Top 2 Apps Similar to Ashland Grace Nazarene

Wallingford Nazarene 3.0.16
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Features:•Customize your experience with a short SpiritualGrowthAssessment.•Schedule and receive up to 12 messages each day in a varietyofforms--text, audio, and video.•Push notifications ensure you don't miss a single message.•Save your favorites and share via social media.•Write down your thoughts on the content in the notes feature.We are the Church of the Nazarene which seeks to makeChristlikedisciples in the nations.We are a Great Commission church (Matthew 28:19-20). As aglobalcommunity of faith, we are commissioned to take the Good Newsoflife in Jesus Christ to people everywhere and to spread themessageof scriptural holiness (Christlike living) across thelands.The Church of the Nazarene bonds together individuals whohavemade Jesus Christ Lord of their lives, sharing inChristianfellowship and seeking to strengthen each other infaithdevelopment through worship, preaching, training, and servicetoothers.We strive to express the compassion of Jesus Christ toallpersons, along with our personal commitment toChristlikeliving.While the primary motive of the church is to glorify God, wealsoare called to actively participate in His mission—reconcilingtheworld to himself.The statement of mission contains historical essentials ofourmission: evangelism, sanctification, discipleship, compassion.Theessence of holiness is Christlikeness.Nazarenes are becoming a sent people—into homes, workplaces,communities, and villages, as well as other cities andcountries.Missionaries are now sent from all regions of the world.Godcontinues calling ordinary people to do extraordinary thingsmadepossible by the person of the Holy Spirit.
Williamsburg Naz 3.0.16
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This is the official App forWilliamsburgChurch of the Nazarene. Through this App you can stayconnected toevents & activities, receive personal devotionalsgearedtowards your spiritual needs, set daily reminders to get intotheWord, and receive notifications for upcoming events. Get intheWord and make church more than a Sunday activity but adailylifestyle as a Disciple of Jesus Christ.At Williamsburg Church of the Nazarene, we are a familyoffamilies! Our Mission is to unite real people who arediscoveringthe meaning of being a true Christian in a real, andoftentimeschallenging, world. We are a very blessed church withgreat peopleand programs but we want our focus to be on The God whodeservesour worship and praise, and not on us! When you attendaWilliamsburg Nazarene Family Worship service we want you tofeelwelcomed and a part of our family! Come hear messages andbiblicalteaching that are challenging, relevant & lifeapplicable. Weenjoy a mix of contemporary Christian music alongwith hymns andchoruses from the past. We offer Sunday Schoolprograms designedfor all ages (children, teens, & adults), aswell as Wednesdaynight lessons and small group studies throughoutthe week! Everyoneis welcome to come as they are, so jeans, casualoutfits and dressclothes are all common to us! We are WilliamsburgChurch of theNazarene and we hope you will visit our familysoon!