Top 13 Apps Similar to Parse Xml Android Example

Open As Text 3
NOTE: This app requires that you have a text editorinstalled.Mosttext editors don't have file associations for alltext filetypes.There a are few obscure mime types they ignore. Thisappseeks toaddress that. This app includes mime types handlingof:-application/octet-stream - application/xml(*.xml)-application/x-msdos-program (*.bat) This app redirectsthefilemime type to 'text/plain' so that it can be redirected toyourtexteditor.
XML Editor 3.0.7
Dmitriy Lapayev
The application for viewing and editing a text files.
strings.xml Translation Editor 1.3.1
A editor for translate strings.xml of your application withAndroiddevices!
SAC-Xml Mobile 1.3
SAC-Xml Mobile te permitevalidarilimitadamente la autenticidad de tus CFDI impresos odigitales deuna manera fácil y rápida directamente ante losregistros del SAT.Solo escanea el código bidemencional de tufactura impresa o cargael archivo CFDI (XML) en la app para conocersi tu factura esválida o apócrifa. Guarda los resultados de lasvalidaciones paraluego exportarlos a PDF y compartirlos vía E-mail.Convierte tusCFDI a Excel y PDF.Por favor, no olvides calificar la aplicación, tus opinionessonimportantes para mejorar la app y ofrecer un mejor servicio.Características:- Escanea el código bidimencional de tu factura o carga elCDFIpara conocer el estatus de tu factura de manerainmediata.- Convierte a PDF y Excel cualquier CFDI (XML) con códigoQRincluído y compártelo por el medio que desees.- Guarda los resultados de la validación paraconsultarlosposteriormente.- Permite la revalidación de CFDI registrados.- Consulta tus CFDI registrados anteriormente- Exporta a PDF y envía por correo electrónico el resultado delasvalidaciones.- NO requiere aplicaciones adicionales.- Totalmente gratuita y sin publicidad.Detalle de los permisos:Garantizamos que SAC-Xml Mobile esta libre cualquier malware,norecopila ni envía datos personales o de cualquier otra índole.Paratranquilidad de nuestros usuarios detallamos el uso de lospermisosque requiere la aplicación:Fotos/Medios/Archivos:Permite a la aplicación acceder a leer el almacenamientointernopara encontrar los XML a validar.Cámara:Permite a la aplicación poder utilizar la cámara como escánerdelcódigo bidimencional (QR)Acceso a Red:Requerido para poder realizar la conexión ante los servidoresdelSAT y validar el CFDI.¿Te gustó la aplicación? ¿Te interesa conocer otras solucionesparala validación de tus CFDI y control contable?!Contáctanos¡Versión 1.3 (05/09/2015)- Permite convertir a Excel cualquier CFDI (XML).- Correcciones menores.Versión 1.2 (25/04/2015)- Permite convertir a PDF cualquier CFDI (XML).- Correcciones menores.Versión 1.1 (14/03/2015)- Permite exportar en PDF los resultados de las validaciones delosCFDI y enviarlos por correo electrónico.- Correcciones menores.Versión 1.0.1 (20/02/2015)- Se agrega botón de retroceso en la barra de acciones.- Se elimina el soporte para dispositivos con Android 3.2yanteriores.- Correcciones de problemas menores.Versión 1.0 (21/01/215)- Versión InicialSAC-Mobileoffersunlimited XML validate the authenticity of your printed ordigitalCFDI in an easy and fast way directly before the SATrecords. Onlybidemencional code scans your paper bill or charge theCFDI file(XML) in the app to see if your bill is valid orapocryphal. Savethe results of the validation and then export themto PDF and sharethem via e-mail. Convert your CFDI to Excel andPDF.Please do not forget to rate the app, your opinions areimportantto improve the app and provide better service.Characteristics:- Scan the code bidimencional your bill or charge the CDFItoknow the status of your bill immediately.- Convert to PDF and Excel any CFDI (XML) with QR code includedandshare by any means want.- Save the validation results for future consultation.- Enables revalidation of registered CFDI.- Consult your previously recorded CFDI- Export to PDF and emailed the results of the validation.- Does not require additional applications.- Completely free and without advertising.Details of permissions:We guarantee that SAC-Xml any malware Mobile is free, doesnotcollect or send any personal or other data. To reassure ourusersdetail the use of the permits required by the application:Photos / Media / Files:     It allows an application to readtheinternal storage to find the XML to validate.Camera:     It allows the application to usethecamera as a scanner bidimencional code (QR)Network Access:     Required to connect to the serverandvalidate the SAT CFDI.Did you like the application? Are you interested in othersolutionsto validate your CFDI and accounting control?! Contáctanos¡Version 1.3 (05/09/2015)- You can convert any CFDI Excel (XML).- Minor fixes.Version 1.2 (25/04/2015)- You can convert to PDF any CFDI (XML).- Minor fixes.Version 1.1 (14/03/2015)- Allows PDF export the results of the validation of the CFDIandemail them.- Minor fixes.Version 1.0.1 (02/20/2015)- Back button is added on the action bar.- Support for devices with Android 3.2 and aboveiseliminated.- Corrections of minor problems.Version 1.0 (21/01/215)- Initial Release
XML Parser Viewer 2.0
XML Parser Viewer is a handy tool to view raw XML resourcesontheinternet with the ability of auto-refresh. This appwasoriginallydeveloped as a debug tool for my projects on ArduinoandLabVIEWweb services. - View the XML files in aclearer,morehuman-readable list - Automatically refresh the XMLfiles atauser-settable rate - Two separate sections for independentviewsoftwo different resources - The two section can also be usedforeasycomparison of the same resource - Completely Ad-freeTogetstarted, 1. Enable either (or both) section in SettingswiththeURL. 2. Either enable auto refresh or get the filemanuallyusingthe refresh button.
SMS,Call,Contacts Backup. Free 3.0.4
BlueSea Team
Easy to:- Backup your Contacts,Call Logs,SMS:      * Keep ALL PICTURES in Contacts (most ofotherbackup App can not do it)      * Support all languages (Arabic,Chinese,Japanese,...)- Restore, copy/transfer to any android device- Support all android device from android 2.3 (year 20010)toAndroid 7.0 Nougat device- Set period time for backup notificationReal backup/restore tool:- Easy to use: just one click to backup & restore all SMS,CallLogs, Contatcs.- Export all information from phone's device to (.clone) file&(.xml) file- Rebuild completly in other device (with all hidden data)Note:- This is normal version for most of people, it supports torestoredata from (.clone) backup file- If you want to restore from (.XML) backup file, please installtheProversion:********Useful for:- Recuse your SMS, Call Log, Contacts when your phone hasbeenbroken.- Transfer your SMS, Call Log, Contacts to your newphone(whatever android device)- Keep your data safe in your computer, email, ....
XML Button Creator 1.2
Программа позволяет бысто создавать кнопки в собственном стилеисохранять их в виде XML файла на карте памяти длядальнейшегоиспользования в своих андроид-проектах. Выбор цветасоздаваемойкнопки осуществляется установкой своих значений ARGB илииз спискаосновных цветов. На сегодняшний день доступны: Safety Webcolors;Android Material design colors; Windows 8 Metro designcolors. Принажатии в меню приложения "Create XML", будут созданы 5файлов:button.xml - кнопка в обычном (не нажатом)состоянии;button_pressed.xml - кнопка в нажатомсостоянии;button_selector.xml - изменение состояниякнопки;button_text_color_selector.xml - изменение цвета текста накнопке вобычном и нажатом состоянии; layout.xml - собственно, самакнопка спривязками к селекторам. Просто скопируйте первые 4 файла ввашпроект по пути YourProject/res/drawable и саму кнопку изфайлаlayout.xml в нужное Вам место.
SMS Gateway XML 1.0
Quickly send customized SMS messagestomultiplerecipients.- reads an XML file with specified SMS messages and enablestheuserto send them in one batch- open XML file as mail attachment or as a file (e.g.fromGoogleDrive)- does not access nor interfere with the contactsonyourdevice- each SMS maintains a status of "Sent" and"Delivered"forreliabilityThe XML file must have the following format (replace[]with<>):[MESSAGELIST][MESSAGE][NAME]recipient_name[/NAME][MSISDN]recipient_msisdn[/MSISDN][BODY]sms text goes here[/BODY][/MESSAGE][MESSAGE][NAME]Johnny Be Good[/NAME][MSISDN]+4512345678[/MSISDN][BODY]Please be good :-)[/BODY][/MESSAGE][/MESSAGELIST]
Text to XML (only for dev) 1.0
NgonTinh KangKang
Convert text to xml, it's usefulfordevelopers.Pls don't download if u r users
Luxondes Viewer 3D. XML/NFS
2D & 3D Viewer for importing measurement results NFSsizecorresponding to IEC 61967-1-1. The XML / standard NFS:TR61967-1-1 © IEC: 2010 will define a universal interchangeformatfor data from different scanner near field (Near Field Scan).Itsformat is suitable for different systems of 2D or 3Dcoordinatesfor a temporary or frequency domain. This viewer alsolets youimport measures from the simulation software CST. Theformat is.ffs (Far Field Source). Import : .xml, .obj, .ffs, .lxdThis makescomparing measurement and simulation in the sameapplication. It ispossible to import models objects obj format CADsoftware issue3DSMax or 3D scanner.
XML piko 0.3
Simple XML viewer/editor for XML. Thisappisintended to be used together with a filebrowser. Thereisnopossibility to open files from inside the editor.
XML Editor 2.1
Simple Editor, so you can Create, Edit , Download & ParseyourXML files on go.
KeyEvent Display
Alexandros Schillings
Use this application to check/debug the keycodes of physicaldevicebuttons.