Top 27 Apps Similar to Taximetro Chile

Taximetro Gps 1.3
Calcula el valor de tu Taxi con estesimuladorde Taxímetro.Puedes cambiar el valor de bajada de bandera y elvalorvariable.Recuerda que se necesita la conexión GPS activa parapoderrecoger datos precisos.Find the value ofyourTaxi Taximeter with this simulator.You can change the value of flag fall and the valuevariable.Remember that it takes the active connection to collectaccuratedata.
Taximeter Chile 2.6.1
More Apps CL
Taximeter Chile, is an app focused ontheChilean public transportation.Allows parameterization of the minimum fare charges andvariables(200 meters and 60 seconds waiting).It tracks your route to prevent abusive and dishonest chargesduringyour travels by taxi, ideal to take a taxi outside areaswhere youare accustomed to travel, as well as for foreigners whovisitChile... and why not, as a method of payment for when youmake afreigth ;)The system is quite accurate because it uses your GPS positiontomonitor your trip, but is not exact, so the total shownbyTaximeter Chile may differ a bit with the total indicated bythetaxi.Remember demand your ticket!Please add rating with suggestions or errors to the appdevelopment,and If you find an error in translation, please sendme a bettertranslation, and I will change it.All opinions are welcome.
Taximetro San Luis 1.1
Julian Martinez Apps
Taximetro San Luis es una aplicaciónquetepermite verificar que el cobro de tu tarifa de taxi seaelcorrectoen el área metropolitana de San Luis Potosí y SoledaddeGracianoSanchez. Detecta automaticamente la hora que es y conellocalculala tarifa en base al tiempo y la distancia.Taximetro además incluye una agenda de los principalesserviciosdetaxi de la ciudad, puedes marcar directamente desde ellaasícomover la información de la dirección del sitio.Así mismo exporta tus viajes en un archivo GPX el cualpuedesleercon Google Earth en PC o Mac (o cualquier otro programaqueleaGPX) y podrás visualizar cual ha sido tu recorrido.Taximeter San Luisisanapplication that allows you to verify that the collectionofyourtaxi fare is correct in the metropolitan area of ​​SanLuisPotosíand Soledad de Graciano Sanchez. Automatically detectswhenit isand thus calculates the fare based on time anddistance.Taximeter agenda also includes a major taxi services in thecity,youcan dial directly from it and view the information inthesiteaddress.Also export your trips in a GPX file which can be readwithGoogleEarth on PC or Mac (or any other program that reads GPX)andcanvisualize what has been your journey.
Taxímetro GPS 2.94
SeeIt Apps
GPS Taxi Meter helps you estimate the cost of your taxi serviceinBogotá
Calculadora de Tarifas 2.57
SeeIt Apps
Calculate the real value of your taxi service in the city of Bogotá
Blumeter - Taximeter 2.6.101
Taximeter for private drivers
Meter for Uber and Lyft
Meter App LLC
Similar to a taxi meter, Meter for UberandLyft allows you to track how much you are paying as you ride inaride sharing service such as Uber and Lyft as well as displayahistory of all your rides.Allows you to set custom fares.Like on Facebook: on Twitter:
Valor Taximetro 2021 1.0.21
Value of the trip according to the taxi meter in Bogotá. UpdatedtoSeptember 2021.
Taximeter for all 3.14.0
Universal taximeter. We tried to take into account all thepossibletariffs.
Taximeter Pro 3.0
Calculates fares based on a combination of distance travelledandwaiting time. Tariffs: Multiple fares with a pre-programmingoption,a customized tariffs structure can be programmed into asettingmodule, Up to 26 programmable tariffs Each tariff can beprogrammedwith 1. Flag Fall ($) 2. Distance charge ($/meter) 3.Detentioncharge ($/second) 4. Speed threshold (km/h) If speed >Speedthreshold → Distance charge If speed ≤ Speed threshold →Detentioncharge 5. Minimum charge ($) And that tariff canswitchautomatically by:  time of day  day of week  Holidayscheduling(up to 50 days ) Extras: Up to 10 programmable extraswith briefdescription Added to fare by pressing the “Extras” buttonCalculatea fare estimate.
Taximetro Pro 2.1.2
Irineu Licks filho
Calcule o valor próximo de sua corrida antesdepegar o táxi, e ainda poderá saber a distância e o tempoaproximadode corrida.Taximetro Pro é um aplicativo configurável, por isto podeserutilizado para qualquer cidade.Se sua cidade não está na lista de cidades, você pode inserirapenasinformando os valores necessários para cálculo. Se astarifasmudarem, você mesmo poderá modificá-las no aplicativo.Não sabe onde está? Utilize a funcionalidade de buscarsuaposição e calcule a corrida sem ter que digitar o endereço.Trace a rota e veja qual melhor caminho para guiar otaxista!
TaximetroLite 5.0
TaximetroLite is an app that will helpyoutoturn your smartphone into a taximeter, so helpingtoidentifywhether the driver is charging you right or not,theapplicationwill give you full pay very approximate the real, ifthedriverlike a figure very different then you have itemstodistrust.
Taxi Fare GPS 5.2.4
MoviliXa SAS
Calculate the taxi fare using the device's GPS.
Taxiando 2.5
La Creativería
La nueva aplicación que calculará elpreciojusto de todos tus viajes en taxi, indicándote además ladistanciay la velocidad de tu recorrido.Taxiando es una herramienta (Taximetro) que te permite saberelprecio justo de tu viaje en taxi. De esta manera podés controlarlatarifa de una manera más confiable.Esta aplicación calculará de manera fácil y confiable, pormediode varios parámetros, el precio aproximado de tus viajesentaxi.Por medio del sistema GPS, podés saber datos precisos sobretutrayecto.Además, el tiempo transcurrido desde que inició tu viaje.La aplicación también te va a señalar la distancia quehasrecorrido, todo esto consumiendo solo un mínimo de batería.Nota: la exactitud del monto calculado puede verse afectadoporla señal del GPS que disponga el dispositivo utilizadoThe new applicationwillcalculate the right price for all your travel by taxi,besidestelling you the distance and speed of your ride.Taxiando is a (meter) tool that allows you to know therightprice for your taxi. This way you can control the rate of amorereliable way.This application will calculate easily and reliablythroughvarious parameters, the approximate price of your travelbytaxi.Through the GPS system, you can find precise informationaboutyour journey.Moreover, the time elapsed since you started your trip.The application also is going to mark the distanceyou'vetraveled, all consuming only minimal battery.Note: The accuracy of the calculated amount may be affectedbythe GPS signal available to the device used
Taxi Meter 5.0
Taxi Meter is your personal taxi/cabcompanionthat tracks the route taken by your taxi over a map inreal time.It also helps you calculate distance traveled and thetotal fareaccordingly.
GPS Taximeter Free 1.1
Sulayco LLC
GPS Taximeter is a real andaccurateTaximeter,not like many of the other Apps that arebeingpublished,Its not a game or quiz-app !---Taxi meter help the drivers to check their taximerter -itcalculatesthe Fare automatically.GPS helps the taxi meter to calculate the traveled distancefromtheStart to the Destination.Multiple tariffs are offered, forexamplenightariff,daytariff,Extra charge option, for example per person, per luggage,airportfeeetc.Usable for any regions.settings is an easy set up process. check screenshotintended for lawful usage onlyFree for Use for 30 Days.Pro version is for unlimited usageSulayco LLC wil not be liable in any case
GPS Taximeter Pro 1.1
Sulayco LLC
GPS Taximeter is a real and accurateTaximeter,not like many of the other Apps, that are beingpublished,Its not a game or quiz-app !Taxi meter help the drivers to check their taximeter -itcalculates the Fare automatically.GPS helps the taxi meter to calculate the traveled distance fromtheStart to the Destination.Usable for any regions.Multiple tariffs are offered, for example nightariff,daytariff,etc.Extra charge option, for example per person, per luggage,airportfee etc.Settings is an easy process. check screenshot.intended for lawful usage onlyPro version is for unlimited usageSulayco LLC wil not be liable in any case
GPS- Taximeter- SM 2.1
GPS-Taximeter-SM is a developmentofthewell-proven software GPS TAXIMETER.GPS-TAXIMETER-SM allows you to work both individually(standalone) mode , or in group ( corporate ) mode.Work offline provides:- Calculation of the cost of taxi rides ;- Calculation of the cost of idle taxis ;- Making the cost of a taxi ( a constant rate) ;- Limit speed switch to idle ;- Slight change in tariffs ( to select the current rate need togotoTarifa. To change the current rate - long press on thedesiredrate);- Display the final result of the trip;- Check printing via bluetooth printer ;Jobs in corporate mode providesWEB-PortalServerGPS-Taximeter-SS: implement the corporate regime should:• Each Android - smartphone with GPS-TAXIMETER-SM programmustbeconnected to the mobile Internet (GPRS, 3G).• For registration and reporting office computer mustbeequippedwith WEB- browser and an Internet connection .Key features:1. Functions in the Enterprise mode :  • Join a group of mobile terminals  • Collect information on the receipts issued ,  • Calculation and receive individual andgroupreports,indication of the place of issue on GIS- map.2 . Installation and modification of tariffs :  • Permanent ( boarding )  • Time (wait , simple)  • Automatic switching rate , depending on thesetminimumspeed.3 . Calculating the cost of the trip.4 . Display the smartphone final receipt for thecalculation.5 . Print a receipt for a portable Bluetooth printer (ESC/POScompatible system commands) .
Taximeter 3.1.8
HyXen Technology
Any questions about the taxi fare? Let Taximeter help you forfarecalculation.
TAXImet - Taximeter
GPS taximeter, free, easy, essential tool for your taxi
Yandex Pro (Taximeter) 12.23
Intertech Services AG
Unlike driver job in taxi. Become a Yandex Pro partner—getorders,start driving
Easy Tappsi, a Cabify app 8.109.2
Tappsi Dev
Choose a safe taxi with Easy Tappsi, a Cabify app
Partner with Taxinet to access more customers and rides!
Fastmóvil TAXI (Fastline) 5.0.0
Disponible para: Quito y GuayaquilFastmóvil es la herramienta de solicitud de TAXI EJECUTIVO partedela compañía FASTLINE, le permitirá solicitar e taxi conlossiguientes beneficios:- Servicios basados en ubicación GPS- Administrar favoritos- Seguimiento de la unidad hasta el momento de abordarla- Información detallada del conductor como nombre,teléfono,fotografía- Información del vehículoAvailable to QuitoandGuayaquilFastmóvil is the application tool EXECUTIVE TAXI FASTLINE partofthe company, will allow you to request and taxi with thefollowingbenefits:- GPS location-based services- Manage favorites- Monitoring of the unit until the time to address it- Driver details such as name, phone, photography- Vehicle information
Zigo 3.3.7
Con Zigo encontraras un autoejecutivorapidamente en la ciudad de Guayaquil y pronto en todo elEcuador.Desde tu teléfono inteligente y en cualquier momento viveunaexperiencia diferente.Atrévete!! Descarga nuestra aplicación, pide un vehiculoprivadoy califica el servicio recibido.Descubre todo lo que Zigo puede hacer por ti.Trabajamos solamente con compañías de taxiejecutivos,garantizando así el mejor servicio: rápido, seguro yeficiente!!Somos los únicos que cobramos la tarifa justa controladaportaximetro.Descubre paso a paso cómo Zigo trabaja para ti1. Registre sus datos la primera vez. Ingrese su númerocelularreal, podrá recibir llamadas.2. Una vez registrado, Zigo determina tu localización exacta,ysolo tienes que agregar una referencia, de donde quieres quetuvehiculo llegue, y listo envias la solicitud y esperas.3. Un conductor disponible, aplicara tu solicitud, recibiraslainformacion de este conductor( foto, la marca y modelo desuvehículo, el número de placa, el número de celular) y podras verentiempo real, como se acerca a tu localización,4.- Comparte en tiempo real tu viaje con un amigo o familiar,deesta manera podrán saber donde te encuentras durante la carreraporseguridad o simplemente para que esté atento al momento detuarribo.5. Califica el servicio que has recibido. Cuando este abordodelvehiculo, podrás calificar el servicio recibido. Estainformaciónestará disponible para los siguientes usuarios.Espera por muchas sorpresas más!With Zigo findanenforceable quickly in the city of Guayaquil and soonthroughoutEcuador. From your smartphone, anytime live a differentexperience.Dare !! Download our application requests a private vehicleandrate the service received.Discover all that Zigo can do for you.We only work with companies executive taxi, thus ensuringthebest service: fast, safe and efficient !! We are the only oneswhocharge a fair rate controlled by taximeter.Discover step by step how Zigo works for you1. Record your data the first time. Enter your actualphonenumber, you can receive calls.2. Once registered, Zigo determine your exact location, andyoujust have to add a reference from which you want yourvehiclearrives, and ready you send the request and waits.3. A driver available, apply your request, you will receivetheinformation in this conductor (photo, the make and model ofyourvehicle, license plate number, cell number) and you can see inrealtime, as you approach your location ,4. Share in real time your trip with a friend or relative,sothey will know where you are in the race for safety or justtowatch the moment of your arrival.5. Rate the service you have received. When this boardthevehicle, you can qualify the service received. This informationisavailable for the following users.Wait many more surprises!
Voy en Taxi – App Taxi Uruguay 2.1
Voy en Taxi
Taxi is going in the Uruguayan app to request free, quick andverysafe taxi.
Taximetro Panama 1.0.0
Rafael Agostini
Te presentamos "TaximetroPanama",unaaplicación 100% panameña que te permite consultarelcostoaproximado de una carrera o viaje en taxi en la CiudaddePanamá,desarrollada por Rafael Agostini (@Initsogar) con elapoyodeNeonety Panamá (@NeonetyPanama).Características:- Consultar tarifa aproximada entre dos zonas o sectores- Consideración de cargo extra en base a:>> Cantidad de pasajeros>> Si llama o no a una piquera de taxi>> Si es domingo>> Si es día feriado>> Si es horario nocturno (entre 10:00pm a 5:00am)Aclaración:* Esta aplicación tiene como propósito serutilizadacomoreferencia.* El costo de la carrera es un aproximado, basándose en lahojadetarifas oficial de la A.T.T.T., la cual es de dominiopúblicoytodos los taxistas deben tener visible.* La aplicación detecta automáticamente si es domingo, díaferiadooestá en horario nocturno.Wepresent"taximeterPanama", a 100% Panamanian lets you view theapproximatecost of ataxi ride or race in Panama City, developed byRafaelAgostini (@Initsogar) Neonety supported by Panama (@NeonetyPanama).Features:- Consult approximate rate between two areas or sectors- Consideration of fee based on:Number of Passengers >>>> If you call a runner or taxiIf it's Sunday >>If holiday >>>> If night time (from 10:00 pm to 5:00 am)Clarification:* This application is meant to be used for reference.* The cost of the race is an estimate, based on theofficialratesheet ATTT, which is public domain and all taxi driversmustbevisible.* The application automatically detects if Sunday is holidayoratnight.