Top 19 Apps Similar to Back Pain

Upper & Lower Back Pain Relief 1.0
Best Free Apps Mobile
Your back is an amazing collectionofbones,ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves, put together soasto beincredibly strong and highly flexible.But the demands of modern life, including poor postureandsittingfor extended periods of time, at our desks, or in frontofourcomputer screens, have contributed to a rapidde-conditioningofthe muscles that support the neck, back and spine,which causedtheback pain.Back pain is very common and affects most people at somepointintheir life. Back pain factors include smoking, poorposture,activelifestyle, stress and obesity. Some things you cannotcontrolbutstill puts you at risk of back pain include aging,andgenesdeformities.It usually feels like an ache, tension or stiffness in yourback.Butmore over, back pain can make it difficult to sit down orup,or getsleep well, which very affects your usuallifestyle.Upper & Lower Back Pain Relief Application is designedtohelpusers achieve a healthy, supple back.This app will help you learn a variety of exercisesthatstretch,strengthen, and stabilize important muscles andligamentsthatsupport your neck and back.Whether you have lower or upper back pain, theseexerciseswillimprove your lumbar function and may providereliefforbackache.Following a simple suggestion is an effective solutiontorelievingconstant back pain, keeping you healthier and happier.Features:How to Avoid Back PainHow to Treat Upper Back PainHow to Treat Lower Back PainHow to Prevent Upper Back PainHow to Prevent Lower Back Pain
Exercises For Hurt Your Back 3.0.0
Back pain is a major issue for many. Ifyouhaven’t yet experienced it, odds are you will. According totheAmerican Association of Neurological Surgeons, 75 to 85 percentofAmericans will experience back pain during their lifetimes.Manycases are attributed to mechanical stress and strain, saysasGunnar Andersson, M.D., professor and chairman emeritus oftheDepartment of Orthopedic Surgery at Rush University MedicalCenterin Chicago. On top of that, if you’re doing exercises thatplacemore stress on your back due to improper technique, back painiseven more likely to occur. So make sure that doesn’t happenbychecking your form on the following popular exercises -- someofwhich are actually prescribed to help ease back pain --oreliminate them completely from your workout if you’re more pronetoback pain. There’s never one right or one wrong exercise foranyindividual or situation, especially for someone whoexperiencesback pain. If you ever experience back pain (not justmusclesoreness) during a workout, it’s important that you stopdoing thatexercise and consult your doctor or physical therapist.And ifyou’re ever unsure of how to do an exercise properly, hiringapersonal trainer for even one session can save your backfromfuture pain.
Physiotherapy Help Guide 1.0
Creativity Knowledge App
How can physiotherapy help you?If you have a problem with moving or performingcertainactivitiesdue to pain, weakness, loss of balance or otherreasons,thephysiotherapist will perform an assessment, make adiagnosiswherenecessary, and outline a management plan tooptimiseyourabilities. Physiotherapists can help to manage acuteinjuriessuchas ankle sprains, knee, hip or shoulder injuriesandchronicconditions like arthritis, back pain, diabetes andheartdisease.Physiotherapy is a therapeutic health professionconcernedwithenhancing mobility and the quality of life of a personwho mayhavebeen affected physically in one way oranother.Physiotherapistsaim to help people gain as much movementandphysical independenceas possible so that they are able toresumetheir normal job orlifestyle, where possible. The app alsocontainsdetails of basicphysiotherapy, benefits physiotherapy,typeexercisephysiotherapist, arthritis of the thumb, triggerfinger,neck pain,low back pain, low back pain exercise, kneeconditionprogram, kneepain exercises, bowed legs, burning thighpain,compartmentsyndrome, deep vein thrombosis, limb lengthdiscrepancy,clubfoot,exercise and bone health. This app will guideyou throughtherehabilitation process step by step to restore asmuch ofyourfunction as possible. Physiotherapy is also usedaftersurgery,with the aim of speeding up recovery by getting apatientmobile assoon as possible. It also provides a usefulbaseline bywhichchanges can be detected – often before the patientis aware ofadegenerative problem. Even those without injury whoaresimplyseeking to increase general health and fitness canbenefitfromphysiotherapy. A physiotherapist can set you up withahomeexercise program, facilitate community exercise sessions(orreferyou to an appropriate service), guide you with yourorganisedsportor gym program.
6 Minute Back Pain Relief 3.7
A collection of the best exercises that will make your backfeelwonderful
Mental Health 1.0
"★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★If you think that you or someone you know hasamentaldisorder!Mental illness refers to a wide range of mentalhealthconditionsdisorders that affect your mood, thinkingandbehavior.Examples of mental illness include depression,anxietydisorders,schizophrenia, eating disorders andaddictivebehaviors.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"
Knees Therapy 1.0
"★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★If my knee hurts, why exercise?Ready to Get best rehab exercises for your knee joint recovery!When it comes to the knee and therapy it's good togetsomeanswers on the anatomy of the knee and how that relatestophysicaltherapy exercises for the knee.Heal the correct way with tips from a certified physicaltherapistinthis free video on knee exercises and therapy.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"
Skin Care Guide 1.0
★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★Get the latest information on skin care andskinconditiontreatments!Finding the perfect skincare routine can feellikemissionimpossible, so we've designed this guide to help youcreateasystem that suits you and your skin.Achieve the perfect look with useful skin care tips forallskintypes.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **
Rückenübungen - GEO WISSEN 1.1.2
Diese App macht Sie wieder mobil:GEOWISSENGesundheit präsentiert "Die besten Übungen füreinenstarkenRücken". Mit Hilfe der 60 Videos können SiegezieltBeschwerdenvorbeugen und höchst effektiv Rückenschmerzenbekämpfen.Damit dieVolkskrankheit Nummer eins ihren Schreckenverliert.Das Trainingsprogramm enthält Übungen für daheim unddasBüro,jeweils für Halswirbelsäule,BrustwirbelsäuleundLendenwirbelsäule. Zwei Programme richten sichspeziellanAusdauersportler und Yoga-Interessierte. Ein weiteresdientvorallem der Entspannung. Die Übungen mobilisieren,stabilisierenundkräftigen den Rücken. Das Programm wurde voneinerzertifiziertenRückenschullehrerin entwickelt und vomRückenzentrumam Michel inHamburg begutachtet.Die Inhalte dieser Smartphone-App basieren auf derAusgabe"Derstarke Rücken" des Magazins GEO WISSEN GESUNDHEIT.Indem196-seitigen Heft finden Sie umfassende InformationenzurTherapieund Prävention von Rückenschmerzen.Die Ausgabe ist auch als App für Tablet-Computer (iPadundAndroid)erhältlich.This app makesyoumobileagain: GEO KNOW presents health "The best exercises forastrongback." With the help of 60 videos you canselectivelypreventcomplaints and highly effective combat back pain.Thus, thenumberone social disease loses its terror.The training program includes exercises for home andoffice,eachfor cervical spine, thoracic spine and lumbar spine.Twoprogramsare specifically aimed at endurance athletes andyogaenthusiasts.Another serves mainly to relaxation.Mobilizingexercises, stabilizeand strengthen the back. The programwasdeveloped by a certifiedschool teacher back and inspectedinHamburg by Rückenzentrum amMichel.The contents of this smartphone app are based on theissue"Thestrong back" of the magazine GEO KNOWLEDGE HEALTH. Inthe196-pagebooklet you will find comprehensive information onthetreatmentand prevention of back pain.The output is also available as an app for tablet computers(iPadandAndroid).
Back Pain Exercises 1.0
Body Program
Simple routine consisting of 10 effective back painreliefexercises.
Pain Treatment In Hindi 1.2
Manav Cr Apps
Our sedentary lifestyle is one of theleadingreasons of back pain and spine trouble. Exercise can helpget ridof pain besides strengthening it. Here are a lot of hometreatmentthat will helps you to reduce from pain.The winter season often brings more pain and worries forpeoplewho suffer from joint pain. Although, they have complainsofpaining joints throughout the year, it becomes graveraroundwinter.Pain Treatment In Hindi app is have all content inhindifonts.
Back Pain Yoga Poses 1.0
Expert Lab Team
Back Pain Yoga Poses can help you to avoid lower back pain&belly fat
Breastfeeding 1.0
★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★How do I start breastfeeding?To breastfeed successfully, it doesn't really matter whereorhowyou sit or lie back.What is important is that you are comfortable and can bringyourbabyto your breast easily. This will help you to getyourlatching-ontechnique right.It's never too early to start thinking about how you'regoingtofeed your baby. But you don't have to make up your minduntilyourbaby is born.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **
Yoga Poses 1.1
★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★New to yoga? Try these basic yoga poses to get strongerandmoreflexible!Learn beginners' yoga poses with thesestep-by-step,in-depthinstructions.Start with an understanding of proper alignment to reduceyourriskof injury and build a safe foundation for more advancedasanastocome.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **
No Back Pain Problems 1.0
In any given year between 30 and 60percentofthe U.S. population will experience some form of low backpain.Back pain is believed to be a seldom case amongindividuals.Inopposition, back pain afflicts around 80% of allpeople sometimein their lives. Nobody escapes from this reality, itseemsthatback pain is a normal part of any stage of life. Itwillmostlikely appear during old age but there are people whohavebeensuffering over the pain since time immemorial.Having back pain doesn't mean that there is an ongoingdamageordegeneration on the lower back. Unlike with acute painwherethelevel of pain may be associated with the degree of damageontheaffected part, chronic back pain doesn't normallycorrelatewiththe level of damage.Know more by install this No Back Pain Problems App andreadtheinformation.
Lower Back Pain Relief 1.0
Gonga Dev
Nowadays, multiple people experiencebackpain,which in most cases is caused by accidents, injuries,orstrains.However, this is a serious issue whichsignificantlyaffectseveryday life and causes pain, which may varyin intensity,but isoften unbearable.Therefore, the 8 exercises presented in thisapplicationareextremely effective in alleviating this type ofpainanddiscomfort. If you do them regularly, you will soonfeelgreatrelief. and do not require any additionaldevices.Stretchingexercises suitable for all groups, men andwomen.App features include:- Stunning design with step by step exercises forbeginnerswithphotos to guide you- All content is INCLUDED (no additional charges, and noneedforinternet connectivity)- Reminder notifications that can be adjusted to fityourbusylifestyle* if the pain increases during an exercise, stopimmediatelyandcall a doctor
Exercise For Back Pain 2.0
Morenaro Semuten
For those of you who suffer from it,thereishope.While there are a multiple reasons that can cause backpain,fromgenetic malformations to injury, a number of recentstudiesshowthat a lack of core strength contributes to pain andstiffnessinthe lower back.It’s a common problem for many who exercise. Itmakeseverydayactivity difficult, and scares a lot of people awayfromanyphysical activity. It’s lower back pain.This app provides general information about back paincausesandprevention from back pain and simple exercises that mayhelptobeat back pain.It explains how the back works, what causes back pain andwhatcanbe done to help.Download the app for a series of simple exercises tohelpeaseyour back pain and prevent future symptoms.Here is the sneak-peak you will receive inside the app:Back pain can happen as a result of injury, strainorpoorposture. As more people sit hunched over computer forwork,moreexperience the ill effects of Back pain and stiffness.Sleepinginan uncomfortable position or uncomfortable bed can alsoleadtoback pain. Gentle stretching exercises can help relievethepainand firmness…Hurry up it's free!!Note - This is content-only app that providesyouinformationabout back pain exercises.
Straight Posture-Back exercise 3.4.8
mEL Studio
Back pain exercises: Straight posture correction, spinehealth.Scoliosis meter
Pilates Workout Exercises 2.0.0
Pilates is an innovative and safe system of mind-body exerciseusinga floor mat or a variety of equipment. It is a safe,sensibleexercise system that will help you look and feel your verybest. itis great for your morning routines, teaching bodyawareness, goodposture and easy, graceful movement. Pilates alsoimprovesflexibility, agility and economy of motion withflexibilitystretches. It can even help alleviate back pain usingthe rightflexibility training. Start improving your strengthtraining with astronger center, no matter what your age orcondition, it will workfor you. Pilates Workout Exercises is one ofthe best health andfitness apps for teenage girls free, a homeworkout for women andit is perfect match for any diet plan for fastfat burn. Addpilates daily routines with stretching exercises forall parts ofthe body to your exercise routine and you will noticetheimprovement on abs and core. This exercise system was developedforself- improvement, aimed at stretching and strengtheningmuscles.Pilates Workouts with stretching exercises full body apphas a easyto use and intuitive design to help you with yourstretching,muscle building, concentration, control, centering,flow, precisionand breathing of your pilates workout exercises. Thebestcollection of pilates flexibility workout on a workout appsforwomen free. The includes pilates exercise workouts for alllevels;pilates for beginners and pilates for advance users. Thebodyweighttraining exercises are thought for your home workouts, noequipmentneeded. We update the app regularly so you get relevantand up todate body weight exercises. Share with friends and familyonTwitter, Facebook, WhatsApp... and show your abs andcoreimprovements. Pilates Workout Exercises video collectionincludesclasses with the best personal trainers, dancers, coachesandfitness instructors to motivate your morning routines andtrainingsessions. We include some other videos including yoga forweightloss free, zumba, latin dance, aerobics music and dance...tostimulate you and help you to relieve stress if you wantsomethingdifferent. Pilates is a sport for everyone, regardless ofage andgender. Download and enjoy!
Yoga for a Strong Back 2.1
This is a PRO plugin of Daily Yoga andrequiressubscription fee to unlock.Please install the main app 'Daily Yoga' before using this plugin:Store link: for a Strong Back is an highly-effective and quick remedytorelieve back pains. Over 87% followers reported positivefeedbackafter practicing.Lower back pain is one of the most common problems thataffectsalmost everybody at some point in their lives especially forthosewho endure sedentary lifestyles.Multiple studies have shown the power of yoga, whichemphasizesstretching, strength, and flexibility, to relieve backsoreness. Infact, several studies have found that yoga can evenimprove backfunction.Features:Customized for people who suffer from back pain.Quick relief to chronic lower back stiffness.15 & 20 minutes exercises.Not recommended for people with severe pain injuries.