Top 1 Apps Similar to MODIVERSE - SMART & SIMPLE MDM

MaaS360 MDM for Samsung 5.45
MaaS360 Mobile Device Management for Samsung devices isthefirstcloud-based MDM solution that provides complete supportfortheSamsung MDM API. Key features include:>Visibility—viewhardware and software inventory, networkdetails,and securitystatus 
> Control using actions andpolicies—enforcepasscodepolicies, and restrict device features andapplications
>Security—Lock, locate and wipe devices, and resetpasscodes
>Built-in resilience—if a user opts out, MaaS360alertstheAdministrator so that IT can take appropriateaction
>Dashboards—graphical reports highlight keyreal-timecompliancemetrics as well as asset and network details
> MyWatch ListAlerts— point out potential problems and otherkeydetails
 >Support for corporate and personaldevices—usersenroll themselves,and approved policies aredistributedautomatically Additionalfeatures for Samsung devicesinclude: >Full Device & SDCard Encryption support >Additional devicerestrictionsincluding bluetooth and browser >App Blacklistingand MandatoryApps > Management of native emailaccounts >Management ofVPN profiles > Silent install anduninstall ofEnterprise Apps