Top 2 Apps Similar to Big Data Dengue

Vaza Dengue! 1.1.1
Leonardo da Silva Sousa
Vaza Dengue! is an application thataimstocombat Dengue Fever, Chikungunya, and Zika Fevercollaborativelybyidentifying areas of mosquito infection andsharing alertswithusers and health authorities. It allows you toview and commentonexisting mosquito alerts from our vast database,addingyourthoughts to help the community grow stronger. Createyourownmosquito alert and share it with your friends onTwitterandFacebook! You can also share alerts from other users. Didyoufindan alert close to you? Share it! Vaza Dengue! iswellintegratedwith various social media platforms.Observe the alerts made by our community in real-time GPSandheatmaps. Monitor your neighborhood and inform health workersofpossiblenests. Together we can combat the mosquito!We also collect new alerts from different socialnetworks.TheVaza Dengue! project searches for mosquito relatedposts onTwitterand Instagram. Our system then collects andcategorizesallmosquito related posts automatically. Thus, we canalways showyouthe most relevant posts.Signup is very easy directly through our website, or youcansignin via Facebook. So come, join the fight againstthemosquitoes andspread your contributions around the world!
Aedes em Foco - Cidadão 1.0.8
Planear Sistemas
Quer ajudar de verdade no combateraoAedesaegypti?Este App é a arma que te permite: denunciar focos,notificarcasosdas doenças transmitidas pelo mosquito e avaliar otrabalhodecombate que tem sido feito pelos governos (Municipais,EstaduaiseFederal)Além disso, você pode acompanhar no mapa da sua regiãoasaçõesque estão sendo feitas por outros usuáriosAlguns municípios do Brasil já concedem descontos noIPTUparaquem ajuda no combate ao Aedes aegyptiWant to helpreallyincombat Aedes aegypti?This App is the weapon that allows you: toreportoutbreaks,notify cases of diseases transmitted by mosquitoesandevaluate thecombat work being done by governments (Municipal,StateandFederal)Also, you can follow the map of your actions region beingmadebyother usersSome municipalities in Brazil already providediscountsonproperty tax for those who help in the fightagainstAedesaegypti