Top 17 Apps Similar to Toko Online Instant

Tokopedia Seller 2.181
The Best Way To Sell Online
Toko Online Mangga Dua 6.9
Online Shop sells clothing and bags in Jakarta, Indonesia
Toko Online OLSHOP Bersama 1.9
Aku Cinta Indonesia
Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi yang berfungsi sebagaiweblauncher(webview) ke toko online anda, sehingga setelahsetiappenggunamengdownload aplikasi ini, mengaktifkan dengankodeaktivasi khususuntuk toko anda yang anda berikan kepadamereka,maka mereka tidakperlu repot-repot lagi setiap kaliharusmenggunakan browserinternet lagi di ponsel & tabletpintarmereka untuk mengakseswebsite anda, karena setiap kalimenjalankanulang aplikasi ini,mereka akan langsung menuju alamatwebsite anda.Perhatian: * Untukmenghormati semua pemilik tokoonline yangbergabung bersama kami,bagian screenshot kami sengajamenghilangkanlogo/nama online shopbersangkutan dengan tujuan hanyasebagaicontoh untuk para calonpengguna. * Aplikasi ini menggunakanfungsiwebview untuk mengaksestoko online anda, jadi anda terlebihdahulusudah harus mempunyaialamat website yang sudah beroperasi.
Klik Indomaret 2306200
PT. Klik Indomaret Perkasa
Klik Indomaret is an Indomaret online store or Indomaretonlineshopping place
KASKUS Jual Beli
Kaskus Networks
KASKUS Jual Beli, aplikasi mobileinidiperuntukkan bagi para penikmat Jual Beli di KASKUS.Tersedia untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan bagi para Seller danBuyeryang kesehariannya lebih sering bermain di KASKUS Jual Beli.Denganaplikasi ini, aktivitas ekplorasi di KASKUS Jual bakalanterasalebih cepat dan ringan.Berikut adalah keseruan yang bisa diakses di Aplikasi KASKUSJualBeli :* Melihat daftar produk yang dijual oleh Seller* Membuat lapak jualan di KASKUS Jual Beli* Tampilan detil produk yang lebih nyaman* Edit lapak jualan* Cari lapak berdasarkan kategori dan kolom search* Private message* Share lapak ke media sosial* Melihat jumlah dan mencairkan dana Saldo Brankas* Notifikasi dari Transaksi Penjualan dan Pembelian* Atur alamat dan pengiriman yang berguna untuk transaksi* Metode pembayaran yang mudah dan beragam.
Toko Online All In One 1.9
Aku Cinta Indonesia
Facilitate you to access dozens of Indonesia's top online storesinone app
Bhinneka.Com 1.9.4
Bhinneka Mentari Dimensi, PT
Indonesia's most popular onlineshopping,references  and e-commerce site specializing inIT,electronics, photography and much much more. Check out ourregularpromotions of various items. We also feature news and reviews of latest events and productsinthe market. With over 15,000 listed items, we cover categories fromcomputerrelated products, peripherals, photography and lightingequipments,electronics, gadgets, white goods, etc. With morecategories anditems being added on regular basis, we are virtuallyTHE place tolook and source for computer and gadgets inIndonesia. Being one of the first websites in Indonesia, we cover shipmentstoall over Indonesia. Supported by some of the largest banksandpayment systems, we offer a list of flexibleyetsecured payment scheme to suit your need. Features:-Search, view, and buy products-Get new arrivals & hot items-My Account:You can register or log in to the app. Be Bhinneka.Com memberandget the benefits.-Confirm payment-Store location-Order Tracking : We provide tracking information of your order so you can followtheprogress of your order and shipment-Service TrackingYou can track last status of your product service
Serba Distro Indonesia 3.1
Serba Distro Indonesia
Dimulai pada akhir tahun 2013 ide tentangSERBADISTRO ini muncul, berangkat dari sebuah keinginan akankesempurnaandalam berfashion untuk para remaja indonesia yangsangatmementingkan berbusana yang trandi namun dengan hargaterangkau danmurah, maka dari itu kami mengusung nama SERBADISTRO.Untuk memulai bisnis ini kami sempat tertahan karena waktudankesedian barang yang akan kami jual masih belum terkumpul.PROFILESERBA DISTRO adalah sebuah brand online yang simpel dansangatmudah di ingat untuk para pecinta barang-barang distro diseluruhindonesia, SERBA DISTRO memberikan sesuatu yang simple dalamsegalahal, focus pada satu hal yang menjadi identitas sebuah BRANDONLINEataupun suatu konsep yang melewati batas pola pikir kami.Kami akan terus berinofasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akanfashionyang terus berkembang dari waktu ke waktu, Hal initentunyamendorong kami untuk menjadi sesuatu yang lebih baik dengansetiappelajaran akan sebuah pengalaman.PRODUKKepercayaan dan kesetiaan konsumen merupakan jalan panjangmenujusukses, Keseimbangan antara kualitas dan design yangimajinatifmerupakan sebuah komitmen kami SERBA DISTRO yang pantanguntuk kamikhianati.Untuk itu kami berusaha memberikan produk dengankualitastertinggi yang dapat melampaui kepuasan anda.Produk dan Barang yang kami jual saat ini masih dariberbagaimacam brand di seluruh indonesia, khususnya kami sangatmembukakesempatan untuk siapa saja yang ingin menawarkan produknyakepadakami dengan status mitra bisnis atau partner brand, yangnantinyakami akan selalu membawa nama baik dan saling mengibarkanbenderasatu sama lainnya.MISI"Kami ingin semua orang memilki barang bagus tanpa harusmembayarmahal dan menyediakan lowongan pekerjaan dengan janjikomisi seumurhidup"Starting at the endof2013 the idea of ​​this DISTRO SERBA appears, departs from adesirefor perfection in berfashion for Indonesian teenagers who areveryconcerned dress trandi but the price terangkau and cheap,thereforewe carry SERBA DISTRO name.To start this business we got stuck because of the timeandwillingness to sell the goods that we'll still have notbeencollected.PROFILESERBA DISTRO is an online brand that is simple and very easytoremember for lovers of goods distribution throughoutIndonesia,SERBA DISTRO give something simple in all things, focuson the onething that identifies a BRAND ONLINE or a concept thatcrosses theline Our mindset.We will continue berinofasi to meet the needs of thegrowingfashion from time to time, This is certainly encourages ustobecome something better with each lesson will be anexperience.PRODUCTTrust and customer loyalty is a long road to success,balancebetween quality and imaginative design is a commitmenttoabstinence SERBA DISTRO that we betrayed.For that we strive to provide the highest quality productstoexceed your satisfaction.Products and goods we sell is still from a variety ofbrandsthroughout Indonesia, especially we are opening theopportunity foranyone who wants to offer their products to us withthe status of abusiness partner or partner brand, which later wewill always bringa good name and each flap flag to each other.MISSION"We want everyone to have the good stuff without having topayexpensive and provide jobs with the promise oflifetimecommissions"
Toko Rp1000 1.9.6
Lucky toko
TokoRp1000 is an online store thatimplementsthe Joint Venture spending patterns or better knownascrowdfunding, where many people will participate in buyingaproduct just 1000 rupees.All products can be enjoyed by anyone, anytime andanywhereonly.With super attractive design and the latest shoppingsystem ofour application that makes your shopping a lot morepleasant andpractical.There are various products that are attractive and populartoday!You only need to buy "T-coin" for Rp1000 then own chance towinattractive prizes favorites anda.TokoRp1000 also provides awiderange of special offers in the purchase of T-coins andotherprizes.Features Store Rp1000:1. Shop with Rp1000Only by Rp1000 you can buy a mobile phone or other luxury goodsinTokoRp1000.Dengan buy T-coin worth Rp1,000 you are able todirectlyparticipate in the buy stuff of your dreams.2. Product Selection Pictures with the Best PriceIn TokoRp1000 we provide a wide range of interesting productsthatcan fulfill all desires you.All products are sold at the bestpriceand guaranteed 100% authenticity.3. Buy 50 T-88 T-Getting coin coinIn TokoRp1000 you can get direct bonus as much as 33 T-coin ifyoubuy 50 T-coin.4. Payment Methods Variatif, Easy, Safe and ReliableWe provide a wide variety of payment methods for allusersTokoRp1000.Metode payment used in TokoRp1000 relatively easyandsafe, in TokoRp1000 we provide various ways of payment rangingfromcutting through pulse until the payment through securedpaymentATM.Seluruh secure and confidential because it many REALPROOF!!!rule:1. Locate and select the product that you like and participateinbuying the product;2. To participate in user only needs to buy gifts to buy T-CoinsforRp1000, and can buy a gift;3. After successfully participated purchase of goods, then thebuyeror user will be given a number of participation;4. When the required number of buyers has been insufficient thenthesystem automatically from TokoRp1000 will do the calculationstofind the lucky numbers eligible for Gift
JD.ID Online Shopping 6.16.0
#DijaminOri & Gratis Ongkir
Priceza Price Compare Shopping
Priceza is the number one destination tosearchand compare prices in Southeast Asia.We are your best friend in shopping. With our advancedsearchengine, you can search and compare products to find thebestprices, fast!Imagine if you have to spend time leafing through severalonlinewebsites just to look for the same product, then manuallyflipthrough windows to compare prices between one online shoptoanother. Much time is wasted! Priceza understands what you want,aplace to do all these things easily in your hand. Finding thebestdeal should be easy, and it is, with Priceza!In addition to helping buyers, we also help sellers to promotetheirstores. Sellers can see popular products and prices fromothermerchants. If your store offer a better price, or has aproduct withbetter quality, and wanting to list to compete withyourcompetitors, you are encouraged to contact Priceza to getlisted onour website and application!Priceza currently available in Thailand, Indonesia,Malaysia,Philippines and SingaporeAwards:Winner of Asia-Pacific ICT Alliance Awards 2015Winner of Thailand ICT Award (TICTA) 2015
ShopBack - Shop, Earn & Pay 4.68.0
Earn real money back when you shop, travel, dine and more!
TokoOne - Jual Beli Online 1.0.4
TokoOne app memungkinkan Anda melakukanjualbeli online dengan cara yang mudah, aman dan menarik.Berikut keuntungan yang bisa Anda dapatkan:1. Beli barang dengan aman.TokoOne memfasilitasi keamanan berbelanja online untukpembeli,jaminan barang sesuai dengan tertera di web, barang sampaiditempat pembeli dengan selamat atau uang kembali 100%.- Tidak perlu registrasi untuk membeli.- Barang asli, obat pangan dan kosmetik memilikiregistrasiBPOM.- Pembeli juga bisa memantau ordernya dan melacak posisibarangnyasetiap saat.- Customer service siap melayani Anda.2. Jualan lakuProduk tampil dalam hitungan menit, Gratis tanpa komisi.Ada promosi berbayar jika diinginkan.Produk penjual dipasarkan oleh ribuan pemasar serta diiklankandiberbagai media.3. Fitur:- File kecil, mudah diinstall dan tidak bikin berathandphoneAnda.- My Wishlist. Pengunjung bisa menyimpan produk danmenemukannyalebih mudah, tunjukkan ke orang lain agar mereka tahukado apa yangAnda inginkan :)- Notifikasi. User bisa menerima notifikasi produk barusesuaikeyword yang dimasukkan. Hanya produk yang Anda sukaisaja.- Support banyak kurir, JNE, Atri Express, ESL, IJX,IndoPacific,Pahala Express, Pandu, PCP,Platinum Logistic, Pos, REX, TIKI, TIKINDO, Wahana- SMS center. Pembeli dan penjual bisa berkomunikasi lebihcepatmelalui SMS atau form pesan.- Search suggestion. Ketik dan saran pencarian akan muncul- Edit barang, harga, dan sebagainya otomatis- Kamera. Punya barang di depan mata? Jepret langsung uploadfotodari gadget Anda.- Tanpa withdraw. Penjual menerima uangnya begitu barangditerimaoleh pembeli, otomatis tanpa harus melakukan penarikandana.- No ads.Saran Anda sangat kami butuhkan untuk memberikan kemudahanlebihlanjut, kirimkan ke app@tokoone.comYours,TokoOne.comTokoOne app lets youmakebuying and selling online in a way that is easy, safeandattractive.Here are the advantages that you can get:1. Buy goods safely.TokoOne facilitate online shopping security to the buyer,accordingto guarantee the goods listed on the web, goods arrive atthe buyersafely or money back 100%.- No need to register to buy.- Genuine goods, food medicine and cosmetics haveBPOMregistration.- Buyers can also monitor orders and track the position of thegoodsat any time.- Customer service is ready to serve you.2. Selling behaviorProducts appear in a matter of minutes, Internetwithoutcommissions.There is a paid promotion if desired.Seller of products marketed by thousands of marketers as wellasadvertising in various media.3. Features:- File is small, easy to install and do not make yourphoneweight.- My Wishlist. Visitors can keep the product and found iteasier,show to others so that they know what gifts you want:)- Notifications. Users can receive notifications of new productsinaccordance keyword is entered. Only the products that youlikeit.- Support many courier, JNE, Atri Express, ESL, IJX,IndoPacific,Pahala Express, Pandu, PCP,Platinum Logistics, Post, REX, TIKI, TIKINDO, Wahana- SMS center. Buyers and sellers can communicate morequicklythrough SMS or message form.- Search suggestion. Type and search suggestions will appear- Edit goods, price, and so automatic- Camera. Got stuff in plain sight? Snap directly upload photosfromyour gadget.- Without withdraw. The seller receives the money once the itemisreceived by the buyer, automatically without having tomakewithdrawals.- No ads.Your suggestions so we need to provide more convenience, senditto app@tokoone.comYours,
Toko Online - Indonesia 1.16
PT. Cipta Pribadi
This application provides the largestshoppingand ads from all over Indonesia in one app that will allowyou todo online shopping and selling, without the need to installmanyapplications.The list of sites post free ads contained in thisapplicationare:- OLX Indonesia- Iklanpedia- Jualo- PasarindoList of online shopping sites contained in thisapplicationare:- bukalapak- Lazada Indonesia- Zalora Indonesia- Blibli- Qoo10 Indonesia- Jakarta Notebook- ClarksThis applicationProvidesthe Reviews largest shopping and ads from all overIndonesia in oneapp that will allow you to do online shopping andselling, withoutthe need to install many applications.The list of sites post free ads contained in thisapplicationare:- OLX Indonesia- Iklanpedia- Jualo- PasarindoList of online shopping sites contained in thisapplicationare:- bukalapak- Lazada Indonesia- Zalora Indonesia- Blibli- Qoo10 Indonesia- Jakarta Notebook- Clarks
Toko Jam Tangan 1.0.0
Kami merupakan toko online di Surabaya yang menyediakanberbagaimacam Jam Tangan Original dan KW dari berbagai Merek danTipedengan Harga Jam Tangan termurah dan terupdate.Ada banyakprodukJam Tangan Original yang kami jual yang di antaranya yaitujamtangan alexandre christie, swiss army, casio, expedition,fossil,bonia, digitec, fortuner, SkMei dan masih banyak lainnya.
Pricelist 1.9
Software Indonesia
Pricelist provide informationandrecommendations lowest price in Indonesia from hundreds ofsitesclassified ads (OLX, Berniaga, etc), marketplace(Tokopedia,Bukalapak, etc.) and eCommerce (Lazada, Zalora,Bhinneka, etc.).# Find the price by name, category, condition, locationandbarcode# Use your voice, type the keyword and barcode scanner to searchtheprices# One-time search for all sources of price# Ads content keep complete and detail# Search results can be compared and saved# The results of comparison can be saved and accessed again# Shopping list features: Simple and easy note shopping# And many other special features----------------------------------------------------With Pricelist, Shopping be Cheap!----------------------------------------------------Don't forget to give a review after using the Pricelistandroidapps :) | 1.0.1
PT Portal Biz Nusantara merupakan kombinasiantarasitustoko online dan offline retail store yang menjualberbagaimacamproduk komputer, elektronik dan gadget yang berdirisejaktahun2010 di Indonesia. Saat ini memiliki lebihdari100kategori ( dan sub kategori) produk elektronik denganlebihdari10.000 produk yang dijual dengan harga sangat kompetitif.Kami bekerjasama dengan supplier yang memilikikompetensitinggi,barang dengan kualitas terjamin juga tim salessupport dancustomerservice yang handal, profesional dan terpercayauntukmemberikansensasi pengalaman berbelanja online terbaikdanistimewa bagi parakonsumen di Indonesia.Untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan, kenyamanan dankeamanankonsumensaat bertransaksi online maupun offline, Kliknklikmemilikilebihdari 10 toko yang tersebar di beberapa kota besarsepertidiJakarta, Bekasi, Depok, dan Bandung. Untuk detilalamattokokliknklik dapat anda lihat disini kemudahan belanja online, segera download aplikasikliknklik.comuntukmendapatkan manfaat berikut:- Notifikasi informasi promo terbaru langsungkesmartphoneanda.- Promo dan voucher spesial yang hanya bisadidapatkanviaaplikasi.- Pencarian produk lebih cepat, nyaman dan mudah.- Fitur wishlist untuk simpan produk favorit anda.- Melacak pesanan anda dengan lebih mudah.- Transaksi lebih cepat mudah dan aman.http://kliknklik.comGet The Best Deals On Every Click.Apabila membutuhkan bantuan dalam penggunaanaplikasi,silahkanhubungi customer care kliknklik berikut :telepon : 022 - 4202703email :