Top 24 Apps Similar to Я - Alisa ✅

✿ Kids Diana Show ✅ 1.0
DoDo app
Salute, Friends! I'm Diana and thisismychildren's channel ✿ Kids Diane Shaw! Subscribe to me andyouwillsee how interesting can be a childhood! Here you willseeaninteresting video for Kids: Unpacking toys forchildrenandChallenge vzrozlyh, vlogs, funny playing with water,Surprises,NewToys, Games, Entertainment, my exciting journey. Ilove toplaywith toys from the cartoon Masha and the Bear, PeppaPig,HelloKitty, Shopkins; Dolls, Princess Orbiz balls, ballpoolforchildren. My favorite cartoons: Masha and the Bear,Fixiki,PuppyPatrol, Peppa Pig, Shopkins, Hello Kitty andotherdevelopingcartoons for children. I love to sculpt Play Up,unpackeggs with asurprise. I also walk a lot in the entertainmentcenter,on theplayground, in the children's playroom. I'll show youanewentertainment for children, and the most interestinggamesNewtoys. I will share with you the best moments of yourlife!Also come in on the Children's Channel of my brother Roma -★KidsRoma Show.
Зеркальная Алиса 1.0.1
◇◇Вы можете наслаждаться этой игрой с началадоконца бесплатно!! ◇◇◇◇В основе этой истории лежит сказка об Алисе вСтранечудес!!◇◇◇◇Вы - главная героиня! Вам предстоит стать Червонной Королевойивступить в бой бок о бок с рыцарями, поклявшимися защищать вас!◇◇■■Сюжет■■Вы отправились в туристическую поездку в Англию.Но серия странных событий приводят вас в неизвестный мир.Со временем вы понимаете, что это - тот же мир, что и в книге"Алисав Стране чудес".И жители этого мира уверены, что вы - Червонная Королева.В довершение Алиса вторгается в королевство Сердец!Почему все принимают вас за королеву?И почему вам приходится сражаться с Алисой?В этом мире, где загадки приводят лишь к новым загадкам, вынайдётесвою любовь.■■Персонажи■■◆【Добрый и надёжный жених королевы】 Квентин“Я не могу состоять в отношениях без любви.”Возраст: 24 Рост: 187Герцог Страны Чудес. Он правая рука королевы и сильнейшийрыцарьв королевстве.Квентин заботится обо всех государственных делах вместо вас.Он очень серьезен и решителен, но бывает неловок в выражениисвоихчувств.Порой об бывает настолько серьёзен, что окружающиенеправильнопонимают его слова и действия.Иногда он устраивает вам выговоры.Однако он не задумываясь пожертвует своей жизнью, чтобызащититьвас.В тайне он обеспокоен тем, что не разбирается в модныхтенденциях.Его хобби - рисование, но у него нет к этомуталанта.Его магия - управление огнём.◆【Придворный художник с тёмным прошлым】 Теофилас“Ты с самого начала отличалась от остальных. Ты смотрела тольконамоё искусство, невинно и бескорыстно.”Возраст: 27 Рост: 182Теофилас - самый модный художник королевства.Он любит красивые вещи и предметы искусства.Теофилас недолюбливает всех женщин. Будучи сыном куртизанки,онсвоими силами выбился в высшее общество.Его ноги слегка повреждены.Он - хранитель королевского гардероба, ответственный за вашиплатьяи аксессуары.Он считает герцога врагом искусства. Он может использоватьмагиюпрочности.(Никто не знает об этом, но он может использовать магию, так какегоотец - дворянин.)◆【Сильнейший воин в Стране Чудес】 Генри“В последнее время моё сердце начинает биться сильнее каждыйраз,когда я вижу тебя. Наверное, я болен.”Возраст: 22 Рост: 178Генри - граф и ваш личный доктор.Он очень опытный рыцарь и уверен в своих навыках.Его семья и семья герцога дружны уже не первое поколение, из-зачегоони знакомы с детства.Они друзья детства, поэтому хорошо ладят друг с другом.До этого он работал как военврач в Ордене Рыцарей, поэтому непривыклечить женщин.Но Генри пользуется большим уважением. Он любит сладкое, иобычноест что-нибудь.Приходится королеве молочным братом, но не видел еёдолгоевремя.Он использует магию призыва (его зверь - кролик).◆【Старейший житель Страны Чудес, которому известны еёсекреты】Чешир“Может, мне стоит наказать глупцов, которые пожелалинавредитьтебе?”Возраст: ?? Рост: 168Он принимает форму мальчика, подчёркивая свой нейтралитет.Он учит и направляет вас, так как вы незнакомы со Страной Чудес,ноиногда намеренно запутывает и сбивает с толку.Чешир выглядит по-детски, но его личность как у пожилогочеловека.Никто не знает его истинный возраст.Он единственный, кто знает, что вы не настоящая королева, ивсегдаподсказывает, что делать.Он называет вас "Мнимая королева", и старается вернуть вас назадвваш мир.Чешир всё время высмеивает всех вокруг, включая вас.Однако он заботиться о вашей безопасности. Он - глава библиотекииКоролевского архива. Вы можете выбрать любого персонажа!…Кто это будет?◇◇ You can enjoy thisgamefrom start to finish for free !! ◇◇◇◇ At the heart of this story is the tale of Alice in Wonderland!!◇◇◇◇ you - the main character! You will become the Queen ofChervonaand to fight alongside the knights sworn to protect you! ◇◇■■ ■■ StoryYou went on a tourist trip to England.But a series of strange events lead you into an unknownworld.Over time, you realize that it's - the same world as the book"Alicein Wonderland".And the inhabitants of this world are sure that you - the QueenofHearts.To top Alisa invades Kingdom Hearts!Why all take you for a queen?And why did you have to fight with Alice?In this world, where the mysteries of the lead only to newpuzzles,you will find your love.■■ ■■ Characters◆ 【Good and reliable groom Queen】 Quentin"I can not be in a relationship without love."Age: 24 Height: 187Duke Wonderland. He is the right hand of the queen andthestrongest knight in the kingdom.Quentin takes care of all public affairs for you.He is very serious and determined, but it is awkward toexpresstheir feelings.Sometimes on it is so serious, that others misunderstood hiswordsand actions.Sometimes it suits you reprimands.However, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his life toprotectyou.In secret, he is concerned that not versed in fashion trends.Hishobby - painting, but he does not have this talent.His magic - fire management.◆ 【court painter with a dark past】 Teofilas"Are you from the very beginning was different from the others.Youonly looked at my art, innocent and disinterested. "Age: 27 Height: 182Teofilas - the most fashionable artist of the kingdom.He loves beautiful things and art objects.Teofilas not like all women. As the son of a courtesan, he pullshisown high society.His legs slightly damaged.He - the keeper of the royal wardrobe, responsible for yourdressesand accessories.He thinks Duke enemy of art. He can use magic strength.(No one knows about it, but he can use magic as his father -anobleman.)◆ 【strongest warrior in Wonderland】 Henry"Recently, my heart starts to beat faster every time I seeyou.Probably, I'm sick. "Age: 22 Height: 178Henry - Count and your personal doctor.He is a very seasoned knight and confident in his skills.His family and the Duke family friendly is not the firstgeneration,because of what they know from childhood.They are childhood friends, so get on well with each other.Prior to that, he worked as a surgeon in the Order of theKnights,so not used to treat women.But Henry is highly respected. He loves the sweet, and usuallyeatsanything.We have to foster brother to the queen, but did not see her foralong time.He uses magic appeal (its animal - a rabbit).◆ 【The oldest resident of Wonderland, which is known foritssecrets】 Cheshire"Maybe I should punish the fools who wanted to hurt you?"Age: ?? Height: 168It takes the form of a boy, stressing its neutrality.He teaches and guides you as you are unfamiliar with the LandofWonders, but sometimes intentionally confusingandmisleading.Cheshire looks like a child, but his personality as anelderlyperson. No one knows his true age.He is the only one who knows you're not a real queen, andalwaystells you what to do.He calls you "Imaginary Queen", and tries to take you back toyourworld.Cheshire All ridicules all around, including you.However, it is to take care of your safety. He - the head oftheRoyal Library and Archives.You can choose any character!... Who will it be?
Тайна имени 1.0
Forest Spirit
Содержит как самые распространенные, такименееизвестные имена. Приложение поможет узнать насколькозначениеименисоответствует характеру своего обладателя. Удобныйинтерфейс:споиском по всему списку имен, а также с разделениемнакатегории,облегчит нахождение соответствующего имени. Высможетенайти нетолько подробное определение, но и происхождение, атакжеименасинонимы, другими словами именаодинаковогопроисхождения.Contains boththemostcommon and lesser-known names. Application helps to knowhowthename value corresponds to the character of itsowner.User-friendlyinterface: a search across a list of names, aswell asthe divisioninto categories will facilitate finding theappropriatename. Youwill find not only a detailed definition, butalso theorigin andthe names interchangeably, in other words thenames ofthe sameorigin.
Мультики. 0.1
Мультики – приложение с мультфильмамидлядетей,которые можно скачать бесплатно или смотреть онлайн.Можнонайтитакие мультики как : Винкс (winx), барбоскины,лунтик,фиксики, машаи медведь, барби и многие другие.Мультики для детей нравятся всем без исключениямаленькимнепоседам.Да и многих взрослых мультики не оставляютравнодушными.Еще бы,ведь они уносят вас в в сказочные страны, мирволшебныхгероев иудивительных приключений. Как иногда бываетприятноотвлечься отповседневной рутины и с головой окунуться ватмосферупраздника,добра и веселья! Именно поэтому детскиемультфильмылюбят смотретьлюди всех возрастов.На нашем портале вы найдете лучшие мультики,снятыевыдающимисямультипликаторами СССР, России и стран зарубежья.Каждыйиз них нетолько развлекает и мгновенно улучшает настроение,ноирассказывает поучительную историю. Мультики для детейвоспитываютвмаленьких человечках положительные качества, формируютунихнравственные ориентиры. Но главное, напримерахпоступковперсонажей мультфильмов дети учатся отличать доброотзла.Скачивайте «Мультики» - это интересно!Cartoons -applicationwithcartoons for children, which can be downloaded forfree orwatchonline. You can find these cartoons as: Winx(winx),barboskiny,Luntik, Fixiki, Masha and bear, Barbie andmanyothers.Cartoons for children like everyone withoutexceptionlittlerestless. Yes, and many adults cartoon do notleaveindifferent.Still, after all they take you to the fabulouscountry,the worldof magical characters and amazing adventures. Asit issometimesnice to escape from the daily routine and plungeintotheatmosphere of celebration, and good fun! That is whychildrenloveto watch cartoons, people of all ages.On our website you will find the best cartoonsshotprominentcartoonists of the USSR, Russia and abroad. Each ofthemnot onlyentertains and instantly improves mood, but alsotellsaninstructive story. Cartoons for children brought up inasmallpositive qualities of man, they form the moral guidelines.Butmostimportantly, the examples of acts of cartooncharacterschildrenlearn to distinguish good from evil.Download "Cartoons" - it's fun!
Fixiephone: launcher for kids 1.18
KB Pro
The Fixies from the toon are living in your cell! Tiny peoplearefixing the icons of your cell or tab and looking after theclockapp, calendar and weather widgets. Until recently, people didnotknow much about Fixies, who live inside the machines anddevices.Fixiki care for equipment inside, clean it, grease, removeminordamage. They are skilled and conscientious masters. Fixikiused tohide from the people, but there they are everywhere: oncomputers,refrigerators, televisions... Everyone remembers when thedevice isidle suddenly started to work, if so slightly hit. It'ssimple:inside woke Fixiki and all will work out. Now, aboutthesemysterious little people industrious can watch cartoons andget toknow them. Fixiephone is a cool kids launcher for android 4.1andhigher. Fixiephone is not an screensaver, wallpapers or a gameapp.There are the real Fixies, little funny creatures who live inyourphone or tablet, like in Fixiki cartoon series! There areNolik,Simka, Papus, Masiya, Fire, Verda, Toola and Digit, and youcan seethem in their real size! The Fixies - what do you think theyaredoing in your mobile? Fixing photo pictures? Fixing cars? No 😄Theywill live in your cell phone and fix icons using theirtinytools🔧Every Fixie has his own Pack-o-mat - a cool toolbox toremoveany damage inside your devices. And even more! Fixiki willshow youthe Fixies cartoon🎞️ We bet you haven’t seen all of them!😎Godownload this kids launcher, video with the little funnycreaturesFixies is ready to start! 🎥 Do you know that you can’ttell yourparents about Fixies? That’s a big big secret👆 No adultsallowed!⛔Fixiephone is a launcher for children only! If your mom ishere,just tap on Nolik and he will turn into a small screw 🔩Tideesh!KBPro is a developer of educational games for kids(toddlers,kindergarten, preschoolers): ✔️️The Fixies: Puzzles andQuest(jigsaw puzzles with the Fixies) ✔️️Masha`s Puzzle Game(puzzleswith characters of Masha and the Bear cartoon series,educationalkids games) ✔️️Masha and The Bear ABC Kids (childrenlearningreading games) ✔️️Masha and The Bear Jam Match 3 (the firstmatchthree puzzle game with Masha and the Bear for adults and kids,ourbest game 2016) We dream to make best apps in the world, andyourreviews could help us. Please don’t hesitate to
Nikol CrazyFamily ✅ 1.0
DoDo app
Моя партнерка youtube -медиасетьAIRПодписывайтесь на мой канал :)Ставьте пальчик вверх и комментируйте мои видео, пишите чтобывамхотелось увидеть в следующих видео. СПАСИБО!
Ярик Лапа - Yarik Paw ✅ 1.0
Добро пожаловать на канал ЯрикаЛапы-YarikPawGamesЧасто используемый ник в играх - YarikPawОсновная игра - MinecraftСпасибо Вам за Подписку, Лайки и Комментарии!
Лучшие Мультфильмы 1.0.1
Party Maker
В приложении собраны все лучшиесовременныеисоветские мультфильмы для детей.Приложение содержит:-Союзмультфильм-Смешарики-Лунтик-Свинка Пепа-Барбоскины-Маша и МедведьМультфильмы транслируются через сервис youtube,дляработыприложения потребуется интернет.Впереди еще будет много интересных обновленийидобавленийкаталогов мультфильмов.Ставьте оценку приложению!Все предложения и пожелания направлять на адрес илиБудем рады совместной работе.Theapplicationcontainsall the best modern and Soviet cartoons forchildren.The application contains:-Soyuzmultfilm-Smeshariki-Luntik-Svinka Pepa-Barboskiny-Masha and the BearCartoons are broadcasted through the service youtube,needforonline application.Ahead will be a lot of exciting updates andadditionscartoonsdirectory.Put assessment application!All proposals and suggestions send to the or will be glad to work together.
смотреть лучшие мультфильмы 1.9
лучшие мультфильмыновые мультфильмымультфильмы для детей - смотреть мультфильмсмотреть мультфильмы онлайн - бесплатно смотретьбесплатномультфильмроссийские мультфильмыМы собрали для вас лучшие мультфильмысоветские мультфильмыTop cartoonsNew cartoonscartoons for children - watch cartoonwatch cartoons online - free watch free cartoonRussian cartoonsWe have collected for you the best cartoonsSoviet cartoons
The Worlds map for MCPE 1.2
Shilai map
The Worlds map for Minecraft is an amazingmapconsisting of four large cubes.Each cube includes 6differentbiomes (one per side) and much of what you will see areterrain andstructures which generate randomly in Minecraftworlds.Its a reallycool map which can either be played as achallenging MCPE survivaladventure or just as something to playaround with for fun. All ofthe four cubes are located far up in thesky and once youve gainedenough resources on the first island youshould be able to build abridge to one of the other islands.If theplanet of Minecraft waslooked at from space one would imagine thatthis would be how itlooked.Everything in Minecraft is made out ofblocks so it makesperfect sense that also the planet would looklike a hugeblock.UNOFFICIAL PRODUCT MINECRAFT. NOT APPROVED Mojang or affiliatedwithMojang .All rights reserved. In accordancewith
SurpriseToys ✅ 1.0
Mrmr app
Kinder Surprise and OtherSurpriseEggsUnboxing.Kinder Surprise, Kinder Joy, Kinder Maxi Surprise, Cars2SurpriseEggs, Spongebob Surprise Eggs, Thomas Surprise Eggs,ToyStorySurprise Eggs, Zaini Chocholate Surprise Eggs...
Heart Live Wallpaper 2.0
♥Get lovely and romantic HD live wallpaper to decorate yourhomescreen!♥
Christmas Talking Cat Diana 3D 1.4
Real 3D Talking Cat Diana is here!Play, feed, talk with your new pet! There is a present for thecat-a toy in a form of heart!And beautiful cake with hearts! Play the game with thecatwhichloves hearts and loves to play!In this amazing game you can* Talk with your kitty and she will repeat everything you saywithafunny voice.* Pet the cat to make her purr. Just move your finger overhernose.Cat Diana loves to play. Cat will do purr.* Touch the cat and kitty will jump.* Watch your kitty dancing her lovely song Jingle Bells!* Give commands to pretty cat Diana to run around the room!Touchthefloor anywhere and cat Diana will go there.* Present different gifts to your kitty and have funtogether!* Express your love to her!* Feed your kitty!* There is a tasty and beautiful cake for cat Diana! you catfeedacat!* And even check if your kitty afraid of CUCUMBER!Have you seen funny videos how cats react on cucumber?Thisisreally funny and amazing, isn't it?Don't waste time!Check what your new virtual pet will do if she seemagicalcucumbernext to her!Talking Cat is very funny. Talk to the cat -shewillrepeat!!The cat dance is amazing - dancing cat is very funny as well!This game is a great entertainment for the whole family!3DTalkingcat will make you laugh!Move the finger over the cat and it will come to you andyouwillbe able to stroke the cat and touch it.Beautiful unique graphics, high quality models will bringyoulotof fun and happy time with your new virtual pet!Hurry up to download and play with Diana! She is waitingforyou!Absolutely FREE!New versions of game with new features are comingsoon!Pleasecheck for updates regularly.
Дурная Красная Кнопка 1.4
DCC is a great joke on a friend
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 31.1.9
★★★★★Free App To Watch And Listen To Twinkle Twinkle Little StarThe collection of most popular Twinkle Twinkle LittleStarVideoClips for kids, baby, toddler, children to funandeducationallearning by songs.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Learning freeisthebest companion for tutorials. this app most popularhomeTwinkleTwinkle Little Star Learning Ideas videos.★Sing along kids’ favorite songs with SONGS FORKIDSWITHVIDEOS★★Features★♬ Most popular songs for kids from 0 to 7.♬ Easy to learn song lyrics♬ Beautiful graphics and adorable characters♬ Kid-friendly interface♬ Download songs Just 1 time, you can enjoytheshowanytime,anywhere! even on the plane!♬ Includes more than 100 kids’ favorite songs* This app support both mobile phone and Tablet Mode.Free App To Watch And Listen To HomeTwinkleTwinkleLittle StarPlus Lots More Children's Rhymes 56 Minutes Compilation!Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Many More VideosPopularNurseryRhymes CollectionNursery Rhyme Collection from Mother Goose Club Play!More Our Favorite Kids' Songs and Nursery RhymesPart 2 And More Nursery Rhymes Fromtwinkle twinkle little star video for one hourSurprise Eggs Nursery Rhymes Toys Twinkle Twinkle LittleStarLearnColours🌟 Elsa Rides a Unicorn for Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star:TheFROZENVersion Olaf StarTwinkle Twinkle Little Star Nursery Rhymes GiggleBelliesLots More Fun Nursery Rhymes for Babies100MinutesCompilation!Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and More 3 Hours of NurseryRhymesfromMother Goose Club!11 More Lullabies & Nursery Rhymes Giggle BelliesTwinkle Twinkle Little Star Part 4 in Hong Kong NurseryRhymesABC Song And 75 Nursery Rhymes 2 HOURSNurseryRhymesCompilationNew Version and Popular Nursery Rhymes Collection ForChildrenRhyme with Lyrics - English Nursery Rhymes Songs for ChildrenHumpty Dumpty Wheels on the Bus Nursery RhymesCompilationVol7♥ 4h ♥ Lulla Lyrics - Lullabies for Babies to go tosleep-LullaSweet Dreams + More Nursery Rhymes & LullabiesSuperSimpleSongsTwinkle Twinkle Little Star Part 3 in India Nursery RhymesFrozen Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Elsa - FrozenSongsNurseryRhymesTwinkle Twinkle Little Star - Nursery rhyme children musicElsa and Anna - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star FROZENNursery Rhymes for Children Spiderman Cartoons forKids3DAnimatedTwinkle Twinkle Little Star Nursery RhymesLullabiesHooplaKidzABC Song For Ba, Top Nursery Rhymes, Kids Songs CollecttionPeppa Pig - Twinkle Twinkle Little StarLulla - Lullabies For Babies to Sleep Bedtime SongsMinions Rhyme ~ Minions Nursery Rhymes Karaoke Songs[HD]1080PThe Itsy Bitsy Spider, Plus Many More NurseryRhymesfromAgnitusTwinkle Twinkle Little Star Mother Goose ClubSongsforChildrenNursery Rhymes Karaoke Songs For Children Rock 'n' RollTwinkle Twinkle Little Star and More Nursery Rhymes fromMotherGooseClub!贝瓦儿歌《小星星》Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in ChineseBlinka Lilla Stjärna Där 6 Gånger Barnvisa på Svenska SwedishBest Lulla: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Ba Songs toSleep,BaSleepMasha and the Bear Twinkle twinkle Little Star with Lyrics -МашаиМедведьNursery Rhymes w/ Lightning McQueen CARS Spiderman IronManKidsSongsPopular Nursery Rhymes Collection for Kids 3DTwinkle Twinkle Little Star Nursery Rhymes with lyricsand more...An all in one collection of educational TwinkleTwinkleLittleStar activities and videos, including the famousalphabetsong in avivid interactive and high quality production.Thisapplicationprovides the perfect place to learn basic conceptssuchandnumbers, colors and more.It is available FREE of cost, and needs INTERNETconnectionisrequired to work. All of contents are Youtube and thisappprovidesthe Link list for user's easy use.Have a magical experience with BEST KIDS SONGSLEARNINGVIDEOSFREE!
Little Kelly ✅Toys & Play Doh✅ 1.0
Kid Friendly toy channel hosted byLittleKelly!Hope everyone has a great time watching my videosbecause Ilovemaking them!
Illuminati - Photo editor 1.1
Edit your photos withtheIlluminatitriangle!Illuminati confirmed.
English:Masha and Bear Cartoon 1.0
Masha and the bear is verypopularcartoonseries in children as well as in elders. Specially,Masha isveryfunny character in this series. And the bear is truefriendofmasha. Due to these two amazing characters, people of alltheageslike masha and the bear cartoon very much.In this app, we have added all the available episodes ofMashaandthe bear videos which are in English translation. So,enjoywatchingyour favourite masha and the bear in Englishlanguage.Disclaimer:All the videos of masha and the bear cartoon (كرتون ماشا)inthisapplication are collected from public domains andthesearecopyrighted to their respective owners. We do notclaimanycopyrights on any video provided in this app. Wehavejustorganized these videos in this app. This application isforjustentertainment purpose.
Russian cinema 1.2.7
The best movies, series and cartoons of Russian-made!
Как стать феей 1.0
Говорят, что наше воображениеиногдаболеереально, чем реальность. Верить нам в волшебный мир илинетрешаеммы сами, возможно где-то и есть все невиданные созданияиволшебныесущества, например феи. Если сотни людей верят вэто,придумываютспособы превращения, есть доля вероятности, чтоэтоправда. Но незабывайте, что вы живёте здесь и сейчас,авторнадеется, чтоинформация предоставленная здесь будет воспринятасизрядной долейскептицизма и иронии, и использована дляразвлечения.Живитереальной жизнью!They saythatourimagination is sometimes more real than reality. We believeinthemagical world or not we decide ourselves, perhapssomewhereandthere are unseen and create magical creatures such asfairies.Ifhundreds of people believe in it, come up with waysofturning,there is some probability that it is true. But donotforget thatyou live here and now, the author hopes thattheinformationprovided here will be met with skepticism and irony,andis usedfor entertainment. Live real life!
Алиса и друзья 1.1
Коллекция развивающего видео длявашегоребенкаот канала Алиса и друзья:песенки, игры с кукламиидругимиигрушками. Видео можно смотреть бесплатно врежимеонлайн.A collection ofvideosfordeveloping your child's channel from Alice andFriends:songs,playing with dolls and other toys. Videos can bewatched forfreeonline.
Atlantis adventure MCPE map 1.5
Best MCPE maps
Atlantis Minecraft map appears to besomesortof spawn which can be used on MCPE servers. But it’s alsoworthadownload just to experience the many magnificentbuilds.You will spawn in the center of the big palacedeepunderground.There are some ladders which lead up tothesurface.Surrounding the palace are several smaller houses, boats andahugewall of water. It should be noted though that it appears tobeaported MCPE map which means it was originally created forthePCversion of Minecraft.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPEMaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpeparkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This map forMinecraftisnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name,Brand andtheAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectfulowner.Allrights reserved.
Berlusconi: I'm back! 1.0.2
Anuloid Games
Ciao! Mr. Berlusconi is here to entertainyoulike presidents Putin and Obama. In the main scene you are inMr.Berlusconi’s private office with a window view straight toPisatower and other presidents tease him right from behind ofhiswindow. Several mini-games are included and added regularly.FEATURES- Scenes with participation of other famous politicians,- Make Mr. Berlusconi react on your screen taps and voice,- Play “Film! Film! Film!" and find Berlusconi in frames,- Make “Flying Berlusconi” go as far as possible,- Find smiles in “Funny Face” game,- Train your brain with the help of our memory game.Earn more coins and unlock more mini games.
Surprise Eggs Unwrapping 1.2
Apps iMod
Surprise Eggs Unwrapping features videos ofoneof the most popular trends for kids -opening/unwrapping/unboxingsurprise eggs and other toys!Kids everywhere are loving this new fad!!Surprise eggs unwrapping аnd оthеr tоу unboxing/openingvіdеоѕаrе so fun because kids get tо еxреrіеnсе thе opening just аѕіfthеу wеrе opening thе tоуѕ thеmѕеlvеѕ. Surрrіѕе еggunwrарріngѕ,unbоxіngѕ and toy rеvіеwѕ are grеаt еntеrtаіnmеnt forkіdѕ аnd thеуencourage a роѕіtіvе аnd hарру childhoodexperience.