Top 19 Games Similar to Cousins Paintball

Paintball Field Planner 1.0
Bearcub Software
This app is developed for paintballteamswhoplay speedball competition events, it is NOT a game. Itisdesignedfor tablet usage but can also be used on a phone.The user can put down the field layouts from the likesoftheMillennium Series, PSP or NXL leagues and then name thebunkersasyou wish for your team. Lay down the best places foryourplayersto go and draw where they can shoot. Save off differentgameplansand share. Use on a tablet at an event toquicklyindicatedifferent shooting strategies, no more need for lotsoffieldlayouts on paper to scribble on.Main features are:- 15 common bunkers- Bunkers can be placed and then rotated (use second fingeronscreento allow rotation).- Mirror option to keep bunkers symmetrical.- Individual bunkers can be named by the standard names orcodenamesa team uses.- Placement of two different team players to highlightwhereyourteam should go and where the opponents could.- Draw shoot lines so players know where theyshouldbetargeting.- Share option to pass on final game plans to the team byemailorother share options your phone/tablet provides.- Choice of red or blue coloured bunkers (or feel free tomixandmatch).- Choice of the green grass layout or the plain lined layout.Note:This is very round and ready so no doubt a load of bugsintherebut it usable. It has been sitting on my hard drive forawhile soI thought I would get enough of it complete so otherscoulduse itif they so wish so take it as a freebie that you mightfindof use(or not). Suggestions for improvements/additionsarewelcome.Few points to be aware of:- For moving a bunker, the touch point is above and to thelefttoenable to see where you're putting the bunker.- Long press on an icon to get an explanation as towhatitdoes.- Yes the rotation is... quirky to say the least. Willgetthatworking better eventually.- Best to use on a tablet only. It could be used on a phonebutthelayout and bunkers are that small it might be anexerciseintorture. Though feel free to do so if you like thatsortofthing...- I'm afraid there is not an undo. Well there was but itisn'tfullyworking as it should. For a future update.- Zooming in and out would be nice and make it easierforusingphones, etc. Tried and so far been unsuccessful...
Marker Help Paintball 2.62
Get the manuals for over 300paintballgunsanywhere! If you've ever been at a game and had totear downorrepair your marker, not having your manual with you canbe theendof your day. Even during maintenance having the explodedviewofyour gun can be invaluable.Simply pick a manufacturer then model of paintball gun,thenthemanual will load. You can then bookmark it forquickviewinglater.Some of our users have complained of not having astrongenoughsignal at their paintball field to use the app. Now,inversion 2.5you can save up to 10 manuals for offline viewing.Themanuals aresaved as PDF files. Install any PDF app to be abletoview manualsanywhere! We recommend Adobe Reader.The following paintball marker manufacturers are included:32 degreesAirgun DesignsAlienAngelArrowAzodinBob LongBrass EagleBTCCICCMDangerous PowerDiabloDiamond PaintballDyePlanet EclipseEmpireEvilGOGGuerrillaHaterIndian Creek DesignsInvertJTLuxeMacdevMachineMilsigMokalPCSPMIProtoPsycho BallisticsSmart PartsSpyderStrykerTadaoTiberius ArmsTippmannVanguardViewloaderVirtueWorrEmail us with any questions, suggestions, and requests!
Paintball 1.0
Paintball is the Best Android App If YouWantToLearn Everything About PaintballPaintball is a game developed in the 1980s in whichplayerseliminateopponents from play by hitting them withdye-filled,breakable, oiland gelatin paintballs, or pellets,usually shotfrom a carbondioxide or compressed air (Nitrogen)powered“paintball marker”.The game is regularly played at a sporting levelwithorganizedcompetition involving major tournaments,professionalteams, andplayers. Paintball technology is also used bymilitaryforces, lawenforcement, para-military and securityorganizations tosupplementmilitary training, as well as playing arole in riotresponse, andnon-lethal suppression of dangeroussuspects.Games can be played on indoor or outdoor fields ofvaryingsizes.A game field is scattered with natural orartificialterrain, whichplayers use for tactical cover.Game types in paintball vary, but can include capturetheflag,elimination, ammunition limits, defending or attackingaparticularpoint or area, or capturing objects of interest hiddenintheplaying area. Depending on the variant played, games canlastfromseconds to hours, or even days in scenario play.The legality of paintball varies among countries andregions.Inmost areas where regulated play is offered, players arerequiredtowear protective masks, and game rules are strictlyenforced.
Paintball is an application that letsyourecordyour games of paintball.Instead of keeping all on paper, now all will be constantlywithyouon your mobile phone.With Paintball, taken with you anywhere your partyphotos,needlessto remember the location, and other information ...Yourmobilephone will keep this for you with the information youhaveenteredmore.Paintball is designed for pro gamers or beginners,It takes into account all comments,no internet connection is required,the application retrieves your GPS coordinates, and allowsyoutotake photographs,all your games will always be with you,This application is free and contains no advertising,All your files and photos are stored on your phone no dataontheinternet ....To use this application, you must havethefollowingpermissions:GPS - to identify and record the coordinates;Internet - to work with Google Maps;Camera - to receive and store your images;Bluetooth - for a future version of the application isconnectedtoyour launchers.Install Paintball!
Paintball Match Assistant 2.4
Martin Leyva Millan
Features of Paintball Match Assistant: - Input your own matchtime.- Quick, one button press for a ten seconds count forpractices. -Pause point button to verify clean player - Quickbuzzer button forthose quick starts - Voice alerts at 2 minutes, 1minute, 30seconds, and 10 seconds. - NXL style timer/beep at 10seconds andgame start. - Support for 2 teams, with split deck andmultiplematches on the roadmap. - No signups, logins, ads,permissions, andyou don't even need to be connected to the internetto use it. -Plays over music (or other audio in use)! - Made by akid from SCPEdge! Just hook a speaker up and that's it! Thanks forlooking andif you enjoy the app tell a friend! If you have anysuggestionsleave them in your 5 star review! Notes: This is notintended to bea reliable option for medium/large tournaments.Please do not usein place of actual timers! It also keeps thescreen awake bydesign, but I believe it will still countdown ifscreen is locked.
Paintball BPS meter 1.12
Measure the rate of fire for your paintball marker.
Aplicación del club recreativoCOMANDOMILSIMPAINTBALL, adscrito al PMCC "CLUB DE PAINTBALL MILSIMDECOLOMBIA"con representación el MLA "MILSIM LATINOAMERICANO".Aquí encontraras todos los equipos de la liganacionalColombiana,nuestro reglamento e información de interésreferente aloscampeonatos y encuentros a nivel nacional.Applicationrecreationalclub PAINTBALL COMMAND MILSIM attached tothe PMCC"MILSIMPAINTBALL CLUB OF COLOMBIA" represented the MLA"MILSIMLATIN".Here you will find all National League teams Colombiana,ourrulesand information of interest concerning the championshipsandnationalmeetings.
Paintball tournaments 2.0
Alejandro Gurovich
Follow the results of the ongoing paintball tournaments
Paintball Sverige AB
Official app for theSwedishPaintballChampionships.Official appfortheEnglish Paintball Championships.
PBTimer 1.1.2
Instead of finding someone tostartthepaintball game and straining your voice so that everyonecanhearthe start of the game, use PBTimer and a speaker to callthestart.Need a time limit? Just set the time limit andPBTimerwillautomatically stop the game after enough time haspassed.Just set it and forget it.Spend more time playing and less time starting the game.
Headshot paintball77
terrain de paintball a Charmentray 77410paintballhasCharmentray77410
APPA 1.0.2
Get score updates for yourfavoritepaintballteams in real time! Receive push notificationsanytime ascore isentered, verified, or changed, as well as noticeswhen yourteamsadvance into playoffs.
Paintball Arena App
Mega Arena
Using this app you can check the free play fields and reserve.
Paintball Piacenza 0.1
Piacenza Paintball
Applicazione ufficiale dellasocietàsportivaPaintball Piacenza A.S.D.Con tutte le informazioni per provare questo fantasticosport:Perconoscere la storia di come è nato, del successo che staavendointutto il mondo..Per rimanere sempre in contatto e informati sulladisponibilitàdeicampi del Piacenza Paintball, su come vestirsi ecosa portarepervenire al campo..Official applicationoftheclub Paintball Piacenza A.S.D.With all the information to try this fantastic sport: Toknowthehistory of how it was born, the success it is havingaroundtheworld ..To stay in touch and informed about the availability ofthePiacenzaPaintball fields, how to dress and what to bring tocometo the camp..
Rangers Paintball 1.2
Xarevision, SA
Rangers Varzim club - Paintball Club of Povoa de Varzim.
Paintball Tournament Argentine 1.8.7
On this app you will able tofollowtheinformation about the Argentine Tournament ofPaintball(fixture,layout, address, teams, scores andpictures).
Paintball NRW 5.502
Jetzt gibt es Paintball Borken alsoffizielleApp für's Smartphone! Alle Neuigkeiten, Fotos,Veranstaltungen undTermine landen so direkt in der Hosentasche.Wann immer es etwasNeues gibt, klingelt's auf dem Smartphone. Undweil ein Smartphoneeben auch ein Telefon ist, lässt sich perKnopfdruck gleich eineVerbindung herstellen. Die Paintball NRW-Appsorgt immer für dendirekten Draht.Now there is anofficialapp for Paintball Borken's smartphone! All news, photos,events anddates as land directly in your pocket. Whenever there issomethingnew on your phone's ringing. And because a smartphone issimply aphone, a button can be equal to make a connection. ThepaintballNRW app always provides a direct line.
Paintball El Rompido 1
Paintball El Rompido Diversión.....¡Bienvenidos!El deporte, la diversión y la seguridad son paranosotrospuntosfundaméntales para ofrecer a nuestros clientes unadíainolvidable.Paintball El Rompido ofrece la posibilidad deexperimentarestenuevo deporte, donde cada persona pueda poner apruebasushabilidades y su espíritu de equipo, cada día del año enunentornoprivilegiado.Un campo de combate de más de 10.000 m2,trincheras,obstáculos,escondites para franco-tiradores, todo aunprecioincomparable:¡23 euros!¡Equipo completo y un total de 300 bolas de competición!El Club Deportivo Paintball El Rompido se encuentraenlasinstalaciones del Hotel San Miguel , en lacarreteraElRompido-Cartaya Km. 6, y cuenta con ducha conaguacaliente,servicios, parking y bar.A un paso de Huelva, al lado de Aljaraque, Corrales,laDehesa,Punta Umbria, El Portil, Cartaya, Ayamonte, IslaAntilla,IslaCristina, Tharsis, Tariquejo, Villanueva delosCastillejo,Gibraleón, y a dos pasos de Sevilla.Despedidas de solteros/as, cumpleaños y empresasencontraranennuestras instalaciones todo lo necesario paradisfrutar denuevassensaciones.Siempre nos alegramos de recibir nuevos miembrosinteresadosenparticipar en los acontecimientos del Club,organizandonuevosencuentros, nuevas modalidades de juego, ynuevasestrategias.Condiciones particulares para:Cumpleaños, despedida de solter@s, incentivodeempresa,instituciones publicas ( Policía, GuardiaCivil,Ayuntamiento)Paintball ElRompidoFun.....Welcome!Sport, fun and safety are key points for us to offer ourcustomersanunforgettable day.Paintball El Rompido offers the chance to experiencethisnewsport, where everyone can test their skills and teamspirit,everyday of the year in a privileged environment.A battlefield of over 10,000 m2, trenches, obstacles,hidingplacesfor snipers, all at a price:23 euros!Complete equipment and a total of 300 balls competition!The Paintball Club Deportivo El Rompido is located intheHotelSan Miguel, on the road Cartaya-El Rompido Km 6, and hasashowerwith hot water, toilet, parking and bar.One step from Huelva, next to Aljaraque, Corrales,Dehesa,PuntaUmbria, Islantilla, Cartaya, Ayamonte, Isla Antilla,IslaCristina,Tharsis, Tariquejo, Villanueva of Castillejo,Gibraleón,and twosteps of Seville.Bachelor / as, birthdays and company find inourfacilitieseverything you need to enjoy new sensations.We are always happy to receive new membersinterestedinparticipating in Club events, organizing new meetings,newgamemodes, and new strategies.Special conditions for:Birthday, bachelor party @ s, incentivecompanies,publicinstitutions (Police, Civil Guard, Town Hall)
Conflict Paintball 3.0.10
Appi Group Limited
The infected are advancing towardyourposition, water on both sides and no time to retreat. Youronlyoption is to fight your way out without becoming one of therabidhordes. Infected, storm the fort and THE PURGE are some ofthefully immersive, all action games you can expect to play whenyousign up to play at Northampton’s premiere paintball venue.Set in the heart of Grendon lakes, Northampton’s best keptsecret,conflict paintball is centrally located to offer the fullpaintballexperience to Northampton, Wellingborough, Rushden, MiltonKeynes,Bedford and beyond. If its stag or hen do, birthday party,works door you just want to play paintball, we cater for anyone 9years orolder, whatever squad size you want to book in from aplatoon tothe odd couple we’ll look after you from the momentyouenquire.We don’t offer you another day’s paintball, we give a fulldaysexperience where you can live and breathe the battles withstate ofthe art equipment, unique missions,exciting maps,allorganised byfully trained and experienced staff who adhere to thehighestlevels of safety. In between the melee’s you can relax intheundercover seating areas. So if you’re looking for auniquepaintball skirmish why go anywhere else.