Top 6 Apps Similar to CLM - Centro Lombardo Mobili

Vettoretti Ceramiche 2.0.95
Vettoretti Ceramiche
Questa applicazione ti permette diportaresempre con te, sul tuo Smartphone o Tablet, ilcatalogod'arredamento di Vettoretti Ceramiche, il tuo negozio difiducia didesign a Castagnole di Paese (Treviso).Ricerca le finiture per la tua casa attraverso le categoriediprodotto(arredobagno,pavimenti,sanitari,rubinetteria,idromassaggio,parquet,caminetti,stufe,termoarredo)ocon la ricerca testuale libera. Sfoglia le migliori marcheproposteda Vettoretti Ceramiche.Tieniti aggiornato con tutte le novità presentate alle fieredisettore nell'apposita sezione Novità.All'interno delle schede prodotto trova tutti i dettagli utiliperorientarti nella tua scelta: nome e descrizione delprodotto,misure, materiali e caratteristiche. Con la gallery guardailprodotto da te selezionato nei minimi dettagli.This applicationallowsyou to take with you on your Smartphone or Tablet, thecatalog offurniture of Vettoretti Pottery, your local retail storedesign inCastagnole Paese (Treviso).Search the finishes for your home through the productcategories(bathroom furniture, flooring, plumbing, faucets, tub,hardwoodfloors, fireplaces, stoves, radiator) or with free textsearch.Browse the best brands proposed by VettorettiCeramics.Keep up to date with all the news presented at trade shows intheNews section.Inside the card is produced all the details useful to guide youinyour choice: the name and description of the product,sizes,materials and features. With the photo gallery watch theproductyou selected in detail.
Geeft (Beta) 1.1.4
Geeft app
Hai un mobile di cui vuoi liberarti manonsaicome?Da oggi basta una semplice foto su Geeft e verraisubitocontattatoda persone interessate che si occuperanno diprenderel'oggettodove vuoi, quando vuoi, gratuitmente.Vuoi arredare casa senza spendere?Cerca gli oggetti che fanno per te su Geeft scaricando subitol'app.Geeft è un luogo in cui potrai donare oricevereoggettirapidamente senza costi. Il sistema di feedback tiindicheràse unapersona è affidabile o meno,in modo da nonperderetempo.Donerai nuova vita a vecchi oggetti e allo stessotemporispetterail'ambiente.Come funziona?Usare Geeft è semplice:- sei una persona che vuole donare un oggetto?Premisulpulsante,aggiungi foto e qualche informazione,ad esempio lazonadiritiro dell'oggetto, e in pochi secondi il tuoannunciosaràvisibile e pronto per essere prenotato dagenteinteressata.- sei invece una persona interessata a qualche oggettoinregalo?Prenotarsi ad uno oggetto è semplicissimo:cliccasullafoto,controlla se l'oggetto è di tuo gradimentoeinfineprenotati.- sei una persona creativa che vuole semplicemente mostrareituoilavori? Beh,puoi farlo inserendoli direttamentenellaGeeftory. Puoianche inserire una piccola guida su comerealizzarloper dare lapossibilità ad altra gente non solo direplicarlo,maapprendere qualelavoro c'è stato dietro perrealizzarlo e quindipoterlo apprezzaredi più.Ma entriamo più nel dettaglio:- quando un oggetto viene messo in regalo vienespecificataanchela scadenza. A cosa si riferisce?E' la data di scadenza dell'annuncio in cuil'oggettoverràassegnato a una delle persone prenotatesi.- come avviene l'assegnazione?L'assegnazione dell'oggetto può essere fatta induemodi:Automatica o Manuale.Sei una persona che ha fretta di dare via l'oggetto enonhaimolto tempo da dedicare alla ricerca della persona giustaacuidonare? La modalità automatica fa al caso tuo.Infattiselezionandola modalità di "assegnazione automatica",unavoltascadutol'annuncio, si preoccuperà l'app di trovare la personapiùidonea aricevere l'oggetto. A te basterà solo aspettare lanotificadiassegnazione e il successivo contatto dapartedell'utentescelto.Sei invece una persona che ha a cuore il suo oggettoevuolecapire da se qual'è la persona più idonea a riceverlo?Alloralamodalità manuale ti darà la possibilità di sceglieremanualmentelapersona in questione,visualizzando i loroprofilio,sepossibile,facendoti contattare tramite messaggio.- cosa sono i tag che mi vengono richiesti diinserire?Sonosemplicemente parole chiave che aiuteranno a trovarepiùfacilmenteil tuo annuncio.- "posso essere contattato",ossia? Come siintuisce,sel'opzioneviene selezionata si dà la possibilità diesserecontattato tramitefacebook,altrimenti verrà visualizzatoilnickname registrato alprimo accesso.- Come avviene lo scambio? Delle notifiche viavviserannounavolta che l'oggetto è stato assegnato e vipermetterannodiprendere contatti fra voi due. I messaggi verrannoinviatitramitefacebook. Una volta scambiatol'oggetto,potreteconfermarerispettivamente la consegna e il ritiro.Fatto questo,viverràchiesto di lasciare un feedback sulla personacon cuiaveteinteragito.- cos'è la Geeftory?Non è altro che un luogo dove si può seguire la storia diunoggetto.La cosa bella è che la storia siete proprio voiacrearla!Infatti,quando donate un oggetto vi viene chiesto se questoèstatoricevuto a vostra volta tramite l'app.Verrà cosi data la possibilità di vedere come l'oggetto èevolutoneltempo (ad esempio modifiche estetiche).Non siete però vincolati a regalare l'oggetto..Poteteinfattimostrare come lo avete trasformato aggiungendolotramitel'appositobottone "Aggiungi storia".Mostrate a tutti come avete riciclato il vostrooggetto,scrivetesevolete una breve guida su come realizzarlo esensibilizzateglialtri a dare una nuova vita ai propri oggettiinutilizzati.You have apieceoffurniture you want to free yourself but do not knowhow?From now just a simple picture of geeft and you willbeimmediatelycontacted by people interested, who will take theobjectwhere youwant, when you want, gratuitmente.Do you want to decorate the house without spending?Search for objects that make for yourself ongeeftquicklydownloading the app.Geeft is a place where you can donate or receiveitemsquicklywithout cost. The feedback system will indicate whetheraperson isreliable or not, so as not to waste time.You will give new life to old objects and at the sametimewillrespect the environment.How does it work?Use geeft is simple:- You are a person who wants to donate an item? Press thebutton,addphoto and some information, such as the object's claimarea,andwithin seconds, your ad will be visible and ready to bebookedbypeople interested.- Six instead of a person interested in some items as gifts?Tobookone object is simple: click on the photo, check if theobjectis toyour liking and then booked.- You are a creative person who simply want to showyourwork?Well, you can do so by placing them directly in Geeftory.Youcanalso insert a small guide on how to achieve it in order togiveachance to other people to not only replicate, but learnwhatworkthere was behind to make it happen and then toappreciateitmore.But we go into more detail:- When an object is placed in Gift expiration isalsospecified.What are you referring?And 'the expiry date of where the object will be assignedtooneof prenotatesi people.- How the assignment is done?The object assignment can be done in two ways:AutomaticorManual.Are you someone who is in a hurry to give away the objectanddoesnot have much time to devote to the search of the rightpersontodonate? The automatic mode is for you. In fact, selectingthemode of"automatic allocation", once the announcement expires,theapp willtake care of finding the most appropriate persontoreceive the item.To you will only have to wait forthenotification of assignment andthe next contact from theuserchose.You're rather a person who cares about its subject andwantstofigure out if what is the most suitable person to receiveit?Thenthe manual mode will give you the ability to manuallychoosetheperson in question, viewing their profiles or, ifpossible,makingcontact via message.- What are tags that are requested me to enter? Theyaresimplykeywords that help you more easily find your ad.- "I can be contacted," that is? As you can imagine, iftheoptionis selected it gives the possibility to be contactedviafacebook,otherwise you will see the nickname registered atthefirstaccess.- How is the exchange? Notifications will alert you oncetheitemhas been assigned and will allow you to make contactbetweenyoutwo. Messages are sent via facebook. Once theobjectexchanged,respectively, you can confirm the deliveryandcollection. Thatdone, you will be asked to leave feedback abouttheperson withwhom you interacted.- What is Geeftory?It is nothing but a place where you can follow the historyofanobject. The nice thing is that the story you are rightyoucreateit!In fact, when you donate an item you are asked if thiswasreceivedin turn by the app.So you will be given the opportunity to see how thesubjecthasevolved over time (for example cosmetic changes).However, you are not bound to give the object .. In fact youcanshowhow you have transformed by adding the appropriatebutton"AddStory".Show everyone how you recycled your item, if you write ashortguideon how to achieve it and sensitized others to give a newlifetotheir unused items.
LikeThat Décor Furniture -Free 1.5.9
Shop and find ideas for your home usingyourmobile phone camera! Simply take a picture of furniture ordecoryou like, to find visually similar products from thousandsofretailers. Inspire yourself, save and buy among yourfavoriteretailers. It’s as simple as: Snap it, Explore it, Find it.Now with LikeThat Décor- you can find furnishing that isjustright for you. Get access to thousands of top retailers,usepictures of decor you like to find similar looking piecesthatinspire your next remodel and explore interior home décorstylesthat fit your decorating vision.The app centralizes popular online home catalogues includingAllModern, Anthropologie, Ashley Furniture, Ballard Designs,BassettFurniture, Crate and Barrel, Dot and Bo, Dwell Studio, EthanAllen,Fab, Gilt, Hayneedle, Hollyhunt, Horchow, Hunter Douglas,JonathanAdler, One Kings Lane, Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware,Serenaand Lily, Wayfair, Westelm, Wisteria, etc.With LikeThat Décor you can:- Get instant access to millions of furniture and decor piecesfromthousands of retailers- Explore and discover ideas for your home- Find furniture and decor at the best prices- Use picture from your mobile phone to find products you love-fromcatalogues, in-store or favorite screenshots.- Efficiently find and buy furniture- Find contemporary furniture at good prices- Get access to Designers top picks and see how the pro’s pieceitall together- Browse and save pieces of furniture you love- Dream up your next home or room remodel- Search your favorite shopping or social websites, like HouzzorPinterest, to get instant access to similar products- Save great ideas and share them with a friendFrom the makers of apps featured in CNN, TechCrunch, andMashable– visual search pioneer JustVisual brings you LikeThatDécor.
Best Apartment Decorating Idea 1.0
Decorating your apartment isn't always as easy as it mightseem.Asyou browse or search Google, you may get overwhelmedwithideasthat simply aren't suitable for an apartment design.Whetheryou'retrying to avoid destructive decor changes (i.e.painting,wallshelving) or you don't want large decor pieces(i.e.oversizedfurniture, statement artwork), there are lots ofsmallscaledecorating ideas that are perfect for modest sizedapartmentsandhomes that won't break the bank. I recently moved intotothe500-square-foot studio apartment I lived in when I firstmovedtoWashington, DC. I was in my early 20's back then andsingle.NowI'm pushing 30, no longer single and I have a much bettersenseofhow to decorate and furnish a studio in a way thatactuallyworks.I'm finding the experience of furnishing anddecorating mytinyspace liberating and exciting. I mean, I went froma largetwobedroom to essentially one long room. Needless to say,notonlyhave I found storage space in short supply, walls as well!SoI'vebeen faced with the dilemma of furnishing thissmallstudioapartment and speaking from a previous failed attempt,Ifound asolution that works. The ideas we present inthisapplication suchas : Best Apartment Design. ApartmentDecor.Apartmen living roomideas. Studio Apartment Ideas. SmallApartmentIdeas. ApartmentBedroom Ideas. Small Apartment Furniture.Even if Ihad two milliondollars, I would still furnish every roomin myhouse using thesame concepts. It only makes common sense toget thebest value foryour money whether you're rich, poor, orsomewhere inbetween.Taking the time to respectfully organize yourapartmentshows a lotof character and resilience. Designing yourrooms insuch a fashionremoves the simple and bland image. You alsodon'tcome across ascheap. The clever combination of old and new isareal work of art,yet practical at the same time. If you live inasmall, crampedsmall apartment or house than you know cutting downabeautiful bigtree for Christmas is not ideal for your smalllivingspace. Butyou don't have to let that stop you from makingyoursmallapartment a quaint treasure for the holiday season.Mostapartmentcomplexes will not let you have a real tree, soanartificial treeis one way to go. Walmart, Target, Kmart, Meijerandother namebrand stores carry a variety of sizes and shapestochoose from.They also carry trees that have lights alreadyplacedon them. Allyou have to do is add your favorite decorations.Keepreading fortips on decorating and furnishing your studioapartmentdesign andhopefully some inspiration from this applicationwillguide you forthe best result.
Bedroom Furniture Ideas 3.0
I am probably light years away fromowningmyown house, thanks to the lack of affordable housing, butIalreadyknow what my bedroom is going to look like. I knowexactlywhatwill be placed where, and which type of furniturewilltransform abare room into my sanctum. Every individual has hisorher ownpreferences, when it comes to bedroom decorating, as thisistheroom in which, they are going to spend at least half oftheirtimeaway from work and other routines of their life. Yourbedroomneedsto reflect the individual you are, and your tastes andchoice.Yourselection of furniture probably defines the decor of theroom.Wicker furniture will probably mean that you are goingtodecorateyour room in a Moroccan or Mediterranean style,whilesleek steelfurniture shows that you bend towards minimalisminyour sense ofstyle. Regardless of your interiordecoratingpreferences, there aresome pieces of furniture that areintegralto any master bedroom.Here is a lowdown on the furniturethat yourroom will be incompletewithout.Furniture for Master BedroomThe furniture needs to be chosen with extreme care, ascomfortandstyle, both need to be an integral feature of thefurniturethat youhave chosen. There are some pieces of furniturethat aresynonymouswith bedrooms. In this article, we try to tellyou, thedifferentessential furniture items, and what to keep inmind whilechoosingthe furniture.The most obvious thing on the list here. A bedroom withoutabedis like a candy store without candy. A truly bad example,butonethat drives the truth home. Your selection of a beddetermines,asmentioned earlier, the decor of your room. Choose abed thatiscomfortable for both, you and your partner. At the end oftheday,this is the one piece of furniture that needs to make youfeelthemost relaxed. It should be inviting and cozy. Decidewhatyourpreference is, a low bed, which is almost futon like or ahighbedin the Victorian style. While a queen size bed is big enoughforamaster bedroom, I would personally advice that, if youhavethespace, opt for a king size bed. This will definitely saveyoufromany future squabbles about space constraints. At the edgeofthebed, you can place a chest as a storage for bed linen.Youcanplace some cushions on it, and transform it intoanalternateseating area. Decorating the master bedroom isallaboutmanipulating space with a sense of aesthetics and styletomake thearea look beautiful.If you are planning to shop at an Ikea like furnituremart,andopting for one of those furniture sets, then you willprobablyhavethe side tables included in your package. A bed sidetable isamust, since you need something to place that book youreadbeforeyou drift off to sleep, your mobile, if you are in thehabitofcarrying one, and the bedside lamp. Opt for aminimalisticsidetable, if you are extremely organized, or opt forone thathasdrawers to stuff in all those things that you haveclutteringyourbedroom with.Remember Carrie Bradshaw walking into her wardrobe in theSexAndThe City Movie? With enough space to have a sparebedroomfittedinto it, the walk-in wardrobe is every girl's dream.If youaremarried to someone like Mr. Big, then well, you are oneluckywoman,but if not, then you will probably have to make do withamuchtinier wardrobe.
Mobili Brugnera 3.1.104
Questa applicazione ti permette diportaresempre con te, sul tuo Smartphone o Tablet, ilcatalogod'arredamento di Mobili Brugnera, il tuo negozio di fiduciadidesign a Staranzano (GO).Ricerca l'arredo di design per la tua casa attraverso lecategoriedi prodotto (tavoli, sedie, divani, etc.) o con la ricercatestualelibera. Sfoglia le migliori marche di design italianoedinternazionale proposte da Mobili Brugnera.Tieniti aggiornato con tutte le novità presentate alle fieredisettore nell'apposita sezione Novità.All'interno delle schede prodotto trova tutti i dettagli utiliperorientarti nella tua scelta: nome e descrizione delprodotto,misure, materiali e caratteristiche. Con la gallery guardailprodotto d'arredo da te selezionato nei minimi dettagli.This applicationallowsyou to take with you on your Smartphone or Tablet, thecatalog offurniture Furniture Brugnera, your local retail storedesign inStaranzano (GO).The research design furniture for your home through theproductcategories (tables, chairs, sofas, etc.) or with the freetextsearch. Browse the best brands of Italian and internationaldesignproposals from furniture Brugnera.Keep up to date with all the new products presented at tradefairsin the News section.Inside the card is the product all the details useful to guideyouin your choice: the name and description of the product,sizes,materials and features. With the photo gallery watch theproduct offurniture that you select the smallest detail.