Top 22 Apps Similar to Mini Cashier

EUROprog 2.5.6
EUROtronic Technology GmbH
Comfortable and energy saving rules of the heating temperatureinindividual rooms.
Cash Register 11.9.5
Selada MK
Helps your daily transaction, sell reload & electricity
Kasir Usaha - Point of Sale 9.0
PT. Omega Presisi Utama
Kasir Usaha - Point of sale, asli produk indonesia, dibuatdengandesain visual zaman now, untuk kemudahan penggunaan danpercepatantransaksi jual/beli barang dalam melakukan transaksibisnisjual/beli barang. Tercipta untuk mendukung programpemerintah,dalam menciptakan ribuan entrepreneur/pengusaha baru dansangatcocok digunakan dalam aktifitas transaksi jual/beli danusaha-usahalayanan, seperti untuk kasir toko retail/swalayan, kasircafe,kasir bar, kasir restoran/rumah makan, warung kopi, kasirsalon,kasir Toko, kasir Counter Pulsa/Listrik dan berbagaiusaha-usahaservice lainnya. Tanpa iklan, tidak perlu kartu kredit,tidak adaikatan kontrak dan komitmen penggunaan apapun. FitureUtama 1.Transaksi Penjualan dan Pembelian. 2. Scanner Barcode / QRCode 2.Inventory 3. Keuangan 4. Manajemen data Produk, CustomerdanSupplier 5. Laporan/Riwayat transaksi Sedang dalamtahappengembangan 1. Printer - Cetak Struk 2. Layanan Cloud /BackOffice DISCLAIMER: Dengan menginstall dan menggunakanaplikasiKasir Usaha anda setuju bahwa pengembang aplikasi initidakbertanggung jawab atas segala kerugian yang mungkin terjadikarenapenggunaan aplikasi ini. Terimakasih, Tim KasirIndovisitor
Pawoon: Kasir / POS Online 2.27.0
Start using Pawoon & accept digital payments (GoPay, OVO,Dana,LinkAja)
Cash Register - FREE 2.0.21
Are you looking for an alternative to enter the items ofyourfoodstall, garage sale or any other kind of sales booth?Thiscashregister offers the solution! Usually, big sales dealslackthespace and power supply to plug in a great cashregister.However,sales people can make use of a technology ofwhicheverybodydisposes anyway: use the cash register app and turnyoursmartphone into a cash register! At the moment, youreceiveourapplication as a 1-place solution: all items are beingenteredonyour user -respectively cashier- account. Look forwardtotheupcoming updates: we’re working on an option thatletsseveralcashiers enter the items at the same time. Then,thisapplicationwill clearly facilitate an attribution of entereditemsto therespective cashier and thus facilitates your accountatclosingtime. Currently, you can already use thefollowinghighlights ofthis proceeding application for free: +automaticallysumming up ofthe entered items: you save a lot of timewhileaccounting atclosing time or shift changeover + speedandassortment of goods atseller’s option: per each sheet, 20 keyscanbe allocatedindividually so that the respective goods andtheirexact price canbe booked with just one single click. Havingmorethan 20 goods,you can individually arrange them on severalsinglesheets saving20 goods per sheet. + no need of any knowledgeofprogramming: thebuttons and their allocation can be varied inaclearly-arrangedchart + the sold goods and the number of itemscaneasily beexported. You can already check in the evening whichitemswerebestsellers of the day and which items do not have tobereorderedright away. + a better overview, especially fornewemployees:various colours (for example for food and drinks)offer abetterusability + facts and figures: using this application,youreceivea fast survey of the total revenue and especiallyitsattributionto respective products It has never been easiertoreceive a surveyof the daily successes for self-employees.Pleasenotice that thisapplication is in process of development andis anoffer free ofcharge. It practically offers all functions of acashregister.However, we cannot guarantee a legally compliantaccountat themoment since this would require a full permissionoftaxauthorities. The cash register application is a toolwhichoffers asurvey and helps accounting- it cannot replace thefulllegaldocumentation though. Please mind your tax computationandadhereto deadlines on your own responsibility. The programmerof„cashregister for free“assumes no liability.
 Before reallytestingtheapplication, have a look at the application’s featuresand testthebest allocation of the buttons. If you’re reallyenthusiasticaboutour application, we are looking forward to anevaluationwhichprovides an orientation for other users. If youhavesuggestionsfor improvement or remark anything that does notworkproperly yet,we are looking forward to your feedbackbeingaddressed Let us know what does notansweryour wishes yetso that we can identify the room forimprovement andput it intopractice.
BPM - Mesin Kasir Android POS 3.0.7
Bee Accounting
Punya usaha Kuliner Rombong, Kios di Mall, Toko Oleh2,GiftShop,Depot ? Pengen pakai Cash-Register tapi Mahal dan MakanTempat?Kini hadir Mesin Kasir berbasis Android denganmenggunakanTablet7" *(kompatibel dengan beberapa merk) dan MiniPrinter POS.DenganBee POS Mobile (BPM) anda bisa : - Cetak Nota :InputTransaksiMudah dan Menyenangkan, tinggal sentuh Foto/Icon Itemyangdijualsejumlah quantitynya, Pilih Jumlah Pembayaran(ditawarkannominalterdekat otomatis) .... Nota penjualan langsungtercetak -CetakSlip Setoran : Sudah nggak jaman karyawan mestirekap danmengarangnota (karena pas ramai gak sempat bikin nota)untuksetoran.Tinggal klik menu Tutup Kasir, Slip Setoran (modalawal +TotalPenjualan) sekaligus Rekap Penjualan per Item akan diCetak.Andasebagai Owner akan di SMS otomatis waktu Tutup Kasir(andaakandapat SMS per outlet) - SMS Report : Tidak perlu lagiandaseringnelpon ke outlet sekedar menanyakan Omzet, dengan BeePOSMobileanda akan dapat SMS otomatis dari tiap-tiapoutlet,terjadwalsesuai waktu yang sudah anda program sebelumnya.Misal Jam13:00,Jam 18:00 dst. - Laporan : Salah satu kelemahanbisnis UKMadalahpencatatan, kini itu semua sudah langsung tersedialengkapapabilaanda menggunakan Bee POS Mobile. Cetak SlipSetoran,RekapPenjualan per Item, Total Penjualan Harian, Bulanansemudah 1xkliksaja. N.B. BeePOSMobile yang hadir melalui PlayStoremerupakanBeePOSMobile versi free, dimana terdapat batasanuntuktransaksiper hari yaitu sebesar Rp. 250.000 atau 25transaksi.Untuk membeliBeePOSMobile versi full,silahkanmenuju
Omega POS - Aplikasi Kasir
PT Omega Teknologi Indonesia
Omega POS - Aplikasi Kasir adalah satu-satunya softwarekasirandroidyang full integrated dengan modul Inventory danAccounting.Darimanajemen persediaan untuk analisis data,pengolahanpenjualan,manajemen karyawan, inventory management,hingga denganaccounting.Sangat ideal untuk membantu Andamengelolacabang-cabang toko Andadari manapun dan kapanpun. GUNAKANAPLIKASIINI GRATIS SELAMA 14 HARIGunakan potensi penuh aplikasiini selama14 hari. Lalu ikuti langkahmudah untuk upgrade ke versiberbayarlangsung didalam aplikasiALASAN KENAPA MENGGUNAKAN OMEGAPOS:MUDAH DAN CEPAT Mudah untukdipahami dan langsung dapatdigunakandengan cepat dalam hitunganmenit MANAJEMEN STOK Kontrolstok disemua cabang bisnis Anda setiaphari. Anda juga dapatmengelolastok bahan baku dan meng-updatenyadari mana saja danotomatis.MULTI TOKO Punya lebih dari satu toko?Mengelola banyaktoko sangatmudah dengan aplikasi kasir kamiMANAJEMEN PELANGGAN(CRM) Ketahuiperilaku pelanggan Anda lebih dalamuntuk meningkatkanpenjualandan profit melalui Ide Kuliner App yangsudah fullintegrateddengan Omega POS dan dapat didownload GRATISolehpelanggan Anda diGoogle PlayStore. SPESIALIS SUPPORT 24/7Timsupport kami siapmenerima panggilan anda 24 jam selama 1minggupenuh untukmemastikan Anda mendapatkan dukungan yang Andabutuhkan.TINGKATKANOMSET DAN PROFIT BISNIS ANDA dengan fiturunggulan dariomega POS,omset dan profit bisnis Anda akan meningkat.INVENTORYMANAGEMENTMengambil kendali atas inventory Anda secarapenuh.Mudahmenyeimbangkan dan mentransfer stok Anda antaracabang-cabangyangberbeda dan Mengetahui stok yang menipis DISCOUNTAND HAPPYHOURSemua discount terkonfigurasi, anda dapatmensettingpersentaseatau jumlah. memungkinkan discountsubtotal,departementertentu,atau bahkan barang tertentu eMEMBERCARD &eVOUCHERDengan adanya fitur eMember Card dan eVoucher.pemilikbisnis dapatmeningkatkan loyalitas customer dengan caramemberikanpenawaranspesial seperti give card, free voucher ataupunpoin danpelangganjuga bisa melakukan deposit. USERS Buat accountpenggunauntukmasing-masing staf Anda dan mudah mengontrol hakaksesmereka.Menetapkan target penjualan individu untuk setiapdarimereka danmelacak kinerja mereka. BUSINESS PERFORMANCEDASHBOARDPantaukinerja bisnis Anda secara cepat, ringkas danrealtime.DenganDashboard yang mudah dipahami, akan memudahkanAndamengetahuikinerja bisnis Anda dimana saja dan kapan saja. eMENUFORWAITRESSDalam Omega POS android ini sudah ada fitur eMenu(menudigital).Sehingga bagi pemilik bisnis restoran, waitresstidakperlu lagirepot-repot mencatat manual orderan. BANTUAN&SUPPORT Timsupport kami siap menerima panggilan anda 24 jamselama1 minggupenuh untuk memastikan Anda mendapatkan dukunganyangAndabutuhkan. Tim kami dapat dihubungi melalui:• • Telepon: 031-8417411/0858-1565-1484 •Chat & message: ThumbsTalk AppUntukmempelajari lebih lanjutmengenai penggunaan Omega POS,kunjungihalaman panduan kami di: store POS / KasirMulti User POS / kasir Mobile untukBisnisUKM Kafe, Resto, RetailSistem POS / Kasir Aplikasi Kasir /POSPoint of sales
TabShop: POS & Point of Sales 212
Efficiently manage sales & invoicing with TabShop's POS app.
POS (Point of Sale) IREAP LITE 2.94
Are you having a hard time with manual invoice andtrackinginventoryof your shop? IREAP LITE POS (Point of Sale) is aFREEstore cashierapplication for Shops, FREE without DataandTransaction Limitation,and NO ADS. Runs OFFLINE noInternetconnection except for backupsales data. Suitable for foodstalls,coffee shops, cafes,restaurants, salon, barbershop,workshops,mini market, grocerystores, fashion shops, clothesshops, shoeshops, eyewear shops,clinics, spas, and services suchas carservices. This IREAP LITEcashier application is VERY EASY touse.So you DO NOT NEED to readthe instructions / manual to useitbecause it is VERY EASY. MoreInfo please visitwww.ireappos.comHelp pleasevisit StoresandMulti Users Feature can use iREAP PRO PointofSale/cashierversion POINT OF SALE - Fast and accurate Point ofSaletransaction byscanning a barcode using a camera orbarcodescanner. - Customerrecording and customer-basedtransactionreporting - AutomaticallyCalculate Sales Profit -Printingreceipts, with wifi and bluetoothprinters, 30+modelavailable,list of printersarehere MANAGEMENT - Inventory Control: Goods Receipt,GoodIssue,Stock balance - Automatic Inventory Costing:MovingAverageCalculation Method or Standard Cost MANAGEMENT&REPORTING -Sales Reports: profit by product, TOPselling,inventory audit -Graphics reporting - Email/Share Reportusing anychat, social mediaapps - Design for tablet on cashiermodule -Backup & Restore DBto Google Drive or Local Drive
POS Point of Sale - Cash Regis 1.10.48
POS Point of Sale - Cash Register
Cash Register 1.02
------------------- - no permissions - no advertising -supportthedeveloper ------------------- Are you looking for analternativetoenter the items of your food stall, garage sale or anyotherkindof sales booth? This cash register offers thesolution!Usually,big sales deals lack the space and power supply toplug ina greatcash register. However, sales people can make use ofatechnologyof which everybody disposes anyway: use the cashregisterapp andturn your smart phone into a cash register! At themoment,youreceive our application as a 1-place solution: all itemsarebeingentered on your user -respectively cashier- account.Lookforwardto the upcoming updates: we’re working on an optionthatletsseveral cashiers enter the items at the same time.Then,thisapplication will clearly facilitate an attribution ofentereditemsto the respective cashier and thus facilitates youraccountatclosing time. Currently, you can already usethefollowinghighlights of this proceeding application for free:+automaticallysumming up of the entered items: you save a lotoftime whileaccounting at closing time or shift changeover +speedandassortment of goods at seller’s option: per each sheet, 20keyscanbe allocated individually so that the respective goodsandtheirexact price can be booked with just one single click.Havingmorethan 20 goods, you can individually arrange them onseveralsinglesheets saving 20 goods per sheet. + no need of anyknowledgeofprogramming: the buttons and their allocation can bevaried inaclearly-arranged chart + the sold goods and the number ofitemscaneasily be exported. You can already check in theeveningwhichitems were bestsellers of the day and which items donot haveto bereordered right away. + a better overview, especiallyfornewemployees: various colours (for example for food anddrinks)offera better usability + facts and figures: usingthisapplication, youreceive a fast survey of the total revenueandespecially itsattribution to respective products It has neverbeeneasier toreceive a survey of the daily successesforself-employees. Pleasenotice that this application is in processofdevelopment and is anoffer free of charge. It practicallyoffersall functions of a cashregister. However, we cannot guaranteealegally compliant accountat the moment since this would requireafull permission of taxauthorities. The cash register applicationisa tool which offers asurvey and helps accounting- it cannotreplacethe full legaldocumentation though. Please mind yourtaxcomputation and adhereto deadlines on your own responsibility.Theprogrammer of „cashregister for free“assumes no liability.
Beforereally testing theapplication, have a look at theapplication’sfeatures and test thebest allocation of the buttons.If you’rereally enthusiastic aboutour application, we are lookingforward toan evaluation whichprovides an orientation for otherusers. If youhave suggestionsfor improvement or remark anythingthat does notwork properly yet,we are looking forward to yourfeedback beingaddressed Let us know what doesnot answeryour wishes yetso that we can identify the room forimprovement andput it intopractice. 1.5.8
Aplikasi ini adalah aplikasi android untuk gentaplaza.comSISTEMAPLIKASI INI BERBAYAR Informasi harga layanan lihat di: sistem stok global dimana harga dasar suatuproduk samaberdasarkan harga saat ini atau harga terakhir pembeliankesupplier. (bukan stok FIFO) Sistem didesain secara lengkapdancocok untuk bebagai jenis usaha dagang baik berupa bengkel,apotik,toko sembako, toko baju dll. Sistem aplikasi ini jugadapatdigunakan untuk sistem penjualan sales dilapangan. Dimanasalesdiberikan akses untuk operator sebagai karyawan sales. Andadapatmemantau penjualan setiap sales. Manajemen data produkmemungkinkananda dapat mengetahui sisa stok dan barang keluar danmasuk. Andajuga dapat mengetahui produk yang paling laku melaluiperingkatproduk. Terdapat Laporan Harian, Laporan Bulanan danLaporanTahunan serta Laporan Saldo yang memudahkan anda memonitorkeadaanusaha dagang di toko anda. Fitur-fitur unggulan : 1.Multioperator(Karyawan) dengan hak akses berbeda 2. Dapat diaksesvia website di 3. Lengkap sistem penjualan,pembelian,retur, stok, keuangan dll 4. Tampilan sederhana dan mudahdipahamiCara penggunaan: 1. Isi kategori produk 2. Isi data produk3. Isistok 4. Aplikasi siap digunakan untuk mencatat transaksi.Perhatian: Tidak semua tipe printer Bluetooth cocok dengan aplikasiini.Sebelum membeli printer sebaiknya minta tolong ke penjualuntuktest ke aplikasi langsung, karena jangan sampai printersudahdibeli ternyata tidak berfungsi dengan baik. Fungsi scanbarcodesangat tergantung dengan kualitas kamera, jenis kamera,permukaanbarcode, pencahayaan dan banyak faktor lain. Jadi jangansamakankemampuan scan barcode dengan alat barcode scannersesungguhnya.Aplikasi Kasir GentaPlaza dibuat untuk massal jaditidak mungkinmampu memberikan kepuasan kepada seluruh penggunadimana keinginansetiap pengguna aplikasi berbeda-beda dan kadangsetiap keinginansaling bertolak belakang. Jika ingin menggunakanaplikasi ini makaanda harus menyesuaikan dengan sistem yang adadari aplikasi KasirGentaPLaza ini.
Restaurant SMART POS 5.10809
FoodZaps Technology Pte Ltd
Must have system for those who run restaurant, cafe,bar,coffeeshop. FoodZaps is an integrated QR/Web Ordering,POS,eWaiter,eKitchen, TV Menu Board and Queue that allow yourstaffsandcustomers view and place order any time any where. TheQR/WebMenuOrdering can be easily setup within 5 mins. FoodZapsalsoprovideintegrated customer loyalty program which requirenophysical cardand easy to signup.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FoodZapsis aone-stopsolution used by waiters, to key in orders, ordoubleconfirmSelf-Ordering from customers, on the spot real-timeandon-premise,with your choice of Android operating devices,tablet,hand-heldmobile and terminals. The orders will be sentimmediatelyto theKitchen Printer and Kitchen Display Unit. There isno needfor staffto memorise the menu, as the menu is displayed onthehandhelddevice, a great opportunity for the staff to upsell,focusonhospitality and level up the customer experience.AbsoluteBenefits:• Let your customer self-order using their ownmobile(Apple andAndroid) • Use Pineapple Loyalty to reward yourcustomer• Let yourwaiter up-sell and suggest popular dishrecommendations• Orderaccuracy eliminates writing errors andmissing papersorders • Startor Continue to order at any time, forany table •Order are sentimmediately from the eWaiter to theKitchen • Easyconfiguration •Increase in labour efficiency •Flexible HardwareFoodZaps has afull suite of solutions that allowyou to choose therighttechnology that fits into your business modeland budget toachievethe ultimate business goals with greatercustomerexperience.Customer Self-Order - Using Customer’s OwnMobile -Scan QR &Self-Order - Pineapple Loyalty (auto sign upwithFacebook andGoogle) Dine-In Restaurant - SMART POS -MobileeWaiter Grab &Go - SMART POS - Customer Display -QueueDisplay Kitchen - KitchenDisplay Unit - Inventory Staff-Attendance (Clock In/Out) - OrderHistory - Access Control-Performance Report - Auto Email - AutoBackup - OnlinePortalFoodZaps POS help to save money, savemanpower, bettercustomerexperience and increase sales! FoodZaps isalso the GrandWinner ofSingapore’s IT Federation, Best InnovativeInfocomm Product-Digital Services (Gold) Award 2017. If you needmore support,pleaseclick on the followinglink:
Cashier 1.17
App for android POS terminal
POS-Point of Sale With Barcode 5.41
USB barcode reader, Design receipt, Use USB, Bluetooth, IPprinter(2 or 3 inch)
MobKASIR 3.4
MobKASIR adalah aplikasi Kasir (POS)yangsederhana dan mudah digunakan berbasis Smartphone/TabletAndroid.Didesain untuk kebutuhan umum UKM (Small and MediumEnterprise).Hasil transaksi dapat dikirim ke Layanan CloudBamboomedia yaituCSM = Cloud Sales Monitoring. Sehingga PemilikBisnis dapatmenonitor/menganalisa penjualan dari HP nya.Fitur Utama MobKASIR:-----Silahkan download dan Sukses untuk Bisnis Anda.
Moka POS - Aplikasi Kasir Online 17.0
Moka Teknologi Indonesia, PT
Save your time to set up your Point-Of-Sale! Let’s startwithMokaPOS to help you grow your business. Easily monitoryourdailytransactions anytime and anywhere, along withreal-timeinventorytracking, manage employee access and get all thereport atyourfingertip, no more pain on extracting your weekly ormonthlyreportmanually. One stop solution for your business, all inonePOSdevice. Enjoy the benefits of each featurehere:BasicPoint-Of-Sale: - Access your sales data andtransactionhistory inreal-time - Record all the payments type(cash,debit/credit card,e-wallets, or any other forms) - Send andtrackthe invoices rightaway for your mobile device - Provideopentab/bills option -Manage your cash flows and refund issues-Customize your salespromotion program - Send the receiptsthroughemail and sms -Connect to other hardware seamlessly(receiptprinter, kitchenticket printer, barcode scanner and cashdrawer)EmployeeManagement: - Manage the shifting arrangement foryouremployees -Manage employee's roles and access to prevent fraud-Find out yourbest performance employee with the sales shiftdataInventoryManagement: - Customize your product by addingonvariants, prices,and photos. - Track real-time inventorymanagementand getautomated alert for low-stock availabilityCustomerRelationshipManagement (CRM) - Create loyalty programmembershipfor customers- Keep track of customer data, purchasehistory, andfeedback -Plan your marketing strategy by utilizing thecustomerbehaviourdata Payments: - Accept OVO, GO-PAY, DANA,LinkAja,Kredivo, andAkulaku payment without any additional device-Receiveconsolidated funds with T+1 settlement Sign in to Mokabackofficethen set up your store, products and add thesuitablefeatures. Youcan easily view the real-time dashboard reportwhichcomes up withpowerful analytics that will help you improveyourbusiness. Allstarts from Moka POS. Subscribe annually now andsaveup to 17 %!Further info, please contact our team at 1500-970orvisit ourwebsite
BIT Cashier 1.6
Rajelsa Umar
After seeing payment process in super market, I would liketoprovide an app which acts like cash register machine; afastcashier worker should be supported by a fast system. Here isIpresent to you a fast cashier app with built in barcodescanner.Now a cashier doesn’t have tap button on this app just toscan thenext item, all he/she has to do is just scanning all itemsjust tomake sure a smooth transaction process. That is not allwhich I canpresent you, below are features of BIT Cashier :Unlimited item,transaction and customer, supplier data. Multi usersand alsoworking for multiple devices. Supporting debt transactionfor yourcustomers. Supporting sales return transaction. Supportingdynamicprice adjusted automatically for buying and sellingcost.Supporting decimal value for stock quantity and price. Editingoldtransaction without losing current stock quantity andcustomerdebt. Editing item price and quantity in transaction.Printingsupport for every paper size ( Google Cloud Printing only,ThermalPrinter soon will be available). Transaction history of anitem.Synchronizing Customers with all of your phone contacts.Supportingflexible transaction report and chart. Sending cashiertransactiondata to owner of business. Business owner just need torestore thisdata and BIT cashier will automatically maintain thedata,eventually business owner knows current profit, transactions,stockitems, customers’ debt , and supplier's credit. Supportingbackupand restore for each or whole data using excel file(xls).Authorization of each user for every kind of activities.Keyword:Point of Sale, POS Software, POS System, Cash Point,CashierSystem, Cash Register, Google spreadsheet, Shop, Free POS,MobileCashier, Multi User, Multi Device, Multiple User, MultipleDevice,Multi Strore, Offline, Login, Register, Register app, FastPOS,Fast Cashier, No Internet, No Server , No Registration,BillingDISCLAIMER: By installing and using BIT Cashier you agreethat theauthor is not responsible for any financial losses thatcould occurthrough miscalculations or not fulfilling of local taxregulations.
Point of Sale CASHFIX App 1.185
KASA FIK s.r.o.
Perfect Cash Register for your business. Track yourSales,Inventoryand Employees with easy to use Android system.It'sperfectcombination of online & offline system. Doesnotrequire networkconnection to operate. •  Track yourcompletebusiness retailoperations •  Control your employees andimproveyour businessSUITABLE FOR • Hospitality and restaurantbusiness• Servicebusinesses • Convenience stores • Mobile salesforcemanagementFEATURES • Cash and Credit Card Sales • DetailedSalesReports• Multi-user support • Remote management (onlinefromWeb)• Reservations calendar • Customer ManagementSystem• CashManagement • Printer support (Bluetooth, LAN, Wireless,USB)• SumUp Payment Terminal Support •  Litecoin andCryptocurrencyPOSLOCAL FEATURES • Supports Electronic Online CashRegisterfeaturesin following Countries: Czech Republic, Slovakia,Poland,Indonesia
Retail POS System - Point of Sale 7.9.0
W&O Retail POS - Point of Sale is a full featured, easytouseand affordable POS for any small or medium business.W&ORetailPOS - Point of Sale is perfect for storesofferingelectronics,clothing, toys, books, baby items, etc. Nomonthly orannual fee.One time cost. Key Features ★ Purchase order,payment ★Printreceipt, report ★ Various discount, surcharge and tax★Flexiblepermissions ★ Sales report ★ Pay in & pay out★Expensemanagement ★ Customer membership ★ Inventory management★Customerdisplay Printer Printersetupguide: 1. W&O POS Printer Adapter (Supportall kindofprinters) DownloadPC-PrinterAdapter USB (Support most thermal printers withESC/POSCommand)Bestsupportprinter:TSP143LAN( (Support specific printers with ESC/POSCommand)Best supportprinter:StarSM-L200( thehardware WorkwithCustomerFacingDisplay version devices taking order at same time, you willneedserverversion, you can download the trial version fromourwebsite. To getuserguide: To reportbugsor requestfeatures: ※ If you liketheapp, thenplease give us a good rating as the driving forcebehindourcontinued development, thank you. ※ If you have anysuggestionsorquestions please mail to our mailbox directly. Formarketreviews,please just leave your rating and cheers, thanksagain.Availablelanguages (more coming soon) English, 中文, Español(ManuelIraizos),Deutsch (SK.Aldein), Français (Jean-Marie),Italiano(Massimiliano),Ελληνικά (, Magyar (DanielBotka),Português do Brasil(Flávio Etrusco), Indonesia (RickyAlamsyah),Dansk, Suomi, Svenska,Norsk, 日本語, 한국어, Thai, Türkçe(Omer), Czech(Petr Komin), Nederlands,Pусский, Indonesian,Yкраїнська, TiếngViệt, Filipino(Max VA) RetailPOS - Point of Salecan be used aspet store POS (pet store point ofsale), pharmacy POS(pharmacypoint of sale), convenience store POS(convenience storepoint ofsale), salons & spas POS (salons& spas point ofsale),kiosk POS (kiosk point of sale), clothingstore POS (clothingstorepoint of sale) or any other point of sales.
Cashier/POS IREAP PRO 3.19
POS (Point of Sales) Cashier and Inventory Application forMultipleBranches
iPos 4 Mobile 2.1.1
Mobile modules to access applications from the Store ProgramIPOS4.0 smartphone