Top 24 Apps Similar to La Biblia de las Américas LBLA

La Biblia de las Americas 1.0.1
La Biblia de las Americas (LBLA) Funcionalidad añadida:-característica de audio - planes de lectura - versos diarios-desempeño mejorado.
La Biblia de las Américas + 1.0
La Biblia de las Américas es unatraduccióndelas Escrituras originales en las lenguas hebreas,arameasygriegas. Completada en 1986 por un equipo deescolaresBíblicoslatinoamericanos, La Biblia de las Américas usa eltextocon el“vosotros” del español, presentando la Palabra de Diosen unestiloclaro y suelto, pero adhiriéndose estrictamente alostextosoriginales en hebreo y griego.Siguiendo los mismos principios de traducción establecidosporelNew American Standard Bible, La Biblia de las Américas,lamáspopular Biblia en Español, es fácil de comprender paraunaampliaaudiencia y también apropiada para estudiosmasprofundos.Please give your best positive feedback to this app.Enjoy our app!The King James Versionisatranslation of the original Scriptures in the Hebrew,AramaicandGreek languages. Completed in 1986 by a team ofLatinAmericanBible school, The King James Version uses the textwith the"you"of Spanish, presenting the Word of God in a clear andloosestyle,but strictly adhering to the original texts in HebrewandGreek .Following the same translation principles establishedbytheAmerican Standard Bible New, The New American, themostpopularBible in Spanish, it is easy to understand for awideaudience andalso suitable for deeper studies.Please give your best positive feedback to this app.Enjoy our app!
Biblia de las Américas 9.0
The Bible
Hemos creado una aplicación que será un pilar en tu día a día,unaaplicación intuitiva y fácil de usar que podrás llevar contigoatodas partes y leer o escuchar en cualquier momento. Teofrecemosla Santa Biblia en español con audio y offline (nonecesitas deconexión a Internet para usarla) Una aplicación Gratisque teofrece: - La Biblia de las Américas - Formato audio paraescucharla Palabra de Dios - Funciona offline (una vez descargada,podrásusarla sin conexión a Internet) - Descarga gratuita -Podrásseleccionar y copiar tus versículos preferidos - Hacer unalista defavoritos - Compartirlos en las redes sociales - Modonocturno parabajar la luminosidad de tu pantalla y proteger tusojos -Posibilidad de aumentar o disminuir el tamaño de la letrapara leermejor - Búsqueda por palabra clave - Agregar sus propiasnotas alos versículos y ordenarlas por fechas Con esta appgratuita,podrás navegar a través de toda la sabiduría de la Biblia,conocerel origen del universo, la historia de Jesús a través delNuevoTestamento y mucho más. En sus páginas, encontraras todaslasrespuestas a todas tus preguntas. Comparte los versículos quemáste apasionen, selecciona aquellos que te resulten másimpactantes,y sobre todo siéntete más cerca de ti mismo y de Dios.Nunca estarde para escuchar la palabra de Dios y purificar nuestraalma.Descárgala ahora e invita a tus amigos y a tus seres queridosa quetambién puedan llevar con ellos la palabra del Señor conestacompletísima aplicación de la Biblia. Tienes a tu disposiciónellibro más importante de todos los tiempos. Descarga La SantaBibliaGratis desde Google Play Store y comienza a vivir una vidallena deFe y esperanza. Aquí tienes la lista de libros de la Bibliade lasAméricas: Libros del Antiguo Testamento: (Génesis, Éxodo,Levítico,Números, Deuteronomio, Josué, Jueces, Rut, 1 Samuel, 2Samuel, 1Reyes, 2 Reyes, 1 Crónicas, 2 Crónicas, Esdras, Nehemías,Ester,Job, Salmos, Proverbios, Eclesiastés, Cantares, Isaías,Jeremías,Lamentaciones, Ezequiel, Daniel, Oseas, Joel, Amós,Abdías, Jonás,Miqueas, Nahúm, Habacuc, Sofonías, Hageo, Zacarías,Malaquías)Libros del Nuevo Testamento: (Mateo, Marcos, Lucas, Juan,Hechos,Romanos, 1 Corintios, 2 Corintios, Gálatas, Efesios,Filipenses,Colosenses, 1 Tesalonicenses, 2 Tesalonicenses, 1Timoteo, 2Timoteo, Tito, Filemón, Hebreos, Santiago, 1 Pedro, 2Pedro, 1Juan, 2 Juan, 3 Juan, Judas, Apocalipsis)
La Biblia de las Américas 1.1 1.0
Most Spanish-speaking Christians relyononeversion of the Bible, the Reina Valera, which wasfirstpublishedin 1569, 42 years before the King James Version. Intheabsence ofan exact, modern translation, many people areturningtoparaphrases of God's Word. Recognizing the critical needforahighly accurate, contemporary translation of the Bible,TheLockmanFoundation has produced La Biblia de las Américas(TheBibleof theAmericas).
La Biblia de las Américas 1.2
Reconociendo la crítica necesidaddeunatraducción exacta de la Biblia, y en unespañolcontemporáneo,Lockman Bible Ministries, a través deldepartamentodetraducciones, ha producido La Biblia de las Américas,la cualesuna traducción de los idiomas originales de lasEscriturasypresenta la Palabra de Dios en forma clara ycomprensible;portanto, fácil de leerse y de ser entendida portodos, además desermuy conveniente para estudios bíblicosserios.Recognizingthecriticalneed for accurate translation of the Bible, and inacontemporarySpanish, Lockman Bible Ministries, throughthetranslationdepartment, it has produced the King JamesVersion,which is atranslation of the original languages ​​ofScripture andItpresents the Word of God in clear andunderstandable;therefore,easy to read and be understood by all,besides beingveryconvenient for serious Bible studies.
La Biblia de las Americas 1.0
Terminado en 1986 por unequipoevangélicolatinoamericano especialistas en la Biblia, LaBiblia delasAméricas es un trabajo original traducido del hebreo,arameoygriego directamente al español moderno. La Biblia delasAméricaspresenta la Palabra de Dios en un estilo claroyfluido,manteniendo la precisión. Siguiendo los mismosprincipiosdetraducción establecido para la NASB, La Biblia de lasAméricasescomprensible para el público en general y también esapropiadaparaun estudio serio.Completed in 1986byaLatin American evangelical team specialists in the Bible,TheKingJames Version is an original work translated fromHebrew,Aramaicand Greek directly into modern Spanish. The KingJamesVersionpresents the Word of God in a clear and fluidstyle,whilemaintaining accuracy. Following the same principlesoftranslationset for the NASB, The King James Versionisunderstandable to thegeneral public and is also suitableforserious study.
Biblia Dios Habla Hoy DHH 5.6.2
Your Smart Bible Apps
Bible God Speaks Today DHH - Bible in Simple Language
Biblia del Oso 5.7.0
Igor Apps
Bear Bible - King James
Biblia Reina Valera 1960 1.0.3
Funcionalidad añadida: - característica de audio - planes delectura- versos diarios - desempeño mejorado. La revisionReina-Valera hasido el texto mas utilizado por la iglesiaevangelicahispanoamericana durante varias gereraciones. Sulenguaje formaparte del habla de los cristianos evengelicos,quienes hanmemorizado frases, versiculos y pasajes enteros, en losque siempreencuentran consuelo e inspiracion divina. En 1960 laAmerican BibleSociety publico esta revision de la Biblia, luego deun arduotrabajo por parte de un excelente equipo de estudiosos,que adecuoel antiguo texto a la ortografia de la epoca, mejoro suconstrucciongramatical y le anadio claridad a palabras y pasajes.
Biblia Valera Contemporanea 1.4
Receives every day a verse to start the day in the best way.
Holy Bible 3.13
EP Soft Group
Read the Bible in different versions
Bíblia King James Atual. - PDV 2.4.0
Felipe Frizeiro
The Bread of Life. King James Holy Bible Updated, free and ad-free
Light Bible: Daily Verses, Prayer, Audio Bible 3.3.8
Light Bible is a quick and free Bible app that delivers newBibleverses from the King James Bible (KJV Bible) each day. Studyforjust 21 minutes every day, read the Holy Bible and listen toGod’sWords, will greatly help you grow your faith step by step.Inspireyour mind with daily Bible verses. Learn how to apply Bibleversesto your life. Download the best Bible app to get closer toGod.Light Bible app is your best daily bible companion, yourbiblelearning master, companion at church services, fellowshipgroupsand religious studies, all for the handy features itoffers:Meditate on the Holy Bible - Inspiring Bible verses: adifferentBible quote is delivered to your device on a daily basis.Thepackage also includes thoughts, prayer and daily devotional onthatspecific verse. - Easy on the eye: we offer hand-picked,amazingverse images for each verse. - Share: easily share the versewithyour friends and family. - Study the verse within context: taponthe verse and read the whole chapter in case you get lost onitsmeaning. - Swipe to the left or right to navigate past Biblequotescompletely offline: you don't have to be connected to theinternetto revisit on the wisdom of previous verses. Bible verse,thoughts,prayer and daily devotional... They all come withoutaccess to theinternet. Play daily Bible quiz - Each Bible quizquestion has 4possible answers. - Bible quiz questions are from anysection ofthe Bible, from Genesis to Revelation and everything inbetween. -Test your Bible knowledge and remember Bible verses invariouskinds of Bible quiz. - Share your favorite Biblical quizwithfriends and family! Study daily devotional - We aim to helpyouunderstand the verse more deeply with the assistance of acarefullychosen daily devotional on the verse. - We offer multiplesourcesof devotionals to choose from. You can read your favoritepastorsand popular websites. Bible reading plans - Hundreds ofreadingplan to choose from: the lengths of reading plans range from2 daysto more than a year. Don't worry if you don't know where togetstarted. - A large number of topics covering every aspect oflifeto help you get through crises. - Reading plans offer anorganizedway for genuine Bible study, not just scratching thesurface of it.Earn badges as an encouragement The badges on theBible app arelittle awards for reaching every small milestone onyour Biblestudy journey such as reading the Bible every day. Theprogressrecord on home page tracks how many consecutive days you'vebeeninteracting with God. Let it be a reminder for you to strivefor astronger relationship with Jesus. Keep in touch with LightBibleSend us Email: Like us onFacebook: Visit ourwebsite: Download and use Light Biblenow. Youare going to love how easy to use it is! Please like,review, andshare our Bible app! If you have any suggestion for howwe canimprove Light Bible app or want us to make otherBible-relatedapps, please email us at
Bíblia Sagrada 2.4
Salem Media Group
Free read the Bible and share the word of God even withoutinternet!
Biblia NVI 1.3
Apmob - Aplicativos Móveis
Procurando uma Bíblia?Com este aplicativo você poderá ler a Bíblia no seu telefone,noconforto da sua casa, no ônibus e onde você quiser ouvir aPalavrade Deus.A Nova Versão Internacional (NVI) é uma versão evangélicadaBíblia. Esta versão é traduzido diretamente de fontes emhebraico,aramaico e grego.A tradução foi feita por um grupo de peritos que representamumadúzia de países de língua espanhola, que pertencem a uma sériededenominações cristãs evangélicas e usou a mesma interpretação queaversão latinizada Nova Versão Internacional.Este aplicativo ajuda a ler a Bíblia, tem um formatoacessívelpara escolher os versículos que você mais gosta.A Bíblia é o livro mais importante do mundo. É uma testemunhadeacontecimentos históricos de tal magnitude que mudaram omundo.Sem a Bíblia, o mundo seria completamente diferente.Este livro é fundamental. Por sua causa, muitos projetosforamrealizados, hospitais foram construídos, multidõesforamalimentadas e orfanatos foram fundados.A Bíblia foi escrita por 40 autores ao longo de um períodode1500 anos. Eles eram reis, sacerdotes, pescadores, pastoresemédicos. Apesar do número de autores, a Bíblia possui umaunidadeincrível e isto é, sem dúvida, porque o verdadeiro autor éum:Deus.A Bíblia foi traduzida das línguas originais para todasaslínguas existentes.Nenhum livro da história tem sido mais estudado, comentadoeanalisado. É o livro mais exato e nenhuma única falha emdetalhesou fatos tem sido comprovada.A Bíblia é composta de 66 livros e está dividida em duaspartesprincipais: o Antigo e o Novo testamento.O Antigo Testamento descreve a fundação da nação de Israelecontém 39 livros (Gênesis, Êxodo, Levítico, Números,Deuteronômio,Josué, Juízes, Rute, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Reis, 2Reis, 1Crônicas, 2 Crônicas, Esdras, Neemias, Ester, Jó, Salmos,Provérbios, Eclesiastes, Cântico dos Cânticos, Isaías,Jeremias,Lamentações, Ezequiel, Daniel, Oséias, Joel, Amós,Obadias, Jonas,Miquéias, Naum, Habacuque, Sofonias, Ageu, Zacarias,Malaquias)O Novo Testamento detalha a vinda do Homem prometido: Jesusecontém 27 livros (Mateus, Marcos, Lucas, João, Atos, Romanos, 1 e2Coríntios, Gálatas, Efésios, Filipenses, Colossenses,1Tessalonicenses, 2 Tessalonicenses, 1 Timóteo, 2 Timóteo,Tito,Philemon, hebraicos, James, 1 Peter, 2 Pedro, 1 João, 2 João,3João, Judas, Revelação)A Bíblia vai mudar sua vida, vai maravilhar e surpreendê-loe,provavelmente, levá-lo às lágrimas!Faça o download agora!Looking for aBible?With this app you can read the Bible on your phone from thecomfortof your home, on the bus and where you want to hear the WordofGod.The New International Version (NIV) is an evangelical versionofthe Bible. This version is translated directly from sourcesinHebrew, Aramaic and Greek.The translation was done by a group of experts representing adozenSpanish-speaking countries, which belong to a number ofevangelicalChristian denominations and used the same interpretationas theLatinized version New International Version.This application helps to read the Bible, has a handy formattochoose the verses that you like.The Bible is the most important book in the world. It isawitness to historical events of such magnitude that changedtheworld.Without the Bible, the world would be completelydifferent.This book is essential. Because of you, many projectswereundertaken, hospitals were built, crowds were fed andorphanageswere founded.The Bible was written by 40 authors over a period of 1500years.They were kings, priests, fishermen, shepherds anddoctors.Although the number of authors, the Bible has an incredibledriveand this is undoubtedly because the real author is one:God.The Bible was translated from the original languages ​​toallexisting languages.No book in history has been more studied, discussed andanalyzed.It is the most accurate book and no single failure indetails orfacts have been proven.The Bible consists of 66 books and is divided into twomainparts: the Old and New Testament.This Old Testament describes Israel's nation's foundingandcontains the 39 books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,Numbers,Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1Kings, 2Kings, 1 chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra Nehemiah, Esther,Job,Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah,Jeremiah,Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah,Jonah,Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi)The New Testament details the coming of the promised man:Jesusand contains 27 books (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts,Romans, 1and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians,Colossians, 1Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy,Titus,Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3John,Jude, Revelation)The Bible will change your life, will amaze and surprise youandprobably take you to tears!Download now!
La Biblia Reina Valera SE 2.9.03
Warp Studios Bibles
Offline Bible Reina Valera - Edition The Holy Scriptures 1569
La Biblia de Jerusalén 5.8.0
Igor Apps
Catholic Bible - Bible Reading Plan, Daily Verse, Audio!
Bible Reina Valera
Bible Reina Valera OfflineLanguages:SpanishVersion:Reina Valera (1909)Bible OfflineFeatures:- Bible Dictionary in English- Works without an Internet Conection- Can be installed in SD card- Search terms in the bible- Old, New Testament, All the Bible and Individual books- Custom Reading Plan (You choose in how many days you want toreadthe Bible)- Widget with Verse of The Day- Bookmark Verses- Notes on verses- Highlight verses with colors- Share verses (E-mail, Twitter, Facebook, SMS)- Speak verses- Nocturnal Mode (Black background with white font)- Tablet Layout- Audio Bible- Now supports Android Wear with a Watchface (see a versechangeevery minute), and a devotional on your watch.- Audio Sync with text verseVerse Sync Technology- Watch as the text moves in sync at verse level withtheaudio- Verses highlight in sync with audio- Easily follow the audio as you read- Great for studying scriptureVersions available:Spanish: Reina Valera (1909)Spanish: Reina Valera NT (1858)Spanish: Sagradas Escrituras (1569)English: King James VersionEnglish: NIV New International Version (2011) - NIV LiveBibleAudioEnglish: American Standard VersionEnglish: Basic English BibleEnglish: Darby VersionEnglish: Douay-RheimsEnglish: Webster\'s BibleEnglish: Weymouth NTEnglish: World English BibleEnglish: Young\'s Literal TranslationPortuguese:AlmeidaPortuguese: King James VersionAlbanianArabic: Smith and Van DykeAramaic NT: PeshittaArmenian (Eastern): (Genesis, Exodus, Gospels)Armenian (Western): NTBasque (Navarro-Labourdin): NTBreton GospelsChamorro (Psalms, Gospels, Acts)Chinese: NCV (Traditional)Chinese: Union (Simplified)Chinese: NCV (Simplified)Chinese: Union (Traditional)Coptic: Bohairic NTCoptic: New TestamentCroatianCzech BKRDanishDutch Staten VertalingEsperantoEstonianFinnish: Bible (1776)Finnish: Pyha Raamattu (1933/1938)French: Louis Segond (1910)French: Martin (1744)French: Ostervald (1996 revision)Georgian (Gospels, Acts, James)German: Elberfelder (1871)German: Elberfelder (1905)German: Luther (1545)German: Luther (1912)Greek NT: Byzantine/Majority Text (2000)Greek NT: Textus Receptus (1550/1894)Greek NT: Tischendorf 8th Ed.Greek NT: Westcott/Hort, UBS4 variantsGreek: ModernHebrew OT: Aleppo CodexHebrew: ModernHungarian: KaroliItalian: Giovanni Diodati Bible (1649)Italian: Riveduta Bible (1927)Kabyle: NTKoreanLatin: Nova VulgataLatin: Vulgata ClementinaLatvian New TestamentManx Gaelic (Esther, Jonah, Four Gospels)MaoriMyanmar/Burmse: Judson (1835)Norwegian: Det Norsk Bibelselskap (1930)Potawatomi: (Matthew, Acts) (Lykins, 1844)Romanian: CornilescuRussian: Synodal Translation (1876)Russian: Makarij Translation (Pentateuch) (1825)Scots Gaelic (Gospel of Mark)Swahili NTSwedish (1917)Tagalog: Ang Biblia (1905)Tamajaq PortionsTurkishUkrainian: NT (P.Kulish, 1871)Vietnamese (1934)XhosaNIV Live Audio:Featuring an ensemble cast of Oscar, Emmy and Grammy Awardwinnersand today's most renowned pastors, NIV Live gives a VOICE toall368 Bible characters. Over 6 hours of free audio for booksofGenesis and Matthew included. This scripted masterpiece letsyoulisten to and experience the Bible whenever and whereveryoudesire.LISTEN! THE BIBLE HAS A VOICEPresenting dramatic performances from a stellar cast thatincludesAcademy Award winner Cuba Gooding Jr. (Judas), two-timeEmmy Awardwinning actress and producer Patricia Heaton (MaryMagdalene), TonyAward nominated actor Norm Lewis (Solomon),Christopher Gorham(Jesus), Carlos Santos (Luke), Grammy Awardnominated singer andsongwriter Martha Munizzi (Abigail), PastorCraig Groeschel (Amos),Christine Lakin (Jezebel), Phil Crowley(Moses), Emmy Award winningproducer Pastor Miles McPherson(Ahlijah) and nine-time GrammyAward-winning singer and producerKirk Franklin (Peter), along withmany others.
Bible Latinoamericana 5.8.2
Bible apps for spirit
Bible Latinoamericana - Catholic Spanish Bible
Temas Biblicos Predicar 1.6
Toda la sabiduría de la Palabra de Dios deunamanera rápida y muy sencilla. Es fundamental que nuestravidaexperimente una continua comunión en Dios. Una vez conocemosalSeñor Jesucristo, es nuestro anhelo que su presencia vengasobretoda nuestra familia, y la voluntad del Señor es hacerlo.Supresencia todo lo transforma, todo lo cambia, y es ésta laquemarca la diferencia.Temas Bíblicos para predicar se hará indispensable entuvida.En Temas Bíblicos para Predicar encontrarás una gran cantidaddepredicas para estudiar y consultar cuando quieras.Además,laaplicación incluye sermones y bosquejos para que losconsultescuando te sea necesario.Te servirán de mucha ayuda los temas que se tratan a diario enlaapp, entre ellos están:- Aliento- Alabanza- Esperanza- Fidelidad de Dios- Fortaleza- Gozo- La Palabra de Dios- Liberación- Matrimonio- Noviazgo- Para momentos de Afan- Ayuda- Bendición- Confianza- Consuelo- Misericordia- Mujeres Cristianas- Hombres de Valor- Oración- Paz- Perdón- Presencia de Dios- Prosperidad- Amor de Dios- Restauración- Adoración- Salvación en Cristo- Jesus- Protección- Momentos de Necesidad- Refugio- ....Cuando necesites aliento y tener tu alma en paz podrás echarmanode la biblia incluida en esta aplicación, así como lossermones ybosquejos.Te ofrecemos también la posibilidad de leer y escucharlasversiones de la Bíblia , entre ellas :Reina Valera 1960Traducción en Lenguaje ActualNueva Version Internacional 1984Nueva Versión Internacional 1999Biblia de las AmericasDios habla hoyKadosh Israelita MesiánicaNueva Traducción VivienteLa Biblia del Oso RV1569Reina Valera Antigua 1602Reina Valera 1862Reina Valera 1865Reina Valera 1909Reina Valera 1977Reina Valera Actualizada 1989Reina Valera 1990 (Adventista)Reina Valera 1995Reina Valera 2000Reina Valera 2004Reina Valera Gómez (2010)Reina Valera Contemporanea 2011Biblia de Jerusalem 1976Biblia de Jerusalén 1998Biblia de Jerusalem 3-EdicionBiblia Corona de Jerusalen 2009Versión Universidad de JerusalemVersión Israelita Nazarena 2011Biblia al día 1989Biblia Castilian 2003Biblia del Siglo de Oro (2009)Biblia Latinoamericana (1995)La Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana de Hoy (2005)Biblia de nuestro Pueblo (2009)Biblia Nacar-ColungaBiblia Version Martin NietoBiblia Version Septuaginta al EspañolEl Libro del Pueblo de DiosJünemann Septuaginta en españolLa Biblia Textual 3ra EdicionVersion Moderna (1929)La Palabra (HispanoAmericana)Nueva Biblia de los HispanosPalabra de Dios para TodosBiblia Versión de Serafín de AusejoSpanish Sagradas EscrituraBiblia Torres AmatNueva Biblia Española (1975)Traducción Del Nuevo Mundo (Testigos de Jehová)Dentro de la sección "Más Apps Bíblicas Gratis" podrásencontraraplicaciones de ayuda como:Temas bíblicos para predicar , Diccionario Teológico ,DiccionarioHebreo , Geografía e Historia Bíblica , Música Cristiana, TeologíaBíblica , Oraciones , El Evangelio del día , Los Salmos ,BíbliaInfantil , Recursos Católicos , Matrimonio Cristiano ,RadiosCristianas , Himnario Adventista .. y algunas más.Para cumplir la normativa de las autoridades de protección dedatoscomunicamos:En este sítio se usan identificadores de dispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el fin deofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico. Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información del dispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisis web.Másdetalles en: the wisdom ofGod'sWord quickly and very easily. It is essential that ourlifeexperience a continual communion in God. Once we know theLordJesus Christ is our hope that their presence comes upon ourwholefamily, and the Lord's will is to do. His presencetransformseverything, everything changes, and it is this that makesthedifference.Biblical themes to preach will be indispensable in yourlife.Bible Topics to Preach find a lot of preaching to studyandconsult when quieras.Además, the application includes sermonsandsketches so that you consult when necessary.We serve a lot of help topics discussed daily in the app,amongthem are:- Breath- Praise- Hope- Faithfulness of God- Strength- Gozo- The word of God- Release- Marriage- Courtship- For moments Afan- Help- Blessing- Confidence- Consuelo- Mercy- Christian Women- Men of Valor- Sentence- Peace- Sorry- Presence of God- Prosperity- God's Love- Restoration- Worship- Salvation in Christ- Jesus- Protection- Times of Need- Refugio- ....When you need encouragement and have your soul in peace youcandraw on the Bible included in this application, as well assermonsand sketches.We also offer the ability to read and listen to Bibleversions,including:Reina Valera 1960Living TranslationNew International Version 1984New International Version 1999New American Standard BibleGod speaks todayJewish Messianic KadoshNew Living TranslationThe Bear Bible RV1569King James 1602Reina Valera 1862Reina Valera 1865Reina Valera 1909Reina Valera 1977Reina Valera 1989 UpdateReina Valera 1990 (Adventist)Reina Valera 1995Reina Valera 2000Reina Valera 2004Reina Valera Gómez (2010)Reina Valera Contemporanea 2011Bible of Jerusalem 1976Jerusalem Bible 1998Bible Jerusalem 3-EditionJerusalem Bible Corona 2009Version University of JerusalemNazarene Israelite version 20111989 Bible daily2003 Castilian BibleBible Golden Age (2009)American Standard Bible (1995)The New American Standard Bible (2005)Bible of our people (2009)Bible Nacar-ColungaVersion Bible Martin NietoSeptuagint Version Bible in SpanishThe Book of the People of GodJünemann Septuagint in SpanishThe Bible Textual 3rd EditionModern Version (1929)Word (Spanish American)New American Standard BibleWord of God for AllVersion Bible Seraphim of AusejoSpanish Holy ScriptureBible Torres AmatNew Spanish Bible (1975)New World Translation (Jehovah's Witnesses)Within the "More Free Bible Apps" section you can findhelperapplications such as:Biblical themes to preach, Theological Dictionary,DictionaryHebrew, Biblical Geography and History, Christian Music,BiblicalTheology, Prayers, The Gospel of the day, Psalms, BibleChildren,Catholic Resources, Christian Marriage, Radio Christian,AdventistHymnal .. and some plus.To comply with the rules of the data protectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalize contentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyze traffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device information withpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. More detailsat:
La Biblia de las Americas ✞ 1.0
Holy Bible Apps
La Biblia de las Americas ✞ LBLA Santa Biblia- Santa Biblia- Estudio Bíblico- Biblia Audio- Oración Diaria- Devocionales- Versículo del DíaLA BIBLIA DE LAS AMERICAS es una traduccio`n fiel delasSagradasEscrituras.Esta versi`on es producto de la intensa labor y dedicacio`ndeunconsiderable nu`mero de eruditos dedistintasdenominacionescristianas, representantes de varios pai`sesdeHispanoame`rica, deEspan~a y de los Estados Unidos. Se publicaconla firmeconviccio`n de que las Sagradas Escrituras, segu`nfueronescritasen los idiomas originales, fueron inspiradas porDios, ypuesto queson su eterna Palabra, hablan con renovado poder acadageneracio`npara impartir la sabiduri`a que lleva a lasalvacio`n enCristo,equipando al creyente para disfrutar de unavida abundante yfelizen la tierra, y constituye`ndolo en testimonioviviente delaverdad para la gloria eterna de Dios.El Comite` Editorial ha observado dos principiosba`sicos:Enprimer lugar, ha tratado de cen~irse en todo lo posiblealosidiomas originales de las Sagradas Escrituras, y ensegundolugar,ha observado las reglas de la grama`tica moderna enunadimensio`ncontinental contempora`nea, usando un estilo a`gilyameno,procurando mantener la mayor belleza literaria. LA BIBLIADELASAMERICAS se ofrece en la seguridad de que los que buscanelmensajey el conocimiento de las Sagradas Escrituras,hallara`naqui` unatraduccio`n clara y fidedigna de la verdadrevelada porDios en suPalabra.The NewAmericanStandardBible NIV Bible ✞- Holy Bible- Bible study- Audio Bible- Daily Prayer- Devotional- Verse of the DayTHE BIBLE OF THE AMERICAS is a faithfultraduccio`nofScripture.This versi`on is the product of hard work anddedicacio`naconsiderable nu`mero scholars of differentChristiandenominations,representatives of several pai`ses ofHispanoame`ricaof Espan ~ aand the United States. It is publishedwith the firmconviccio`nthat the Holy Scriptures, segu`n werewritten in theoriginallanguages, were inspired by God and sincethey are hiseternalWord, speak with renewed power to eachgeneracio`n toimpartsabiduri `a salvacio`n leading to Christ,equipping thebeliever toenjoy a rich and happy life on earth,andconstituye`ndolo a livingwitness to the truth to eternal gloryofGod.The Comite` Editorial ba`sicos has noticed twoprinciples:First,it has tried to cen ~ go as far as possible totheoriginallanguages ​​of Scripture, and secondly, has observedtherules ofmodern grama`tica dimensio`n a continentalcontempora`neausing aa`gil and entertaining style, trying to keepas literarybeauty.THE BIBLE OF THE AMERICAS offered in theassurance thatthose whoseek the message and knowledge of Scripture,hallara`naqui` aclear and reliable traduccio`n of truth revealed byGod inHisWord.
Biblia de Estudio NVI 1.2
Básicamente la Nueva VersiónInternacional,es una versión evangélica de la Biblia escrita enespañolcontemporáneo, para su fácil compresión.La NUEVA VERSION INTERNACIONAL (NVI) es una versión evangélica delaBiblia. Esta versión está traducida directamente de fuentesenhebreo, arameo y griego.Te ofrecemos 4 opciones de lectura para que elijas la que mejorseadapte a tus gustos y preferencias.La traducción fue elaborada por un grupo de expertos querepresentanuna docena de países de habla hispana, que pertenecen aun buennúmero de denominaciones cristianas evangélicas y queutilizaron lamisma exégesis que la versión anglosajona NewInternationalVersion.También podrás escucharla en audio, consultar el verso diario,mirar una lectura para cada día ... y todo esto con una ventajamuyimportante con respecto a otras apps similares, ofrecemos muypocapublicidad para que lo más importante siga siendo la palabra ylaFé.Recuerda consultar la opción " Más Apps Biblicas " donde ponemosatu disposición aplicaciones de Estudios , Temas Biblicos yTeologiapara alimentar tu alma y cuidar tu FE. Si te gusta la apptambiénes importante que la valores para ayudarnos a seguirtrabajando ymejorando.Comparte los versículos que más te apasionen, seleccionaaquellosque te resulten más impactantes, pero por sobre todo,aprovechaesta aplicación para sentirte más cerca de ti mismo ydeDios.Una ventaja muy importante con respecto a otras apps similaresesque ofrecemos muy poca publicidad para que lo más importantesigasiendo la palabra y la Fé.Recuerda consultar la opción " Más Apps Biblicas " donde ponemosatu disposición aplicaciones como Bíblia de Estudios ,TemasBiblicos para predicar , Vida Espiritual , Musica Cristiana,Parabolas de Jesús , Sermones y Predicas y más aplicacionesdeTeologia para alimentar tu alma y cuidar tu FE. Si te gusta laapptambién es importante que la valores para ayudarnos aseguirtrabajando y mejorando.Aprovecha esta aplicación para sentirte más cerca de ti mismo ydeDios.Para cumplir la normativa de las autoridades de protección dedatoscomunicamos:En este sítio se usan identificadores de dispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el fin deofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico. Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información del dispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisis web.Másdetalles en: theNewInternational Version, is an evangelical version of theBiblewritten in contemporary Spanish, for easy compression.The New International Version (NIV) is an evangelical version oftheBible. This version is translated directly from sources inHebrew,Aramaic and Greek.We offer 4 options read for you to choose the one that bestsuitsyour tastes and preferences.The translation was made by a group of experts representing adozenSpanish-speaking countries, which belong to a number ofevangelicalChristian denominations and used the same interpretationthat theanglicized version New International Version.can also hear audio, check the daily verse, looking at a readingforeach day ... and all this with a very important advantage overothersimilar apps, offer very little advertising for the mostimportantthing remains the word and faith.Remember to check the "More Apps Biblicas" option where we offeryouapplications, Bible and Theology Topics to feed your soul andcarefor your faith. If you like the app is also important thatthevalues ​​to help us keep working and improving.Share verses more passionate you select those that you findmostshocking, but above all, take this application to feel closertoyourself and God.A very important with respect to other similar apps advantageisthat we offer very little advertising for the most importantthingremains the word and faith.Remember to check the "More Apps Biblicas" option where we offeryouapplications such as Bible Study, Bible preaching Issues,SpiritualLife, Christian Music, Parables of Jesus, Sermons andSermons andmore applications Teologia to feed your soul and takecare of yourFAITH. If you like the app is also important that thevalues ​​tohelp us keep working and improving.Take advantage of this application to feel closer to yourselfandGod.To comply with the rules of the data protectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalize contentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyze traffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device information withpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. More detailsat:
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