Top 17 Apps Similar to 해적왕의 보물섬 (보석,기프트카드, 클래시오브클랜 용)

게임 도우미 - 클래시오브클랜 (COC 도우미) 1.1
COC-도우미는 클래시오브클랜 의 유용한 정보 어플리케이션 이며, 관련정보를스마트폰에서 손쉽게 접하실 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 게임에 도움을 주는 유용한 기능도 포함되어 있습니다.많이 미흡하지만 조금씩 개선해 나갈 예정입니다.많은 응원과 조언 부탁드리겠습니다.COC-도우미 메뉴
1. 추천 배치도2. 유닛 계산기
3. 팁노하우
4. COC소식
5. 유닛 정보
6. 건물 정보7. COC팬사이트
8. 앱추천 하기COC- Helper is ausefulapplication of the Clash of Clans, the relevant informationisincluded useful features to help you easily be in the game aswellas May be available on the smartphones.Poor little much, but it will continue to improve.I would much support and advice.Help menu COC-1. The recommended layout2. Unit ConverterTip 3. Know-how4. COC News5. The unit information6. Building Information7. COC Fan Site8. Recommended Apps
تهكير كلاش اوف كلانس prank 10.0
هل تحب لعبة كلاش اوف كلانس؟ هل تحبلعبهاطوالالوقت؟ هل تبحث عن تحميل لعبة كلاش اوف كلانس مهكره؟ لكنتجدبعضالمشاكل في الموارد لبناء قريتك خصوصا انها تنفذ بسرعة كبيرةويلزمكبعض الوقت لاستخراجها او شرائها. إذن يجب عليك تحميلتطبيقناتهكيرلعبة كلاش اوف كلانس مجانا.إذن يجب عليك تحميل تطبيقنا " تهكير كلاش اوف كلانس"علىجهازكالاندرويد مجانا الان لكي تحصل على عدد لا نهائي من المواردوتبنيقرية احلامك. نعم هذا حقيقي و ممكن في لعبة كلاش افكلانس.تطبيقنايتيح لك امكانية تزويد حسابك داخل لعبة كلاش افكلانسبالمجوهرات،الذهب، الاكسير و الاكسير الاسود مجانا و بشكللامحدود.بتحميلك لتطبيقنا هكر كلاش اوف كلانس او كلاش اوف كلانسمهكرهستسطيعبناء قرية احلامك.اولا يجب عليك تحميل تطبيقنا تهكير كلاش اوف كلانس مجانا منالمتجر.بعدذلك يجب عليك ادخال اسم المستخدم الخاص بك داخل لعبة كلاشاوالعاب كلاشو تنتظر بضع ثواني لكي نتمكن من الاتصال بحسابك.بعد ان يتم الاتصال بنجاح في قريتك على كلاش اف كلانس سوفنطلبمنكاختيار كم من المجوهرات و الذهب تريد. بعد اختيارك يجب الضغطعلىزرالتالي للمرور للنافدة الثانية من هكر كلاش اوف كلانسالان يجب عليك اختيار عدد الاكسير و الاكسير الاسود الذيترغبباضافتهعلى حسابك ثم الضغط على زر تهكير.الان مبروك عليك انت على بعد خطوة واحدة من الحصول علىالمواردوبالتالي كلاش اوف كلانس مهكره. يجب عليك اولا الضغط على زرالتقييموبعد ذلك يجب وضع تقييم 5 نجوم على تطبيقنا بالمتجر.بعد دلك يجب الضغط على زر المشاركة بالفيسبوك و ان تشاركالتطبيقمعأصدقائك بالفيسبوك. بعد هذه الخطوات يجب ان تقوم ب تحميلكلاشاوفكلانس و الدخول لحسابك و ستجد ان الموارد التي طلبتها قدثماضافتهامن تطبيق هكر كلاش اوف كلانس و تهكير كلاش اف كلانس.ملاحظة : هذا التطيبق هو فقط للمزح مع اصدقائك.Notice : It's a Prank app and we don't cheat any game. It'sonlytojoke with your friends and family!Do you like thegameClashof Clans? Do you like to play all the time? Are youlookingforDownload game Clash of Clans Mhl? But find some problemsintheresources to build your village, especially as itimplementedveryquickly and you need some time to extract them orbuy them. Soyoushould download our application hack game ClashofClansfree.So you should download our application "hack Clash of Clans"onyourAndroid for free now to get an infinite number ofresourcesand theadoption of the village of your dreams. Yes, thisis realandpossible in the game Clash F Kalnis. Our applicationenablesyou toprovide your account within the game Clash FKalnisjewelery, gold,and black elixir elixir for free and arenotlimited.Pthmelc for our application hacker or Clash of Clans ClashofClansMhl Ststia build your dreams village.First you must download our application hack Clash of Clansforfreefrom the store. After that, you must enter your usernamewithin thegame or games Clash Clash and wait a few seconds tobeable toconnect to your account.After the connection is successfully in your village on theClashFKalnis will ask you to choose how much of the jewelryandgoldwant. After your choice must click on the Next button forasecondit enforceable from the hacker to pass Clash of ClansNow you must choose the number of Elixir and the blackelixiryouwant to add to your account and click on hackbutton.Congratulations, you now you're just one step away fromgettingtheresources and thus Clash of Clans Mhl. You must firstclick onthebutton assessment and then should be placed 5-starrating onourapplication the store.After that you must press a button Balvispock andthatparticipationinvolved the application with yourfriendsBalvispock. After thesesteps must be played to downloadClash ofClans and login to youraccount and you'll find that theresourcesrequested may then beadded to the application of hackerClash ofClans Clash hack and FKalnis.Note: This is only for Alttaibq joked with friends.Notice: It's a Prank app and we do not cheat any game. It'sonlytojoke with your friends and family!
Drawing Guide. Games Characters 2021-20-04
"Drawing Guide. Games Characters" visualizes the sketchingprocessofpopular games' characters. Just take paper and pencil,choosethecharacter you wanna draw and voi la - having completeguide ofwhatline you need to draw in front of your eyes will easetheprocess andteach you all the secrets you need to know to beableto draw famouscharacters. Have fun!
Top Bases For Clash Of Clan 3.3
We provide the best base layout for your Clash Of Clan town.Thisappwill help you to design your Clash Of Clan base.Features:-Effective & competitive hybrid base layouts toholdyourtrophies - Attractive and perfect farming base layoutstosaveresources easily. - Strong and hard war base layouts toblocktheenemy. - Best trophy base layouts to raise your trophies -Easytouse, zoom in/out base to view more details, allow youtodownloadfavorite layout to your mobile device. - More 4000basesfrom TownHall 6 to 11
Wakeful CoC 1.006.20150602
'Clash of Clans' is a popular game createdby"Supercell".This application is always protect your villages in 'ClashofClans'!Introduction=====================================Have a liberation from the plunder.Keeps the villages when you're doing other things.Add-ons=====================================1. Automatically lock and unlock:: Incoming call when screen lock is in the locked state, thescreenautomatically turns off and running this service willlockautomatically after the call is finished.2. Remote control (Premium only):: Support more than one mobile device using the app when youareusing to synchronize the 'CoC' on your mobile device, so alwaysbeon the same account.:: The mobile devices are driving the application, and if intheother one through the applications 'START' application formobiledevices that were existing drive is suspended and 'STOP'toresume.* NOTICES- You must be logged in with the same account on any mobiledevicethat you want to apply to your Google login forthisapplication.- The remote control can be controlled through the "START"and"STOP" of the application.Options=====================================1. Auto Start:: Application Automatically Wakes at run time.2. Screen Off Detection:: Detects the screen off of the service by running towakeagain.3. Call End Detection:: Services may call after running / outgoing end wakesupagain.4. Screen Brightness:: Adjust the brightness of the screen when the screen lockduringservice execution.5. Black Screen use:: Black screen when the screen is turned off. Double-Tap screenonand power button tap screen off.Normal mode=====================================3 hours awake.Premium mode=====================================No Advertisement.Always awake without restrictions.Can use remote control.------------------------------------------------------------------coc, wakeful, non-sleep, keep alive, keep, alive
تهكير كلاش اوف كلانس ✔️ Prank 1.0
هل تحب لعبة كلاش اوف كلانس؟ هل تحبلعبهاطوالالوقت؟ هل تبحث عن تحميل لعبة كلاش اوف كلانس مهكره؟ لكنتجدبعضالمشاكل في الموارد لبناء قريتك خصوصا انها تنفذ بسرعة كبيرةويلزمكبعض الوقت لاستخراجها او شرائها. إذن يجب عليك تحميلتطبيقناتهكيرلعبة كلاش اوف كلانس مجانا.إذن يجب عليك تحميل تطبيقنا " تهكير كلاش اوف كلانس"علىجهازكالاندرويد مجانا الان لكي تحصل على عدد لا نهائي من المواردوتبنيقرية احلامك. نعم هذا حقيقي و ممكن في لعبة كلاش افكلانس.تطبيقنايتيح لك امكانية تزويد حسابك داخل لعبة كلاش افكلانسبالمجوهرات،الذهب، الاكسير و الاكسير الاسود مجانا و بشكللامحدود.بتحميلك لتطبيقنا هكر كلاش اوف كلانس او كلاش اوف كلانسمهكرهستسطيعبناء قرية احلامك.1- يجب عليك تحميل تطبيقنا تهكير كلاش اوف كلانس مجانا منالمتجر.بعدذلك يجب عليك ادخال اسم المستخدم الخاص بك داخل لعبة كلاشاوالعابكلاش و تنتظر بضع ثواني لكي نتمكن من الاتصال بحسابك.2- بعد ان يتم الاتصال بنجاح في قريتك على كلاش اف كلانس سوفنطلبمنكاختيار كم من المجوهرات و الذهب تريد. بعد اختيارك يجب الضغطعلىزرالتالي للمرور للنافدة الثانية من هكر كلاش اوف كلانس3- الان يجب عليك اختيار عدد الاكسير و الاكسير الاسودالذيترغبباضافته على حسابك ثم الضغط على زر تهكير.4- الان مبروك عليك انت على بعد خطوة واحدة من الحصول علىالمواردوبالتالي كلاش اوف كلانس مهكره. يجب عليك اولا الضغط على زرالتقييموبعد ذلك يجب وضع تقييم 5 نجوم على تطبيقنا بالمتجربعد دلكيجبالضغطعلى زر المشاركة بالفيسبوك و ان تشارك التطبيق معأصدقائكبالفيسبوك.بعد هذه الخطوات يجب ان تقوم ب تحميل كلاش اوف كلانسوالدخول لحسابكو ستجد ان الموارد التي طلبتها قد ثم اضافتها منتطبيقهكر كلاش اوفكلانس و تهكير كلاش اف كلانس.- ملاحظة : هذا التطيبق هو فقط للمزح مع اصدقائك.Notice : It's a Prank app and we don't cheat any game. It'sonlytojoke with your friends and familyDo you like thegameClashof Clans? Do you like to play all the time? Are youlookingforDownload game Clash of Clans Mhl? But find some problemsintheresources to build your village, especially as itimplementedveryquickly and you need some time to extract them orbuy them. Soyoushould download our application hack game ClashofClansfree.So you should download our application "hack Clash of Clans"onyourAndroid for free now to get an infinite number ofresourcesand theadoption of the village of your dreams. Yes, thisis realandpossible in the game Clash F Kalnis. Our applicationenablesyou toprovide your account within the game Clash FKalnisjewelery, gold,and black elixir elixir for free and arenotlimited.Pthmelc for our application hacker or Clash of Clans ClashofClansMhl Ststia build your dreams village.1. You must download our application hack Clash of Clansforfreefrom the store. After that, you must enter your usernamewithinthe game or games Clash Clash and wait a few seconds tobeable toconnect to your account.2. After a connection is successfully in your village on theClashFKalnis will ask you to choose how much of the jewelry andgoldwant.After your choice must click on the Next button for aseconditenforceable from the hacker to pass Clash of Clans3. Now you must choose the number of Elixir and the blackelixiryouwant to add to your account and click on hackbutton.4. Congratulations, you now you're just one step awayfromgettingthe resources and thus Clash of Clans Mhl. You mustfirstclick onthe button assessment and then should be placed5-starrating onour application Balmottagrbad knead must press abuttonBalvispockand that participation involved the applicationwith yourfriendsBalvispock. After these steps must be played todownloadClash ofClans and login to your account and you'll findthat theresourcesrequested may then be added to the application ofhackerClash ofClans Clash hack and F Kalnis.- Note: This is only for Alttaibq joked with friends.Notice: It's a Prank app and we do not cheat any game. It'sonlytojoke with your friends and family
Maps of Clash of Clans 2022 1.0
Maps & base layouts for Clash of Clans 2022
gems clash of clans prank 1.0
Are you fan of clash of clans? This prankappis made for youA very useful app for All Clashers.Are you fan of Clash of Clans? This is a one of the best Tips.Getaccess to latest tips and walkthroughs. If you love this game,thenthis is the perfect game app for you.Main features of this guide:- Tips to get Gems- Troops info- Building info- Layouts and map designs- Tips and tactics- Elixir units- Dark elixir units- Creation time- Clash of Clans Hack- Clash of Clans Cheat- Clash of Clans GemsInstall the app clash of clans gems prank and prank withyourfriends-It's just prank app it's not official appUse this app only to joke with your friends. And prankwithhimNote: This applications is not a hack for clash of clans neitheritprovides any way to get unlimited free gems. This App isnotaffiliated with supercell.
클래시오브클랜 무료 보석생성 - 룰렛킹 1.0.5
룰렛킹은 가장 빠르고 쉽게클래시오브클랜 보석을 받을 수 있는 앱입니다.룰렛킹은 현존하는 앱중 최고의 확률을 자랑합니다.룰렛만 돌리면 최대 500개~2500개의 보석을 드립니다!룰렛은 어떻게 돌리나요?룰렛은 포인트를 모아야 돌릴 수 있습니다.타앱에 비해 모아야하는 포인트가 적으며포인트를 모으는 방법도 비교적 쉽습니다!리뷰를 작성하면 5p를 충전해 드리고 있습니다.그리고 또 하나!룰렛킹은 일회성앱이 아닙니다.포인트를 모을때마다 돌릴 수 있어요.당첨 확률도 100%로 꽝이 없습니다.10분만 투자하면 룰렛을 돌릴 수 있습니다.짧은 시간에 클래시오브클랜 보석 받아 가세요!미션을 완료하는 즉시 상품을 발송해 드리고 있습니다.지금 바로 도전해 보세요!Roulette King isthefastest and easiestThis is the app to get the Clash of Clans gems.Roulette King offers the best chance aepjung existence.Roulette will only turn up to 500-2500 jewels!How do you turn Roulette?Roulette can turn collect points.Compared to collect points taaep were ever toHow to collect points is relatively easy!If you like to write a review charge the 5p.And another one!Roulette King is not a one-time app.You can collect points every time you turn.Odds of winning a Slam is not even 100%.When you invest 10 minutes to turn the roulette wheel.Go take a clan of jewelry during class in a short time!We like to send goods immediately to complete the mission.Try challenges right now!
ToolKit for Clash of Clans 2.53
JiB Mobile
Clash ToolKit is a army calculator and info source for the ClashofClans game.
Gems & XP Calc beta1
Shree Nivas
This app help you to calculate gems and experience by justenteringrequired values. You can easily calculate required gemsforparticular resources, and experience required for next level.alsoyou can able to calculate total experience you have alreadyachievefor your current level.
도티 Box - 도티 유튜브 동영상을 더욱 편리하게 1.6.4
Sandbox Network
*태블릿 사용시 튕김 현상이 발생하시는 분들은 꼭 최신버전으로업데이트해주세요! 불편을 드려 죄송합니다*도티의 유튜브 영상이 모바일 앱으로 쏘옥!도티 Box 에서 최신 동영상을 더욱 빠르고 편리하게 시청하세요 :D소중한 시청자 여러분들을 위해, 더욱 예쁘고, 빠르고, 강력한 기능의 도티TV 전용 어플리케이션*도티Box*가 출시되었습니다!- 도티의 최신 영상을 단 한번의 클릭으로 재생!- 두고 두고 보고 싶은 영상은 즐겨찾기로 찜쿵!- 도티가 직접 고른 추천영상으로 취향 저격!- 도티와 더욱 가깝게, 도티로그로 소통!도티 Box가 마음에 드셨다면,- 소중한 별점과 리뷰 부탁드릴게요! (우왕푸왕 고마워요~)- 친구분들에게도 많이많이~ 추천&공유해주세요!도티에 관한 더 많은 정보를 찾으신다면,- YouTube 채널: 아프리카 방송국: 카카오스토리 소식받기: 공식 팬카페 바로가기: http://cafe.ddotty.com도티 Box의 개선을 위한 건의 사항은 으로 보내주세요. 적극 반영할수있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다!도티 Box 내 모든 컨텐츠의 저작권은 제공처인 (주)샌드박스네트워크와 해당 크리에이터에게 있습니다. 이를 무단으로이용할경우 저작권법에 의거 법적 조치를 취할 수 있습니다.© 2015년 Sandbox Network* Please updatejustthose who are using tablet bounce happens to the latestversion! Weapologize for any inconvenience *YouTube video of Dottie is ssook the mobile app!Watch the latest videos more quickly and conveniently fromDottieBox: DFor you dear viewers, more beautiful, fast, and powerfulfeaturesDottie TV dedicated applications * Dottie Box * hasbeenreleased!- The latest video Dottie with a single click Play!- I want to see placed with images Favorites to jjimkung!- Dottie the Preferences sniping directly picked Recommendedvideo!- Dottie and closer, communicate with Dottie log !Dottie heart Box is de syeotdamyeon,- I'll ask dear Rating and Reviews! (Woowang puwang Thankyou~)- Too much a lot of friends recommended - and please share!If you are looking for more information about Dottie,- YouTube channel: African stations: Download news stories cocoa: The official fan cafe shortcut: http://cafe.ddotty.comDottie made recommendations for improving the Box can be We will do our best toreflectstrong!Copyright of all content providers to My Dottie Box is the(main)network sandbox and its creator. If you use it withoutpermission,you can take legal action pursuant to the CopyrightAct.© 2015 nyeon Sandbox Network
클래시로얄 보석 무료생성 - 미션킹 1.0.5
sori Kim
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Happy Copy
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Clash Of Cost 1.3a
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This application will enable Clash OfClansusers to calculate the price of their village, to calculatetheprice of some improvement and to compare theirs statisticswithother users worldwide .You can link your account Clash Of Cost a Facebook account inordernot to lose your data if you change phones .Stay close to the application ! At any time you can send your"feedback " to the developers to improve the application anddefersome bugs.
Gems Calculator for CoC 1.0
Calculate gems for Clash of Clans.