Top 3 Apps Similar to HeartSmart

Heart Disease 1.0
There are many different forms ofheartdisease. The most common cause of heart disease is narrowingorblockage of the coronary arteries, the blood vessels thatsupplyblood to the heart itself. This is called coronary arterydiseaseand happens slowly over time. It's the major reason peoplehaveheart attacks. Read here different type of Heart DiseasesCauses,types, symptoms and treatments.
The Heart App © 2.0.4
Dr.Rajeev Rathi
The Heart App© on a mission to reduce fatalities due toheartdiseases. The Heart App© aims to help people find out if theyareat risk of, or are developing a heart attack based onsomequestions regarding their seemingly serious or not so seriouschestcomplaints. These questions try to mimic the sequentialprocedurethat heart-specialists follow while diagnosing a patient.The HeartApp© can also be of use to paramedical staff operating infield. Amajority of patients get some warning symptoms before afull-blownheart attack occurs, and if they are provided appropriatetreatmentin time, heart attack can even be avoided! It is theseavoidablefatalities that we hope to stop with the help of the heartapp©. Acritical step in this direction is the information aboutheartattacks and coronary artery disease packed in the app inpracticaland easy to read compartments. The Heart App© would notonlyimproves people’s awareness but also provide them a readyreferencein their time of need. Ample amount of researchcategoricallypoints out that mortality and morbidity due to heartattack can besubstantially prevented by two key methods- awarenessandtimely-treatment. Of the two key factors, timely treatment isamore concrete factor and if we could somehow equip peoplewithaccurate information via a pervasive medium then millions oflivescan be saved. Probably The Heart App© can be of help here Atthetime of heart attack every second is important since the damagetoheart is time dependent. Maximum deaths occur due to abnormalheartbeats. These abnormal heart beats are due to electricalinstabilityin the heart muscles which are dying due to heartattack. The HeartApp when utilized by nonmedical personnel helpsbring medicalattention to people at risk. In this new version wehave added thefollowing: INR Clinic- Warfarin and Acitrom are usedto prolong thenormal clotting time in human body and are known asanticoagulant.They are required to preventformation of unwantedblood clot orprevent progression of already formed blood clot.Diseases whereyou need this drug • Metallic Prosthetic Heart Valves• Atrialfibrillation • Deep vein thrombosis • Pulmonary EmbolismHere userwill know about the calculation of doses of warfarin oracitrom asper their PT-INR report. By using this app their recordof INR willbe maintained automatically and this will be of greathelp whenthey will visit their doctor for consultation. Thisdigital way canhelp patients who are unable to connect with doctorsfrequently. Myrecords- In this section a person can maintain therecord of hisblood pressure and diabetes along with medication.Hypertension orhigh blood pressure and Diabetes are the mostimportant riskfactors for heart diseases and stroke. This recordwill help thephysician in the management of these patients. Hereone can storehis/her treatment related documents which will be veryhandy whenthey visit their doctors. Diet & Exercise Thissection willprovide relevant information regarding diet andexercise to live ahealthy life Health updates- In this part userwill get relevant,useful, evidence based information regardingmedical filed. TheHeart App is meant solely for the welfare ofcommon man but wecannot do it without your help. We request you toshare The HeartApp© with your family & friends, and contributeto our smalleffort of fighting heart diseases which claim millionsof innocentlives. Please note that The Heart App©, by no means,intends toreplace the clinical judgment of a doctor; rather itsmain purposeis to educate people, prevent them from ignoring anemergency andenable seeking early treatment. Dr.Rajeev
It is part of the patient education programinorder to help the patients understand the various stages ofplaqueformation leading to symptoms.It explains the causes andsymptomsarising out of plaque formation in coronary arteries, likeStableAngina, Unstable Angina, Myocardial Infarction, CongestiveHeartFailure, Cardiogenic Shock and Cardiac Arrest.When the device camera is focused on the printed target(image),3D model of a heart will appear on it. On tapping on the"Start"button the app shows the three coronary arteries andexplains theirfunctions. It then guides the user to go ahead andlook at thevarious stages of plaque formation in the coronaryartery bytapping on the hotspot on the artery.The 3D model of the section of the coronary arterydemonstratesthe various stages of plaque formation.There are buttons to mute/ unmute the voice over (in caserequiredby the user), skip stages (where required), save the targetimageto take a print and also to recommend the app to friends.To skip any stage, tap on the check box for 'Skip'.Afterskipping one stage, to see the next stage, first tap on'Skip"button again (to unskip) and then tap on 'Unmute' button togoahead.