Top 20 Apps Similar to BeMyEye

Streetspotr 4.10.4
Streetspotr GmbH
The app that pays you. Earn money with your smartphone!
Roamler - Earn money 11.24.1
Supplement your income today! Get paid quickly and securely
Make Money 1.5
make money daily
Earn real money by completing simpletasksinside the app. Easily make free money by watching videos,tryingfree apps, completing surveys,... with fast payments inPaypal(free of fees) or Mobile Topup.You can earn more money by invite your friends using app.You can earn money anytime and from anywhere, there arenocomplicated missions, quick and fun way to earn money!Earn Money app free pays better and faster than other rewardapps!you are paid CASH in your PayPal account! Guaranteed superfastpayouts and free of fees!HOW DOES IT WORK?1) Complete tasks to accumulate credit rewards. The tasks varyandcan be watching videos, downloading free apps, completingsurveysand many more.2 Redeem your credit rewards for cash via PayPal ormobiletopup.There are just a few rules you need to follow in order toavoidcommon mistakes and issues:- Don’t use VPN or proxy to change your IP address orlocation- Don’t try to change your Device ID because you will loseyouraccount- Don’t create multiple and/or fake accounts- Don't use Virtual machine to install app
Make Money Fast - Cash App 1.01
Easy Life Studio
Making money fast is so easy with uCash:Would you like to make money fast with this cash app, easyandhasslefree with your cell phone ...for free?If you have been looking how to work from home or how tomakingmoneyonline and so, we have something for you.UCash has been designed for people like you, people whoneedmakemoney quick in their free time without investing a singleDolarofyour pocket, fast, safe and with a few clicks.In the world we live today, it is true that wages are notenoughtopay the bills, which forces us to look foradditionalincomesources to our job that allow us to make moneyfast, do notconsumemuch time and where we do not have to investlarge amountsof money... if you are in the same situation or if youjust want toearneasy money ...This is where uCash makes sense to you; Here's how youmakemoneyfast:1. Download the best Apps that pay you, this cash app2. Have fun and play3. Make easy moneyWe have dozens of offers designed for you, so you canmakeextramoney very fast with cash app.IMPORTANT:If you do any of the following, we will have to closeyouruCashaccount:- Use VPN, proxy, or anything else that could allow illegalaccesstouCash- Using multiple IDs with one device- Using multiple devices with an ID in cash app- How to put your shared link on your Google Play review- Any other action that is not beneficial to uCash oritsusersIf you do any of these actions your account will be closed,youwillnot be able to login the App and your credit willbelost.BENEFITS FOR YOU:1. You play, we pay2. Make money fast in your free time3. Earn money from your cell phone4. When and where you want (build a profitable businesswithcashapp)Join hundreds of people who are already changing theirliveswithuCash and generating revenue from their smartphones.Sign up now and earn free welcome credits, fun andprofitabilityareguaranteed.Download uCash now before it's too late and makemoneyfastnow!
AppBucks - Earn Online Money 1.0
De AppsDev
Are you looking for REAL MONEYmakingAndroidApp?This is the right App for you and reward you well. Just tryonceandyou will start using it forever.★★★★★ BONUS FOR NEW USER ! ★★★★★- 10 $ bonus gift for new users.- 1500 bonus points for new users.- 100 bonus points for both new users and existing users-DailyCheck in bonus.AppBucks is a free, better and real online money making app.Youwillget real money in your PayPal, Paytm and we supportgooglegift cardtoo.★★★★★ HOW DOES IT WORK? ★★★★★- One time easy registration- AppBucks will welcome you with BONUS POINTSandSurpriseOffers- Share App to earn extra★★★★★ HOW TO EARN MORE POINTS? ★★★★★- Check in App regularly and enjoy bonus Points- Be alert Notifications to earn more extra points- Win surprise amount of points by notifications or byplayingswipepage.- Complete offers to get more extra Points- Share App to earn extra points every-time- Refer app to your friends with your refer ID and earnextraPointsby both of you.- Play 'Swipe Page' to earn extra Points★★★★★ WHY I SHOULD TRY AppBucks ? ★★★★★- Because AppBucks is easy to use- Because AppBucks is fun and give you more chance toearnextrapoints always- Because AppBucks is REAL and NOT FAKE like other app inthePlayStore- Because AppBucks is designed to earn more points- Because AppBucks has proper PRIVACY POLICY if you havedoubtstoclear. We suggest to read itbefore use if you have doubts in mind.- Because AppBucks★★★★★ WHAT I(App Users) SHOUD NOT DO ? ★★★★★- Dont try to cheat AppBucks. It may cause yoususpendyouraccount.- Dont fake and create multiple accounts- Dont use App Share Buttons more than 100 times withinashortperiod of time.- Dont try to take advantages by Using VPNs and Proxiesandearnextra points. If we suspect andfound such activities from you account may getterminateinstantly.We will reinstate your account onlywith your valid proof.
myEyes 2.3
IKI Technologies
myEyes will provide information according to the places whereyouare.
Gold Fever - Make Money 1.8.6
Welcome to your Gold Mine! In Gold Fever you can easily MAKEMONEYonline for free! Hire hardworking miners for coins. Boosttheirspeed by watching exciting video ads. Check in daily and getextracoins. Harvest sparkling gold and exchange it for real money.HOWDOES IT WORK? 1. Earn Coins to hire miners 2. Harvest goldnuggetsin your mines 3. Exchange gold for REAL MONEY 4. Redeemmoney viaPaypal, Amazon HOW TO MAKE MONEY? ★ Choose offers fromplentypartners ★ Download free apps & games ★ Invite friendsand getextra coins ★ Watch exciting video ads ★ Complete surveys&contests HIGHLIGHTS ✔ Daily Reward - Get free Coins ✔ Makemoneyeven while you’re offline ✔ Daily new valuable offers ✔ Easyandfun way to make money ✔ Completely FREE cash app SUPPORTMissingCoins? Turn directly to the support of the specific partner.Youhave another problem? Contact us at Makemoneyonline on the road or from home super easy fast and by theway. Ithas never been so easy! You’ve got the Gold Fever?
jobMapp - Micro jobs 0.7.30
Fábrica de Jobs S.L.
In just a few clicks, you can find a jobbertohelp you with any kind of task or you can be that jobber andearnextra money in your neighborhood. We help you search.Now available in Spain territory with a network of 10.000usersgrowing at a steady rate every day.SAVE TIME. No more countless hours searching.SAVE MONEY. If you post a job, you choose the price.WE'VE GOT YOUR BACK. Liability insurance for all our jobbers &asupport team available 24/7.Tired of searching but not finding? Download jobMapp now!What's New?Jobbers: can create their own profile with personal services.Addphotos. Display on map.Job Posters: contact directly with jobbers on the map. Privatechatto discuss details. Job ratings.
Walking Money 1.3
Javi Martínez
Walking Money, earn money by walking and getitin your Payza account, then pass it to your bankaccountsafely.* Now also available in several languages, Settings>Myaccount> Language. *
Soomville 3.1
Bonjour, je suis la version modernedesPETITESANNONCES qui vous rend service et vous permetd’arrondirvos fins demois. Je suis la meilleure appli de jobbing enFrance !EN BREF :☛ Je ne prends aucune commission et la mise en relationestGRATUITE!☛ Je vous aide à trouver un coup de MAIN ou àGAGNERdel’argent.☛ Je géolocalise tous les CORPS DE METIERS,prosetparticuliers.☛ Je suis FIABLE ! Les profils sont vérifiés et notésparnotrecommunauté._________________________________________________A QUOI JE SERS ?Vous avez besoin d’un service ou d’un bon plan ? Vousvoulezarrondirvos fins de mois ou augmenter votre chiffred’affaires?Téléchargez Soomville! et trouvez la personne qu’il vous fautprèsdechez vous.ON Y TROUVE QUOI ?Des milliers d’utilisateurs prêts à vous rendre servicepartoutenFrance : des plombiers, des baby-sitters, desélectriciens,desdéménageurs, des informaticiens, desesthéticiennes, descoachssportifs, j’en passe et des soomers … tousles corps demétierssont présents sur soomville! Le cumul desmandatsestautorisé.Qu’ils soient professionnels ou particuliers, c’estvousquichoisissez.Et si vos recherches n’aboutissent pas, vous pouvezdéposeruneALERTE et mon service de conciergerie se chargera devoustrouverla perle rare.Je comporte aussi une section «Infos & bons plans»quivoustiendra au courant de tous les plans sympas autour devous:vides-greniers, fête des voisins, bonnes affaires, etc.COMMENT JE FONCTIONNE ?Une fois que vous m’avez téléchargée, vous créez votreprofilenquelques clics. Ensuite, soit vous postez votrepetiteannonce,soit vous cherchez dans les petites annonces lapersonnedont vousavez besoin. Mais vous pouvez aussi faire les deuxmonneveu !COMBIEN JE COUTE ?Rien, je suis gratuit ! Me télécharger c’est gratuit. Posteruneouplusieurs annonces, c’est gratuit. Contacter d’autresmembres(partéléphone, mail, et messagerie privée), c’estaussigratuit.Ensuite les transactions se font entre vous, je neprendsaucunecommission.Il existe des options payantes, par exemple si vousvoulezmettreen avant votre annonce je vous placerai en têtedeliste.QUELS SONT MES ENGAGEMENTS ?Je suis simple : en 2 clics vous trouvez ce que vouscherchez.Je suis fiable : TOUS les profils sont vérifiés.Je suis proche : je géo-localise les bonnes personnesetellesapparaissent par ordre de proximité.Je suis rapide : vous contactez directement le jobberquivousintéresse, par téléphone, mail ou chat.Je suis collaboratif : c’est vous qui vous notez entre vous.And last but not least, je suis une appli très TREShumaine:j’entretiens le contact avec ma communauté.MAIS AU FAIT, LE JOBBING C’EST QUOI ?Ce concept qui nous vient des Etats-Unis consiste àmettreenrelation des personnes qui demandent ou proposent desservices.Engros, je suis un entremetteur :)POURQUOI VOUS ALLEZ M’AIMER ?Parce que je suis la meilleure appli de jobbing enFrance!Servez-vous de moi, vous ne le regretterez pas. C’estjusteunpetit réflexe à prendre, une fois que vous l’aurez pris,vousnepourrez plus vous passer de moi !VOUS AVEZ DES SUGGESTIONS ? DES IDEES POURAMELIORERSOOMVILLE!?Vous pouvez nous contacter à l'adressesuivante:info@soomville.comSuivez-nous sur Twitter : surFacebook:, I'm themodernversionof CLASSIFIED ADS makes service and allows youtosupplement yourpurposes. I am the best app of jobbing in France!IN SHORT :☛ I take no commission and the linking is FREE!☛ I help you find a phone MAIN or WIN money.☛ I geolocates all METIERS BODY, professionalsandindividuals.☛ I RELIABLE! The profiles are checked and ratedbyourcommunity.                       _________________________________________________WHAT SERS I?You need a service or a good plan? You want to round yourendsofmonth or increase your revenue?Download Soomville! and find the person you need near you.ON Y IS WHAT?Thousands of users willing to do you a servicethroughoutFrance:plumbers, babysitters, electricians, movers,computerspecialists,beauticians, sports coaches, I go in andsoomers ...all body AMSoperates on soomville! The dual mandateisallowed.Whether professional or private, it's up to you.And if your searches are not successful, you can file anALERTandmy concierge service will take care of you find thegem.I also has an "Info tips" section that will keep youinformedofall the cool shots around you: Empty granaries,neighbors,goodbusiness party etc.HOW I WORK?Once you have downloaded to me, you create a profile withafewclicks. Then either you post your ad, or looking intheclassifiedsthe person you need. But you can also do bothmynephew!HOW I PLAY?Nothing, I'm free! Me download free. Post one or more adsforfree.Contact other members (by phone, email and privatemessaging)isalso free. Then the transactions are between you, Itakenocommission.There are paid options, for example if you want tohighlightyourad I place you in the list.WHAT ARE MY OBLIGATIONS?I'm simple: in 2 clicks you find what you are looking for.I am reliable: ALL profiles are checked.I am close I geo-locates the right people and they appear inorderofproximity.I'm fast: contact directly the jobber that interests you,byphone,mail or chat.I'm collaborative: it is you who you notice you.And last but not least, I am a very VERY app human:Imaintaincontact with my community.BUT IN FACT, THE jobbing WHAT?This concept comes from the United States is to bringtogetherpeoplerequesting or offering services. Basically, I'm a go:)WHY YOU WILL LOVE ME?Because I am the best app of jobbing in France! Use me, youwillnotregret it. This is just a small reflex to take, once youhavetaken,you can not do without me!YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS? IDEAS TO IMPROVE SOOMVILLE! ?You can contact us at thefollowingaddress:info@soomville.comFollow us on Twitter: us on Facebook:
MOBROG Survey App 3.6
Share your opinion and earn money by taking surveys on yourcellphone.
Magnifier, Magnifying Glass 4.6.4
Are you tired of trying to read somelabelswith small fonts? Now you can use your android device astheperfect digital magnifier.There is not need to take a magnifying glass when readingsmalllabels, with this app you will see the text big andclear.Magnifier has onscreen zoom and lighting controls so you canchangeit easy, you can also use your flash as torch in order to getabetter image, or activate the negative color mode.There is also a freeze image functionality that will let youfreezethe image so you can read it comfortably. Once you freezetheimage, you can save it or share it if you want.Try this app now and stop worrying about text you can't read!Key features:✓ High magnification factor✓ Zoom and Exposure controls✓ Flashlight for low light situations✓ Negative mode✓ Freeze, save or share images✓ Awesome image visibility✓ Really simple to useDisclaimer:The quality of the image is directly related with the quality ofthecamera of your device. Also the functionality offered issubjectedwith the hardware capabilities of the camera. As forexample somedevices doesn't have zoom, flash or auto focus.
QuickThoughts: Take Surveys Ea 2.33.0
Free rewards for surveys on your favorite products. Earn giftcardsfor surveys!
Rewardable LLC
Introducing Rewardable, a new app thatprovidesyou with quick and simple ways to earn extra money withyour Androidphone. If you are interested in making a few dollarswhile you shopor want to be compensated for giving feedback on aservice, thenRewardable is the perfect app for you.How does it work?1) Download the app2) Find tasks nearby and click “Complete Now” to startyourtask3) Complete tasks to earn cashYou earn money for collecting data and providing insightsonproducts, services and store conditions. Do as few or many tasksasyou'd like. Successfully completing tasks builds yourstatusresulting in access to more and higher paying tasks.Compensation?Generally, tasks will pay a few dollars all the way to $20 andtakeanywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. Task compensation varies bythecomplexity of the request. Bonuses will sometimes be givenforsocial actions like sharing a product with friends.Payments are distributed through either a linked GoBank orPaypalaccount.Types of tasks?Tasks range in scope and involve all types of information thatcanbe collected on a smart phone (photos, product data,multiplechoice questions, etc.)Example 1: Record wait time at restaurantExample 2: Photograph a promotion in-storeExample 3: Count the number of products on a shelfExample 4: Rate the quality of customer service at a store
Life360: Live Location Sharing 23.43.0
Comprehensive family safety membership plans for busy, modern life.
PiniOn 4.5.4
Missions for change
OpinionAPP 2.0
Cint AB
Answer surveys. Earn rewards!
Nicequest 4.0.3
Already a member? Download our app and get gifts for everyactivityyou do!
Find and discover opportunities offered by digital productsandservices
Dugnad 3.6.1
Dugnad!Denne appen er et verktøy for deg som er med på dugnaden. Du måværemedlem i Høyre og ha tilgang på brukernavn og passord.Din innsats gjør en forskjell!Volunteer!This app is a tool that is part of the volunteering. You must beamember of the Conservative Party and have access to usernameandpassword.You can make a difference!