Top 4 Apps Similar to BINEX GmbH

Sophos Secure Workspace 9.7.3081
Sophos Limited
Sophos Secure Workspace is the place where you canaccessyourcompany’s documents or corporate websites. All data isstoredwithAES-256 encryption, matching military graderequirements.SophosSecure Workspace is designed to prevent dataloss if yourdevicegets stolen or lost. Sophos Secure Workspace canbe managedbySophos Mobile, an Enterprise Mobility Management(EMM)solution.Sophos Secure Workspace runs inside the Sophoscontainerand theSophos Mobile administrator can enforcecorporatesecuritysettings. Sophos Secure Workspace is fullycompatible withSophosSafeGuard Enterprise (SGN). Sophos Mobileintegration ensuresthatusers can access SGN encrypted files andaccess full diskrecoverykeys from their mobile devices. Feature setMANAGE FILES INCLOUDOR ENTERPRISE STORAGE • Manage all your filesfrom variouscloudstorage providers. • Seamlessly access encryptedfiles usingthekeys from your SGN synchronized keyring. • Applycommonfileoperations, like move or delete. • Add and encryptdocuments,ordecrypt them. • Take and encrypt photos that are notavailabletoother apps. • Edit PDF or text files. • Use filesoffline.DATAPROTECTION • Store files with AES-256 encryption. •Createlocalencryption keys or use the keys that are included intheaccesseddocuments. • Protect app access with a passcodeoryourfingerprint. WEB FILTERING/ANTI-PHISHING • Web linksindocumentsare checked for malicious, undesirable or illegalcontent.MANAGEDMODE Additional features if Sophos Secure Workspaceismanaged bySophos Mobile: • Enforce an app password. • Auto-locktheapp afterbeing offline for a certain time. • Remotely lock theappif asecurity breach occurs. • Restrict app access based ongeo,timeand Wi-Fi fencing. • Define allowed storage providers.•Publishcorporate documents on a WebDAV server or distributethemthroughSophos Mobile. • Restrict file sharing, offline useorclipboarduse. • Corporate Browser: Enable your users tosecurelyaccesscorporate websites. All browsing data is stored inencryptedform.• Corporate keyring: Enable your users to accesstheir SGNkeys forseamless encrypted file access. • Provide recoverykeys forSGNmanaged BitLocker and FileVault disk encryption. •EditOfficeformat files using the integrated Polaris Office Library.•Secureexternal sharing with password protected files, wrapped inanHTML5format. NOTE: If you have any problems withSophosSecureWorkspace, please check our monitored support forum forhelpbeforeleaving a1-starreview:
Sophos Secure Email
Sophos Limited
Sophos Secure Email is a containerizedandsecure email app that lets you fully separate enterpriseandprivate data on your device. It handles the corporateemails,contacts and calendar from the company’s Exchange server.Corporatedata is protected with AES-256 encryption and the exportof data iscontrolled by the company’s Data Loss Prevention (DLP)rules.Sophos Secure Email allows the implementation of BYODprograms andfulfills advanced data protection needs in selectedindustries likefinance, government or healthcare.IMPORTANT NOTE: The Sophos Secure Email app works onlyincombination with the Sophos Mobile Control EnterpriseMobilityManagement (EMM) software. Please check with your ITdepartmentwhether your company uses Sophos Mobile Control. If itdoes not,please do not install this app as it will not operatewithout thecorresponding EMM server.*** Feature set ***EMAIL- Sync email with Microsoft Exchange or any otherActiveSynccompatible email service.- Use these email options: Create, Reply, Reply All,Forward,Delete.- Search through your inbox.- Organize your emails in folders.CONTACTS- Access, modify or create contacts.- Search for contacts.- View contact details, including picture.CALENDAR- View events in a calendar or in a list.- Create new events.- Accept invitations.ENROLLMENT STEPSUsually, the app is pushed to your device during the enrollmentwithSophos Mobile Control:1. After installation and configuration through the EMM server,openthe app.2. If requested, enter the container passcode.3. The app starts to sync data with your email account.NOTE: If you have any issues with Sophos Secure Email, pleasecheckour monitored support forum for help before leaving a1-starreview:
Sophos Partners (Old) 3.4.23
We have created a brand new Sophos Partner app with some greatnewfeatures: - Restored and refreshed Events - Faster, moreresponsiveFeed - Plus, all of the existing features Please downloadthe newapphere:
Sophos LG Plugin
Sophos Limited
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This app is intended to be usedtogetherwiththe Sophos Mobile Control app. It is a plugin, whichisrequired tosupport the additional functionality providedthroughthe LG GATEMDM API on selected LG devices. Please do notinstallthis appyourself. The system will prompt you to install theapp,if thephone matches the specifications. For more informationaboutSophosMobile,pleasevisit the Device Administrator permission.