Top 17 Apps Similar to frases sarcasticas

Frases Sarcasticas 1.2
Frases sarcásticas El sarcasmo es unarte.Esuno de esos pequeños pero a la vez grandes cosas en lavidaquesólo puede expresarse muy bien cuando sedominacorrectamente.Aunque el sarcasmo puede ser divertido, tambiénpuedeherir amuchas personas, en fin debes utilizarlo sabiamente.Frases sarcásticas es una manera de expresar desagradosindecirlodirectamente. Creo que no hace falta dar unalargaexplicación sobrelo que es el sarcasmo ya que todos algunavezhemos dicho algo conironía dando a entender lo contrario.Es un tipo de queja que se usa mucho para insultar,humillarydejar en ridículo a alguien. Hablar claramente es lomejor, peroenocasiones nos evitamos problemas y tomamos mejor lascosas silastratamos con un poco de humor y decimos las cosasenformasarcástica.Usa estas frases bajo tu responsabilidad despuésdeestasaclaraciones puedes descargarlo sin problemas.imagenes sarcasticas,imagenes sarcasticas de amor,imagenesconfrasessarcasticas.sarcasticphrasesSarcasmis an art. It is one of those small yet great thingsin lifethatcan only be expressed very well when masteredcorrectly.Althoughthe sarcasm can be fun, it can also hurt manypeople, soyou shoulduse it wisely.sarcastic phrases is a way of expressingdispleasurewithoutsaying so directly. I think no need to give alengthyexplanationabout what is sarcasm because all we ever saidsomethingironicallyimplying otherwise.It is a type of complaint that is widely used toinsult,humiliateand to ridicule someone. Speak clearly is thebest, butsometimes weavoid problems and better things if we treatthem witha little humorand say things sarcastically.Use these phrases at your own risk after theseclarificationsyoucan download without problems.sarcastic images, images of love sarcastic, sarcasticimageswithphrases.
Díselo Con Ironia 1.2
Díselo con ironía es una aplicacióndondeencontrarás frases irónicas para mandarle a esa persona que tehacesalirte de tus casillas, o que se merece que le digan algocondoble sentido y de forma muy sutil.Seguro que te va a gustar y disfrutarás mucho pensando en lacaraque pondrá esa persona cuando lea el mensajeDescárgala ahoraTell ironically isanapplication where you find ironic to send that person thatmakesyou get out of your boxes, and it deserves to be toldsomethingwith double meanings and subtle form sentences.Sure you will like and enjoy much thinking about that personwillface when reading the messageDownload it now
Frases Irónicas 😈 "Para Dedicar" 😜
The best ironic phrases for you to say with style. Download it Now
Frases Con Doble Sentido 1.4
Algunas frases para reírte con doblesentidolasmejores Frases sarcásticas irónicas divertidas frasescondoblesentido en imágenes echas para ti para publicarlos en tumuro oentú red social más favorita.Pruébalo y disfrútalo!Some phrases tolaughwiththe best two-way ironic sarcastic funny sayings phraseswithdoublemeanings in pictures miss for you to post on your wall oratyourmost favorite social network.Try it and enjoy!
Frases inteligentes HD 1.0
Descubre la mejor aplicación paraencontrarycompartir frases inteligentes. Desde Imadeskqueremoscompartircontigo de manera gratuita "Frases inteligentesHD", unaappdiferente en la que encontrarás un diseño único, bastadecartelesdesordenados, tú eliges la categoría de cartelesquequieres.Descubre los carteles realizados por el equipo deImadesk,100%originales, pensados y diseñados uno a uno paracadatemática.Encontrarás:-Frases y carteles inteligentes.-Carteles y frases de amistad.-Reflexiones y citas célebres.-Reflexiones y frases irónicas y sarcásticas.Todas las imágenes están en HD para que no te pierdasniundetalle, pero supercomprimidas para que puedas...-Compartirlas fácilmente en Facebook o Twitter.-Enviarlas por Whatsapp con solo pulsar un botón.-Elegirlas como fondo de pantalla.¡NUEVO en la versión 2.0!-Aplicación más ligera y optimizada. Pesa 1.0 mb.-Diseño mejorado.-No guarda las imágenes en el smartphone, las muestradesdeunservidor. ¡Ahorra espacio!-Sistema de caché: la app es más rápida cada vez quelautilizas.¡La app se adapta a tu estilo de navegación! Puedesusarlaenpantallas alargadas o estrechas, y con la pantalla enhorizontaloen vertical. Además, la calidad de los carteles permitequelaexperiencia sea excelente también en tablets ypantallasmásgrandes que las de los smartphones habituales.¡Tú eliges tu contenido! Mientras vayas navegando, podrásañadirafavoritos tus carteles preferidos para que los tengassiempreamano.Y lo mejor de todo... Es gratis. Nos preocupamospornuestrocontenido, descubrirás nuevas frases y carteles todaslassemanas,esperamos que te guste, y verte de nuevo pornuestrostore.Discoverthebestapplication to find and share smart phrases. From Imadeskwanttoshare with you for free "smart phrases HD" in adifferentappyou'll find a unique design, no more messy posters, youcanchoosethe category of posters you want.Discover the posters made by the team Imadesk,100%original,conceived and designed one by one to each subject.You'llfind:-Phrases and smart posters.-Posters and friendship quotes.-Reflections and famous quotes.-Reflections and ironic and sarcastic phrases.All images are in HD so you do not miss adetail,butsupercomprimidas so you can ...-Share them easily on Facebook or Twitter.-Send them through WhatsApp push of a button.-Choose them as wallpaper.NEW in version 2.0!Lighter and optimized-send. Weight 1.0 mb.-Improved design.-No saves images to the smartphone, the sample from aserver.Savespace!Cache-System: the app is faster every time you use it.The app adapts to your riding style! You can use it inlongornarrow screens, and the screen horizontallyorvertically.Furthermore, the quality of the postersallowsexperience to beexcellent also in tablets and larger than theusualsmartphonesscreens.You choose your content! While you go browsing, you canaddtoshortlist your favorite posters to have them always athand.And best of all ... It's free. We care about ourcontent,discovernew phrases and posters every week, we hope youenjoy andsee youagain for our store.
frases irónicas 1.2
Seguro que muchas veces le has querido deciraesa persona que te ha fastidiado algo con ironia, algo con undoblesentido, elgo que te haga sentirte satisfecho después dedecírselo.Pues en esta aplicación encontrarás numerosas frases con lasquepoder disfrutar cuando piensas en la cara que pondrá esa personaala que se la has mandado.Descárgatelo ahoraSurely many times haveyouwanted to tell that person that you screwed somethingironically,something with a double meaning, elgo that makes youfeel satisfiedafter telling.Well in this application you will find many phrases that youcanenjoy when you think you will face the person who is thehastcommanded.Download now
mensajes ironicos 1.2
Mensajes irónicosSeguro te gustaría decirle algo a esa persona, que tenga undoblesentido, y seguro te sentirias estupendamente después dehaberlohecho.En esta Aplicación encontrarás frases irónicas, depersonajespúblicos y conocidos, con doble sentido, listas paramandar porwhatsapp, facebook, twitter o cualquier red social quequierasutilizar.Descárgala ahoraIronic messagesSure you want to say something to that person, who has adoublemeaning, and secure you feel wonderfully after havingdone.In this application you will find ironic phrases, publicandfamiliar characters with double meaning, ready to send bywhatsapp,facebook, twitter or social network you want to use.Download it now
Memes and Dogs 2.0
Like apps
Good humor helps your health and todayyoucanenjoy a new day full of opportunities, start your day withjoyandlaughs with one of these super funny memes with man'sbestfriendon our side to give us much happiness and share it it isthebestof all ..A free app, very light weight and very funny, withfunnyphrasesand pleasant images that will make you laugh andlaugh.From your application can share them directlyonFacebook,twitter, whatsapp, instagram, google + and allsocialnetworks thatmore you like.Memes that we offer are suitable for all age groups,theyhaveselected the best images of funny, tender, adorable, andcuteforevery meme dogs, can share with all insurance andhaveeveryonelaughing with these nice jokes.Everyday life will be fun now with Like Apps and thesecuteandfunny dogs with very funny memes about food,school,heartbreak,love, vanity, sarcasm, plus a lot more and a lotoffun. Once the application is installed if you press on the imageyouwillget a box of options so as to share in social networksofyourchoice, you can also set it as wallpaper, profilephoto,homescreen, contact picture or screen lock, share it on yourwall,in afriend, or your favorite band.Yes !, you like this application and calling it good newscanhelpus 5 stars, leaving a comment that will be very takenintoaccountand do not forget to click +1.Once installed do not need to connect to the Internettofunctionfully.We will continue working to bring you the best of whatyoulikebest in Like Apps.
Sarcasm 1.0
Stc Services
This is an app forsarcasmLOLfacebookpage.Thanks for downloading..You can enjoy sarcasm posts without logging intofacebook.Cheers.,
Puxa Assunto - Frases e status
Ricci Mobile
Are you going to be embarrassed or are you going to PullSubject?The best phrases for status
SMS Prontas - 23.000+
Olimpo Sistemas
Mais de 23.000 frases, citações,piadas,pensamentos e reflexões modelos para sms e os maisvariadosaplicativos de relacionamento, organizadas por categoriasesubcategorias, num aplicativo de aparência plenamenteinterativa,com diversas ferramentas de personalização, incluindouma tela desugestão para novos modelos enviados pela comunidadedeusuários.Over 23,000phrases,quotes, jokes, thoughts and reflections models for sms andthe mostvaried relationship applications, organized by categoriesandsubcategories in a fully interactive application appearance,withseveral customization tools, including a suggestion screen fornewmodels sent by the user community.
Flores com Mensagens 0.0.1
heap apps
As mais belas Mensagens, frases, textosevideoscom FLORES prontas para você poder compartilhar com todasasredessociais.Espalhe a FELICIDADE E O AMOR por aí!!!Atualizações de hora em hora.Deixe sua rede social com um brilho especial, mandeessasimagenspra quem você gosta.O Aplicativo é totalmente gratuito. Belas imagens e asfrasesmaismarcantes.Muitas vezes queremos expressar sentimentos que nãocabemempalavras, que tal expressa-las dos dois jeitos!!!Themostbeautifulmessages, phrases, texts and videos with FLORES readyforyou toshare with all social networks.Spread HAPPINESS AND LOVE out there !!!minute updates on the hour.Let your social network with a special glow, sendthesepicturesto anyone you like.The application is completely free. Beautiful images andthemoststriking phrases.Often we express feelings that do not fit into words,suchexpressthem both ways !!!
Frases de Amor 3.0.3
Kanzig Inc.
Win your love with many romantic phrases
Mensagens marcantes SMS 1.0
Extreme World
Mais de 690 frases marcantes para o seucelulargrátis, mande aquelas SMS Prontas para a pessoa especial,amigos efamilias.coloque aquele status no WhatsApp, poste no Facebook.São frases marcates prontas diferentes, não vai faltar mensagemparamarcar as melhores ocasiões.Características:* Compartilhamento rápido e fácil via SMS, WhatsApp,Telegram,Viber, Facebook e outros.* Otimizado para smartphones e tabletsMore than 690strikingphrases for your free mobile, send those SMS Ready for thespecialperson, friends and families.put that status in WhatsApp, post on Facebook.Are different ready marcates sentences will not be short messagetomark the best occasions.Features:* Share and fast via SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Facebookandothers.* Optimized for smartphones and tablets
+ Amor Por Favor 0.0.1
heap apps
As mais belas Mensagens, frases, textosevideosde AMOR prontas para você poder compartilhar com todasasredessociais.Espalhe a FELICIDADE E O AMOR por aí!!!Atualizações de hora em hora.Deixe sua rede social com um brilho especial, mandeessasimagenspra quem você gosta.O Aplicativo é totalmente gratuito. Belas imagens e asfrasesmaismarcantes.Muitas vezes queremos expressar sentimentos que nãocabemempalavras, que tal expressa-las dos dois jeitos!!!Themostbeautifulmessages, phrases, texts and videos LOVE ready for youtosharewith all social networks.Spread HAPPINESS AND LOVE out there !!!minute updates on the hour.Let your social network with a special glow, sendthesepicturesto anyone you like.The application is completely free. Beautiful images andthemoststriking phrases.Often we express feelings that do not fit into words,suchexpressthem both ways !!!
mensagens romanticas SMS 1.0
Extreme World
Mais de 510 frases romanticas para oseucelular grátis, mande aquelas SMS Prontas para a pessoa quevocêamacoloque aquele status no WhatsApp, poste no Facebook.São frases romanticas prontas diferentes, não vai faltarmensagempara expressar o seu verdadeiro amor.Características:* Compartilhamento rápido e fácil via SMS, WhatsApp,Telegram,Viber, Facebook e outros.* Otimizado para smartphones e tabletsMore than 510romanticasphrases for your free mobile, send those SMS Ready forthe one youloveput that status in WhatsApp, post on Facebook.Are different ready romanticas sentences will not be shortmessageto express your true love.Features:* Share and fast via SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Facebookandothers.* Optimized for smartphones and tablets
Romantic & Love Photomontages 1.9
Create your own Love and romanticPhotomontagesusing the full potential and all the freedom it givesyou thisapplication. Easy, select the montage you want tocreate,take a photo and share it.Choose romantic images, Valentine's Day, couples,framespostcards etc. -Feel free to use the front camera or the back one.Take so many photos as you want and send it to friends via anyofthe available options (email , whatsapp, etc. - . ) .Create photomontages using the photo frames and beasoriginal as you want to be . The result is in yourhands.More than 70 montages ready to youinstructions:1 - choose a montage2 - take a photo3 - share or save it to your deviceLEGAL NOTE: The ownership entity of thisapplicationreports that it contains images, some of which have beenobtainedover the Internet. These images are all public domain,since theyare not identified by symbols or other informationindicating theexistence of exploitation rights reserved thereon.Notwithstandingthis, a clear willingness to respect rights underRoyal LegislativeDecree 1/1996, of 12 April, approving the revisedtext of theCopyright Act, and compliance with the obligationsimposed by Law34/2002, of July 11, services of the informationsociety andelectronic commerce, the creator of this applicationcalls to anynatural or legal person to be the owner of any imagescontainedtherein, accrediting via email to, committingthecreator of the application to the immediate removal of saidimageafter verifying, where applicable, the ownership of theprotectedimage.