Top 1 Apps Similar to 繁簡寶(繁简宝) 專業板(专业版)

Simplified to Traditional Convert / Chinese 2.0.5
Shogo Sato
Conversion from simplified Chinese characters totraditionalChinesecharacters Please use with wi-fi environment is agoodplace This isthe app to translate between Simplified ChineseandTraditionalChinese. Function to read out Function to cleartextsFunction tocopy texts Function to save history By pressingandholding HistoryButton, you can delete. By lightly touchingHistoryButton, you canre-translate. We hope this will be of helptolearners of Simplifiedand Traditional. Please use thisforlearning, business, travel andcommunication with friendsabroad.This app can read out the text ofthe translation result. Ifthereis anything unclear, please sendemail to us or write massagesonSupport Page.SupportPage time to load. Please enter the words you wanttotranslate afteryou havecompletedloading.----------------------------------------------------------------