Top 6 Apps Similar to Ambalan Moh.Hatta-Fatmawati

Marbel Pramuka Indonesia 5.0.2
Educa Studio
Applications learn and play to support the scouts ★★★★★
Pramuka Pintar 1.05.02
Scout Developer
Aplikasi Pramuka Pintar iniadalahaplikasitentang pramuka yang terlengkap yang pernah sayabuatsampai saatini, kenapa di katakan terlengkap? karena semuatentangpramuka adadalam 1 aplikasi ini, mulai dari materikepramukaan,game, ujikompetensi/pengetahuan,ScoutSmartApplicationThis is an application of the most complete scout Ievermade untilnow, why at say complete? because all of the scoutsarein one ofthese applications, ranging from material scouting,game,testcompetency / knowledge,
Saku Pramuka 1.0.0
SilaMedia Developers
Kata Pramuka merupakan singkatan dariPrajaMudaKarana, yang memiliki arti Orang Muda yang SukaBerkarya.Aplikasiini berisi materi mengenai kepramukaan yangdapatmempermudah dalamproses belajar anggota pramuka. Adapun isidariaplikasi ini yaitumengenai:- Tri Satya dan Dasa Dharma- Lambang Gerakan Pramuka- Salam Pramuka- Bendera Merah Putih Sebagai Bendera KebangsaandanPancasilaSebagai Lambang Negara RI- Sandi dan Tali Temali- Semaphore- Tuntunan Menyelesaikan SKU, dan- Pramuka Bernyanyi.Scouting isanabbreviationof the word Praja Muda Karana, which means thatSukaYouth Work. Thisapplication contains material concerningscoutingthat can facilitatethe learning process scout members.Thecontents of this applicationis about:- Tri Satya and Dharma Dasa- Coat the Scout Movement- Scout salute- Red and White Flag as the National Flag and the PancasilaastheState Emblem RI- Passwords and Ropes Rigging- Semaphore- Completed Guidance SKU, and- Scout Singing.
Aplikasi Panduan Pramuka 1.0.0
Clip Art Studio
Panduan pramuka praktis dalam bentuk aplikasi Android.Berisiberbagai materi kepramukaan yang sangat berguna bagi parapenggunadalam mengikuti kegiatan pramuka. Dilengkapi denganilustrasisehingga sangat menarik dan mudah dipahami.
Dictionary Scout 1.05.13
Scout Developer
Scout salute!As the development towards more modern technology, as wellaswithScout Movement is more shining, I Ade Sunendar of KwarranCilograng,Kwarcab Lebak, Banten Kwarda, trying to make an androidapp basedscout I gave the name of this application is the"Dictionary ofTerms Scouting".Surely this application in accordance with its name whichcontainslots of term words contained in the Scout Movement, myexpectationswith this application's brothers could be easier tomemorize thematerial scouting, not hindered by space and time forthisapplication was SmartPhone all.Amazingly lightweight application would require less memory andramonly requires 7 Mb of memory.In addition the application Dictionary of Terms Scout isalsoequipped with a scout song, so I'm sure will never be boredwhenreading the material contained therein.Please visit the download for this application I give free orfreeof charge for all, but I'm spare time to squeeze his fingersmovegives the best ratings in this application.
Buku Saku 2.0.2
Pocket Book is an offline application that was developed fromtheHandbook manual.