Top 5 Apps Similar to Velazquez Wallpapers

Photo Effects 1.21
Edit Photos using 32 different photoeffects.Take images from Facebook or your phone.Most photo effects also come with additional option slidersthatlet you make hundreds of different effects.Try photo effect options such as sketch or neon. Change thecolorof the neon or strength of sketch. There are literallyhundreds ofcombinations you can choose.Create incredibly awesome photo effects and share them withyourfriends.We've added 31 different photo effects to choose from. Ourphotoeffects include: Mirror, Negative, Gray Scale, Flip,Artistic,Neon, Bump, Holy, Marble, Oil, Stamp, Twirl, Water, Block,Weave,Old, Sepia, Rounded, Snow, Engrave, Sun Burn, Ice andScatter,Rays, Crystallize, Perspective, Kaleidoscope, Tritone&moreOur photo effects app also supports cropping imageswithmulti-touch and facebook integration. You can take images fromyourfacebook account OR your friend's account and edit themandre-share them on facebook again!If you'd prefer to keep them private you can save them toyourgallery instead.You can also use pictures from your gallery or take new oneswiththe camera and start editing immediately!Easily edit, re-edit or re-apply effects almost instantly.Compared to most photo editing apps, our photo effects areveryunique and we are one of the few to offer cropping andfacebookintegration with the ability to use your friend's picturesor yourown.Please let us know about any bugs/crashes that you encounterandwe'll work to get them fixed ASAP.
Love images with phrases to fa 1.23
Victor M. Martinez Becerril
Images of love is dedicated to people who feel that deep emotionofloving
Van Gogh Self-Portraits
Socks N' Sandals
Vincent van Gogh was a Dutchpost-Impressionistpainter whose work, notable for its roughbeauty, emotional honesty,and bold color, had a far-reachinginfluence on 20th-century art.His work was then known to only ahandful of people and appreciatedby fewer still.Van Gogh began to draw as a child, and he continued todrawthroughout the years that led up to his decision to becomeanartist. He did not begin painting until his latetwenties,completing many of his best-known works during the lasttwo yearsof his life. In just over a decade, he produced more than2,100artworks, consisting of 860 oil paintings and more than1,300watercolors, drawings, sketches and prints. His work includedselfportraits, landscapes, still lifes of flowers, portraitsandpaintings of cypresses, wheat fields and sunflowers.Van Gogh spent his early adulthood working for a firm ofartdealers, traveling between The Hague, London and Paris, afterwhichhe taught for a time in England. One of his early aspirationswasto become a pastor and from 1879 he worked as a missionary inamining region in Belgium where he began to sketch people fromthelocal community. In 1885, he painted his first major workThePotato Eaters. His palette at the time consisted mainly ofsomberearth tones and showed no sign of the vivid colorationthatdistinguished his later work. In March 1886, he moved to Parisanddiscovered the French Impressionists. Later, he moved to thesouthof France and was impacted by the strong sunlight he foundthere.His work grew brighter in color, and he developed the uniqueandhighly recognizable style that became fully realized duringhisstay in Arles in 1888.The extent to which his mental health affected his paintinghasbeen a subject of speculation since his death. Despite awidespreadtendency to romanticize his ill health, modern criticssee anartist deeply frustrated by the inactivity and incoherencebroughtabout by his bouts of illness. According to art criticRobertHughes, van Gogh's late works show an artist at the height ofhisability, completely in control and "longing for concisionandgrace.”If you’re not sure what live wallpapers are, they're a typeofapplication that works on a mobile device using theAndroidoperating system (like your device!). The application worksas awallpaper – providing the background image for the homescreen—butalso works as a conventional application since it canprovideuser-interaction with the touch screen (allowing the imagetochange dynamically, for example) and access other hardwareandsoftware features within the device (accelerometer, GPS,networkaccess, etc.).**Multiple backgrounds!** Switch up the background as often oraslittle as you like with user-configurable options.**Power saving features!** This app uses much less powerthantypical live wallpapers. It will take a bit more power tooperatethan a normal wallpaper, but much, much less battery powerthan theaverage live wallpaper.**Super easy to use!** Upon install the app will bring uptheoptions menu and then immediately let you set the wallpaper.Nohassle and easy to use!**Translated to 35 languages!** Do you really, really wanttolearn Russian? We didn’t think so, but it’s available just incase,in any language your phone can display!Please note that live wallpapers can’t be setautomatically.We’ll bring you to the setup screen where you’llselect the livewallpaper. We’d love to do it automatically butAndroid doesn’tallow it. Maybe some day.Van Gogh has not endorsed this app, but we’re confidenthe’sgoing to get back to us on that. Licensed under thecreativecommons (
Art of Vincent Van Gogh 1.6
Watch and enjoy the masterpieces works ofoneof the best known and most respected post-impressionism painterofall time!Completely free application for phone and tablet, ad supported.* Gallery with 116 works to remember, includingself-portraits* 5 creative phases (1881-1884; 1884-1888; 1888; 1889; 1890)* Full name of every work of art, with the year of creation* All paintings in the gallery can be set as wallpaper* Magnifying glass - zoom in 7 steps* Portrait and landscape rotation supported* Share option (facebook, twitter, dropbox, gmail,google+,bluetooth, messenger, publish it…)* Understandable and easy for handling* Working on android 2.0 and up* Tested on all major devices* File is a little higher, so please be patient while itdownloadsand installs. The pleasure is all yours.* Some of the paintings from the gallery:- Road in Etten 1881- Two women in the woods 1882- Montmartre, Paris 1886- Self-portrait with pipe 1886- A pair of shoes 1886- Still life with apples, pears, lemons and grapes 1887- Vase with daisies and anemones 1887- Sunflowers 1888- Starry night over the Rhone 1888- Café terrace at night 1888- Yellow house at Arles 1888- Green wheat field with cypress, Saint Remy 1889- The starry night 1889- The bedroom 1888-89- The church at Auvers 1890- Tree roots 1890and many other.Vincent Willem Van Gogh, born March 30, 1853, was aDutchpost-impressionist painter whose work had a great influence on20thcentury art for its vivid colors and emotional impact. Hesufferedfrom anxiety and mental illness throughout his life. Hedied at age37 on July 29, 1890. What he died from a self-inflictedgunshotwound. His name at the time was not well known.Van Gogh spent his early adulthood working for a many artdealers.When he was young, he wanted to become a pastor and preachthegospel, and from 1879 he worked as a missionary in a miningregionin Belgium. During this time, he began to sketch people fromthecommunity and in 1885 painted his first major work, ThePotatoEaters. The colors he used were dull, plain colors. Not untilmuchlater did he include much richer colors. In March 1886, hemoved toParis and discovered the French Impressionists. Later hemoved tothe south of France and was taken by the strong sunlight hefoundthere. His work grew brighter in color and he developed theuniqueand highly recognizable style which became fully realizedin1888.His fame grew in the years after his death. Today, he iswidelyregarded as one of history's greatest painters and animportantcontributor to the foundations of modern art. Van Gogh didnotbegin painting until his late twenties, and most of hisbest-knownworks were produced during his last two years. Heproduced morethan 2,000 artworks, 900 being paintings and 1,100drawings andsketches. His work had a strong influence on the modernart thatfollowed. Today many of his pieces; including hisnumerousself-portraits, landscapes, portraits and sunflowers, areamong theworld's most recognizable and expensive works of art.
Van Gogh Wallpapers set 2 1.3
Van Gogh Wallpapers set 2Mega collection of paintings of Vincent van Gogh, part2.Paintings from Saint-Remy (May 1889 – May 1890).Features:Save to SDSet as wallpaperLegal notice: We believe our images fall under the fairusedoctrine as they are reduced size and excerpted forinformationalpurposes/or public domain. However, if you would liketo requestremoval of an image from our collection for copyrightreasons, feelfree to contact us at and we'll behappy tooblige.On 8 May 1889, accompanied by his carer, the Reverend Salles,VanGogh committed himself to the hospital at SaintPaul-de-Mausole. Aformer monastery in Saint-Remy less than 20miles (32 km) fromArles, the monastery is located in an area ofcornfields, vineyardsand olive trees at the time run by a formernaval doctor, Dr.Theophile Peyron. Theo arranged for two smallrooms—adjoining cellswith barred windows. The second was to beused as a studio.During his stay, the clinic and its garden became the mainsubjectsof his paintings. He made several studies of thehospitalinteriors, such as Vestibule of the Asylum andSaint-Remy(September 1889). Some of the work from this time ischaracterizedby swirls—including one of his best-known paintingsThe StarryNight. He was allowed short supervised walks, which ledtopaintings of cypresses and olive trees, like Olive Trees withtheAlpilles in the Background 1889, Cypresses 1889, CornfieldwithCypresses (1889), Country road in Provence by Night (1890).ThatSeptember he also produced a further two versions of BedroominArles.Limited access to the world outside the clinic resulted inashortage of subject matter. He was left to work oninterpretationsof other artist's paintings, such as Millet’s TheSower and Noon –Rest from Work (after Millet), as well asvariations on his ownearlier work. Van Gogh was an admirer of theRealism of JulesBreton, Gustave Courbet and Millet and compared hiscopies to amusician's interpreting Beethoven. Many of his mostcompellingworks date from this period. His The Round of thePrisoners (1890)was painted after an engraving by Gustave Dore(1832–1883). It issuggested that the face of the prisoner in thecenter of thepainting and looking toward the viewer is Van Goghhimself,although the noted Van Gogh scholar Jan Hulskerdiscountsthis.Towards the end of his stay, Van Gogh suffered a severerelapselasting two month between February and April 1890.Nevertheless hewas able to paint and draw a little during this timeand he laterwrote Theo that he had made a few small canvases "frommemory ...reminisces of the North". Amongst these was Two PeasantWomenDigging in a Snow-Covered Field at Sunset. Hulsker believesthatthis small group of paintings formed the nucleus of a largenumberof drawings and study sheets depicting landscapes and figuresthatVan Gogh worked on during this time. He comments that, saveforthis short period, Van Gogh's illness had hardly any effect onhiswork but in these he sees a reflection of Van Gogh's mentalhealthat the time. Also belonging to this period is Sorrowing OldMan('At Eternity's Gate'), a color study that Hulsker describesas"another unmistakable remembrance of times long past".List of paintings:A Corner in the Garden of Saint-Paul HospitalA Meadow in the Mountains Le Mas de Saint-PaulA Road at Saint-Remy with Female FigureAt the Foot of the MountainsBlossoming Almond TreeCottages and Cypresses Reminiscence of the NorthCottages Reminiscence of the NorthCypresses and Two WomenCypresses with Two Female FiguresCypressesdescription.txtEnclosed Field with PloughmanEnclosed Field with Rising SunEnclosed Wheat Field with PeasantEntrance to a Quarry near Saint-RemyEntrance to a QuarryEvening Landscape with Rising MoonEvening The End of the Day after Milletand other (total 143 paintings)...