Top 16 Apps Similar to تسبيح

TopOfStack Software Ltd.
Keep each of your zikr counts. Default tasbih and customizedtasbih.
tsbeeh 3.1.0
a very light App helps the user to :- count his " Tasbeh "- Remember the number after closing the application- Day & Night Modes for protecting your Eyes- Supports Arabic ( Indian ) Digits- save the number after accidentally deleting it- supports Vibration______________وَإِن تَعُدُّواْ نِعْمَةَ اللّهِ لاَ تُحْصُوهَا إِنَّاللّهَلَغَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ (النحل 18)And if you should count the favors and Miracles Of Allah , youcouldnot enumerate them. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.( 18)Surat An-Naĥl (The Bee)* you can count Allah 99 names easily with the app* What is Sebha ?!The daily prayer ritual is the most conspicuousoutwardmanifestation of the spiritual life of Moslems . Tasbih isan ordercontained in the Holly Koran ( Quran ) .It is in the literature of the mystics and in thepopularprayer-manuals called Azkar & Award that we learn whatis“praying without ceasing.” To reach that ecstasy is the goal ofthemystic; to multiply and facilitate the meditations that lead toit,we use a rosary “The Sebha”.The proper name for the rosary in Islam is Sebha. It is derivedfromsabbaha, (to give praise); that is, to declare God free fromeveryimperfection or impurity or from anything derogatory of Hisglory.The word was first used for the performance ofsupererogatory prayerand then, in post-classical literature,applied to the rosary usedfor this purpose.The simplest and perhaps earliest form of the rosary in Islam wasastring having ninety-nine shells or beads with a marker aftereachthirty-three, with which, by counting them, one performs theacttermed al-tasb ih, i.e. the repetition of the praises of God.Thisgenerally consists in saying subhan Allah thirty-threetimes,al-hamdu-lillahi thirty-three times, and Allahu-akbarthirty-threetimes.Nowadays the Sebha” is used by all classes of Muslims and inalllands. There is evidence, however, that its use was aninnovationintroduced centuries after Mohammed (sala Allah allayh wasalam),by Sufi circles and among the lower classes. Oppositionagainst theuse of the rosary made itself heard as late as thefifteenthcentury A . D . The rosary was taken as one of the strangenewpractices (Bidaa) in Islam which should not be countenanced.Aspecial box is made where it is kept; a salary is fixed forsomeone to guard and keep it, and for those who use it for dhikr. .. .A special Sheikh is appointed for it, with the title ofSheikhal-Subha. To them it was bid‘a, that is, an innovationwithoutfoundation in the old Islamic sunnaA rosary is not only a religious object with a history but,itis, an ancient craft struggling to survive.Description provided with the help of Sebha History Blog
Gerçek Zikirmatik
Gerçek Zikirmatik
Şık tasarımlı ve basit bu özelZikiruygulamasını telefonunuza yükleyin ve istediğinizzamankullanın.Rahatlıkla tesbih çekip salavat getirebileceğiniz harikabirprogram. Özel gece moduyla LED Işıklı Gerçek Zikirmatikuygulaması!Tesbihatınızı yarım bırakıp sonra yeniden çekmeyebaşlayıncakaldığı yerden devam etmektedir. Reset düğmesinebasıncasıfırlanmaktadır.16 farklı tasarıma sahip Zikirmatik uygulamasında, yuvarlakrenkbutonuna basarak Zikirmatiğinizin renginideğiştirebilirsiniz.Ayrıca uygulamaya her girişinizde kendi farklıbir renk ilekarşınıza gelmekte.The stylish designandsimple to install this app on your phone and use specialchantwhenever you want.A great program where you can easily get pulled Salavat praise.Witha special night mode LED Light Real Zikirmatik app! Then leavehalfyour Tesbihat continues to pull back from where it had began.Resetbutton are reset to the pressure.16 different designs with Zikirmatik application by pressingthecolor button to change the color of your Zikirmatiği round.Inaddition, the application each time you come before you withtheirdifferent color.
Sebha Counter | Praise The God
Aimawy Geeks
a very light App helps the user to :- count his " Tasbeh "- Remember the number after closing the application- Day & Night Modes for protecting your Eyes- Supports Arabic ( Indian ) Digits- save the number after accidentally deleting it- supports Vibration______________وَإِن تَعُدُّواْ نِعْمَةَ اللّهِ لاَ تُحْصُوهَا إِنَّاللّهَلَغَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ (النحل 18)And if you should count the favors and Miracles Of Allah , youcouldnot enumerate them. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.( 18)Surat An-Naĥl (The Bee)* you can count Allah 99 names easily with the app* What is Sebha ?!The daily prayer ritual is the most conspicuousoutwardmanifestation of the spiritual life of Moslems . Tasbih isan ordercontained in the Holly Koran ( Quran ) .It is in the literature of the mystics and in thepopularprayer-manuals called Azkar & Award that we learn whatis“praying without ceasing.” To reach that ecstasy is the goal ofthemystic; to multiply and facilitate the meditations that lead toit,we use a rosary “The Sebha”.The proper name for the rosary in Islam is Sebha. It is derivedfromsabbaha, (to give praise); that is, to declare God free fromeveryimperfection or impurity or from anything derogatory of Hisglory.The word was first used for the performance ofsupererogatory prayerand then, in post-classical literature,applied to the rosary usedfor this purpose.The simplest and perhaps earliest form of the rosary in Islam wasastring having ninety-nine shells or beads with a marker aftereachthirty-three, with which, by counting them, one performs theacttermed al-tasb ih, i.e. the repetition of the praises of God.Thisgenerally consists in saying subhan Allah thirty-threetimes,al-hamdu-lillahi thirty-three times, and Allahu-akbarthirty-threetimes.Nowadays the Sebha” is used by all classes of Muslims and inalllands. There is evidence, however, that its use was aninnovationintroduced centuries after Mohammed (sala Allah allayh wasalam),by Sufi circles and among the lower classes. Oppositionagainst theuse of the rosary made itself heard as late as thefifteenthcentury A . D . The rosary was taken as one of the strangenewpractices (Bidaa) in Islam which should not be countenanced.Aspecial box is made where it is kept; a salary is fixed forsomeone to guard and keep it, and for those who use it for dhikr. .. .A special Sheikh is appointed for it, with the title ofSheikhal-Subha. To them it was bid‘a, that is, an innovationwithoutfoundation in the old Islamic sunnaA rosary is not only a religious object with a history but, itis,an ancient craft struggling to survive.Description provided with the help of Sebha History Blog
Islamic Tasbeeh 1.1
Virtual Tasbeeh apllication, you dont need a real tasbeehanymoreonpray or anytime you wil carry your tasbeeh with you. Youcansett hetasbeeh words, sub-alert count and whole tour count asyouwish.(Example:sub-alert=33,WholeTour:99Tasbeehs:"Subhanallah,Elhamdulillah,AllahuEkber") as inpray. Alsothere is vibration setting to warn you insub-alerts orwhole can reset count number in menu You canalso writeyour opinionsabout app from contact menu.
عداد التسبيح - Tasbeeh Counter 1.1
Islamic Shop
This Tasbeeh app lets you count the Zikr and Azkar you do toimproveyour spiritual connection with God. This app make the Zikrand Azkarreally easy. With vibrate option you can concentrate moreon yourPrayers, Zikr, and Azkars without always looking at screen.A veryeasy to use Digital Tasbeeh/Digital Tasbih Counter / DhikrCounter /Zikr Counter. - Increment a count with tap on big screen.- Resetcount to zero. - Set count value back if resetAccidentally. - AutoResume last count. - Many More.. If you needany support pleasedon't hesitate to contact us
تسبيح و أذكار 1.1
برنامج تسبيح إلكتروني (( لا يحتوي علىإعلانات))يساعدك على- التسبيح- وقراءة الأذكار بعد كل فريضة- قراءة أذكار الصباح- قراءة أذكار المساء- قراءة أذكار النومقراءة أذكار الاستيقاظ من النومThe praise-mailprogram((contains no ads))Helps you- Praise- And read Adhkaar after every obligatory- Read reciting the morning- Reading Evening Remembrance- Reading Remembrance sleepRead Remembrance waking from sleep
عداد الاستغفار - Click Me 1.9.0
عداد الاستغفار و التسبيح للاندرويدهذه النسخة الجديدة من التطبيق. يمكنك من خلال هذا التطبيقإنشاءتسبيحة جديدة والبدء بإحصائها.على سبيل المثال: إحصاء اعمال ليلة القدر, اعمال شهر رمضانالكريم.يمكن استخدام هذه المسبحة الإلكترونية إيضا في احصاء مخلفالاشياءمن قبل اي شخص.Asking for forgivenessandpraise for android counterThis new version of the application. Through this you cancreatea new application and start Bahsaiha praise.For example: Statistics of work much of the night, businessholymonth of Ramadan.These can be used in electronic rosary also Mekhlef countthingsbefore anyone.
Tasbeeh Counter: zikr, tasbih, 4.9.1
Islamic Tasbeeh Counter and Zikirmatik app offers you interfaceofdoing tasbih
Tasbeeh 1.0
Tasbeeh is the evocation of Godwithpraise.Storing the number of praise and supplication.Choose among a list of praise.It allows the choice of language, background color, the numberofrepetitions.Need to wear the rosary around the application will do.
Real Tasbeeh Counter
Gerçek Zikirmatik
Real Tasbeeh Counter Pro is a digital version of tasbih /tasbeehand It's free.
المسبحة التسبيح السبحة الذكية 1.0
تطبيق المسبحهأن التسبيح بإسم الخالق واجب علينا أينما كنّا وبأي وسيلةٍ ممكنةقمنابتطوير التطبيق وعرضه مجاناً لتعم الفائدة وتستفيدوامناستعمالها.التطبيق يحثك دائما على الاستغفار فإن التسبيح بإسم اللّه عز وجلمهملكل المسلمين فبذكر اللّه تطمئن القلوب وفيه شكر اللّه والدعاءلهوتنزيهه عن أي سوء.التطبيق يساعدك على حفظ عدد تسبيحاتك (عداد التسبيح) و إضافة تسبيحاتوتسمح للمستخدم بتحديد عدد التسبيحات و إنشاء مسبحة ويذكركالبرنامجبالتسبيح من خلال ضبط المنبه والعديد من المزايا. التطبيقسهلالاستخدام وغير معقدمزايا التطبيق- يمكنك إضافة عدد لا نهائي من المسبحات أو السبحات والتسبيحات.- يمكنك تحديد عدد التسبيحات.- منبه لتذكيرك بالتسبيح في الأوقات التي تختارها.- تنبيه بالصوت و بالاهتزاز عند انتهاء من تسبيحة أو عندانتهاءالمسبحة.- عداد التسبيحات يحفظ عدد التكرارات للمسبحة.- يمكنك اختيار إحدى التسبيحات التالية-الحمدللّه-سبحان اللّه-اللّه أكبر-لا إله إلا اللّه-سبحان اللّه و بحمده سبحان اللّه العظيم-استغفر اللّه العظيم-لا حول ولا قوة إلا باللّه- اللهم صلي على سيدنا محمد.The application oftheRosaryTo praise the name of the Creator is the duty of us, wherever wearein whatever way possible we have developed and submittedtheapplication for free for the benefit and you benefit fromitsuse.Application induce you always on the praise for forgiveness inthename of God Almighty important for all Muslims Fbzkr God doheartsand it thanked God and pray for him and keeping it aboveanyill.The application helps you to save a number Zbehatk (praisecounter)and adding chanting and allows the user to specify thenumber ofpraises and create a rosary program and reminds you ofpraisethrough set the alarm clock has many advantages. Easy to useanduncomplicated applicationApplication advantages- You can add an infinite number of rosaries or BEADSandpraises.- You can specify the number of praises.- Alarm to remind you of praise at times you choose.- Vibrating alert sound and at the end of his praise, or at theendof the rosary.- Praises counter preserves the number of iterations oftherosary.- You can choose one of the following praises-Thank God-Glory Of God-Allahu Akbar-there Is no god but Allah-Hallelujah And praise, Hallelujah great-i Ask for forgiveness from the mighty Allah-There Is no power but from God- The blessings of God to the Prophet Muhammad.
Tasbeeh 1.1.8
Free Tasbeeh for every muslim in the world
Kaffaratul Majlis and Athkar 3.0
Walid Khedr - WIK4Apps
This app reminds you of "Kaffaratul Majlis Thekr" after eachphonecall.
Tasbih Counter 1.0
Isyrah Fahmi
Tasbih Counter is a simple application for android device.Thisapplication helps user to count tasbih.There will be a short vibration on every count and long vibrationonevery 33rd and 100th counts.Instructions:Tap anywhere on the screen to start counting.Press reset or back button to reset counter.Developed by:Isyrah Fahmi Osman ( Darussalam