Top 50 Apps Similar to Curable Pain Relief
Manage My Pain Lite
Track, analyze, and share your pain.Manage My Pain helps you and others better understand what youaregoing through. It has helped thousands of people withconditionslike fibromyalgia, migraines, arthritis, or back painbetterunderstand their symptoms and provide evidence of their painfortheir doctors, insurance companies, or government agencies.ManageMy Pain creates reports designed by doctors for doctors -ones thatyour doctor will actually read!• Track your pain using a simple, quick, yet powerfullycustomizableentry screen• Get insight to your condition through statistics, charts,graphs,and calendar views• Sync with the cloud to safe-keep your records and keep allyourdevices up to date• Share what you're going through by creating evidence-basedreportsfor diagnosis, treatment, and claims• Personalize your account by recording your medical andpersonalcharacteristics• Get support from a responsive team and detailed user guidesCreate and view your records anywhere, anytime, and from anyAndroiddevice, while knowing that your information will beprotected &secure.The Pro version adds:• the ability to view more than 10 records• background sync capabilitiesTo migrate from Lite to Pro (using online account):• Create an online account and synchronize your information• Install the Pro version and login to your accountTo migrate from Lite to Pro (without an online account):• Press the Backup/Restore button in the Lite version• Select Backup from the pop-up• Launch the Pro version, and press Backup/Restore• Select Restore from the pop-up• Select the latest backup file from the list that appears• Validate that all records exist in Pro and uninstall LiteDeveloped for patients suffering from and care-givers ormedicalprofessionals treating:• arthritis & rheumatism• cancer• chronic pain• headaches & migraines• fibromyalgiaQuestions? Bugs? Feature Requests? We want to hear from youtoensure a 5-star experience!• Website:• Twitter:!/lifecontrolsw• Facebook:• Google+: this pain management app to replace your hand-written:• pain diary• pain journal• pain log• pain tracker
SuperBetter 1.1.5
Live Gamefully. Be Stronger. Proven resultsinjust 10 minutes a day.SuperBetter increases resilience - the ability to staystrong,motivated and optimistic even in the face of difficultobstacles.Playing SuperBetter makes you more capable of gettingthrough anytough situation—and more likely to achieve the goalsthat mattermost to you.SuperBetter was created by Jane McGonigal, a world-renowneddesignerof games to improve real lives & solve realproblems.►► Why play SuperBetter?SuperBetter has helped nearly half a million people so farachievepersonal growth and tackle real-life challenges. Here arereasonspeople around the world are using SuperBetter:- To adopt a new habit, develop a talent, learn or improve askill,strengthen a relationship, make a physical orathleticbreakthrough, complete a meaningful project, or pursue alifelongdream.- To beat depression, overcome anxiety, cope with chronic illnessorchronic pain, heal from physical injury, or recoverfrompost-traumatic stress.- To overcome a life challenge like finding a new job,survivingdivorce, dealing with a career or school setback, orgrieving theloss of a loved one.- To help others: therapists recommend SuperBetter totheirpatients; university professors incorporate SuperBetter intotheirstudent’s coursework; and HR professionals design SuperBetterintotheir employee wellness incentive programs.►► SuperBetter is Living Gamefully“At the heart of SUPERBETTER is a simple andpotentiallytransformative idea: We can use the same psychologicalstrengths wedisplay when we play games to confront real-lifechallenges,whether it’s illness, injury, or just changing ourhabits for thebetter.”– Daniel H. Pink, bestselling author of Drive and A WholeNewMindLiving gamefully means bringing the same psychological strengthsyounaturally display when you play games – such asoptimism,creativity, courage, and determination – to your reallife. Itmeans having the courage and openness to try outdifferentstrategies to discover what works best. It meanscollaborating withallies, and building up the resilience to tackletougher andtougher challenges with greater and greatersuccess.►► The Science Behind SuperBetterPowered by the science of games, positive psychology andbehaviorchange.SuperBetter is validated in two clinical studies:• A randomized controlled study conducted by the UniversityofPennsylvania found that playing SuperBetter for 30dayssignificantly reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety,andincreases optimism, social support, and player’s belief intheirown ability to succeed and achieve their goals. They alsofoundthat SuperBetter users were significantly happier andmoresatisfied with their lives.• A clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Healthandconducted at Ohio State University Wexner Medical CenterandCincinnati Children’s Hospital found that usingSuperBetterimproves mood, decreases anxiety and suffering, andstrengthensfamily relationships during rehabilitation andrecovery.►► Features• The SuperBetter app is an everyday coach for gameful living• Identify your Epic Win and create your Secret Identity• Recruit Allies to support your journey• Choose pre-loaded experiences (PowerPacks) or design yourownadventures• Complete Quests, activate PowerUps and battle Bad Guyseachday• Track your resilience scores – mental, emotional, social&physicalLive Gamefully. Be Stronger. Get SuperBetter.
Manage My Pain Pro
Track, analyze, and share your pain.Manage My Pain helps you and others better understand what youaregoing through. It has helped thousands of people withconditionslike fibromyalgia, migraines, arthritis, or back painbetterunderstand their symptoms and provide evidence of their painfortheir doctors, insurance companies, or government agencies.ManageMy Pain creates reports designed by doctors for doctors -ones thatyour doctor will actually read!• Track your pain using a simple, quick, yet powerfullycustomizableentry screen• Get insight to your condition through statistics, charts,graphs,and calendar views• Sync with the cloud to safe-keep your records and keep allyourdevices up to date• Share what you're going through by creating evidence-basedreportsfor diagnosis, treatment, and claims• Personalize your account by recording your medical andpersonalcharacteristics• Get support from a responsive team and detailed user guidesCreate and view your records anywhere, anytime, and from anyAndroiddevice, while knowing that your information will beprotected &secure.The Pro version adds:• the ability to view more than 10 records• background sync capabilitiesTo migrate from Lite to Pro (using online account):• Create an online account and synchronize your information• Install the Pro version and login to your accountTo migrate from Lite to Pro (without an online account):• Press the Backup/Restore button in the Lite version• Select Backup from the pop-up• Launch the Pro version, and press Backup/Restore• Select Restore from the pop-up• Select the latest backup file from the list that appears• Validate that all records exist in Pro and uninstall LiteDeveloped for patients suffering from and care-givers ormedicalprofessionals treating:• arthritis & rheumatism• cancer• chronic pain• headaches & migraines• fibromyalgiaQuestions? Bugs? Feature Requests? We want to hear from youtoensure a 5-star experience!• Website:• Twitter:!/lifecontrolsw• Facebook:• Google+: this pain management app to replace your hand-written:• pain diary• pain journal• pain log• pain tracker
myPlan 3.0.8
Does your partner do things that make you feel scared orunsafe?Doyou have a friend or family member whose relationshipworriesyou?You are not alone. Relationship abuse is common. Itnotonlyaffects someone’s health and wellbeing but can also puttheminserious danger. myPlan can help you see more clearly tomakesafetydecisions by helping you assess the health and safety ofyour(or aloved one’s) relationship, get personalized informationforyourunique situation, and connect to resources. - Choose asecurePIN -Answer questions about you and your relationship somyPlancanprovide you with personalized information - TaketheDangerAssessment to learn about your level of risk from apartner -Rankyour priorities to help determine what’s mostimportant to you-Explore safety strategies and local resourcescustomized to you-Bookmark what’s useful for later to create asafety planthat’sright for you myPlan is backed by research withthousands ofpeopleexperiencing abuse from a partner. Safetyfeatures: - Noaccountset up required, myPlan use is completelyanonymous - Setyour ownsecure PIN code to keep your informationprivate - “Dummycode”option will hide the contents of the app incase you areforced toenter a PIN by someone - Quick lock button onevery pageSafetyNotes: - If someone monitors your device activity,having anappabout relationship abuse could put you at risk. Ifconcernedaboutsomeone discovering the app, delete it when you aredone withit,but know that on devices it’s not possible to deletetheappcompletely from your purchase history. - myPlan is notintendedforuse if you are in crisis, if in immediate danger call911.-Talking to trained advocates or counselors is themosthelpfulthing people can do to stay safe, but we know thevastmajority ofpeople experiencing abuse never access theseservices.myPlanexpands access to safety information by providing away toget toindividualized safety information—with the ease ofaccessandprivacy of a device. However, myPlan is not intendedtoreplacelive trained service providers.