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Mimar Benim
Filli Boya Mimar Benim Uygulamasıileprojelerinizin mimarı siz olun...• Doğrudan Pazarlama 2012 Ödülleri'nde En İyi Mobil/AkıllıCihazUygulaması kategorisinde ödül aldı.• Hollandalı mobil uygulama ölçümleme firması DISTMO’nunraporunagöre; Android cihazlarda “Eğlence” kategorisinde 2. sıradayer alanMimar Benim, iPad’lerde “En Çok İndirilen 10 EğlenceUygulaması”kategorisinde de 6. sırada yerini aldı.• MMA Türkiye ve Digital Age anketlerine göre “En DikkatÇekenler”listesi dekorasyon kategorisinde ise ilk 5’de yeraldı.1. Filli Boya Mimar Benim renklendirme modülü, ışık vegölgelendirmeesas alınarak ve optimum şekilde rengin fotoğrafüzerinde etkisinigösterecek şekilde hazırlanmıştır.2. Renklerin yüzeylerdeki durumu için, en yakın Filli Boyabayisindekartelaları incelemeniz ve numune boya yaptırmanızönerilir.3. Koyu alt zeminler üzerine açık renk uygulamak istediğinizderenksapmaları ile karşılaşabilirsiniz, en gerçekçi sonuç için açıkrenkalt zeminler üzerinde renkleri değerlendirmeniz önerilir.4. Mekan ve objeler aynı renkte ise boyama işlemi seçildiğindetümyüzeyler boyanabilir, bu durumda "silme" işlemikullanılarakboyanmasını istemediğiniz obje ve yüzeylerdekirenklerisilebilirsiniz.5. Renk, ışık, mekan ve yüzeye göre oldukça farklılıkgösterebilir.Program bilgi amaçlı olup, profesyonel bir mimari verenklendirmeprogramı olarak değerlendirilmemelidir.Yenilikler- Yepyeni bir tasarım ve kullanıcı deneyimi- Boyama yaptığınız mekanları Proje olarak kaydedip dahasonraüzerinde çalışmaya devam edebilme imkanı- Mekanları Filli Boya renkleri ile boyamak için ihtiyacınızolanmiktarı hesaplamak için kullanabileceğiniz ‘Kolay BoyaHesabı’Modülü- (Android) Projelerinizi Google Cloud Print ileyazdırabilmeimkanı- Boyama performansında ve renk uyumunda iyileştirmeler- Boyama ekranında gerçekleştirdiğiniz adımları gerialmaözelliği- Yenilenmiş Kartela düzeni ve en son Filli Boya Trendleri- Şimdi Türkçe, İngilizce, Rusça ve Arapça olmak üzere 4 dilde ve16Ülkede yayında!NOT: Uygulama dili cihazınızın kullandığı dilegörebelirlenmektedir.Fill with thePaintArchitect My Application Be the first architect of theproject...• Direct Marketing 2012 Award for Best Mobile / SmartDeviceApplication received the award in the category.• Dutch mobile applications company DistMon metering accordingtothe report; On Android devices "Entertainment" takes 2nd placeinthe category Architects me, the iPad "10 MostDownloadedEntertainment Application" took place in the category of6.• According to the survey MMA Turkey and the Digital Age"TheNotables" list in the category of Interior took part in thefirstfive.1 Filli Boya Architect My coloring module, light and colorshadingand optimally based on the photo is intended to showtheeffect.2 colors to the surface of the situation in the nearest FilliBoyaexamine and sample paint swatches at the dealership willbeoffered.3 When you want to apply light colors on dark substratesmayencounter chromatic aberration, light colors for the mostrealisticresults, it is recommended to evaluate the color on thelowerfloors.4 is the same color space and objects is selected, all surfacescanbe painted painting process, in this case "delete" usingtheprocess of painting and surface colors in the object that youwantto delete it.5 color, light, space, and may vary considerably according tothesurface. Program information purposes and should not beconsidereda professional architectural and coloring program.Innovations- A brand new design and user experience- Paint your local save and continue working on the project asitenables- Place the fill color with the paint you need to paint you canuseto calculate the amount of 'Easy Paint Account' Module- (Android) to project the possibility to print with GoogleCloudPrint- Paint and color harmony in performance improvements in- Painting the steps on the screen to perform therollbackfeature- Refurbished Chart layout and the latest Filli Boya Trends- Now in Turkish, English, Russian and Arabic languages ​​and16countries, including four in the air!NOTE: The application uses your device's language is determinedbylanguage.
Modern Home Interior 4.0
You switch on the television and tune intoyourfavorite home makeover show. On a balmy winter afternoon, afamilygives their house keys away to a complete stranger. 5 daysandseveral hours of drilling, building, and more importantlyshiftingand painting later, the family reenters the house. Thistime thereare whoops of joy. The family has just been gifted theirdream housein a style that reflects them. The show comes to anend. You switchoff the TV and sigh in hope that someday maybe youwill have similarluck and someone will decorate your house. Butwhy depend onunrecognized, unrequited dreams? All you need to dois educateyourself on the various styles at your disposal anddesign away.Home interior decorating involves anything that has to dowiththe interiors of a house and its furnishings. If you plan torevampthe decor of your house, you need to keep in mindseveralattributes that contributes to the design, like thelayout,furniture arrangement, color and the theme.While a professional interior decorator will manage to giveyourhouse the much-needed pizazz, he will also manage to burn anotvery needed hole in your wallet. Different styles of interiorhomeinterior decoration can be understood by just anyone. All youneedto do is use that locked up imagination and infuse yourpersonalflavor. There are several interior designing ideas that youcoulduse. Interior home interior decoration can be studied andlearnedbut if you have a slight knack for the creatives then it isatalent that can be nurtured to create a space in your housethatyou truly love. The following interior home interiordecorationstyles would probably give you the much-needed push todiveheadlong into the colorful world of interior homeinteriordecoration.A style that peaked in its popularity in the 1920s and 30s, itischaracterized by the minimalist colors and structures that ituses.Sleek, strong lines are a mainstay of this style ofinteriordecorating. Wooden furniture that is used is generallylacquered inblack. White, red, and black are the colors that areused the mostbut dove gray, dull purple, and pale blue are used aswell. Thesecolors are often accentuated by the use of steel,aluminum, chrome,glass, mirrors, and white marble. The flooring forthis style ofinterior decorating is generally black or whitemarble. Lighting isintegral with table lamps, wall sconces, andceiling lights beingused throughout the room.With cultures that are probably as old as the planet itself,itis no wonder that interior home interior decoration inspiredbyAsia has become hugely popular. The Asian style of homeinteriordecoration is embodied by simple furnishings anduncluttered areas.If your life is all about balancing the positiveand the negative,the yin and the yang, then Asian or oriental stylewould definitelyappeal to you. Use feng shui to design the space inyour home. Itis an ancient Chinese art of decorating which uses theflow ofenergy to decide on the perfect arrangement for the house.Youcould use mats and rugs on the floor which forms an integralpartof oriental culture. The furnishings should be made of blackorbrown wood. Bamboo is also a commonly used element.For a long time contemporary decor was considered to be averycold style of decorating. It borrowed its foundation from theArtDeco style but designers added to it a dash of comfort. It wasthenthat the popularity of this style soared. The style is definedbysubtlety, simplicity, and geometric shapes. The colors thatareassociated with this style are black, white, and neutrals.Thefloor should ideally be either wooden or tiled.