Top 15 Apps Similar to Calvary Chapel Newport News

Babysitting Pro Activity Log 1.0.2
Pinpoint Design
Babysitting Pro, asophisticatedactivitylogger, allows childcare providers to logchildren'sactivities,share information with parents, and trackclients'details andpayments with ease. Whether you are caring for ababy,older kids,or any other combination, you can log theiractivityeasily.• Are you a nanny, babysitter, au pair, summer-job teen,orotherchildcare provider who takes yourresponsibilityseriously?• Are you a parent who wants her baby's or child'scaregivertoremain accountable when there’s no supervision?Babysitting Pro is the ultimate event tracker for anyoneinvolvedinbaby- or child-care. A simple, intuitive interface allowsyou tologevents as they happen, or when you have a spareminute.Optionalnotifications allow you to notify parents of eventsinreal time,via SMS or email, or send a summary at thesession’send. Forgetscribbled notes at the end of the day; showparentsthat you areprofessional and on top of the situation.PLEASE NOTE: Thea pp does not store the information forretrievalata future time; it generates immediate orend-of-sessionmessages,but does not store the informationfurther.•Organize your jobs: Store info on multiple clients andtheirkids’needs, from allergies to bedtimes to medications,andreceivealerts when it’s time to administer medication.•Log and share events: Log children's activities with afewsimpletaps, and share real-time notifications or dailysummarieswithparents. Never forget to relay a message again!•Track kids’ activities•Trackers for food and drink,medicines,sleep,diaper/toileting• Freeform notes for all events, or add your own event.•Choose which events to notify parents about in real-time,andwhichshould be logged in the daily summary.•Calculate and record pay automatically!• Set an hourly rate for each client, and the app doestherest• See how much you are owed and automaticallydeductpaymentsreceived from the balance.Unlike any other childcare app on the market, BabysittingProisdesigned to make life easier for caregivers and parents,notmorecomplicated. The interface and controls are clean, simple,andeasyto navigate. It includes everything that’s importanttoyoursituation, but doesn’t get bogged down withnitty-grittydetailsand charts that are irrelevant to yourday.Without being overloaded by information, you now havearidiculouslysimple, non-intrusive way to maintainprofessionalismandaccountability, while sharing all the informationthat’s vitaltochildren’s wellbeing.
Calvary Chapel Fellowship 6.2.2
Calvary Chapel of Lexington
Welcome to the official Calvary Chapel of Lexington App
طريق الايمان 1.0
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله اللهم علمنا ما ينفعنا و انفعنا بماعلمتناالحمد لله و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله و على آله و صحبهأجمعين ومن تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين يسعدنا أن نقدم لكم هذاالتطبيقالاسلامي الذي يحتوي بإذن الله على صور اسلامية آيات قرآنية وأحاديثصحيحة و كذلك أقوال الصحابة و السلف الصالح ... تجدون في هذاالتطبيقالمتجدد يوميا إن شاء الله أذكار الصباح و المساء أدعية للميتوالأحياء و كافة المسلمين أدعية توسيع الرزق و رفع الدرجاتأدعيهمستجابة دعاء تقوية الذاكرة أدعية سهولة المذاكرة الطالب والثلميذأدعية دينية و خلفيات اسلامية أدعية المناسبات و الأعيادالدينيةالاسلامية و يوم الجمعة أدعية من القرآن الكريم و السنةالنبوية أدعيةرمضان و جلب الزوج دعاء تسهيل الأمور دعاء الاستفتاح فيالصلاة و قضاءالدين أدعية المكروبين دعاء ليلة القدر أدعية للوالدينالأب و الأمدعاء الشكر و الهم و الغم و السعادة و الفرح و الزعل والخصام والعتاب صور استغفار و الاستغفار القنوت و الفجر و الضحى والتهجدأدعية أولياء الله الصالحين الدعاء بأسماء الله الحسنى صلاةالاستخارةالأوراد اليومية أحكام و عبادات و فتاوى كبار العلماء والدعاة أحكامالصوم و الحج و العمرة الزكاة و اليوم الآخر زيارة القبورو عيد الفطرو الأضحى و الأضحية الأيام البيض السحور والفطر والوصالقيام الليل وليلة القدر و رمضان و الاأعتكاف الدنيا القبر النفخ البعثالشفاعةالحشر الحساب الميزان الحوض امتحان المؤمنين الصراط النارالقنطرةالجنة الخلود تكبيرة عيد الفطر ... أحاديث نبوية و قدسيةأذكاررمضانية الدعاءعند رؤية الهلال دعاء الصائم أذا أفطر مختارات منأذكارالتوحيد سيد الاستغفار مفتاح الصدقة أذكار النوم و الاستيقاظالدخول والخروج من البيت الوضوء الأذان والإقامة دخول المسجد والخروجمنه طردالشيطان الشعور بالهم والحزن الخوف عند المصيبة دخول السوقهبوب الريحو الرعد نزول و شدة المطر والخوف منها ركوب السيارة أنالطائرة الطعامالعطاس لبس لباس جديد الزواج و التهنئة و المولودالجديد .... سبحانكاللهم و بحمدك نشهد أن لا إله إلله أنت و أن محمدعبدك و رسولك سبحانالله و الحمد لله و الله أكبر لا إله إلا أنتسبحانك إني كنت منالظالمين
Calvary Chapel Appleton 6.1.7
Subsplash Inc
The official Calvary Chapel ton App.
Calvary Chapel Anne Arundel 2.5.5
Listen to weekly teachings ofourverse-by-verse Bible Studies. Listen to past Radio episodes.Sharefavorite Radio episodes with your friends via Twitter,Facebook, oremail. Stay informed on upcoming Church Events.
Calvary Chapel Mira Mesa 5.64.13
Listen to messages and connect with us
Calvary Chapel Westgrove 4.4.1
Apps By Cirrus
Thank you for joining us at CalvaryChapelWestGrove. A “grove” is a place where plants and trees areplacedto grow and bear fruit together – being fed, watered,andprotected. Here at Calvary Chapel WestGrove, we pray that youfindin us a place that you and your family can do just that – “putdownroots” and grow in the Lord together with us.
Back2Basics - Brian Brodersen 2.0
Amped Church Inc.
With the Back2Basics app, you haveinstantaccess to Brian Brodersen's sermons, blogs and much more.Brian has been involved in pastoral ministry for over 30years.He has served as senior pastor of Calvary Chapel,Vista,California, and Calvary Chapel Westminster, London,England.Brian has been extensively involved in missions andchurchplanting in various parts of the world. He now serves atCalvaryChapel Costa Mesa, California. Brian is known for his clearandchallenging exposition of the Scriptures.The Back2Basics app was created by Amped Church Inc. Findoutmore at
Calvary Chapel Cardunal 7.1.4
Kaleo Apps Inc.
The official app for Calvary ChapelCardunal.This app gives you access to inspirational content as wellasprovides a place to interact with each other. Use this appinchurch or take it on the go!Developed by Kaleo Apps
Calvary Chapel Rialto 1.399
ChurchWise Solutions
Calvary Chapel Rialto has been formed asafellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ.Oursupreme desire is to know Christ and to be conformed into Hisimageby the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is thefoundation andcornerstone of the church. He came to restore man'sbrokenrelationship with God. His finished work on the cross madethatpossible.I Corinthians 3:11Ephesians 2:20Romans 5:6Click to callClick for directionsListen to sermonsRequest PrayerStay up on current events
Calvary Chapel New Harvest 3.4.2
Subsplash Consulting
Welcome to the official Calvary ChapelNewHarvest application.Check out all kinds of content that interests you. Afteryou'vedownloaded and enjoyed the content, you can share it withyourfriends via Twitter, Facebook, or email.For more information about Calvary Chapel New Harvest,pleasevisit: New Harvest app was developed with the SubsplashAppPlatform.App: © 2017 Subsplash, Content: © 2017 Calvary ChapelNewHarvest
Calvary Chapel San Bernardino 4.29.10
Your Giving, Inc
The official app for Calvary Chapel San Bernardino inSanBernardino, California
Church Caster 4.2
Crimson Tech
Get ready to revitalize your lifewithyourdaily dose of sermons. Looking for the best way to listentoyourfavorite Christian podcasts? Then you're on the righttrack.ChurchCaster provides an extensive list of sermons frommanydifferentchurches and pastors. There is a podcast/sermonforeveryone, ifyou can't find the one you like let us know andwe'lldo what wecan to add it on the next update. Follow along withthescripturewith the in-app bible.Are you on a limited data plan? No problem! Easilydownloadyourselect sermons while on Wifi and listen to them offlinetoyourheart's content wherever you go.Please help us improve on this by providing yourfeedbackandfuture requests by emailing us goal is spread the Word of God tothe farthest reachesandmake Him easily available.Special Note:The sermons stream from the Internet so data rates mayapplyfromyour carrier if not using Wifi.Part of the proceeds generated in the Pro version willbedonatedto Rancho De Sus Ninos, a charitable organization thathelpprovidea clean environment for orphans to grow and learn thewordof God.James 1:27A few of the podcasts available:1 Year Daily Audio BibleActive WordGreg Laurie AudioJoel Osteen AudioJohn Hagee Minitries AudioJoyce Meyer Radio PodcastMax Lucado AudioThe Potter's TouchHillsong ChurchRick Warren's Ministry PodcastWilliam Lane CraigDr. James DobsonGateway Church AudioJoseph Prince AudioGrace to You RadioWalk in the Word AudioBill JohnsonThe Connection Skip HeitzigCalvary Chapel Montebello PodcastHillsong London
Calvary Tucson: Robert Furrow 6.2.2
Subsplash Inc
In the this app you can find teaching through the Bible byRobertFurrow.
Calvary Chapel Charlottesville 2.8.0
Calvary Chapel Charlottesville