Top 3 Apps Similar to Hill Rec Sports Stonehill

¿Eres alumno del Tecnológico de Monterreyyestás en el proceso de elaboración de tu REC?Descarga la aplicación del tutorial del Reporte deExperienciasCiudadanas. En esta aplicación te presentaremos unaserie de pasosque te ayudarán a preparar tu REC, así como preguntaspara detonartu reflexión, ejemplos y sugerencias. Además, tendrásuna lista conreferencias que pudieran orientarte para obtenerinformaciónadicional, las instrucciones para subir tu REC a SIQUEPy loscontactos por si tienes alguna duda en la elaboración detuescrito.¿Dudas sobre la aplicación? Puedes escribiraetica.ciudadania@servicios.itesm.mxAre you a studentofTecnológico de Monterrey and are in the process of developingyourREC?Download the tutorial application of Experiences Citizen Report.Inthis application we will present a series of steps to helpyouprepare your REC and questions to trigger your reflection,examplesand suggestions. You will also have a list of referencesthat couldguide you to additional information, instructions foruploadingyour SIQUEP and REC to contact if you have any doubt indevelopingyour writing.Questions about the application? You can
Cal Poly 4.1
Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo
The official Cal Poly mobile app for students. The appincludesquickaccess to the student center, campus directory, maps,andupcomingevents.
 Features: • Student Center: Access yourclassschedule,personal information, class management &enrollment,studentfinancials and more from PeopleSoft. •Directory: Searchfor aprofessor or student on campus and look up aphone number,emailaddress or office location. Save contactinformation to yourphonefor easy access. • Maps: Find your wayaround campus withcampusmaps. Search buildings by name or buildingnumber and seethelocation on a map. Find a location and routeusing Googlemapswalking directions for the quickest route. •Events: CalPolyCalendar at your fingertips. Includes academicschedule,ASIevents, community events, campus life and diversityevents. Saveanevent directly to your calendar or share with afriend. •CampusSafety: Quickly dial campus or city police withouthaving tolookup the number. Access to contact information forotherimportantcampus safety and wellness services when in need.Thisreleaserepresents a complete replatforming of the app usingthe ModoLabsplatform.
Rec Check 2.2
Haran Sivaram
Rec Check makes sure that keeping trackofyourcollege/school attendance is no more a hassle.Designed for users who have to meet attendance constraints.Rec Check strives to maintain a consistent andveryeasilyaccessible record of the set time table.Reminders before class at a user specified time, keepyouupdatedwith your status and never miss out onanythingimportant.Turn your phone to Silent mode/Vibrate modeautomaticallywhenclass starts!To let the app take over :1. Add all of your subjects in the courses page.2. In the timetable page, choose among the subjects you'veaddedandset the time3. If you have already had classes before installing theapp,youcould easily 'correct course data' to the currentstatus.4. Sit back and relax.