Top 2 Games Similar to Reglas Hockey

Jordi Masqué Tell
Botonera d'accés rapid i on-line alainformaciódel OK LLiga (masculí i femení), ara actualització alatemporada2016/2017, que hi ha a la pàgina web de laRealFederación Españolade Patinaje ( gratuïta, no oficial, en català i sense publicitat inclosaPossibilitat de compartir facilment la informacióseleccionadaperwhatsapp, email, twitter, facebook, etc.Accés a la pàgina web dels equips.Per una visualització òptima de l'app, especialmentdelabotonera, assegureu-vos que la mida de la lletra siguidetamanynormal i no pas gran (Ajustaments ->El meudispositiu->Pantalla -> Mida font -> Normal).TOTALMENT EN CATALÀ, GRATUÏT I SENSE PUBLICITAT.Ara, inclou, també, informació de la COPA CERS idelsgolejadorsde cada equipKeypad and quickaccesstoonline information OK League (male and female), now updatedtothe2016/2017 season, there is the website of theRealFederaciónEspañola de Patinaje ( ).AP free, unofficial and without advertisingincludinginCatalanAbility to share information easily selected bywhatsapp,email,twitter, facebook, etc.Access to the website of the equipment.For optimal viewing of the app, especially the keypad,makesurethe font size is normal size, not large (Settings ->MyDevice-> Display -> font size -> Normal).FULLY IN CATALAN, free and without advertising.Now also includes information on the CERS Cup and thescorersofeach team
Roller Hockey Board 3.3
This is the tactics board forRollerHockey.You can create strategy with animation and share with friend!For player, coaches, sir, spectator, and so on.I hope this application will help your team.Enjoy your sports life!!This application's functions(Field window)- move piece- plus button : record point of piece- start button : play back with animation- pencil button : draw line (3 color)- eraser button : erase all line- shake : reset record- config button : show Config window(Config window)- change cort size (full or half)- change back number and name- save data (max is 100)- load data- share with web (site "Sportsboard")How to use playback!1. move piece2. push plus button. The number under plus button willincrement.This is record num.3. repeat 1. and 2.4. push start button.This is the tacticsboardfor Roller Hockey.You can create strategy with animation and share with friend!For player, coaches, sir, spectator, and so on.I hope this application will help your team.Enjoy your sports life!!This application's functions(Field window)- Move piece- Plus button: record point of piece- Start button: play back with animation- Pencil button: draw line (3 color)- Eraser button: erase all line- Shake: reset record- Config button: show Config window(Config window)- Change cort size (full or half)- Change back number and name- Save data (max is 100)- Load data- Share with web (site "Sportsboard")How to use playback!1. Move piece2. Push plus button. The number under plus button willincrement.This is record num.3. Repeat 1. And 2.4. Push start button.