSSfeedsin addition to the entire contents of Blog.
Brainly Homework Help & Solver 5.11.5
Brainly, Inc
Need homework help? Post your questiononBrainly and receive a clear answer from another studentwithinminutes!Brainly is the world’s largest social learning community! 80millionstudents trust and study with Brainly every month. Yup,that’s 60million study partners to help you with any schoolsubject, such asMath, Social Studies, Science, English, ForeignLanguages and manymore.• Free - Brainly is 100% free of charge!• 24/7 - Unlimited access, anywhere, anytime• Superfast, Quality Answers - Questions are answered withinminutes& monitored by moderators• Share Your Knowledge - Earn points and gain ranks by helpingotherstudentsEveryone knows something! Share your hard earned knowledgebyanswering questions for other students. The more you answer,themore points you get. Gain ranks from Beginner to Genius thatgiveyou instant Brainiac cred.With Brainly, you can ask questions, search for answers, prepareforexams, essays and research in the following subjects -Mathematics,History, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, SocialStudies,Advanced Placement AP, Geography, Health, Arts, Business,Computersand Technology, French, German, Spanish, and WorldLanguages! Plus,special sections featuring prep questions for SATand PSATexams!Brainly covers education levels, such as elementary school,middleschool, high school and college. Our learning community isreliable- the quality of answers and explanations are ensured byadedicated team of moderators that check all content on adailybasis.Don’t forget to check out the reviews. The Brainly app hasover75,000 5-Star reviews!Where else can you find us?www.Brainly.comInstagram @BrainlyFacebook @BrainlyGroup