Top 19 Games Similar to Drink or Dare

Drink-O-Tron The Drinking Game 2.0
Prodigal Creative
- Play Drinking Games on your phone! ANYWHERE! - Includes FREEBonusPacks! - Over 225 Cards! - Better than a regular deck ofcards! -Download it TODAY! Get ready for the GREATEST DRINKINGGAME of alltime!!! Waterfall? Thumb Master? Make A Rule?Categories? Simplypress the button to draw a card, and do whateverthat card says! Wetook the best parts of every drinking game andbrought them alltogether!!! Load up your deck with a variety ofcards and enjoy!Looking to get a quick buzz? Load up the Drunkardand Tipsy packs!Playing with your crush? Well the Flirty packbetter be included!Mix and match, or load them all up for theultimate experience!There are 25 cards available for FREE upondownloading the app, and16 packs are available for only 99 cents.We also have a VIP: AllAccess Pass for only $4.99 that unlocksEVERY pack! So please, joinus and have fun with this game as wegrow! **If you have troubleRestoring Purchases, try these tips!-Make sure you are signed in tothe proper account on Google Play-Make sure you are only signed into ONE account on Google Play-Contact us with any issues! Pleasevisit our websiteif you have any suggestions to improve thegame!
King's Cup - Drinking Game 1.2
Stinky Dog Studios
King's Cup (Ring of Fire, Kings) drinkinggamefor your Android. Want to play King's Cup but don't have anycards?This is the app for you. Kings Cup will prove to be the lifeof theparty. This app allows you to create your own King's Cuprules oruse the included set.Simple InterfaceCreate custom rulesEasy to use while drinkingMore updates to come.Keyword: King's Cup, Ring of Fire, drinking games,partygames,
High or Low (drinking game) 1.15
High or Low drinking game to be played around a table with Friends!
Lets get WASTED! Drinking Game 1.3
Let's get WASTED! - The new drinking game for android! Youlikedrinking games like Black or Red, Kings or Ring of Fire? Thentrythe next level of drinking games: Let's get WASTED! Thisdrinkinggame calculates your blood alcohol content and the time youneedsober up. ProVersion: Set your drinking-behaviour - See the current andmaximum bloodalcohol content (BAC in ‰) - Calculate the requiredtime to sober up- Take a picture or select an avatar for eachplayer - You arenotified, when a player sobers up - Share playersor whole gameswith your friends Gameplay: Just enter the playersand alcohols youwant to play with and start a new game. Eachround, a player ischosen and has to trink or do something. Duringthe game, you cansee detailed information about the blood alcoholcontent and thedrink-history of each player. The required time tosober up iscalculated too. When getting WASTED is done, you cansave thedrinking game and share it with your friends. Permissions:Networkcommunication - to share players or the whole drinking gameviaFacebook, to load ads Hardware contols - to give hapticfeedbackduring the game
Drinking Games 1.0
Sociable fun for friends
Drinking Games 1.02
New Party Games App!Party Games, Bar Games, Drinking GamesThe Party On App has over 100 different games! (With moretocomewith each update.)- Learn the game rules, how many players, and whatmaterialsareneeded to play each game.- Find a game you like? Add it to your favorites so youcanviewit later.- Browse by categories, or view all games- Choose the random option if you want to getrightintoplaying!Tags: party games, bar games, bar, party,drinking,games,drinking games, drinkinggames, beer, beerpong,drinkinggames, flipcup, quarters, pong, liquor, shots,drinkinggames,party,drinkinggames,idrinkinggames, drinking games,partygames, party, games
Fuck the Dealer Drinking Game 1.1
Steven Braverman
Fuck the Dealer - Free Version: Playthefullgame. Even if you do not know how to play,step-by-stepin-gameinstructions will have you fucking the dealer inno time!Play Fuck the Dealer without needing a full deck ofcards.Nocheating either!The app provides playing instructions pre-game andthroughoutthegame so you will never be lost if you get too drunk toremembertherules.This app allows you to play the actual game! It's not oneofthosephony tutorial/instructional apps.Cards are placed in a truly random order each time youplaythegame.No longer do you have to worry about ruining your favoritedeckofcards because you are playing with someone who alwaysspillstheirliquids (they will just ruin your phone/Androiddeviceinstead).Have Fun!Note- I do not condone the drinking ofalcoholicbeverages.Alcohol is a poison. Your brain is not fullymature untilafter theage of 25. Serious consequences can arise fromdrinking.Do notdrink and drive. If you have never drank alcoholbefore, thebestadvice is to never begin. If you do choose to drink,please dosolegally and in moderation. Thanks for reading anddownloading.Thisapp is free because of ads. You know what thatmeans.
Kings Cup Drinking Game 1.0
Kevin Chou
Play the King's Cup Drinking Game without the need for a deckofcards. Just grab some friends and some drinks, start this appandlet the drinking game begin!With a very simple and easy-to-use interface, enjoyplayingKing's Cup using the included set rules or create yourown!Includes option to turn off descriptions for acleanerappearance, or to turn off rules completely if you just wanta deckof cards.Also known as: Circle of death, Ring of Fire
Bapp - Jogo de bebida 3.5.5
A drink game for you to play with your friends.
Drink! - A Drinking Game 1.72
Riverside Studios
Drink! is a simple and fun free drinking game but it is not akingsdrinking game. Drink is one of the best dice drinking gamesforandroid. This dice game only requires one phone or tablet,somedrinks and shots and three or more people and then you can letthefun begin. This used to be one of our favorite drinking gamesincollege so we're hoping you will have some drinks and enjoy ittoo.But be warned, this is not a drinking game for two, you willbehammered within minutes if you try this as a 2 persondrinkinggame.In Drink! players take turns rolling the dice. The firstdietells you who does the drinking and includes assignmentslike"Women Only" and "To the left". The second die lets you knowhowmuch the assigned drinker drink and includes items like "2Drinks"and "4 Drinks". Additionally, there is an "Imitate" rollwhere theroller performs a gesture that everyone else imitates, andthe lastone to do so starts drinking. Also there is "Impose A Rule"wherethe roller defines a rule that applies to the "assigneddrinkers"for the rest of the game. When "Drink!" "Drink!" isrolled,everyone finishes their drinks!Enjoy, but please drink responsibly and never drinkanddrive.Tags: drinking, kings, cups, dice, beer, shots, drinkinggame
Drinking games 1.6.4
Antoine Delia
Play, drink, have fun with the app : Drinking games!
Dampfhammer Trinkspiel 1.1
Easter Egg Development
Du bist auf einer Party, hastkeineKartendabei, aber willst unbedingt Dampfhammer spielen? DiePartyistlangweilig und du brauchst ein Trinkspiel um alles zuretten?Duwillst dich einfach nur grundlos betrinken? DannistdieDampfhammer App genau das richtige für dich. SpielemiteinerGruppe von Leuten das beste Trinkspiel das es gibt. Egalwoihrseid Dampfhammer macht immer Spaß und wird nie langweilig.Wieesfunktioniert? Ganz einfach! Man zieht nacheinander eineKartewobeijede eine andere Bedeutung hat. Was man bei jeweiligerKartetunmuss steht natürlich immer dabei. Nachdem jede Karteviermalgezogen wurde endet das Spiel und wenn ihr bis dahinnochnichtgenug habt könnt ihr ja eine neue Runde anfangen. VielSpaßbeimspielen und übertreibt es nicht!Dampfhammer hebt eure Party auf ein vollkommen neues Level!Don't drink and drive!You're at a party,haveitno cards, but really want to play Dampfhammer? The partyisboringand need a drinking game to save everything? You youjustwant toget drunk only reason? Then the steam hammer app isjustright foryou. Games with a group of people, the best drinkinggamethere is.No matter where you are Dampfhammer always fun andnevergetsboring. How it works? Very easily! One pulls a cardinsequence eachhas a different meaning. What to do in caseofrespective card ofcourse is always there. After each card isdrawnfour times the gameends, and if you you can hitherto not yethaveenough indeed begin anew round. Have fun playing and do notoverdoit!Steam hammer throw your party to an entirely new level!Do not drink and drive!
Bierbrunnen Trinkspiel 1.4
Social Media M
Wollt ihr Spaß haben? Ihr habt LustaufParty,feiern, trinken oder lachen? Dann ladet euch jetztkostenlosdieParty- und Trinkspielapp Bierbrunnen herunter.Bierbrunnenbestehtaus drei Regelwerken mit jeweils zwischen 32 und52 KartenimKartenset und vereint damit die Regeln allerheutigenAbwandlungendieses Trinkspiels. Die klassischen englischenRegelnsind unterdem Namen Kings Cup vertreten und enthaltendasursprünglicheRegelwerk des Trinkspiels. Das RegelwerkBierbrunnenenthältabgewandelte Regeln des Klassikers Kings Cup. DasdritteRegelwerkSelfmade kann von jedem Nutzer individuellangepasstwerden. Eskönnen vorhandene Regeln genutzt oder neuehinzugefügtwerden.Lasst eurer Fantasie freien Lauf und erstellteureeigenenRegelwerke. Jederzeit könnt ihr eure Erfahrungen gernmitunsteilen indem ihr uns in den sozialen Medien besucht undunseinenehrlichen Feedback hinterlasst. Bei Google Plus findetihrunsunter der URL . ÜberjedenBesuchfreuen wir uns sehr. Bei Facebook findet . Jederzeit dürft ihrgerneureeigenen Regelwerke bei uns posten um auch Andere voneurerIdeen zuüberzeugen.Natürlich könnt ihr auch jederzeit aufeinherkömmlichesKartenspiel zurückgreifen um Spaß mit Freunden undderkostenlosenParty- und Trinkspielapp Bierbrunnen zu haben. UmdieRegeln nichtzu vergessen könnt ihr die einzelnenRegelwerkejederzeit auf derBierbrunnen-Webseite nachgucken. findet ihr alle InformationenundRegelwerkezur Trinkspielapp.Interessant für uns ist ebenfalls unter welchemNamenihrBierbrunnen kennengelernt habt, falls ihr es schonvorherkanntet.Unsere Recherche zu Bierbrunnen hat ergeben, dasssich dasSpielunter vielen regional verschiedenen Namenverbreitethat.Angefangen beim Namen Schweden für das Trinkspiel,reichtedieSpannweite über Wasserfall und Könige (abgeleitetvomOriginalKings Cup) bis hin zu DrinkDrinkDrink.Also versucht es selbst und lasst uns wissen wie eseuchgefällt.Über jedes Partyfoto, selbst erstelltes RegelwerkoderLike andShare freuen wir uns tierisch!Do you want tohavefun?You like to party, celebrate, drink or laugh? Thenpleasedownloadfor free now party and TrinkspielappBierbrunnen.Bierbrunnenconsists of three sets of rules, each with32-52 cardsin card setand thus combines the rules of all modernvariations ofthisdrinking game. The classic English rules arerepresented underthename King's Cup and included the original rulesof thedrinkinggame. The rules Bierbrunnen includes modified rulesof theclassicKing's Cup. The third set of rules Selfemade canbecustomized byeach user individually. It can be used existingrulesor add newones. Let your imagination run wild and create yourownrules.Anytime you can get your experiences like to share with usbytheirvisits us in the social media and we leave a honestfeedback.WithGoogle Plus you will find us About every visit weareverypleased. In Facebook you can Each time you are allowedtolikeyour own rules with us Send to others also of yourideastoconvince.Of course you can fall back on a traditional card gameforfunwith friends and the free party and tohaveTrinkspielappBierbrunnen any time. Not to mention the rules youcanalways lookfor commands on the Bierbrunnen website theindividualregulations.Under the URL you canfind allinformationand codes for Trinkspielapp.Interesting for us is also the name under which youmetherBierbrunnen if you do kanntet earlier. Our researchonBierbrunnenhas revealed that the game has spread amongmanyregionallydifferent names. Starting with the name Sweden forthedrinkinggame, which span over waterfall and Kings handed(derivedfrom theoriginal King's Cup) to drink drink drink.So it tries himself and let us know how you like it.Abouteveryparty photo, self-made rules or Like and Share, welookforwardbeastly!
Kings - drinking game 1.5
Kings the drinking game
Kings Cup 1.0
CSW StudioApps
Kings Cup - das beliebte Karten- /Trinkspielaus dem englischsprachigen Raum.Nun endlich auch in der mobilen Version auf deutsch verfügbar!Sitzen Sie mit Ihren Freunden in einer gemütlichen Rundezusammenund spielen Sie nun endlich auch mit Ihrem Tablet oderMobiltelefonKINGS CUP. Wer es noch nicht kennt, wird es lieben.Probieren Sie eseinfach einmal aus und wir versprechen Ihnen, dases nicht dasletzte mal gewesen sein wird. Getränke raus und unsereKings Cup Appan! So läuft der Abend garantiert.Features:- komplett in deutsch- hochwertiges Kartendeck mit Animationen- 2 bis 6 Spieler frei wählbar- Spielernamen werden bei Featurekarten (z.B. QuestionmasteroderDaumenmaster) auf separater Seite angezeigt undgespeichert- optimiert für die Anzeige auf TabletsGeplant: ...mehr Spieler, mehr Regeln, mehr SprachenFür Anregungen oder Ideen kontaktieren Sie uns gerneuntercswstudioapps@gmail.comKings Cup - thepopularcard / drinking game from the English-speaking world.Now finally available in the mobile version in German!Sit. With your friends in a cozy lap together and playnowfinally with your tablet or mobile phone KINGS CUP Those who donotyet know, will love it. Just try it once and we promise thatitwill not be my last. Drinks out there and our Kings Cup app on!Sothe evening runs guaranteed.Features:- Completely in German- High quality deck with animations- 2 to 6 players freely selectable- Player names are displayed and stored in feature cards(egQuestionmaster or thumb Master) on separate page- Optimized for viewing on tabletsPlanned: ... more players, more rules, more languagesFor suggestions or ideas please contact us at
Sueca Drinking Game 4.0
EGG Studio
A game for those with steel livers. Who will be the last to get up?
Kingscup Drinking Game 1.0
How to turn a lame party into anEVENT?TryKingscup Drinking Game! Kingscup Drinking is aclassicdrinkinggame like "Circle of Death" or "Kings". You onlyneed onedrink forevery player, this Must-Have-App and one emptyglass: TheKingscup.Connect to Facebook to choose your friends fromthere.Downloadthis game now and give it a try!Search-Tags:Sociables, beer, cards, circle, cup, death, drinking,fire,game,heroes, kings, kingscup, of, party, ring, shots, wine
Jager Kings (drinking game) 1.6
#1 Drinking game on Android Market:JagerKings!( Like Kings Cup, Circle of Death or Ring of Fire )This drinking game needs two to eight players and somecooldrinks.Follow the rules otherwise you have to drink!You can even set your own Drinking Rules!How to play:1)Sit around kings cardstack2)Draw king card(clockwise)3)Follow king CardRuleJager Kings is a card drinking game also known as Ring ofFire,Circle of Death, Sociables and the King's Game.Visit us on Faceboook:
Red or Black Drinking Game 1.0
JT Software
A great popular drinking card game tobeplayedif you don't have a deck of cards handy!**How to Play**Take a drink every time you answer incorrectly. Or if youwanttoraise the steaks, take the a number of drinks correspondingtothephase number you loose at. (Red or Black = 1 drink, HigherorLower= 2 Drinks, In or Out = 3 Drinks, guess the suit =4drinks).This card game is also commonly known as "Around the World".Drink Responsibly folks.